Presentation Outline Intro to Metamaterials Project Outline Recent Progress Recent Problems The Next...

Post on 19-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Presentation Outline Intro to Metamaterials Project Outline Recent Progress Recent Problems The Next...


Presentation Outline

• Intro to Metamaterials

• Project Outline

• Recent Progress

• Recent Problems

• The Next Step


Have a periodic material that has photonic or phononic properties.

*Taken From 3.042 handout & Physics Worlds 2005 “Sound Ideas”

Project Outline

Gain access to labs Get trained on equipment Thick 1D structures 2D structures Phase masks Create thick 3D periodic structures Test for photonic and mechanical


Recent Progress

Created a 3D plaster model of a periodic structure

Recent Progress

Gained access to EML and CMSE labs

Deposition of thick films of photoresist on silicon wafers

2D pattern creation on photoresist using lithography techniques

Recent Problems

Gaining approval of accounts and access to machines

Cutting SEM samples from our bulk lithography wafers

The Next Steps

Capture SEM images for our samples at various magnifications

Create a 2D pattern to act as a model for the 3D phase mask
