Presented by Michael Lane I'll Grant You This - Development Consulting 1 10 Elements of Successful...

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Transcript of Presented by Michael Lane I'll Grant You This - Development Consulting 1 10 Elements of Successful...

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Presented by Michael Lane I'll Grant You This - Development Consulting 1 10 Elements of Successful Grant Writing Slide 2 No. 1 I'll Grant You This - Development Consulting 2 Know Your Funder Is what you are proposing in sync with their funding priorities Establish a relationship Slide 3 No. 2 I'll Grant You This - Development Consulting 3 Grants are business agreements Funders see themselves as investors and to be treated accordingly Grants must clearly define the quantifiable/qualifiable deliverables of the proposal i.e., what is the funder/investors return on the dollar Grants are not creative writing cute, clever or pedantic are sure fire losers Slide 4 No. 3 I'll Grant You This - Development Consulting 4 It is virtually impossible to write a worthwhile grant when you have nothing worthwhile to write about Proposal is ill-conceived or ill-planned Proposal is a vanity project Proposal is outside the organizations mission i.e., chasing grant money Proposal is duplicative of other organizations services or programs Proposal is for programming that has gone stale Slide 5 No. 4 I'll Grant You This - Development Consulting 5 Do not under estimate what your funders know about you they know everything Slide 6 No. 5 I'll Grant You This - Development Consulting 6 Grant budgets are not creative accounting the number 1 grant killer Slide 7 No. 6 I'll Grant You This - Development Consulting 7 Grammar and spelling the three Rs are critical One typo is one too many Write in active tense; not passive Slide 8 No. 7 I'll Grant You This - Development Consulting 8 Get to your point be bright, be brief, be gone On average, you have less than 1 minute to impress a grant analyst the first time he or she reads your proposal. Your summary or abstract paragraph must encapsulate the fundamentals of your proposal in 3 to 4 sentences. Slide 9 No. 8 I'll Grant You This - Development Consulting 9 Pay attention to the instructions Slide 10 No. 9 I'll Grant You This - Development Consulting 10 If an e-file grant (i.e., online) do NOT wait until the last day to submit Slide 11 No. 10 I'll Grant You This - Development Consulting 11 Write thank you notes If you are awarded a grant, write a thank you note. If you are declined, write a thank you note. Above all DO NOT GIVE UP! Slide 12 I'll Grant You This - Development Consulting 12 Sealing The Deal: You and Your Funders Slide 13 Funders: Dating with Intent of Marriage I'll Grant You This - Development Consulting 13 Do your homework Open a dialogue with potential funders Network One the relationship is established, keep funders updated and in the loop. Funders ARE NOT ATM MACHINES Slide 14 Grants Are Business Agreements I'll Grant You This - Development Consulting 14 You may not think of yourself as a business, but your funders do. Questions most likely asked about the business component of your organization Slide 15 I'll Grant You This - Development Consulting 15 You Want to Know What? Slide 16 The questions everyone hates to answer I'll Grant You This - Development Consulting 16 How often does the board meet? How important is it to have trustees with a deep understanding of your services? Describe how your trustees are involved in assessing the quality of your programs and the organizations ability to reach service goals. Slide 17 The questions everyone hates to answer I'll Grant You This - Development Consulting 17 Describe your boards level of engagement with the organization. Discuss the boards committee structure and its level of ongoing activity. What is your organizations policy on board giving? Slide 18 The questions everyone hates to answer I'll Grant You This - Development Consulting 18 Discuss the management staff capacity of your organization: Please list key staff by name and title, and attach their resumes to the application: Slide 19 The questions everyone hates to answer I'll Grant You This - Development Consulting 19 Describe any changes in key staff positions in the last year: Describe your organizations technological capacity and business systems, including: computer network, hardware and software; internet access, email, website; telephone system, voice mail; automated accounting, bookkeeping, financial management reports, etc.; desktop publishing: Slide 20 The questions everyone hates to answer I'll Grant You This - Development Consulting 20 Describe your office set up and its level of functional adequacy: Describe the adequacy of your performing/presenting venue and your ability to manage or control it effectively for your needs Slide 21 The questions everyone hates to answer I'll Grant You This - Development Consulting 21 Discuss any exceptional growth or reduction in your operating budget over the past year. If there was less than 5% growth or reduction, you may answer not applicable. Did you have a negative balance at the end of your last fiscal year; if so, explain how you are addressing it. Slide 22 The questions everyone hates to answer I'll Grant You This - Development Consulting 22 Describe how you manage cash flow; include information on cash reserves, lines of credit, board or staff loans, or use of personal credit. Describe how your organization has dealt with anticipated financial changes over the last five years; provide specific examples Slide 23 The questions everyone hates to answer I'll Grant You This - Development Consulting 23 Does the organization owe any long-term debt? If so, to whom and how much? Describe any capital projects that the organization currently has underway Slide 24 The questions everyone hates to answer I'll Grant You This - Development Consulting 24 If something happens to the person delivering the program, how will the organization meet its commitments? Can the organization meet its immediate obligations? Slide 25 The questions everyone hates to answer I'll Grant You This - Development Consulting 25 Is the organization prepared to replace the leader in case of an emergency? Please state if there is no vision of the organization beyond the founder: Does the organization engage in any long-range or strategic planning? If so, please describe the process below and attach a copy of your most recent document(s). Slide 26 Ill Grant You This I'll Grant You This - Development Consulting 26 Development Consulting Michael S. Lane, Owner p: 856.503.6282 e: