Presentation1 community

Post on 05-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Presentation1 community

1. * COMMUNITY WINDSHIELD SURVEY 2. * approximately 23,055 people reside in the area. Census taken in 2013 showed there are roughly: * 89.0% Caucasian * 6.6% African American * 0.2% American Indian/Alaska Native * 1.5% reported two or more races * 1.6% Hispanic/Latino * 0% Pacific Islander/Native Hawaiian 3. * 4. This home is priced over $1.4 Million 5. homes located on the North side of Webster Groves. Stark contrast it seems apparent that the racial divide seen throughout St Louis is no different in Webster Groves. 6. North Side - Continued 7. Senior Living Communities throughout Webster Groves 8. Less than 1.3% of the population use public transportation 9. * 10. St Louis Galleria Mall close by for your convenient retail / upscale shopping needs 11. 10 public schools throughout the city ranked 38th /535 school districts in Missouri. The District also serves the Glendale, Rock Hill, Shrewsbury, Warson Woods 12. * 13. Eden Theological Seminary 14. * *There were a wide range of denominations i.e. Catholic, Lutheran, Church of God and Christ are ones we made note of. 15. * 16. * 17. FIRE DEPARTMENT 18. * 19. * 20. * 21. * 22. * 23. * 24. * 25. WEBSTER GROVES CITY HALL