Primary School Teachers' Resources: Spooky Snippets Project

Post on 06-Mar-2016

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A resource for Primary School Teachers designed to help teach poetry. The theme is 'Spooky Snippets' Includes lessons plans and hand-outs

Transcript of Primary School Teachers' Resources: Spooky Snippets Project

Developing a Creative Writing Club in your Primary School

Spooky Snippets

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Spooky Snippets

A six week programme of lesson plans and resources for new or established creative writing clubs culminating in a Spooky Snippets event

Designed and produced by Mark Grist as part of the Well Versed Poetry in School project

Week 1 A range of word games designed to get students thinking about the ingredients of the horror/gothic genre.

Week 2 ‘The Boneyard Rap’ – students get to make their own spooky raps in pairs/threes.

Week 3 Spooky short stories- Students try to build suspense using no more than 50 words.

Week 4 Looking at the witches from Macbeth – recreating Act1 Scene 1 as a small performance.

Week 5 More games – some creepy limericks.

Week 6 Final preparation for the event.

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Week One

Intended learningAn introduction to horror/gothic writing and some quick writing activities aimed at identifying elements of the genre.

Intended outcomesStudents create their own scary stories and to list the details of the horror genre – these lists may be useful in later sessions.

Time Activity Resources required

00-05 minutes

Word scramble – write the following letters on the board –


Pupils have to see how many words of three letters or more they can find in these 9 letters. They have 2 minutes to write down as many as they can. There is also a word that can be made using all of the letters. If anyone gets this, then they get 5 bonus points. The word that is hidden is SPEEDBOAT

Once the time is up, get the pupils to count them up and see who thinks they have the most. Then get the student claiming the most to read their words out while you write them up on the board. Ask the others which ones they also got, or for any other particularly long words that haven’t yet been written on the board.

Wherever possible follow the same routine as the previous week – this game will be the opening game for every session of the half term.

05-15 minutes

Ask the students for the ingredients of scary stories. They have a minute to talk in pairs and decide on three things which are often found in scary stories.Share these and add the following if they aren’t mentioned, writing them on the board:GhostsBloodFootstepsThunder The students then get into pairs/threes. They need to get a sheet of paper and attempt to write something for every letter of the alphabet that links with the horror genre. EGA -AlleywaysB –BloodC- Chill

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15-20 minutes

Pupils share their words until the board has 6-8 words on it. During this time you can discuss whether the words are accurate for the horror genre.

20-25 minutes

Pupils see whether they can create a story in 5 minutes that uses all the words from the board.

25-30 minutes

Pupils share their stories with each other.

Extension work

Pupils write their own scary stories or finish filling in their A-Z of horror words.

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Week Two

Intended learningWhile looking at Boneyard Rap, by Wes Magee, the pupils experiment with rhythm within poetry/rap.

Intended outcomesPupils to create their own raps in pairs/threes with a spooky twist.

Time Activity Resources required

00-05 minutes

Word scramble – write the following letters on the board – KELTOENS

The word that is hidden is SKELETON

Same rules as previous week

05-10 minutes

Listen to ‘The Boneyard Rap’ being read by Wes Magee, while the students look at copies of the raps on the table in front of them.

The poem can be found at:

10-15 minutes

Get the students to answer the following:- What do you like about the poem? Give them a minute to discuss and prepare their answer.- Is it scary? - Do you think that the writer was trying to be scary?- How important is the rhythm in the rap?

15-25 minutes

Write the following on the board:- The Vampire Rap- The Werewolf rap- The Ghostly rapAnd ask the students to choose one (in pairs or threes) to write. They then get ten minutes to start writing their raps.

25-30 minutes

Pupills to read their raps out

Extension work

To continue working on their raps.

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Week Three

Intended learningTo look at how to build suspense in a short space of time.

Intended outcomesPupils will create their own scary short stories, with a fifty word limit.

Time Activity Resources required

00-05 minutes

Word scramble – write the following letters on the board –


You can give a clue for the word using all letters as being something to do with last week’s writing club.

The word that is hidden is BONEYARD

Same rules as previous weeks.

05-15 minutes

Explain that pupils are going to be creating short stories of no more than 50 words. The stories will all be sent off for the Mini Sagas competition. It would be best if they were scary, to keep with our theme for the half term.

Details of the Mini Sagas Competition can be found on the Young Writers web-site -

15-25 minutes

Using the suggested opening line: ‘It was dark when she left the house.’ (pupils can use their own scary first lines if they want) pupils write their own mini sagas – in rough before then writing them out again in neat.

25-30 minutes

Mini Sagas can then be read out to the rest of the pupils. They can also then be sent off for the competition, should the teacher want to.

Extension Work

To write another story for the competition – or to rewrite these ones in neat for a display.

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Week Four

Intended learningStudents to develop a critical directorial response to the opening of Macbeth

Intended outcomesStudents prepare their own rehearsed reading of the opening scene of Macbeth, and will hopefully have a lot of fun while doing so.

Added notesIt would be great if you had any costume/props to hand for this session.

Time Activity Resources required

00-05 minutes

Word scramble – write the following letters on the board – CIWTEHS

Hidden word: WITCHES

Same rules as previous weeks.

05-10 minutes

The pupils will then get a copy of the opening scene of Macbeth. You can read through the extract as a class. Then watch the recreation on YouTube.

The opening scene from Macbeth can be found in appendix 1.

A good video of this scene is:

10-25 minutes

Pupils see if they can create their own scary delivery of the scene (in threes). This means they will all be working as directors of their own scene. If there are any pupils left over, then they can create their own set designs for the opening scene/or design their own costume for one of the witches.

25-30 minutes

Pupils to perform their speeches – feel free to play with the classroom lights/sound effects etc for added effect.

Extension Work

To find a scary short story or poem that they like and bring it back to the group for next week.

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Week Five

Intended learningTo develop an understanding of limericks, whilst looking at undermining the horror genre through humour.

Intended outcomesEach pupil to create their own ‘spooky limerick.’

Intended outcomesYou’ll be collecting the Scary Snippets in from the students – they were bringing these along as the extended activity from last week – they’ll be used next week, so if anyone has forgotten, they’ve got another week to find them.

Time Activity Resources required

00-05 minutes

Word scramble – write the following letters on the board –

DEIROCTR – clue – they were all these last week

Hidden word: DIRECTOR

Same rules as previous weeks.

05-15 minutes

Use Appendix 2 to introduce Limericks and encourage pupils to consider what a Limerick is.

Introduction to Limericks is in Appendix 2

15-25 minutes

Pupils attempt to create their own limericks about monsters. Gather some suggested names for monsters from the pupils. It’s always best if the monster is mentioned in the first line. ‘An angry old ogre once said’‘A wicked witch from Wyndham’ might be too tricky a rhyme J

25-30 minutes

Pupils to share their limericks with the rest of the class.

Extension Work

If they haven’t already done so, pupils are to bring in a snippet of a spooky story/poem to the club for next week.

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Week Six

Intended learningPupils take responsibility for preparing their own Spooky Snippets presentation.

Intended outcomesA planned outline for the Spooky Snippets event.

Time Activity Resources Required

00-05 minutes

You may not have time for the game this lunchtime and may need to move straight on to the preparation for the event.

05-15 minutes

Pupils decide which things that they’ve created they would like to read out. Each of these items can be written up on the board by the teacher.

15-25 minutes

The pupils, with teacher guiding them, decide which piece they want to be the last and first piece in the show. They then need to decide the order of items in the show. They should be reminded that it doesn’t matter which order they get to read in, they’ll all get to give a reading.

25-30 minutes

Pupils then practice reading their work and finish off any pieces that need improving.

Extension work

Pupils take away photocopies of their work to read out. The teacher may want to get a few adults to read some of the spooky snippets at the event as well.

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Spooky Snippets resources

Week Resources Can be found


2 Audio and text can be found here –


3 Mini sagas website can be found here -

4 The opening scene from Macbeth can be found in appendix 1.

A good video of this scene is:

5 An introduction to Limericks can be found in Appendix 2


Additional resources

Word search

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Appendix 1

Macbeth by William Shakespeare

Act 1, Scene 1

SCENE I. A desert place.      Thunder and lightning. Enter three Witches  First Witch      When shall we three meet again      In thunder, lightning, or in rain?  Second Witch      When the hurlyburly’s done,      When the battle’s lost and won.  Third Witch      That will be ere the set of sun.  First Witch      Where the place?  Second Witch      Upon the heath.  Third Witch      There to meet with Macbeth.  First Witch      I come, Graymalkin!  Second Witch      Paddock calls.  Third Witch      Anon.  ALL      Fair is foul, and foul is fair :      Hover through the fog and filthy air. 


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Appendix 2

An Introduction to Limericks

A limerick is a fun, comic type of poem. Look at these examples and see if you can make a list of the features of a limerick:

There was an old man with a beard,Who said, ‘It’s just as I feared – Two owls and a hen,Four larks and a wren,Have all built their nests in my beard.

There once was a girl from Pinner,Who ate spiders with chips for her dinner.

They were tricky to catch,She was really no match,

And by Christmas was very much thinner.

Limericks • Limericks are usually five lines in length.

• Limericks normally have a rhyme scheme of a,a,b,b,a and follow a regular rhythm.

• Limericks often begin with similar lines such as:There once was a man from…There was a young lady from…

• There is a sing-song quality to limericks that make them suitable for light-hearted, funny ideas.