Previous e4 idents.

Post on 05-Feb-2015

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Transcript of Previous e4 idents.

Previous E4 Idents.

I have chosen three e4 idents to look at and see how they vary from each other. I am doing this to see what kind of style e4 usually go for when creating/picking their idents so I can get ideas for when I start to create my ident.

E4 ident 2007

End of ident.

In this ident everything is moving at a fast pace and we the wall in our view gets decorated in purple, which is the colour used to represent e4 and the e4 logo comes up against the wall. Then from the living room we see drawers opening by themselves and showing bright colours, I presume this is to keep the audiences eye and attention from drifting. There is a lot going on for a twenty second ident. Then

towards the end we see computer generated imagery and it’s a garden in the living room with the e4 in centre screen. It looks fun and interesting.

E4 Ident 2009

End of Ident

The second e4 ident I looked at is somewhat similar to the one above as they’re both re-creating a room in a house. First of all, we see what look like garage doors opening and then storage boxes coming out of them; the boxes are covered in e4 logos. The boxes then open and kitchen utensils etc. come out of the boxes. As you can see in the print screens above, the e4 colour, purple, is used

throughout. I like how everything is happening quite quickly as this captures the audience’s attention and as the ident is 30 seconds longs so the ident has to be exciting and different so they don’t lose their attention. Then half way through the ident we see drums and music speakers coming out of a van. I think the whole point of the ident is by showing kitchen parts, parts of a living room and then the music is to show that it’s a channel that has a chilled out vibe to it and it’s also creative with lots of things happening, and then the music because that’s a big part of e4 as a whole.

E4 ident 2011.

End of ident.

This e4 ident is one of the most recent ones. It’s extremely short and is only on for 10 seconds. This is extremely cartoon like and because of how short the advert is your attention doesn’t really drift. I like how just the logo is in colour, it makes it so much more noticeable. However because of how blunt and sharp the other images are in the background, they’re still just equally as noticeable. Over all I prefer this ident out of them all as it’s simple but yet to me the most effective.