Presentation week5

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Transcript of Presentation week5

Who deserves to be believed in online media?Who deserves to be believed in online media?


17 August, 2010

ID 3316931


Background information

Who deserved to be believed in online media


Background information


The last few decades, the world has witnessed

the soaring development of information

technology, which gave rise to the creation of

the Internet in the mid 1990s . As the Internet is

prevalently used by an increasing number of

individuals, online media has become the

mainstream press in contemporary society .

Wikipedia 2010, Internet, Wikipedia, accessed 5 August 2010,


1. By the end of September 2009, there are more

than 1.7 billion people using the internet.

2. Compared with the data in 2008, Internet users

increased 18% in the end of September 2009.

Pingdom 2010, Internet 2009 in number, Pingdom, accessed 5 August 2010,


It is undeniable that an increasing number of

people tend to receive news via online media.

Whether the news in online media can be

believed has sparked much debate.

But in the meantime……

Some people start to suspect the

authenticity of the news in online media.

Some of them even begin to doubt the

news from major “brand name” web

sites such as New York Times, NPR, the

Los Angeles Times, etc.

Lasica, JD 2004, Transparency begets trust in the ever-expanding blogosphere, USC, accessed 5

August 2010, <>.


Who deserves to be believed

in online media

1 Bloggers may deserve to be believed

in online media.

Lasica, JD 2004, Transparency begets trust in the ever-expanding blogosphere, USC, accessed 5

August 2010, <>.

Reasons: Niche expertise. bloggers can be experts with a deep

knowledge about a topic like open-source software or micro-


Transparency in motives. Bloggers have greater freedom

to speak from the heart and use a personal voice whereas

most journalists are constrained by an institutional objectivity.

Transparency in process. Bloggers link to documents,

sources and supporting evidence to buttress their own


Forthrightness about mistakes. When bloggers err, the

credible ones publish a mea culpa and take responsibility,

with the corrected information alongside their original posting.

Example: The website such as .org and . edu, may deserve to be

believed rather than the website such as .com and . net .

Reasons: The website such as .org and . edu are always offered

by research organizations or educational institutions

which release news more objectively while the website

such as .com and. net. are provided by commercial

organizations which usually release news driven by

their profits; therefore, the news lack the authenticity.

2 The websites which are provided by

non-profit organizations or institutions

may deserve to be believed.

Non-profit web sites

Vandelay Design 2009, 40 of the Best Websites of Non-Profit Organizations , Vandelay

Design, accessed 15 August 2010,<>.

3The websites which have strictly

monitoring mechanisms may deserve

to be believed.

Reasons: Monitoring mechanisms can supervise the content of

the news. Also, web site administrators can delete or

correct error news immediately thereby controlling the

dissemination of pseudo events .

Example: ABC

Example: ABC

The website which provided by ABC may deserve to be believed,

because ABC has strictly monitoring mechanisms.

ABC 2007, Editorial politics, ABC, accessed 15 August 2010,




Nowadays, more and more people tend to receive news in online


The authenticity of the news in online media has been suspect by

some people. Therefore…

But in the meantime…

To explore who deserves to be believed in online media is

significantly important.

BloggersThe websites which are

provided by non-profit

organizations or institutions

The websites

which have




… may deserve to be believed in online media.

Three suggestions

Reference listWikipedia 2010, Internet, Wikipedia, accessed 5 August 2010,


Pingdom 2010, Internet 2009 in number, Pingdom, accessed 5 August 2010,


Lasica, JD 2004, Transparency begets trust in the ever-expanding

blogosphere, USC, accessed 5 August 2010,


Vandelay Design 2009, 40 of the Best Websites of Non-Profit

Organizations , Vandelay Design, accessed 15 August 2010,


ABC 2007, Editorial politics, ABC, accessed 15 August 2010,
