Prezentacja sp10 2012

Post on 01-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Prezentacja sp10 2012

The Students of the Primary School No. 10 work in two buildings.

The pupils of the first and second grade study in the smaller building. There is a safe and loving atmosphere.

Our whole school is well monitored inside and outside by 8 security cameras.

In the small building of the Primary School No. 10 there is a system of work without rings.

The teachers adjust the lesson and break time as required.

In our school the pupils of the  third grade have their classerooms in the large building. We can observe a

change in the working conditions of the students (lessons, breaks, older colleagues), but the kids feel

safe with their educator and in their classroom  (all lessons are held in one room).

In our school the Parent Council and the teachers have decided to make  uniforms obligatory for all students. It

gives children a sense of security and of belonging to the student community. Vanishing the differences in dressing

vanishes the differnces in the social status too.

In the school there is a room for extracurricular and individual lessons as well as for compensatory teaching and corrective activities.

The room for corrective gymnastics disposes of the equipment for youth therapy. The aids have been offered to our school by the

foundation "Polsat Dzieciom„ (Polsat for Children). We have taken part in the programme „Directly to Europe".

 The Primary School n 10 has got a well equipped room for speech ⁰

therapy. All students who need correction of their speech defects take part in activities oranised by a proffessional.

A wealth of teachig aids and creativity of teachers make possible to introduce workshop methods in

teaching based on children’s experience, activity and creativity.

Our school disposes of rooms equipped with interactive white board. There are lessons of different subjects. All teachers are educated in using this aid.

A gym in the small building. There are held curricular and extracurricular PE

lessons: exercises of educational kinesiology with Dennison’s method,

educational activities with the Eduballs as well as lessons of KLANZA’s pedagogy of


Younger pupils have access to a safe grassy field.

Every year we organise Sports’ Day

The Primary School n 10 has a common room, which provides ⁰childcare. This is a place where pupils can dvelop their interests in

friendly conditions. We have joined the programme "Radosna Szkoła” (Happy School). Thanks to it we could purchase aids and play equipment

for physical activities.

 Pupils from I-III grades of our school in the school canteen. Hours of meals for younger children are not the same as for older. This allows

children to feel safe. They learn the self-reliance and how to behave at the table.

The Primary School n 10 ⁰ accurately diagnoses the needs of its future students. Teachers of the future classes are holding the first meeting of the neighbouring kindergarten teachers in order to know the children. They

have created a questionnaire for parents of six-year-old kids, by which their needs as well as their abilities and interests are tested. It makes possible to

plan extra lessons for the next year.

In June there is a meeting held with the parents of the future students. The parents learn about school, teachers, professionals working with children

and the functioning of the school.

The Primary School n⁰ 10 welcomes its new students cordially and officially . The parents’ participation in

the Solemn Admission of their children to the first grade of our school has became our tradition. Every year it is placed in a different setting,

based on the children's play and activity. The parents, like their children, make a solemn

promise and then mothers, fathers, their children, guests and spectators play together. Each student

receives a sweet, huge and colourful gift.

The Primary School n 10, f⁰ or twelve years, organizes a Green school for I-III grade students. In the mountains or by the sea, taking part in a "green school" the pupils learn in contact with nature and live together

in a peer group. They pass their first independence exam and receive the best notes.

Since 2004 we have been participating in Socrates Comenius and Comenius projects.2004-2007 Socrates Comenius Life in the past , our existance in present with Northern Ireland, Romania, Germany2008-2010 Leave us a healthy life together with Romania, France , Lithuania, Spain and Turkey 2010-2012 My philately world with Turkey, Hungary, Great Britain and Romania2012-2014 Get familiar via macots with Turkey, Spain, Greece and Slovakia

Spring family festivities organised in cooperation with the parents have become the Tradition of the Primary School n 10. The children and their ⁰families are playing with their teachers. The future students of the first grade

are invited too. Special attractions and prizes are prepared for them.

The festivity is a great opportunity to integrate the local society. It gives the possibility to present children’s abilities to their families and their

guests because all children with their classes prepare a special show.

Our school has a kindergarten for five-year-old children. The youngest pupils are learning and playing in a room well

adapted to their needs. They can take part in all attractions, and facilities offered to older students too.