Principal of the Day Gives Great...

Post on 30-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Principal of the Day Gives Great...



“If it bleeds, it leads,” stat-ed by Jorge Rios, who was our principal for a day. He discussed his experiences and gave advice to our Journalism team. Jorge Rios graduated 15th from his high school out of 550 other students. Jorge com-menced attendance to Mi-ami Dade College in 1983. Though he did so well in high school, he quickly realized it wouldn’t be the same in college. He met many to-be famous people, such as Jeffery A. Zucker-man, who is currently the president of CNN. People like this showed him that

Mrs. Castillo’s Journalism Class


Volume 5 Issue 4

Principal of the Day Gives Great Advice

During the month of De-cember, Jump Rope For Heart occurred. Money was raised and collected throughout the month of December, with all of the proceeds collected being donated towards The American Heart Associa-tion. Everyone who had donated money towards the association was allowed to participate in the event. The fundraiser collected a little over 10,000 dollars to give towards The Ameri-can Heart Association. All of the proceeds collected were raised by our Bobcats from grades 2nd through 8th. During the event the stu-

By: Christopher Anderson and

Nicholas Baron

Jump Rope For Heart Raises Tons!

By: Zaira Datiev and Gianmarco Ranalli

By: Gianmarco Ranalli and Emilie Sharma

Ms. Costa’s Gardening Tips

Ms. Larsson is collecting old devices and towels that are no longer wanted, or needed, in her room. Also, empty juice-pouches may be dropped off in the bin outside of Ms. Miller’s room.

dents had played basket-ball, hula hooped, and jumped rope. All of the kids had a great time and our school is very happy to know that we raised money for such an amaz-ing association.

there were others who were better in school than Jorge was. They were pro-digious in things such as computer programming and broadcasting. He eventually graduated his college and began to work

in a bank. His advice to us is to be mindful of our college recommendations and all of your teachers.

Principal of the Day 1

Jump Rope For Heart 1

Costa Gardening 1

Student Council Leaders 2

Orlando Trip Collage 2

Teacher of the Year 3

Winter Concert 3

Ruth K’s Got Talent 3

Tug of War 3

Martin Luther King Day 3

Words Of Wisdom 3

How To Maintain Your Resolution 4

Fun Run 4

Movie Review 4

Clothing Drive 4

Dear Camila 4

Table Of Contents

Meet Your New Student Council Leaders!

Page 2

Orlando Fun!

By: Brooke Bellinson and Mia Erlichman

All about your student council presi-


Charlotte ran for student council presi-

dent because she felt the need to

make a difference in our school. Being

her last year at our school, she wanted

to be apart of the community to make

differences in it. Her dad was the main

inspiration for her to run for president

of student council. She plans to im-

prove the school by extending the

school’s uniform policy. As you may

know, the student council president

gets to make a speech at the end of

the year and Charlotte plans to have

her speech recap her 3 years at this-


All about your student council vice

president...ASHLEE LAO!

Just because she gets to make a

speech at the end of the year didn't

mean that’s why she ran for vice presi-

dent. Ashlee wants to help the Bay

Harbor Island community and our

school. Being this is her last year at

this school, she wanted to make a

difference here. Her main inspiration

for running for student council presi-

dent was Ms. Deleon. If she had to do

one thing to help the school, she

wants to get people involved in school

activities and possibly recruit some

new people to join Student Council.

All about your student council

secretary...ADEN DELEON!

Aden Deleon has big plans for our

school! He ran for secretary be-

cause, like his president and vice

president, he wants a change in

our school. He was not inspired by

a parent or friend, as he was his

own inspiration. The way he plans

to change the school is by working

with the president and vice presi-

dent to make it so you can wear

any jacket you want. He also

wants to get the school to do more

fundraising events.

By: Sofia Losada and Grace Pajon

plains, “The rap battle was a really good laugh and a fun way to learn.” At the end of the show, every performer got to get on stage and dance with the others. Overall, the performances were great and everyone had a good time!

Teachers of the Year Revealed

Ruth K. Got Talent A Show of Wonder!

Winter Concert Loved By All!

Page 3

By: Morgan Cox and Kaitlyn


By: Sarah Utrera

Teacher of the Year, and Rookie Teacher of the Year is an award given to the best teacher and best rookie teacher of the year. For the year 2016-2017, the Rookie Teacher of the Year award was given to Mrs. Rodriguez and Teacher of the Year award was given to Mrs. Vidal-Santos. These awards are given annually to a teacher who influenced many students and helped them throughout their school years. Mrs. Rodriguez has been teaching in this school for four years now. Mrs. Rodriguez is a science teach-er that teaches grades 7th-

8th. She teaches the Elective Robotics during her 6th peri-od as well. She also runs the schools SECME club after school. Ms. Vidal-Santos has been teaching in this school ever since it was built. She teaches Art for Elementary and Middle school. The oth-er nominees that she raced against for the nomination were Mr. Moss and Mrs. Larson. Both Mrs. Rodriguez and Mrs. Vidal-Santos were honored to receive the award. They would like to thank everybody.

Tug of War Competition Much Fun!

By: Zaira Datieva


By: Sofia Losada

On January 20, 2016 our school Ruth K. Broad had a tug-of-war event to raise money for the eighth grade end of the year events. Sec-ond through eighth graders were able to participate and had a blast. We hope our school continues to have such fun fundraisers for our school!

Words of Wisdom

By: Mia Rey and Wilfred Rodriguez

On December 15th, Ruth K. Broad had their annual Win-ter Concert. During the Win-ter Concert, the new band played in front of the school for the first time. We inter-viewed some of the students who had participated in the Winter Concert about what they thought of the concert, the process they went through to prepare, and how they prepared for the Winter Concert. Of all of the stu-dents who were interviewed many had said that they practiced very hard both at home and at school. The

students said they really en-joyed the final product and final sound of the concert. For the choice of music Mr. Bracken-Tripp and Mr. Ro-driguez both chose some old favorites and new challeng-ing songs. Mr. Rodriguez had also chose a few songs representing the winter sea-son and its holidays. He had also told us that the soloist had got chosen from audi-tions that were held. All in all the Winter Concert was very fun, and was really great. We can’t wait for the next one!




By: Tomas Laloggia and Elie Matz

Happy Martin Luther King Day! Today is the day that we all give thanks to Mr. King for making eve-ryone in our world equal no matter what race or skin color you are! We are all equal and you should thank Mr. King for keeping the dream alive!

“Don’t worry about failures, worry about the chances you miss when you don’t even try.” - Fiorella Adarvez

On January 25th, Ruth K. Broad held its annual talent show, Ruth K’s Got Tal-ent! Performances varied from amazing piano play-ing to incredible gymnas-tics. Maya Chabanon de-scribes the show as, “Really cool and so fun to watch!”. Two of the singers sang “Rolling in the Deep” by Adele. In the show, there were three rappers that had an epic rap battle about Hamilton. Maya ex-



Reviews: Rogue One

1. Real goals, not nonsense; If you are trying to save up to obtain something, do it week by week, or gradually.

2. Use apps or websites to track your resolutions, websites such as daily,, or

3. Be fully engaged! If you want to successfully keep your resolution(s), you have to be committed meaning NO SLACK-ING!

4. Be in healthy relation-ships, and surround your-self with the right crowd, such as people who will influence you to follow

the explanations/lessons. If the teacher doesn’t seem to put much effort into helping you , then we have the same advice: Communication. Try to talk to your counselor or principal or even your par-ents. On the other hand, mak-ing friends isn’t an easy task. However, in every place in the world, there are good and bad people. There will always be someone who will be just great for you and will be a perfect friend. To try to make

friends you could, start a con-versation, show them some-thing new, ask for help etc. Still, always be yourself, nev-er change for anyone. If you do, then you’ll regret and it will be hard to create strong friendships. Remember al-ways communicate and be yourself!

in running the marathon came together at school to get on a bus. They took the bus to Downtown Miami and had their run from 10:30 am till 12:00 pm. There were about 10,000 runners and approximate-ly 50 schools participating in the run. At the end of the run all of the runners were

given participation medals and our school gave all of our runners recognition.

Fun Run Encourages Fitness For All Fun Run Miami was a pro-gram designed with the par-ticipation of Miami Marathon Dade Public Schools. The reason this program was cre-ated was to get students in-volved in physical education and learn to pace themselves while running. They started training with Coach Perez in September and trained till January running a total of 25 miles all in all. On January 29 the students participating

Dear Camila I’m new in the school, and this experience is being a little challenging for me. I don’t under-stand some classes and I can’t make friends! Any advice?

Well, in the situation of not understanding lessons, the only advice we can give you is communication. Talk to your teacher, try to tell him/her that you’re having trouble in following

through on your resolu-tions.

5. Gradually make your way into them, you shouldn't try to do 10 resolutions all at once. Space them out, starting with most im-portant.

6. Put your resolutions on paper, people who write down their goals on paper are more likely to achieve them then those who don’t.

7. Reward yourself, after completing a resolution, “treat yo self”.

8. Aim for progress, not perfection.

9. As a strategy, we suggest setting a goal, making a

plan, working, and stick-ing to it until you’re done.

10. Don’t let little stumbles get to you, keep your resolu-tions even if you find a prob-

lem midway.

How to Maintain Your Resolutions

By: Gabriella De Carvallo and Ian Chacin

By: Camila Oliveira and Emilie Sharma

By: Gregory Kelly and Emilie Sharma

By: Isaac Hoffman and Gregory Kelly

Page 4

By: Emilie Sharma

From January 16th through January 20th, our school held a clothing drive. The three top classes who collected the most clothing were awarded with prizes. All the clothes were converted into a valua-ble charitable asset that is then used to promote education and support families.

Star Wars: Rogue One is a film by the Disney-Pixar-Lucas film conglomerate meant to expand the Star Wars universe and show characters outside of the existing Star Wars lore. The film follows yet another strong female protagonist as she attempts to retrieve the plans for the death star imme-diately before Episode IV, with a plot that tries to add lore but adds nothing. For the third time. The differences are that there are less lightsabers (the best part of Star Wars, and more guns, and the characters are infinitely less likeable. From the 6-8 main characters (6 original) that occupied the screen, I remembered three and could name none. The movie, with a previously mentioned lack of lightsabers, feels less like a Star Wars movie and more like some generic war movie… In space. There’s no structure, with about 20 minutes dedicated to the final battle, a scene that feels like its own movie altogether but is paced horribly. All in all, this movie was at the quality where I was begging it to end. So my official one-sentence opinion is this: While it has some good ideas (a blind character, and an intentionally funny robot), the execution was so horrible I’d rather watch Episode I. So for the official Non-Numerical Scale©, I give it an “I Don’t Like Sand” out of ten.

Clothing Drive