Pressure Groups

Post on 16-May-2015

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Transcript of Pressure Groups

Pressure Groups

What is a Pressure Group?

Pressure Groups are organisations that want to influence the Government to act in a certain way.

How do Pressure Groups Campaign?

Greenpeace broke into HeathrowAirport to stage a stunt.

Pressure Groups must not use illegal tacticsto campaign.

How do Pressure Groups Campaign?

Fathers 4 Justice have usedmany illegal stunts to attract

attention to their cause.

Make Poverty History Campaign was one of the biggest in recent years.

They used the media,demonstrations, letter

Campaigns to TonyBlair etc.

Pressure Groupswill sometimes

use shock tacticsto get theirmessageacross.

How do Pressure Groups Campaign?

Contact MPs/MSPsand get them to

take action inParliament.

Make a petitionand get many

signatures to showsupport.

Organise a protest/demonstration to

show thegovt how

many people believe in the cause.

Involve the Media – stage stunts

that the media will cover, take part in TV debates,

get celebrity support for the cause.

Describe the methods that some pressure groups use to attract attention to their cause. (KU 6)

What rights and responsibilities do Pressure Groups have?

They can criticise the Govt. or other


They must not to tell lies.

They can protest and demonstrate to get

issues heard.

They must obey the law and protest peacefully.

They must give accurate information

and not slander.

They can use the media to publicise their cause

Describe the rights and responsibilities that pressure groups have. (KU 8)

Video Question

What examples are there of Fathers 4 Justice not being a good pressure group?