presentation x

Post on 05-Apr-2017

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Transcript of presentation x

Billboard Insperations

Armani Billboard

• The Armani Emporia Billboard caught my attentions because of the abstract layout and use of colours. I like how the colours of the background contrast the dark shadowed colours of the people as it makes them stand out. I also like how it uses background lighting in neon colours which makes the billboard different from it competitors which stick to plain simple colour schemes. As for the text it stands out on the billboard despite a lot going on in the background images this is due to the white font and bold text. If I decide to use images like this I will also use a white font to contrast the colorful images and dark shades. However for my own magazine I would use only female models to target a female audience and somehow incorporate my colour scheme into the images. Overall this is my favorite billboard I found I will use this as my main inspiration.


• Another billboard that inspired me was Guess. This is because of the use of multiple pictures instead of one dominant image in the background the same as Armani. Guess also contrasts light and dark colours through the bright images and dark background behind the font to make it stand out. The use of the same model makes the billboard link together more than Armani and makes it look more professional.

• The only thing I dislike about this billboard is the plain white background and the black block coloured background in the center. I think it makes the billboard look to plain and boring in comparison to armarni.


• I also looked at Gucci which is a completely different style compared to what I previously looked at, It only uses one main dominant image as a background however I prefer to multiple images. I like how the font colour is white making it contrast the image and stand out however I would prefer my own text to be placed at the bottom or top of the billboard as it gets lost in the image. Also it doesn't stick to a particular colour scheme throughout the billboard and I would like to link mine to the same colours in my magazine.

• I'm glad I looked at a different style of billboard as its helped me decide not to use this style of layout.