Principles of Marketing (

Post on 09-May-2015

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A Series of Lectures By:Waqas Ahmad KhanM.Phil. (Quality Assurance Management) These lectures on Marketing were delivered by Waqas Ahmad Khan in MBA, ACCA and CAT classes of different Colleges and Universities.+92-300-9119770

Transcript of Principles of Marketing (

Principles of MarketingLecture-1By: Waqas Ahmad Khan

MBA, M.Phil (Pak), PPM (Philippines), SIX SIGMA GREEN BELT (Singapore), Certified QAM (QPSP)

Apr 11, 2023 1Waqas Ahmad Khan (

Profile Ex- Country Manager

Gohar Publishers / Hamdard PakistanSecretary General

National Education Council PakistanMember

Marketing Association of PakistanMaster Trainer

FHRI, CCE, ESL,VUICT Consultant (2007)

Asian Development Bank

Apr 11, 2023 2Waqas Ahmad Khan (

Feel free to contact

Apr 11, 2023 3Waqas Ahmad Khan (

Today’s TopicsIntroduction-an overview of marketing

Road map Apr 11, 2023 4Waqas Ahmad Khan (

Introduction of Marketing

Apr 11, 2023 5Waqas Ahmad Khan (

Music to a Marketer’s Ears

“They’re the best.”

“I always eat there.”

“I only fly with that airline.”

“I buy my electronics at that store.”

“I will prefer to go in that school.”Apr 11, 2023 6Waqas Ahmad Khan (




Public relations



Direct mail











DefinitionMarketing: The process of creating consumer value in the form of goods, services, or ideas that can improve the consumer’s life.

Apr 11, 2023 8Waqas Ahmad Khan (

What is marketing ?More than selling and advertising

Identifying and satisfying customers needs

Range of activities (marketing mix - 4P’s)

Apr 11, 2023 9Waqas Ahmad Khan (

What is Marketing?What is Marketing?Learning to make what you can

sell vs. selling what you can make.

Identifying and satisfying customer needs and wants.

Apr 11, 2023 10Waqas Ahmad Khan (

Peter Drucker Goal of all organizations is to gain and retain customers

Innovation and marketing are the only two ways to achieve the goal

“The rest only adds cost”

Apr 11, 2023 11Waqas Ahmad Khan (

The AMA managerial definition: “Marketing is the process of planning and executing

the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives.”

Apr 11, 2023 12Waqas Ahmad Khan (

Marketing Involves having the Right Product available in the Right Place at the Right Time and making sure that the customer is Aware of the Product.

Apr 11, 2023 13Waqas Ahmad Khan (

Product Price

Place Promotion


Apr 11, 2023 15Waqas Ahmad Khan (

Simple Marketing SystemSimple Marketing System

Producer/Seller Consumer





Apr 11, 2023 16Waqas Ahmad Khan (

Marketing’s 4 P’s ProductPricePlacePromotion

Apr 11, 2023 17Waqas Ahmad Khan (

Marketing’s 4 P’s (+2)PeoplePeopleProductPricePlacePromotion ProfitsProfits

Apr 11, 2023 18Waqas Ahmad Khan (

MarketingIt assumes that it will proceed in accordance with

ethical practices.

Identifies the 4 marketing variables - product, price, promotion, and distribution.

Apr 11, 2023 19Waqas Ahmad Khan (

States that the public, the customer, and the client determine the marketing program.

Emphasizes creating and maintaining relationships.

Finally applies for both non-profit organizations and profit-oriented businesses.

Apr 11, 2023 20Waqas Ahmad Khan (

Marketing Includes...Personal sellingAdvertisingMaking products available in storesMaintaining inventoriesetc

Apr 11, 2023 21Waqas Ahmad Khan (

What Can Be Marketed?GoodsServicesExperiencesEventsPersons


Apr 11, 2023 22Waqas Ahmad Khan (

How Does an Organization Create a Customer?

Apr 11, 2023 23Waqas Ahmad Khan (

Identifying customer needs

Designing goods and services that meet those needs

Communicating information about those goods and services to prospective buyers

Apr 11, 2023 24Waqas Ahmad Khan (

Making the goods or services available at times and places that meet customers’ needs

Pricing goods and services to reflect costs, competition, and customers’ ability to buy

Providing for the necessary service and follow-up to ensure customer satisfaction after the purchase

Apr 11, 2023 25Waqas Ahmad Khan (

How is Marketing Done?

Apr 11, 2023 26Waqas Ahmad Khan (

Marketers Develop and Implement a Marketing Plan Based on the

Following Information:Organization’s Strengths

and WeaknessesOrganization’s Strengths

and Weaknesses

Organization’s Overall ObjectivesOrganization’s Overall Objectives

Opportunities and Threats to theOrganization in the Marketplace

Opportunities and Threats to theOrganization in the Marketplace

Apr 11, 2023 27Waqas Ahmad Khan (

Peter F. Drucker Said:If we want to know what a business is,

we have to start with its purpose. And its purpose must lie outside the business itself. In fact, it must lie in society since a business enterprise is an organ of society. There is one valid definition of business purpose: to create a customer.

Apr 11, 2023 28Waqas Ahmad Khan (

Reasons for Studying Marketing

Apr 11, 2023 29Waqas Ahmad Khan (

CostsAbout 50% of total product costs are marketing costs

Contributions toIndividual OrganizationsCritical to the successof a firm

CareersAbout 25 to 33% of the work force holdmarketing positions.

Contributions to SocietyMarketing decisions affect the lives of individualconsumers and society asa whole

Why StudyMarketing ?

Apr 11, 2023 30Waqas Ahmad Khan (

Why Study Marketing?Plays an important role in society

Vital to business Offers outstanding career opportunities

Affects your life every dayApr 11, 2023 31Waqas Ahmad Khan (

Marketing is Everywhere in Your Life

Apr 11, 2023 32Waqas Ahmad Khan (

What do Marketers Think About?

Apr 11, 2023 33Waqas Ahmad Khan (

Ex: Open a Book shop On Campus Is there a need? Who is my target market? What is my product? How can I produce and deliver a “product”

better than my competitors? How will I promote my product? How can I insure customer loyalty?

Apr 11, 2023 34Waqas Ahmad Khan (

Marketing is....getting the right products to the right people at the right price and at the right place and time with the right promotion

Apr 11, 2023 35Waqas Ahmad Khan (

Marketing is a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating, offering and exchanging products of value with others.

Kotler 1994

Apr 11, 2023 36Waqas Ahmad Khan (

Process by which individuals and groups obtain what they needneed and want want through creating and exchanging products exchanging products and value with others.

Apr 11, 2023 37Waqas Ahmad Khan (

More simply:

Marketing is the delivery of customer satisfaction at a profit.

Apr 11, 2023 38Waqas Ahmad Khan (

Simple Questions, Hard Answers

•Who are our customers?

•What important & unique benefits do we provide?

•Are these benefits sustainable?Apr 11, 2023 39Waqas Ahmad Khan (

Let’s stop

it here

Apr 11, 2023 40Waqas Ahmad Khan (

COURSE STRUCTUREReadings LecturesAssignmentsProjectExamApr 11, 2023 41Waqas Ahmad Khan (

Recommended BooksPrinciples of Marketing by Philip Kotler and Gary Armstrong

Fundamentals of Marketing by Stanton, Etzel and Walker

Marketing by Joel R. Evans and Barry Berman

Apr 11, 2023 42Waqas Ahmad Khan (

SummaryApr 11, 2023 43Waqas Ahmad Khan (

Simple Marketing SystemSimple Marketing System

Producer/Seller Consumer





Apr 11, 2023 44Waqas Ahmad Khan (