Pressure measurements on a deforming surface in response ...

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Pressure measurements on a deformingsurface in response to an underwaterexplosion in a water-filled aluminum tube

G. Chambersa, H. Sanduskya, F. Zerillia,K. Ryeb, R. Tussingb and Jerry Forbesc

aNaval Surface Warfare Center, Indian HeadDivision, 101 Strauss Avenue, Indian Head MD20640-5035, (301) 744-2379, USAbNaval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division,Carderock MD 20817-5700, USAcLawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 7000 EastAvenue, Livermore, CA 94550, USA

Received 7 July 1998

Revised 8 February 2000

Experiments have been conducted to benchmark DYSMAScomputer code calculations for the dynamic interaction ofwater with cylindrical structures. Small explosive chargeswere suspended using hypodermic needle tubing inside Altubes filled with distilled water. Pressures were measuredduring shock loading by tourmaline crystal, carbon resistorand ytterbium foil gages bonded to the tube using a varietyof adhesives. Comparable calculated and measured pressureswere obtained for the explosive charges used, with somegages surviving long enough to record results after cavitationwith the tube wall.

Keywords: DYSMAS, shock validation, wall deformation,underwater detonation, computer modeling, streak photogra-phy, tourmaline gage

1. Introduction

Computer modeling codes can provide solutions tolarge or complex events that are not easily tested. Sinceapproximations to physical and chemical processes arerequired in the codes, they must be validated by preciseexperiments prior to the intended application. Of inter-est to this study is the complex interaction between ashock wave in water and a deformable structure, giventhat the properties of the explosive, water and wall are

known. The problem is complex, both experimentallyand numerically, because the water momentarily sep-arates (cavitates) during the interaction. In a previousexperiment (Sandusky and Chambers [3]), wall defor-mation and velocity were measured directly using astreak camera and a Doppler laser velocimeter. In thecurrent study, attempts were made to measure pressureat the water/wall interface, free-field pressure, and bothinner and outer-wall strain.

The Guirguis Hydro-Bulged Cylinder experimentwas conceived for model validation of the DYSMAScode [1]. The radially-symmetric arrangement consistsof a water-filled tube with a centrally-positioned explo-sive charge. The symmetrical interior loading removesthe complication of bubble collapse driving a water jettowards the structure, which occurs in the usual exteriorloading. Interior loading also permits easy access tothe deforming structure by various optical techniquesfor dynamic measurements.

The experimental data have been modeled using thecodes WONDY V [2], which is 1-D Lagrangian, andthe code DYSMAS/C [1], which is a coupled Eule-rian/Lagrangian simulation. Advantages of both Eu-lerian and Lagrangian scheme are incorporated intoDYSMAS which is the code to be validated.

2. Experimental arrangement

The experimental arrangement previously used inFig. 1 is the same as that previously (1) used, ex-cept for a shorter tube to facilitate internal gauge in-stallation. The deformable structure was a 17.8 cmlong by 10.2 cm outer diameter (O.D.) Al 5086 tubewith a 0.635 cm wall thickness. The runout (round-ness) and thickness of the tube wall varied by only0.005 cm. The tube was sealed at the bottom by a0.25 cm thick polymethyl-methacrylate (PMMA) sheetwith a scored circle corresponding to the inner diam-

Shock and Vibration 8 (2001) 1–7ISSN 1070-9622 / $8.00 2001, IOS Press. All rights reserved

2 G. Chambers et al. / Pressure measurements on a deforming surface in response to an underwater explosion


Scored Plasticclosure

A1 5086 tube10.1 cm O.D..635 cm wall17.8 cm long

Detonator (0.2 g)Axial midplane

PETN Charge(2.8 g)

Fig. 1. Experimental arrangement.

eter of the tube. With this weakened bottom closureand the tube mostly open on top, there was little resis-tance to the de-oxygenated water that initially filled thetube from being ejected by the exploding charge. Thecharge consisted of 2.8 g pentaerythritol tetranitrate(PETN) pellet and an exploding bridgewire detonatorwith another 0.2 g of PETN. The detonator was encasedin a PMMA sleeve of the same diameter as the explo-sive pellet. These components were bonded together,waterproofed, and suspended in the center of the Al5086 tube with hypodermic needle tubing. The needletubing provided a conduit for the detonator leads andwas further filled with epoxy to prevent collapse dur-ing shock loading, thereby simplifying the modeling.Preliminary DYSMAS [1] calculations predicted finalwall strains of ∼ 10% without rupture from detonating3.0 g of PETN.

Two experiments (Shot SV-5,6) were conducted atthe former White Oak Laboratory of the Naval Sur-face Warfare Center (NSWC), as in the previously re-ported work (1); and one experiment (Shot SV-7) wasconducted at the Lawrence Livermore National Labo-ratory (LLNL). The arrangement was identical at thetwo laboratories, except that the explosive pellet waspure PETN in the White Oak experiments versus LX-16 (96/4 PETN/inert binder) in the LLNL experiment.Since the LX-16 pellet contained the same amount ofPETN, it was slightly longer than the 1.27 cm for thepure PETN pellets but resulted in essentially identicalwall deformation, as expected. Shot SV-7 was instru-mented with streak photographyto obtain dynamic walldisplacement and Fabry-Perot interferometry to obtainwall velocity for comparison with similar data obtainedat White Oak (Sandusky and Chambers [3]). These

data are not discussed so that emphasis can be given tothe pressure measurements obtained at the water/wallinterface in these experiments.

Various techniques were attempted to obtain reliablestrain and pressure measurements inside the tube whilesurviving 100 µs in a complex environment. Inaddition to the gauges and their mounting, considera-tion was given to the leads and their connection to thegauges. Protecting the leads by drilling holes in thetube wall was not attempted to avoid perturbing tubedeformation; therefore, the leads passed through thewater to the top of the tube and were subjected to asimilar environment as the gauges.

Strain measurement with a foil gauge on the innerwall was of interest itself and for developing techniquesto enhance survivability of similarly constructed pres-sure gauges. Previously, only the onset of deformation(< 1% strain) had been measured on the outer wall bycircumferentially-oriented constantan foil and opticalfiber gauges bonded with cyanoacrylate [3]. In the cur-rent experiments, some of the gauges consisted of an-nealed constantan foils with 20% strain capability andwere bonded by an epoxy that could achieve similarstrains. It was anticipated that small lead connectionsto the gauge tabs would avoid premature mechanicalfailure from the shock loading normal to the gauge andthe rapid straining in the gauge plane. Either the endsof 32 AWG wires (0.36 mm diameter conductor) werepeened flat and soldered to the tabs or the manufacturerhad electronically welded even finer magnet wire orribbon leads to the tabs.

Pressure measurements were obtained with tourma-line, carbon resistor, carbon film, and ytterbium gauges.The tourmaline gauges were made and calibrated bypersonnel at the Carderock Division of NSWC expe-rienced in the measurement of pressures from under-water explosions. These gauges are piezoelectric, con-sisting of a single 3.2 mm diameter by ∼ 1 mm thickcrystal with conductive paint on both ends, to whichleads were soldered. They are much smaller thanthose typically used in underwater explosion measure-ments, which contain multiple 6.4 mm diameter crys-tals. Small gauges were advantageous for surviving thehigher shock pressures and better resolving the shortershock durations in the current experiments. To furtherimprove gauge resolution, the oil-filled boot typicallyused in underwater explosion measurements was re-moved, except for one gauge. Despite the small crys-tals, the electrical charge generation at the expectedshock pressures required no amplification; gauge sig-nals were directly connected to oscilloscope inputs with

G. Chambers et al. / Pressure measurements on a deforming surface in response to an underwater explosion 3

Fig. 2. Pressure from tourmaline gages at the wall/water interface in Shot SV-5.

1 MΩ impedance. In Shot SV-5, seven gauges with var-ious constructions were attempted for measurementsat the axial midplane and 38 mm above the midplane.Four gauges simply had twin lead or 32 AWG wiressoldered to the crystals. For Gauge 5, the crystal wasinside a hole in a Mylar strip that had a copper rib-bon on each side for leads. The crystal in Gauge 6was connected to a RG-174 coaxial cable within anoil-filled boot. The crystal in Gauge 7 was connectedto RG-174 cable and then coated with polyurethane. Agauge of similar construction was used in Shot SV-7,except that the RG-174 cable sheath was removed andthen the braided shield was sealed with polyurethane.This arrangement permitted closer location of the crys-tal to the inner wall of the Al tube. All gauges wereoriented with the crystal axis normal to the inner wallto reduce shock transit time and to enhance survivabil-ity by avoiding edge loading. Completed gauges werebonded to the inner wall within a bead of epoxy, whichsupported the crystal in a further attempt to improvesurvivability.

Carbon and ytterbium gauges are piezoresistive. Thecarbon gauges were either standard resistors, which arerelatively rugged in a shock environment, or thin filmswith better resolution that is compromised some by theencapsulation required for gauge survival. Shot SV-6was instrumented with two 470 Ω, 1/8 W carbon resis-tors from the same batch as used by Wilson [4]. Onegauge was located on the inner wall at the axial mid-plane and another was located in the water on-axis at7.0 cm below the midplane. In Shot SV-6, a DynasenFC 300-50-EKRTE carbon film gauge was also locatedon the inner wall at the axial midplane. This gauge

had 25 µm thick Kapton encapsulation, including theribbon leads that extended beyond the top of the wa-ter, but was otherwise unarmored. A similarly locatedDynasen carbon film gauge in Shot SV-7 had a 50 Ωconstantan strain gauge incorporated within it to cor-rect the carbon gauge output for strain effects. Thisgauge was armored by further encapsulation in 25 µmthickness of Teflon and then electrically shielded bywrapping it in Al foil. A Dynasen Yb-8-50-EK ytter-bium gauge was also positioned on the inner wall at themidplane in Shot SV-7. This gauge had thicker 127 µmKapton encapsulation, which was selected to improvedsurvivability; however, the encapsulated gauge was sostiff that it did not conform to the inner wall, exceptfor the area of the gauge element which was clampedduring bonding. All of the gauges on the inner wallwere bonded to it with epoxy, except that the Al foilpacket shielding the carbon gauge in Shot SV-7 wasfastened with double-backed tape.

3. Results

All of the strain gauges in Shots SV-5,6 whether lo-cated on the inner or outer tube wall, and the carbonfilm gage in Shot SV-6 failed during the shock loading.These thin-film gauges were too fragile to survive atboth the water/tube and tube/air interfaces. Most straingauges were recovered with failures at lead connec-tions.

Of the tourmaline gauges in Shot SV-5, those withwire leads did not provide reasonable records, althoughthe crystals were recovered undamaged. Pressure-time

4 G. Chambers et al. / Pressure measurements on a deforming surface in response to an underwater explosion

Fig. 3. Midplane comparison of pressure (Shot SV-5) and wall velocity (Shot SV-3).

histories, relative to the energizing of the detonator,from two other gauges are shown in Fig. 2. Gauge 7,mounted at the midplane on the cylinder wall, recordedan incident shock of 0.33 GPa with a 0.8 µs risetime, a0.5 µs plateau, and a reflected shock with a 0.8 µs rise-time to a peak pressure 0.63 GPa. Separated incidentand reflected shocks are observed because the crystalwas mounted at least 1 mm from the wall. Gage 5,mounted 38 mm above the midplane, recorded a morediffuse wave beginning at∼ 30 µs, with a peak pressureof 0.31 GPa.

Figure 3 shows a comparison at the same locationof the pressure-time history from Shot SV-5, with thevelocity-time profile from Shot SV-3 [1] taken from aDoppler velocimeter. Shot SV-3 was identical to ShotSV-5 in all respects except that the Al tube was 22.9 cmas opposed to 17.8 cm long. However, differencesin tube length should not affect the comparison, sincerarefactions from the end of the tube have insufficienttime to interact with the gages during the time frame ofinterest. As can be seen from Fig. 3, the initial pressurespike occurs at about 20 µs, causing the wall to startmoving and later separate from the water. The wallvelocity increases to a maximum at 35 µs, at which timecavitation has ended the initial shock pulse. The wallthen slows down as internal forces in the Al arrest itsmotion. By 95 µs, the wall has slowed enough for thewater to catch up and re-interact with it, as evidencedby the second pressure peak, followed by an immediateincrease in wall velocity.

Figure 4 shows a comparison between the tourma-line pressure gage (Shot SV-5) with the carbon resis-

tor gage (SV-6) and the carbon film gage (SV-7). InShot SV-6, the carbon resistor gauge under the chargehad a noisy signal, perhaps because of the unshieldedloop of resistor leads that passed through the bottomclosure. All gages show similar times for the incidentpulse. However, only the tourmaline gage exhibits thepronounced plateau at 20 µsec followed by the peakpulse 2 µsec later. This is due to the positioning of thisgage ∼ 1 mm from the wall. By contrast, the carbongages, which were mounted directly on the wall exhibita smooth rise, reaching their peak pressure 2 µsec afterthe first arrival of the shock pulse. Note that the peakwidth and pressure decay profiles for all three gages aresimilar.

Figure 5 shows a comparison of the pressure profilesof the tourmaline gage and Ytterbium gage used in ShotSV-7 with the tourmaline gage results of SV-5. Thetourmaline gage in SV-7 is excessively noisy, perhapsdue to capacitive pick-up on the coaxial cable leador the lack of sheathing on the gage which may havecaused the crystal to slap repeatedly against the Alwall. However, both tourmaline gages from the twodistinct experiments reach their peak pressure at thesame time, at about 3 µsec after arrival of the initialshock wave. Both tourmaline gages also exhibit aninitial pressure spike, followed by the second reflectedwave from the wall. By contrast, the Yb gage peaksvery quickly, within the first µsec of the shock wavearrival. Again, the peak widths of the two tourmalinegages are virtually identical and the decay times of thepressure profiles are similar in all three gages.

G. Chambers et al. / Pressure measurements on a deforming surface in response to an underwater explosion 5

Fig. 4. Comparison of midplane from tourmaline (Shot SV-5), carbon resistor (Shot SV-6) and carbon film (Shot SV-7) gauges.

Fig. 5. Comparison of tourmaline gages from shots SV-5 and SV-7 and the Ytterbium gage from Shot SV-7.

4. Computer modeling

For the 1-D WONDY [2] calculations, a sphericalgeometry was assumed with zones of 5 and 2.8 µm.This is a good approximation until the shock wavereaches the cylinder wall and is sufficient to calculatethe peak pressure achieved near the wall. The 2-DDYSMAS [1] calculations had uniform zones of 1 and1.5 mm, with a Eulerian treatment of the detonationproducts in water coupled to a Lagrangian treatment ofthe tube. Table 1 shows the standard JWL parametersfor PETN used in the calculations.

Table 1JWL parameters for PETN

r (kg/m3) 1765 R1 4.4D (m/s) 8300 R2 1.2A (GPa) 617 w 0.25B (GPa) 16.926 Eo (GJ/m3) 10.1

The displacement of the midplane, outer diameterpoint calculated by DYSMAS is compared to the mea-sured SV3 displacement in Fig. 6. The zone size hadlittle effect on the displacement calculation. The nu-merical simulations underpredict the deformation com-pared to the deformation observed experimentally. The

6 G. Chambers et al. / Pressure measurements on a deforming surface in response to an underwater explosion

Fig. 6. Comparison of wall displacement for shot SV-3 with DYSMAS calculations.

Fig. 7. Comparison of measured and calculated midplane pressures.

metal (5086 aluminum) used in the test has been wellcharacterized. The cause for the underprediction maylie either in anisotropy in the yield strength of the 5086due to differences in work hardening in the extrusiondirection (cylinder axis) as opposed to the transversedirection or in the JWL equation of state for the ex-plosive, PETN. It is possible that the published JWLparameters for PETN, while giving a good result forthe LLNL cylinder test, may not accurately reproducethe total energy release by PETN. The displacement inthe Guirguis cylinder test is relatively insensitive to thetotal energy. Using the equation of state described bya perturbation technique based on the intermolecularinteraction of the reaction products for CHNO explo-

sives we calculate the energy to be 11 GJ m−3 and theCJ pressure to be 28.4 GPa, compared to the publishedvalues of 10.1 GJ m−3 and 33.5 GPa.

The WONDY calculations predicted 0.3 GPa inci-dent and 0.57 GPa reflected shock pressures in the waterat the wall versus tourmaline gauge measurements of0.35 and 0.64 GPa, respectively, thereby verifying con-sistency of the JWL parameters with the measurements.The midplane measurement from tourmaline gauge 7in Shot SV-5 is shown in Fig. 7, this time comparedwith DYSMAS calculations at the wall/water interfacefor the duration of the experiment.

The code calculation for the initial shock had a 3.0 µsrisetime, significantly more diffuse than measured, but

G. Chambers et al. / Pressure measurements on a deforming surface in response to an underwater explosion 7

the peak pressure still exceeded the measurement by23%. The overprediction is probably caused by thenonconservative method used to reduce numerical dif-fusion in DYSMAS as contrasted with the underpre-diction to be expected when artificial viscosity is usedto handle shock waves. The code calculation predictedthe cavitation but excessively diffused the reloading ofthe wall at ∼ 90 µs following collapse of the cavitation.

5. Summary and conclusions

Tourmaline, carbon resistor, carbon film, and Ytter-bium gages were used to measure pressures at the wa-ter/wall interface of a deforming tube in response to anunderwater explosion. The consistency of the pressure-time profiles of these three different types of gages inthree separate experiments validates the reproducibilityof this technique. Moreover, the gauge measurementsof the initial shock loading, cavitation, and reloadingas cavitation collapsed corresponded to the timing ofprevious wall velocity measurements. Fine-mesh cal-culations with the 1-D WONDY code verified the pres-

sure measurements until just after shock reflection at thewall, when the calculations were no longer valid. Thecoarser mesh 2-D DYSMAS calculations reasonablypredicted the initial shock loading and cavitation, butexcessively diffused the subsequent loading.


Discussions with R. Guirguis and funding from theOffice of Naval Research. are gratefully acknowledged.


[1] Dynamic Systems Mechanics Advanced Simulation CoupledEulerian-Langrangia Hydrocode, IAEG, Ottobrunn Germany,April 1995 version.

[2] M. Kipp and R. Lawrence, Sandia National Labs ReportSAND81-0930, Alburquerque, NM, June 1982.

[3] H. Sandusky, P. Chambers, F. Zerilli, L. Fabini and L. Gottwald,67th Shock and Vibration Symposium, Monterey CA, Nov.1996.

[4] W. Wilson, private communication.

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