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Meeting Minutes January 4, 2011

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Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Township Committee of the Township of

Hillsborough, in the County of Somerset, State of New Jersey, held in the Municipal Complex at 7:30

p.m. on the above date.

Upon call of the roll, the following Committee members were recorded present:

Committeewoman Gloria McCauley, Committeeman Carl Suraci, Committeeman Robert C. Wagner,

Jr., Also, in attendance were Township Attorney Albert E. Cruz, Township Administrator/Clerk

Kevin P. Davis and Assistant to the Administrator Dianne Borngesser. Committeeman Anthony

Ferrera was noted as absent.

Township Administrator / Clerk, Kevin Davis stated that he will ask you to rise for the

presentation of the colors and that you remain standing for the Pledge of Allegiance and the



Mr. Davis asked all please rise as Junior Girl Scout Troop 748 presents the colors.


Mr. Davis stated Hillsborough resident, Major Jon Lapidow, an Army Black Hawk helicopter

pilot, and a veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom, who presently serves as Commander of the New

Jersey National Guard Enlisted Recruiting Command, will lead the Salute to the Flag.


Mr. Davis stated Reverend Timothy Wolf of the New Horizon Christian Fellowship will offer

the invocation.

Mr. Davis then read the following notice: in accordance with Section 5 of the Open Public

Meetings Act, Chapter 231, Public Law 1975, that notice of this meeting was made by the posting on

the bulletin board at the Hillsborough Township Municipal Complex and notifying the officially

designated newspapers that this meeting would take place at the Hillsborough Township Municipal

Complex at 7:00 p.m. on January 4, 2011.

Mr. Davis read the certification of election results; Somerset County Clerk Brett Radi has

certified the results of the November 2, 2010 Election, electing Frank DelCore as a member of the

Hillsborough Township Committee for a three-year term beginning January 1, 2011 and ending

December 31, 2013.


Mr. Davis stated that acting on behalf of Assemblyman Peter Biondi was New Jersey Senator

Kip Bateman who would issue the Oath of Office to Committeeman Frank DelCore.

Mr. Davis congratulated Committeeman DelCore. Call of the roll was taken with elected

committee member, the vote was unanimous.

Mr. Davis stated prior to proceeding with the election of Mayor, he wished to acknowledge

the presence of a number of special guests in attendance.


Mr. Davis opened the floor for nominations for the 2011 Mayor of the Township of

Hillsborough. A motion was made by Committeeman DelCore and seconded by Committeeman

Wagner as the 2011 Mayor of the Township of Hillsborough.

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There being no other nominations, Mr. Davis closed the floor for nominations.

Committeewoman McCauley was unanimously elected the 2011 Mayor of the Township of


Honorable Senator Bateman issued the Oath of Office to Mayor McCauley.

Mayor McCauley thanked the members of the Township Committee for this great honor and

for their nomination.


Mayor McCauley opened the floor for nominations for the 2011 Deputy Mayor of the

Township of Hillsborough. A motion was made by Committeeman Wagner and was seconded by

Committeeman DelCore to elect Committeeman Carol Suraci as the 2011 Deputy Mayor of the

Township of Hillsborough.

Their being no other nominations, Mayor McCauley closed the floor for nominations.

Committeeman Suraci was unanimously elected the 2011 Deputy Mayor of the Township of


Honorable Senator Bateman issued the Oath of Office to Deputy Mayor Suraci.

Mayor McCauley said at this time she wished to continue the tradition of recognizing the

outgoing Mayor which was begun by Mayor Bob Wagner when he was selected to serve as Mayor in


Mayor McCauley then asked Committeeman DelCore to join her for the presentation of the

gavel set.

Mayor McCauley said to Committeeman DelCore to please accept this gavel set

commemorating your two years as Mayor of Hillsborough as a small token of our appreciation for

your dedicated service to our community.

Mayor McCauley then stated that from everyone she offered sincere thanks, as

Committeeman DelCore did a great job the past two years.


Mayor McCauley thanked everyone in attendance of the meeting and for their continued

support of the Township Committee. Mayor McCauley reiterated thanks because an individual

does not sit in the Mayor’s chair without the help and support of many individuals over a long

period of time.

Mayor McCauley thanked all those citizens who tune in at home and view the proceedings

on Channel 25. Mayor McCauley stated that there is a great sense of civic responsibility in

Hillsborough as evidenced by the number of residents who watch the proceedings on a regular


Mayor McCauley thanked Major Jon Lapidow, an Army Black Hawk helicopter pilot, and a

veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom, for his participating in the ceremony as well as for his service to

our nation.

Mayor McCauley also thanked Reverend Timothy Wolf of the New Horizon Christian

Fellowship and the Junior Girl Scout Troop 748 for their participation in the ceremony.

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Mayor McCauley stated that she is so honored to be selected by her colleagues to serve as the

Mayor of the Township of Hillsborough. Mayor McCauley went on to thank the committeemen

individually for their support and guidance as former mayors of Hillsborough.

Mayor McCauley stated that she takes this responsibility most seriously and offered a special

note of thanks to now former Mayor DelCore not only for his dedicated service to our community

but also for his willingness to include and involve the Deputy Mayor in governmental proceedings

during his term. Mayor McCauley stated his willingness to include her gave her the confidence to

move forward and serve as Mayor of the Township of Hillsborough.

Mayor McCauley offered her congratulations to newly elected Deputy Mayor Suraci.

Mayor McCauley thanked her family, friends, the Township employees, the Police

Department for attending the meeting and for their continued support. Mayor McCauley thanked

Senator Bateman for swearing her in on behalf of Assemblyman Peter Biondi.

Mayor McCauley thanked Assemblyman Peter Biondi for his continued dedication and

support of Hillsborough.

Mayor McCauley thanked all the citizens of the Township of Hillsborough for their volunteer

service on the many Boards and Commissions. Mayor McCauley stated their service is an integral

part of Hillsborough’s success and is greatly appreciated.

Mayor McCauley thanked the Republican Club of Hillsborough for their support and

dedication. Mayor McCauley stated they helped to keep an excellent and experienced team


Mayor McCauley thanked all of the State and County officials in attendance and welcomed

them once again to Hillsborough.

Mayor McCauley thanked outgoing Township Administrator / Clerk Kevin Davis for his

dedication and hard work, which will be greatly missed. Mayor McCauley stated Mr. Davis

streamlined departments and was a mentor to many Township employees.

Mayor McCauley thanked the voters of Hillsborough for electing her to the Township

Committee in 2008. Mayor McCauley stated her pledge will remain that she will always put people

in front of politics.

Mayor McCauley recognized that her selection as mayor is the result of great hard work on

behalf of many people. Mayor McCauley stated successful local government results from team work

and here in Hillsborough we are lucky to have that.

Mayor McCauley touched on the successes of 2010, the year began with the completion of the

Quiet Zones along the Norfolk Southern rail line, significantly improving the quality of life for

residents living along the rail line and 2010 ended with the mercury removal, again improving the

quality of life for everyone in Hillsborough.

Mayor McCauley highlighted some other events of 2010

• hundreds more acres of farmland and open space preserved from development,

• significant strides made in the clean-up of the GSA Depot,

• the Route 206 by-pass construction started,

• and the Township Committee implemented a very successful economic action plan.

Mayor McCauley stated 2011 will see the continuation of the Regulatory Oversight working

groups as they have been effective in rule changes that create great opportunities and economic


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Mayor McCauley said she recently visited residents of Hillsborough Chase who have

implemented new solar technology on their homes in an effort to reduce utility costs and to be more

environmentally friendly.

Mayor McCauley said it was great to see Hillsborough residents looking at alternative

energy sources and sustainable concepts for their homes and to know Hillsborough’s land use rules

were recently changed to permit the process.

Mayor McCauley cited a few years ago United Rental on Route 206 installed solar panels on

their commercial building and it has been a success.

Mayor McCauley stated it is her view that Hillsborough’s local government should lead the

way in reducing energy use, lessening energy costs and recognize what needs to be done to achieve

sustainability into the future.

Mayor McCauley stated a goal for both real action by the Township in the area of developing

energy savings and of getting businesses and the community more involved in the sustainability


Mayor McCauley stated with the cooperation of the Township Committee, Sustainable

Hillsborough Committee and the Economic Business Development Commission, it is the intention to

have the very first Sustainable Town Meeting to include businesses, here in Hillsborough.

Mayor McCauley stated sustainability is about protecting the environment and social

structure for the future and also about protecting our economic future. Mayor McCauley stated it is

vital for the business community to join in this effort.

Mayor McCauley stated that we are fortunate in Hillsborough to have numerous commercial

operations that are involved in environmental issues. Mayor McCauley stated sharing ideas

between businesses, the public and the government can only result in the more positive energy

efficient outcomes.

Mayor McCauley stated there are some simple actions can be accomplished immediately

such as greater recycling participation and anti-idling programs.

Mayor McCauley stated an energy audit was completed last year with the help of Somerset

County. Mayor McCauley reported it identified numerous potential improvements that can yield

cost savings for the tax payers and a reduction on the municipal carbon footprint.

Mayor McCauley cited improvements include the replacement of the municipal building’s

antiquated and inefficient HVAC system and replacement of the 20 year old roof.

Mayor McCauley stated in 2010 Township used a new law sought competitive proposals

from firms that are prepared to serve as an Energy Service Company (ESCO). Mayor McCauley

reported that Siemens Industries, Inc. was chosen to be Hillsborough ESCO.

Mayor McCauley reported the firm developed a draft proposal including, an energy cost

savings plans to help minimize the cost of infrastructure improvements for the Township.

Mayor McCauley stated this effort is a high priority for the Township Committee.

Mayor McCauley stated in 2009 Hillsborough was recognized as a certified Sustainable

Community, one of the first in the state and we are very proud of that distinction.

Mayor McCauley said the next step is to meet the criteria to gain Bronze status. Mayor

McCauley stated the elevated status will further demonstrate our commitment and continued

leadership in these issues. Mayor McCauley stated that this would then qualify the Township for

any new grant opportunities that are developed.

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Mayor McCauley stated some said solar panels, sustainability and reducing the carbon

footprint are issues of the future, but here in Hillsborough the future is now.

Mayor McCauley stated another issue she is passionate about is keeping the interest of the

tax payers first and foremost in the Township’s minds and actions and continuing to operate the

Township in a business-like manner.

Mayor McCauley stated during her two years on the Finance Committee, she saw the

challenges of municipal budgeting first hand.

Mayor McCauley continued to state the budget accountability by departments, cost

reduction while not reducing services and overall cost reduction by shared government services are

all areas of consideration.

Mayor McCauley stated this was very evident over Christmas weekend when Hillsborough’s

DPW did an amazing job clearing the roads during the snowstorm while other New Jersey towns

suffered from nightmare road conditions.

Mayor McCauley said the Township Committee will continue to look for opportunities to

reduce government costs through sharing of services.

Mayor McCauley stated the shared Municipal Court services plan with Montgomery

Township is expected to be fully implemented in 2011.

Mayor McCauley reported there are significant budget savings with the shared court plan,

making its achievement a taxpayer priority this year.

Mayor McCauley said all merger and consolidation proposals will be reviewed, to ensure

they really do deliver savings for the taxpayers and do not reduce vital services for our residents.

Mayor McCauley stated decisions will always be based on what is best for Hillsborough.


Deputy Mayor Suraci stated the Mayor McCauley has laid out an exciting and challenging

agenda for the upcoming year and he is full support.

Deputy Mayor Suraci also thanked Mayor McCauley the other members of the Committee

for their continued support and for selecting him to serve as Deputy Mayor this year.

Deputy Mayor Suraci said this is a great team and he looks forward to continuing to work

together as team, on behalf of the people of Hillsborough during 2011.

Deputy Mayor Suraci thanked his family for being so supportive over the years of service to

the community.

Deputy Mayor Suraci thanked Senator Bateman for officiating at the swearing in, in place of

Assemblyman Biondi.

Deputy Mayor Suraci also offered his sincere thanks to the many officials who attended the

proceedings. Deputy Mayor Suraci said their continued support is greatly appreciated.

Deputy Mayor Suraci also addressed Mr. Davis and thanked him for his service to the


Deputy Mayor Suraci addressed Mr. Merdinger, who will be joining the Township as the

Administrator and Clerk, he continued that Hillsborough is most fortunate to have someone with

Mr. Merdinger’s background and experience to succeed Mr. Davis.

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Deputy Mayor Suraci said there is no more difficult a challenge facing the Township in 2011

than meeting the needs of the residents, while minimizing the impact of taxes, and coming up with a

balanced budget that does both.

Deputy Mayor Suraci stated the Township Committee will continue to put taxpayers first by

implementing cost cutting measures, as seen in the 2010 budget, which was actually less than the

prior year’s.

Deputy Mayor Suraci said the Committee reduced nearly all of the appropriations that are

under the Committee’s control, continued to pay down debt and reduced the number of employees

through attrition. Deputy Mayor Suraci stated he expects the Committee to continue to implement

these kinds of measures going forward.

Deputy Mayor Suraci stated that with Ms. McCauley’s selection as Mayor tonight, the

Committee has the unique situation where every member of the Township Committee has now

served as Mayor; Bob Wagner in 2005, myself in 2006, Anthony Ferrera in 2007 and 2008, and Frank

DelCore in 2009 and 2010. Deputy Mayor Surai said that is a significant amount of experience

that will benefit the taxpayers and residents of Hillsborough.


Committeeman Wagner

Committeeman Wagner congratulated both Mayor McCauley and Deputy Mayor Suraci and

wished them both the very best for 2011 to get the job done.

Committeeman Wagner acknowledged Mr. Davis and thanked him for his dedication to the

position of Township Administrator / Clerk and wished him well on his future endeavor.

Committeeman DelCore

Committeeman DelCore said it was an honor to serve on the Township Committee and this

time he joins the Committee with a great understanding of the responsibilities and tasks that lie


Committeeman DelCore thanked the voters for their faith in him and for their confidence.

Committeeman DelCore stated his thanks for the ability to serve another three years on the

Township Committee.

Committeeman DelCore congratulated both Mayor McCauley and Deputy Mayor Suraci on

their appointments. Committeeman DelCore stated the experience and knowledge of the team will

serve the community well.

Committeeman DelCore thanked Senator Bateman for serving to swear in all the appointees.

Committeeman DelCore also thanked the all of the county and state attendees along with the great

number of Township employees in attendance.

Committeeman DelCore thanked his family for their continued support.

Committeeman DelCore recapped his first three years on the committee:

• Economic Action Plan by implementing a business friendly atmostphere

• Acqusition of the GSA property

• Quiet Zones

• Efficient fiscal policy

• Route 206 by-pass

• Mercury leaving Hillsborough

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Committeeman DelCore again thanked the entire Township for their efforts in assisting with

these projects.

Committeeman DelCore recognized Mr. Davis again for his stewardship of the Township of

Hillsborough and thanked him again for all of his dedication.

Committeeman DelCore welcomed Mr. Merdinger in his new role as Township

Administrator / Clerk.

Mayor McCauley called the Administrative Staff and the Township Committee to the front of

the room to present Mr. Davis with his parting gift.


Mayor McCauley offered the following resolutions:

1. Resolution approving rules of order for 2011.


BE IT RESOLVED that the Rules of Order as hereinafter set forth be adopted by the

Township Committee of the Township of Hillsborough to govern proceedings of the Township

Committee for the year 2011.

FIRST: The regular meetings of the Township Committee of the Township of Hillsborough

shall be at 7:30 P.M. on the second and fourth Tuesday of each and every month at the Municipal

Building, in said Township, except otherwise specified. Special meetings may be called at any time

by the Mayor, or by two (2) Committee persons, on due and timely notice. The most recent edition

of the Robert’s Rules of Order shall apply, except when modified, or overridden by vote of the

Township Committee.

SECOND: The Order of Business shall be:

1. Call of the Roll – Salute to the Flag – Announcement of Notice of Meetings

2. Reports from Committee Liaisons, and Receipt of Reports, Petitions or


3. Proclamations/Ceremonies/Appointments

4. Approval of Minutes

5. New Business

6. Public Comment on New Business and Matters Not on the Agenda

7. Public Hearings

8. Introduction of New Ordinances

9. Considerations

10. Consent Items

11. Approval of Claims

12. Adjournment

Mayor McCauley stated these rules of order continue to provide the public with the

opportunity to be heard on ordinances and considerations prior to a vote by the Township

Committee, along with the opportunity for the public to be heard on matters that are not on the

agenda, at an early stage of the Township meeting.

Mayor McCauley stated the extensive opportunity for public comment was instituted by the

Township Committee here in Hillsborough in 2003 and the current Township Committee remains

committed to public involvement in Township decision making.

Upon motion by Deputy Mayor Suraci, seconded by Committeeman Wagner, the aforesaid

resolution was unanimously adopted upon call of the roll.

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2. Resolution Reappointing Nancy Haberle to a four (4) year term as Tax Collector effective

January 1, 2011 through December 31, 2014.



WHEREAS, the Township Administrator/Clerk recommends the re-appointment of Nancy

Haberle to a four (4) year term to the position of Tax Collector, effective January 1, 2011 through

December 31, 2014; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of

Hillsborough, County of Somerset, State of New Jersey that Nancy Haberle is re-appointed to a four

(4) year term to the position of Tax Collector, effective January 1, 2011 through December 31, 2014.

Mayor McCauley stated Ms. Haberle serves in the triple role of Chief Finance Officer,

Treasurer, and Tax Collector, at one salary.

Mayor McCauley said her re-appointment has been recommended by the Township


Mayor McCauley stated as a member of the Finance Committee for the past two years, she

can attest to Ms. Haberle’s outstanding performance and dedication.

Mayor McCauley thanked her for her service.

Upon motion by Committeeman Wagner, seconded by Committeeman DelCore, the

aforesaid resolution was unanimously adopted upon call of the roll.

3. Re-appointment of Lori Zelasko to a three (3) year term as Municipal Court Administrator

effective January 1, 2011 through December 31, 2013.




WHEREAS, the Township Administrator/Clerk recommends the re-appointment of Lori

Zelasko to a three (3) year term as Municipal Court Administrator effective January 1, 2011 through

December 31, 2013; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of

Hillsborough, County of Somerset, State of New Jersey that Lori Zelasko is re-appointed to a three

(3) year term as Municipal Court Administrator effective January 1, 2011 through December 31,


Mayor McCauley stated Ms. Zelasko has done an outstanding job as Court Administrator for

the past three years.

Mayor McCauley is a certified Court Administrator and her re-appointment is recommended

by the Township Administrator and Judge John Richardson.

Upon motion by Committeeman Wagner, seconded by Deputy Mayor Suraci, the aforesaid

resolution was unanimously adopted upon call of the roll.

4. Appointments to the 2011 Community Development Committee

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WHEREAS, in compliance with the directive from the Community Development Office in

Somerset County it is necessary to make appointments to the Community Development Committee

for 2011; and

WHEREAS, it has been recommended to the Township Committee that Assistant Township

Engineer Thomas Belanger and Deputy Township Clerk Brianne Skobo be appointed as members to

the 2011 Community Development Committee, and that William H. R. White III of Maser Consulting

P.A. (or his designee) and Health Officer Glen Belnay be appointed as the Alternate Members.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of

Hillsborough, County of Somerset, State of New Jersey that Assistant Township Engineer Thomas

Belanger and Deputy Township Clerk Brianne Skobo be and hereby are appointed as members to

the 2011 Community Development Committee, and that William H. R. White III of Maser Consulting

P.A. (or his designee) and Health Officer Glen Belnay appointed as the Alternate Members.

Upon motion by Committeeman Wagner, seconded by Committeeman DelCore, the

aforesaid resolution was unanimously adopted upon call of the roll.

5. Appointments – Township Officers and Officials

• Certifying Agent

• Certifying Official

• PERS – Police &Fire

• To serve in absence of Certifying Official

• Treasurer

• Dog Tabulator

• Dog Warden Services

• Fund Commissioners to Central Jersey Joint Insurance Fund

• Municipal Improvement Search Official

• Municipal Improvement Tax Search Official

• Paymaster & Social Security Administrator

• Public Agency Compliance Officer

• Police Department Chaplains

• Police Department Matrons

• School Crossing Guards

• Special Officers



BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Hillsborough that the

following appointments shall be made for their respective terms:

Title/Name Term Expiration

Certifying Agent

Nancy Haberle 12/31/11

PERS-Police & Fireman

Nancy Haberle 12/31/11

Certifying Official

Michael Merdinger 12/31/11

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Title/Name Term Expiration

To serve on the absence of Certifying Official

Brianne Skobo 12/31/11


Nancy Haberle 12/31/11

Dog Tabulator

Michael Merdinger 12/31/11

Dog Warden Services

St. Hubert’s Giralda 12/31/11

Fund Commissioners Central Jersey Joint Insurance Fund

Brianne Skobo 12/31/11

Michael Merdinger

Nancy Haberle

Municipal Improvement Search Official

Michael Merdinger 12/31/11

Municipal Improvement Tax Search Official

Nancy Haberle 12/31/11

Paymaster and Social Security Administrator

Nancy Haberle 12/31/11

Police Department Chaplains

Rev. Joel Brissett, Shiloh Baptist Church 12/31/11

Father Sean Broderick, Mary Mother of God Church 12/31/11

Rabbi Arnie Gluck, Temple Beth-El 12/31/11

Pastor Steve Eckert, South Branch Reformed Church 12/31/11

Rev. Timothy J. Wolf, New Horizon Christian Fellowship 12/31/11

Police Department Matrons

Karen Messineo 12/31/11

Nicole Gelino 12/31/11

Lori Shotyk 12/31/11

Tiffany Crivelli 12/31/11

Christine Struzienski 12/31/11

Christina Merrill 12/31/11

Toni Gushue 12/31/11

Public Agency Compliance Officer

Brie Skobo 12/31/11

School Crossing Guards

Angela Pariso (Substitute) 12/31/11

Irene McHugh 12/31/11

William Boylan 12/31/11

Special Officers

Bruce Knolmayer 12/31/11

George Mariasz 12/31/11

Daniel Pannucci 12/31/11

Randolph Johnson 12/31/11

Christopher Thompson 12/31/11

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Upon motion by Committeeman Wagner, seconded by Deputy Mayor Suraci, the aforesaid

resolution was unanimously adopted upon call of the roll.

6. Appointments – Municipal Court Officials.


BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Hillsborough that the

following appointments shall be made for their respective terms, effective January 1, 2011, as listed:

Title/Name Salary Term Expiration

Municipal Court Judge

John Richardson $55,000 12/31/11

Primary Prosecutor

Frank Blandino $41,000 12/31/11

First appearance session, as needed $200.00

DWI Special Prosecutor

William Fox $25,000 12/31/11

Special DWI session, as needed $750.00

Public Defender

Richard DeLuca $12,000 12/31/11

2nd Public Defender

William T. Cooper, III As Needed Basis 12/31/11

Upon motion by Committeeman DelCore, seconded by Deputy Mayor Suraci, the aforesaid

resolution was unanimously adopted upon call of the roll.

7. Appointments of various Professional Service and other Service Providers and the execution

of Professional Services Contracts and other Contracts, in accordance with the Fair and Open

Selection Process(N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.4-5 Et. Seq.), for the year 2011:

• Township Attorney-Albert Cruz, Esq. of DiFrancesco, Bateman, Coley, Yospin, Kunzman,

Davis and Lehrer, P.C.

• Labor Attorney –Eric Bernstein, Esq. of Eric M. Bernstein & Associates, L.L.C.

• Consulting Engineer – William White, PE, Maser Consulting, P.A.

• Engineering Inspection Service – Maser Consulting and Carroll Engineering

• Affordable Housing Counsel – Andrew Bayer, Gluck Walrath, LLP

• Municipal Auditor- Suplee, Clooney & Company

• Technology Based Communication Consultant – Novita Issue Communications

• Bond Counsel – Gluck Walrath, LLP

• Risk Management Consultant – Conner Strong Companies, Inc.

• Financial Advisor – NW Financial Group, LLC

• Architect of Record – Cornerstone Architectural Group, LLC

Resolution authorizing the Appointment of various professional service AND OTHER

SERVICE providers and the execution of Professional Services Contracts AND OTHER

CONTRACTS, in accordance with the fair and open selection process (n.j.s.a. 19:44a-20.4-5 et.

seq.), for the year 2011.

WHEREAS, there exists a need for a Township Attorney for the year 2011; and

WHEREAS, based upon the recommendation of the Evaluation Committee consisting of the

Township Administrator, Deputy Mayor and Finance Chairman, and as a result of the Fair and

Open Selection Process, the Township Committee wishes to appoint Albert E. Cruz of the firm

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DiFrancesco, Bateman, Coley, Yospin, Kunzman, Davis and Lehrer, 15 Mountain Boulevard,

Warren, NJ as Township Attorney for the year 2011; and

WHEREAS, the contract for “Professional Services” to Albert E. Cruz will be a rate of $135

per hour for the year 2011; and

WHEREAS, there exists a need for a Labor Attorney for the year 2011; and

WHEREAS, based upon the recommendation of the Evaluation Committee, and as a result of

the Fair and Open Selection Process, the Township Committee wishes to appoint Eric M. Bernstein

of the firm Eric M. Bernstein and Associates, L.L.C., Two North Road, Warren, NJ as Labor Attorney

for the year 2011; and

WHEREAS, the contract for “Professional Services” to Eric M. Bernstein will be a rate of $135

per hour for the year 2011; and

WHEREAS, there exists a need for Consulting Township Engineer, for the year 2011, to

perform services pertaining, but not limited, to engineering design, road construction, Municipal

Land Use Law, planning and landscaping engineering, environmental studies assessments, GIS,

materials testing, surveying, traffic studies, drainage, railroad quiet zone regulations and sewer

infrastructure; and

WHEREAS, based upon the recommendation of the Evaluation Committee, and as a result of

the Fair and Open Selection Process, the Township Committee wishes to appoint William White,

P.E., Maser Consulting, P.A., One River Centre, Building 2, 331 Newman Springs Road, Red Bank,

NJ as Consulting Township Engineer for the year 2011; and

WHEREAS, the contract for “Professional Services” to William White, P.E., Maser

Consulting, P.A. will be at a the rates listed in the fee schedule attached to the proposal submitted

December 15, 2010 on an as needed basis for the year 2011; and

WHEREAS, there exists a need for Engineering Inspection Services for the year 2011; and

WHEREAS, based upon the recommendation of the Evaluation Committee and the Assistant

Engineer, and as a result of the Fair and Open Selection Process, the Township Committee wishes to

award the contract for “Professional Services” to the following two (2) firms at the following rates

pursuant to their proposals:

Firm Fees

1. Maser Consulting, P.A. $60.00 - $75.00 per hour

2. Carroll Engineering $77.00 - $82.00 per hour

WHEREAS, there exists a need for a Risk Management Consultant - JIF and Employee

Benefits Management for the year 2011; and

WHEREAS, based upon the recommendation of the Evaluation Committee and as a result of

the Fair and Open Selection Process, the Township Committee wishes to award the contract for

“Professional Services”, Risk Management Consultant – JIF and Employee Benefits Management, to

Conner Strong Companies, Inc, 231 Main Street, P.O. Box 2017, Toms River, NJ, pursuant to the

proposal submitted December 29, 2010, and as required in the bylaws of the Central Jersey Joint

Insurance Fund for the Fund year January 1, 2011 – December 31, 2011, and pursuant to P.L. 1993

Chapter 269 (N.J.S.A. 40A:10-36); and

WHEREAS, there exists a need for a Special Counsel on Affordable Housing Matters for the

year 2011; and

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WHEREAS, based upon the recommendation of the Evaluation Committee and as a result of

the Fair and Open Selection Process, the Township Committee wishes to appoint and authorize a

contract for “Professional Services” with Gluck Walrath LLP, 428 River View Plaza, Trenton, NJ, as

Special Counsel on Affordable Housing matters, at rates listed in the fee schedule attached to their

proposal submitted December 15, 2010; and

WHEREAS, there exists a need for a Municipal Auditor for the year 2011; and

WHEREAS, based upon the recommendation of the Evaluation Committee and as a result of

the Fair and Open Selection Process, the Township Committee wishes to award the contract for

“Professional Services” for a Municipal Auditor to Suplee, Clooney & Company, 308 E. Broad Street,

Westfield, NJ, in the amount of $78,550.00 for the year 2011, pursuant to the proposal submitted

December 15, 2010; and

WHEREAS, there exists a need for a Technology Based Communication Consultant for the

year 2011; and

WHEREAS, based upon the recommendation of the Evaluation Committee and as a result of

the Fair and Open Selection Process, the Township Committee wishes to award a contract to Novita

Issue Communications, P.O. Box 355, East Brunswick, NJ, at a rate of $150 per hour, on an as needed

basis, for the year 2011, pursuant to the proposal submitted December 15, 2010; and

WHEREAS, there exists a need for Bond Counsel for the year 2011; and

WHEREAS, based upon the recommendation of the Evaluation Committee and as a result of

the Fair and Open Selection Process, the Township Committee wishes to appoint and authorize a

contract for “Professional Services” for Bond Counsel with Gluck Walrath LLP, 428 River View

Plaza, Trenton, NJ, for the year 2011, at rates listed in the fee schedule attached to their proposal

submitted December 15, 2010; and

WHEREAS, there exists a need for a Financial Advisor for the year 2011; and

WHEREAS, based upon the recommendation of the Evaluation Committee and as a result of

the Fair and Open Selection Process, the Township Committee wishes to award the contract for

“Professional Services” for Financial Advisor, to NW Financial Group, L.L.C., 10 Exchange Place,

17th Floor, Jersey City, NJ, for the year 2011, based on the compensation schedule contained in their

proposal submitted December 15, 2010; and

WHEREAS, there exists a need for an Architect of Record for the year 2011; and

WHEREAS, based upon the recommendation of the Evaluation Committee and as a result of

the Fair and Open Selection Process, the Township Committee wishes to award a contract for

“Professional Services” for Architect of Record to Cornerstone Architectural Group, LLC, 202

Hamilton Boulevard, South Plainfield, New Jersey, at rates listed in the fee schedule attached to their

proposal dated December 15, 2010 for the year 2011; and

WHEREAS, a certification of availability of funds shall be made in connection with each

purchase order in accordance with N.J.A.C 5:34-5.3(b)(2); and

WHEREAS, the Local Public Contracts Law (N.J.S.A. 40A:11-1 et seq.) and the New Jersey

Local Unit Pay to Play Law (N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.4-5 et. seq.) requires that the resolution authorizing

the award of contracts for “Professional Services” without competitive bid, but through the Fair and

Open Request for Proposal process, must be publicly advertised.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of

Hillsborough, County of Somerset, State of New Jersey as follows:

Meeting Minutes January 4, 2011

Page 14

1. The Mayor and Township Clerk are hereby authorized to execute Professional Services

Contracts and other service contracts as noted, with the aforementioned individuals at

the rates indicated for the year 2011.

2. The Professional Service contracts are awarded, without competitive bidding, through

the Fair and Open Selection Process as “Professional Services” in accordance with

N.J.S.A. 40A:11-5(1)a of the Local Public Contracts Law and the New Jersey Local Unit

Pay to Play Law (N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.4-5 et. seq.) because these services will be performed

by persons authorized by law to practice a recognized profession, whose practice is

regulated by law, the performance of which service requires knowledge of an advance

type in a field of learning acquired by a prolonged formal course of specialized

instructions as distinguished from general academic instruction or apprenticeship and


3. The Mayor and Township Clerk are hereby authorized to execute the Township’s

standard form of agreement for “Professional Services” and any modifications thereto

and related constituent documents as may be found acceptable by the Township


4. The Mayor and Township Clerk are hereby authorized to execute the Township’s

standard services agreement with Novita Issue Communications and any

modifications thereto and related constituent documents as may be found acceptable

by the Township Committee.

5. A notice of the Professional Service appointments/contract awards shall be printed once

in the official Township newspaper.

Upon motion by Committeeman DelCore, seconded by Committeeman Wagner, the

aforesaid resolution was unanimously adopted upon call of the roll.

8. Mayoral Appointments

• Cable Advisory Committee (Seats 3, 4 & 5)

• Capital Planning Committee

• Environmental Commission (Seats 6, 7, Alt. #1 & Alt. #2)

• Historic Preservation Commission (Seats 3, 4 & Alt. 2)

• Planning Board (Seat 1, Class I, Seat 2, Class II, Seat 5, Class IV & Alt. 1, Class IV)

• Recreation and Parks Commission (Alt. #1 & Alt. #2)

• Sign Review Committee

• Sustainable Hillsborough Committee


Cable Advisory Committee

Seat 4 (3-year term) Roger Stewart 12/31/13

Seat 5 (3-year term) Curt Carnes 12/31/13

Capital Planning Committee

Seat 1 (1-year term) John Klepich 12/31/11

Seat 2 (1-year term) Robert Peason 12/31/11

Seat 3 (1-year term) Tod Mershon 12/31/11

Seat 4 (1-year term) Bob Heibell 12/31/11

Seat 5 (1-year term) Nick Visco 12/31/11

Seat 6 (1-year term) Doug Tomson 12/31/11

Seat 7 (1-year term) Steven Sireci 12/31/11

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Page 15

Seat 8 (1-year term) Mike Volpe 12/31/11

Seat 9 (1-year term) Tom Kinst 12/31/11

Seat 10 (1-year term) Mark Kirby 12/31/11

Seat 11

Seat 12

(1-year term)

(1-year term)

Leon Krals

Frank Herbert



Environmental Commission

Seat 6 (3-year term) Arthur Stafford-Taylor 12/31/13

Seat 7 (3-year term) Steve Bales 12/31/13

Alt. #1 (2-year term) Thomas Almendinger 12/31/12

Historic Preservation Commission

Seat 3 (4-year term) Fred Quick 12/31/14

Seat 4 (4-year term) Tim Johnson 12/31/14

Alt. #2

(2-year term)

Matt Mingle


Planning Board

Seat 1, Class I (Mayor or his


(1-year term)

Gloria McCauley


Seat 5, Class IV (4-year term) Greg Burchette 12/31/14

Alternate #1 (2-year term) Douglas Tomson 12/31/12

Recreation and Parks


Alt. #1 (1-year term) Bill Bochinski 12/31/11

Alt. #2 (1-year term) Pete Cipparulo 12/31/11

Sign Review Committee

Seat 1

Seat 2

Seat 3

Seat 5

Alt. #1

(1-year term)

(1-year term)

(1-year term)

(1-year term)

(1-year term)

Mike Merdinger

Kevin Sweeney

Harvey Kaye

Samuel Rozycki

Cindy Klepich






Sustainable Hillsborough

Steering Committee

Seat 1 (2-year term) Rev. Harrison Skeele 12/31/12

Seat 2 (2-year term) Phil Ludvigsen 12/31/12

Seat 3 (2-year term) Bill Dondiego 12/31/12

Seat 4 (2-year term) Steve Bales 12/31/12

Seat 5 (2-year term) Saul Wendroff 12/31/12

Seat 6 (2-year term) Thuy Ahn Le 12/31/12

Seat 7 (2-year term) Ann Harris 12/31/12

Alt. #1 (1-year term) Ed Clerico 12/31/11

Alt. #2 (1-year term) Greg Traina 12/31/11

Alt. #3 (1-year term) Sam Conard 12/31/11

Alt. #4 (1-year term) Chris Obrupta 12/31/11

9. Mayoral Appointments with Consent of the Township Committee

• Agricultural Advisory Committee (Seats 3, 4, & 5)

• Board of Health (Seats 5 & 6)

• Hillsborough-Millstone Municipal Alliance

• Senior Citizen Housing Council (Seat 6)

• Youth Services Commission

Meeting Minutes January 4, 2011

Page 16


Agricultural Advisory Committee

Seat 3 (3-year term) Arthur Stafford-Taylor 12/31/13

Seat 4 (3-year term) Ken Osterman 12/31/13

Seat 5 (3-year term) Lynn Bell 12/31/13

Board of Health

Seat 5 (4-year term) Deena Centofanti 12/31/14

Seat 6 (4-year term) Willard Potter 12/31/14

Hillsborough-Millstone Municipal Alliance

Hillsborough Mayor or designee (1-year term) Gloria McCauley 12/31/11

Millstone Mayor (1-year term) Raymond Heck 12/31/11

Chief of Police (1-year term) Paul Kaminsky 12/31/11

Hillsborough Admin. Staff Member (1-year term) Mike Merdinger 12/31/11

Life Skills Committee (1-year term) Mindy Maggio 12/31/11

Superintendent of School (1-year term) Lisa Antunes 12/31/11

Student Assistance Counselor (1-year term) Gil Pilarte 12/31/11

Student Assistance Counselor (1-year term) Anna Mahler 12/31/11

Treatment Professional (1-year term) Nancy Edwards 12/31/11

Media (1-year term) Hillsborough Beacon 12/31/11

Social Services (1-year term) Tomas Ormosi 12/31/11

Board of Education (1-year term) Greg Gillette 12/31/11

Senior Citizens Club “A” (1-year term) Barb Meier 12/31/11

Senior Citizens Club “B” (1-year term) Jim Weidenfeller 12/31/11

Parent (1-year term) Lisa Gulla 12/31/11

Business Community Rep. (1-year term) Gene Strupinsky 12/31/11

Hillsborough Education


(1-year term) Lou Possemato 12/31/11

Community Organization Rep. (1-year term) Mike Arons 12/31/11

Citizen at Large (1-year term) Diane Handwerk 12/31/11

Student Assistance Counselor (1-year term) Rebecca Balaguer 12/31/11

Senior Citizen Housing Council

Seat 5 (3-year term) Anne Iannone 12/31/13

Hillsborough Youth Services Commission

Seat 1 (1-year term) Diane DeGaris 12/31/11

Seat 2 (1-year term) Barbara Petrillo 12/31/11

Seat 3 (1-year term) Valerie Giacopelli 12/31/11

Seat 4 (1-year term) Lisa Visco 12/31/11

Seat 5 (1-year term) Scott Grollman 12/31/11

Seat 6 (1-year term) Joanne Doyle 12/31/11

Seat 7 (1-year term) Reverend Tim Wolf 12/31/11

Seat 8 (1-year term) Trevor Oldenburg 12/31/11

Seat 9 (1-year term) Sally Treonze 12/31/11

Seat 10 (1-year term) Leonore Johnston 12/31/11

Seat 11 (1-year term) Ian Ross 12/31/11

Seat 12 (1-year term) Alexandra DeGaris 12/31/11

Meeting Minutes January 4, 2011

Page 17

Upon motion by Deputy Mayor Suraci, seconded by Committeeman Wagner, the aforesaid

resolution was unanimously adopted upon call of the roll.

10. Township Committee Appointments

• Board of Adjustment (Seat 5 & Alt. 2, & 4)

• Credit Card Advisory Committee

• Cultural & Arts Commission (Seats 6, 7, 8,10. 11, 12, Alt. 1 & Alt. 2)

• Economic & Business Development Commission (Seat 3, Alt. 1, & Alt. 2)

• Board of Ethics (Seats 4, 5 & 6)

• GSA Depot Joint Administrative Committee

• GSA Depot Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee

• Local Assistance Board (Seats 2 & 3)

• Open Space Advisory Committee (Seats 4 & 5)

• Planning Board (Seat 3, Class III)

• Regulatory Oversight Working Group

• Sourland Municipal Alliance

• Tree Mitigation Advisory Committee (Seat 2)

• Wastewater Management Planning Committee

• Wildlife Management Commission (Seat 5)

• Willow Road Complex Review Committee


Board of Adjustment

Seat 5 (4-year term) Walter Dietz 12/31/14

Alt. #2 (2-year term)

John Stamler 12/31/12

Alt. #4 (2-year term) Mike Volpe 12/31/12

Credit Card Advisory Committee

Seat 1 (1-year term) Jen Haley 12/31/11

Seat 2 (1-year term) Jim McDonnell 12/31/11

Seat 4 (1-year term) Virginia Hutson 12/31/11

Seat 5 (1-year term) Antoinette Natale 12/31/11

Seat 6 (1-year term) Sean Glennon 12/31/11

Seat 7 (1-year term) Greg Traina 12/31/11

Seat 8 (1-year term) Don Simmons 12/31/11

Seat 9 (1-year term) Marie Avolio 12/31/11

Cultural and Arts Commission

Seat 6 (3-year term) Donetta Johnson 12/31/13

Seat 7 (3-year term) Kevin Murphy 12/31/13

Seat 8 (3-year term) Susan Niko 12/31/13

Seat 9 (Filling


term of Linda


Nancy Edwards 12/31/11

Seat 10 (Library Board rep.) (1-year term) Mary Diehl 12/31/11

Seat 11 (Board of Ed. rep.) (1-year term) Teresa Von den Steinen 12/31/11

Seat 12 (Rec. Comm. rep.)

Alt. #1

Alt #2

(1-year term)

(1-year term)

(1-year term)

Ron Skobo

Doreen Lorenzetti

Jim Roselli




Economic & Business Development Commission

Seat 3 (4-year term) Cynthia Klepich 12/31/14

Alt. #1 (1-year term)

John Klepich


Meeting Minutes January 4, 2011

Page 18

Board of Ethics

Seat 4 (5-year term) George Redington 12/31/15

Seat 5 (5-year term) Dan Galati 12/31/15

Seat 6 (5-year term) Steve Cohen 12/31/15

GSA Depot Parks & Rec. Advisory

Seat 1 (1-year term) Ken Hesthag 12/31/11

Seat 2 (1-year term) John G. Donnadio 12/31/11

Seat 3 (1-year term) William Foelsch 12/31/11

Seat 4 (1-year term) Gary Pallay 12/31/11

Seat 5 (1-year term) Rich Resavy 12/31/11

Seat 6 (1-year term) Anthony Schulz 12/31/11

Seat 7 (1-year term) Steven Sireci 12/31/11

GSA Depot Joint Administrative


(1-year term) Gloria McCauley 12/31/11

(1-year term) Frank DelCore 12/31/11

(1-year term) Mike Merdinger 12/31/11

Local Assistance Board

Seat 2 (2-year term) Marie Quick 12/31/12

Seat 3 (1-year term) Barbara Merdinger 12/31/11

Open Space Advisory Committee

Seat 4 (3-year term) Shane Doyle 12/31/13

Seat 5 (3-year term) Lisa MacCollum 12/31/13

Planning Board

Seat 3, Class III (1-year term) Frank DelCore 12/31/11

Regulatory Oversight Working


(1-year term) Ronald Skobo 12/31/11

(1-year term) Thomas Belanger 12/31/11

(1-year term) Robert Ringelheim 12/31/11

(1-year term) John Fiedler 12/31/11

(1-year term) Gene Strupinsky 12/31/11

Sourland Municipal Alliance

Seat 1 (1-year term) Dr. Clark 12/31/11

Alternate (1-year term) Susan Guliford 12/31/11

Tree Mitigation Advisory Comm.

Seat 2 (4-year term) Frank Brzyski 12/31/14

Wastewater Management

Planning Commission

(1-year term) Gary Nucera, MUA 12/31/11

(1-year term) John VanDorpe, Maser 12/31/11

Alternate (1-year term) Sue Brasefield, Maser 12/31/11

(1-year term) Sam Conard, Planning




(1-year term) Robert Ringelheim,

Hillsborough Planner


Meeting Minutes January 4, 2011

Page 19

(1-year term) Gloria McCauley,



Alternate (1-year term) Mike Merdinger 12/31/11

Wildlife Management Commission

Seat 5 (3-year term) Tony Margalis 12/31/13

Willow Road Complex Review


Seat 1

Seat 2

Seat 3

Seat 4

Seat 5

(1-year term)

(1-year term)

(1-year term)

(1-year term)

(1-year term)

Robert Hollingshead

Helen Haines

Greg Zotian

Paul Nemergut

John Lanahan






Upon motion by Committeeman DelCore, seconded by Committeeman Wagner, the

aforesaid resolution was unanimously adopted upon call of the roll.

11. Township Committee Assignments and Township Committee Liaison Assignments.


Finance/Fiscal Operations/Taxes

Deputy Mayor Suraci

Committeeman DelCore

Tax Assessor Tax Collector/Treasurer

Budget and Finance



Public Safety/Courts/Legal/Administration

Deputy Mayor Suraci

Committeeman DelCore

Police Municipal Court

Rescue Squad Board of Ethics

Emergency Management Administration/Clerk

Legal – Litigation & Non-Litigation

Planning/Zoning/Public Works/Engineering/Construction

Committeeman Wagner

Committeeman Ferrera

Planning Engineering

Zoning Building/Construction

Public Works/Building and Grounds

Health/Recreation/Parks/Public Welfare/Social Services

Committeeman Ferrera

Committeeman Wagner

Welfare/Social Services Dog Warden

Meeting Minutes January 4, 2011

Page 20

Parks and Recreation Tree Mitigation

Board of Health

Agricultural Advisory Commission Liaison Committeeman Ferrera

Board of Adjustment Liaison Committeeman Wagner

Board of Education Liaison Committeeman Ferrera

Cable Advisory Committee Liaison Deputy Mayor Suraci

Capital Planning Committee Liaison Committeeman Wagner

Credit Card Advisory Committee Liaison Deputy Mayor Suraci

Cultural and Arts Commission Liaison Committeeman Ferrera

Economic & Business Development Committeeman DelCore

Commission Liaison

Environmental Commission Liaison Committeeman Wagner

GSA Depot Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Committeeman Wagner

& Committeeman Ferrera

Hillsborough-Millstone Municipal Alliance Committeeman DelCore

Hillsborough Municipal Utilities Authority Committeeman Wagner


Historic Preservation Commission Liaison Committeeman DelCore

Library Council Liaison Deputy Mayor Suraci

Open Space Advisory Committee Liaison Committeeman Wagner

Personnel Committee Deputy Mayor Suraci

& Committeeman Wagner

Planning Board Committeeman DelCore

Recreation and Parks Commission Committeeman Ferrera

& Deputy Mayor Suraci

Senior Citizen Housing Council Liaison Committeeman DelCore

Sign Review Committee Committeeman DelCore

Sustainable Hillsborough Committee Liaison Committeeman DelCore

Tree Mitigation Committee Liaison Committeeman Wagner

Veterans Liaison Committeeman Wagner

Wildlife Management Commission Committeeman Wagner

Willow Road Complex Review Committee Committeeman DelCore

Youth Services Commission Liaison Deputy Mayor Suraci

Meeting Minutes January 4, 2011

Page 21

Upon motion by Committeeman Wagner, seconded by Committeeman DelCore, the

aforesaid resolution was unanimously adopted upon call of the roll.

12. Adoption of Temporary Budget.


WHEREAS, In accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A: 4-19 there is a need to adopt a 2011

Temporary Budget for contracts, commitments or payments prior to the adoption of the 2011

Budget, and;

WHEREAS, the amount of said temporary budget shall not exceed $6,642,706.61.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the

Township of Hillsborough that the attached 2011 Temporary Budget is adopted in the amount of

$6,553,498.00 and that a certified copy of this resolution be given to the Chief Finance Officer for her



Salaries and Wages: 55,162.00

Other Expenses: 1,875.00

Governing Body

Salaries and Wages: 5,000.00

Other Expenses: 4,000.00

Township Clerk's Office

Salaries and Wages: 54,080.00

Other Expenses: 13,000.00

Elections – Other Expense 500.00

Information Technology

Salaries and Wages: 29,203.00

Other Expenses: 7,500.00

Central Purchasing

Other Expenses: 4,000.00

Human Resources

Other Expenses: 32,000.00

Postage 10,020.00

Legal Services and Costs

Other Expenses: 50,000.00

Outside Legal Services and Costs

Other Expenses: 50,000.00

Economic Development Committee

Salaries and Wages: 14,000.00

Other Expenses: 2,500.00

Financial Administration

Salaries and Wages: 70,304.00

Other Expenses: 15,000.00

Tax Collection/Revenue Administration

Salaries and Wages: 23,795.00

Other Expenses: 5,000.00

Assessment of Taxes

Salaries and Wages: 81,120.00

Other Expenses: 5,000.00

Public Meeting Recording 1,125.00

Planning Board

Salaries and Wages 65,000.00

Other Expenses 15,000.00

Zoning Board of Adjustment

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Page 22

Other Expenses 9,000.00

Environmental Commission

Other Expenses 500.00

Code Enforcement

Salaries and Wages 309,338.00

Other Expenses 19,500.00

Employee Group Insurance 810,000.00

Other Insurance 300,000.00

Unemployment 18,000.00


Salaries and Wages: 1,900,000.00

Other Expenses: 70,000.00

Office of Emergency Management

Other Expenses: 2,500.00

First Aid Contribution

Other Expenses: Contribution 50,000.00

Municipal Prosecutor

Salaries and Wages: 18,000.00

Municipal Court

Salaries and Wages: 75,000.00

Other Expenses 7,500.00

Special Duty Officers – Court Security 4,500.00

Engineering Services and Costs

Salaries and Wages: 98,966.00

Other Expenses: 10,000.00

Road Repairs and Maintenance

Salaries and Wages: 524,576.00

Other Expenses 81,500.00

Public Buildings and Grounds

Salaries and Wages: 22,713.00

Other Expenses: 55,000.00

Snow Removal

Salaries and Wages: 50,000.00

Other Expenses: 200,000.00

Landfill Monitoring 5,000.00


Other Expenses 2,500.00


Other Expenses 3,000.00

Parks Maintenance

Salaries and Wages: 103,834.00

Other Expenses 25,000.00

Board of Health

Salaries and Wages: 105,000.00

Other Expenses 23,000.00

Blood Borne Pathogens

Other Expenses 500.00

Social Services

Salaries and Wages: 50,000.00

Other Expenses 1,500.00

Animal Control

Other Expenses 25,000.00

Wildlife Management

Other Expenses 2,500.00

Recreation Department

Salaries and Wages: 33,500.00

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Page 23

Other Expenses 2,000.00

Cultural Arts

Other Expenses 1,000.00

Sick & Vacation Reserve 70,000.00

Fire Protection Charges 260,000.00

Electricity 50,000.00

Street Lighting 75,000.00

Telephone 30,500.00

Heating Fuel 28,000.00

Water 4,000.00

Sewer 2,500.00

Gasoline 50,000.00

Diesel Fuel 35,000.00

Social Security System 275,000.00


CAP 6,514,111.00


Storm Water Engineering

Other Expenses 20,000.00

DPW Storm Water

Salaries and Wages: 18,387.00

Other Expenses 1,000.00


CAP 39,387.00



Interest on Bonds 200,000.00

Interest on Notes 3,000.00

SCIA Lease Payments 52,000.00

Green Acres Loan 9,330.00


Mayor McCauley stated state law provides that a municipality may adopt a temporary

budget in an amount not to exceed 25% of the previous year’s budget, at the beginning of the year.

Mayor McCauley stated this gives the Township Committee time to develop the new annual

budget and allows for the government to continue to operate.

Upon motion by Deputy Mayor Suraci, seconded by Committeeman Wagner, the aforesaid

resolution was unanimously adopted upon call of the roll.

13. Resolution authorizing Premiere Media, LLC to videotape the Township Committee

meetings in 2011.




Meeting Minutes January 4, 2011

Page 24

WHEREAS, Premiere Media, LLC has videotaped Township Committee meetings since 2002;


WHEREAS, Premiere Media, LLC has served as advisor and media technician to ensure that

videotapes of the Township Committee meetings are of a professional quality; and

WHEREAS, the Township Committee wishes to continue utilizing Premiere Media, LLC to

tape the Township Committee meetings at a cost of $250 per meeting, plus an additional $50

anytime a meeting extends beyond 11:00 p.m.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of

Hillsborough, County of Somerset, State of New Jersey that Premiere Media, LLC videotape the 2011

Township Committee meetings at a cost of $250 per meeting.

Upon motion by Committeeman Wagner, seconded by Committeeman DelCore, the

aforesaid resolution was unanimously adopted upon call of the roll.

14. Resolution authorizing the execution of a Professional Services contract to Jennifer C. Beahm,

PP, AICP, of CME Associates, as a Professional Planning Consultant for the Township of

Hillsborough’s Affordable Housing Plan, in accordance with the Fair and Open Selection

Process (N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.4-5 et. seq.), in an amount not to exceed $22,850, for the year 2011.






(N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.4-5 ET. SEQ.) IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $22,850


WHEREAS, there exists a need for an Affordable Housing Planning Consultant for the year

2011; and

WHEREAS, based upon the recommendation of the Evaluation Committee and as a result of

the Fair and Open Selection Process, the Township Committee wishes to appoint and authorize a

contract for “Professional Services” with Jennifer Beahm of CME Associates, 1460 Route 9, South,

Howell, New Jersey 07731, as a Professional Planning Consultant for an Affordable Housing plan,

in an amount not to exceed $22,850.00, pursuant to the proposal submitted December 15, 2010; and

WHEREAS, a certification of availability of funds shall be made in connection with each purchase

order in accordance with N.J.A.C 5:34-5.3(b)(2); and

WHEREAS, the Local Public Contracts Law (N.J.S.A. 40A:11-1 et seq.) and the New Jersey

Local Unit Pay to Play Law (N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.4-5 et. seq.) requires that the resolution authorizing

the award of contracts for “Professional Services” without competitive bid, but through the Fair and

Open Request for Proposal process, must be publicly advertised.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of

Hillsborough, County of Somerset, State of New Jersey as follows:

1. The Mayor and Township Clerk are hereby authorized to execute a Professional Services

Contract, with the aforementioned individual at the rates indicated for the year 2011.

2. The Professional Service contract is awarded, without competitive bidding, through the

Fair and Open Selection Process as “Professional Services” in accordance with N.J.S.A.

40A:11-5(1)a of the Local Public Contracts Law and the New Jersey Local Unit Pay to Play

Meeting Minutes January 4, 2011

Page 25

Law (N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.4-5 et. seq.) because these services will be performed by persons

authorized by law to practice a recognized profession, whose practice is regulated by

law, the performance of which service requires knowledge of an advance type in a field

of learning acquired by a prolonged formal course of specialized instructions as

distinguished from general academic instruction or apprenticeship and training.

3. The Mayor and Township Clerk are hereby authorized to execute the Township’s

standard form of agreement for “Professional Services” and any modifications thereto

and related constituent documents as may be found acceptable by the Township


4. A notice of the Professional Service appointments/contract awards shall be printed once

in the official Township newspaper.

Mayor McCauley stated Jennifer Beahm has performed in an outstanding manner as the

Township’s Affordable Housing consultant over the past few years.

Mayor McCauley said with her advice, Hillsborough has been able to reduce the affordable

housing mandate on the Township from 650 units to 191 units over the next eight years.

Mayor McCauley stated the Township Committee anticipates there will be changes made in

Trenton to the affordable housing formula in 2011 and Ms. Beahm’s expertise will be extremely

valuable to us again this year.

Upon motion by Committeeman DelCore, seconded by Committeeman Wagner, the

aforesaid resolution was unanimously approved upon call of the roll.


Mayor McCauley offered the following consent agenda:

1. Adoption of Cash Management Plan for the year 2011.



WHEREAS, the State of New Jersey Local Fiscal Affairs Law, N.J.S.A. 40A:5, et seq. requires

that municipalities adopt a Cash Management Plan which is designed to assure, to the extent

practical, investment of local funds in interest bearing accounts and other permitted investments;


WHEREAS, the Cash Management Plan must include:

1. The designation of a public depository or depositories

2. The authorization for investments as permitted by various applicable laws

3. The annual submission of the Cash Management Plan to the governing body, which must

be approved by a majority vote

4. An annual audit of the Cash Management Plan.

5. That when an investment is in bonds which mature in more than one year, a

determination that the maturity approximates the prospective time when such funds are


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of

Hillsborough that the attached Cash Management Plan is hereby adopted for the year 2011.

Meeting Minutes January 4, 2011

Page 26

2. Authorizing the 2011 Depositories and Disbursements.


WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 40A 55-14 mandates that the governing body of a Municipal

Corporation shall, by resolution passed by a majority vote of the full membership thereof, designate

as a depository of its monies a bank or trust company having its place of business in the state and

organized under the laws of the United States or this state;

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED on the 4th day of January 2011, by the Township

Committee of the Township of Hillsborough, County of Somerset, State of New Jersey, that;

Amboy National Bank Bank of America

Hudson United Bank Peapack-Gladstone Bank

Provident Bank PNC Bank

Skylands Bank Sovereign Bank

Sun National Bank TD Bank, N.A.

Valley National Bank Wachovia

All Federally secured Banks in the State of New Jersey be and are hereby designated as

depositories for the Township of Hillsborough for the year 2011.

Prior to the deposit of any municipal funds in the above mentioned depositories, said bank

shall file with the Chief Financial Officer a statement indication that the bank is covered under the

Government Units Deposit Protection Act 9 R.S. l7: 9-41).

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Hillsborough

that the various municipal accounts will be deposited in the Banks listed above and the persons

responsible shall be as follows:

Custodian Chief Finance Officer

Current General Capital

Expert Witnessing Escrow

Special Police Escrow Recreation

Sub Division Trust Open Space

Governmental Grant Miscellaneous Trust

Kimberwyck Curb Suit Off-Site Escrow

Payroll Agency Dog License

Law Enforcement Self Insurance

Health Benefits COBRA

Sanitary Landfill Escrow Payroll Account

Public Assistance Trust (PATF) Mountainview Assessment Trust

Riverview Assessment Trust Public Assistance

Other accounts Custodian

Tax Collector’s Redemption Account Tax Collector

Municipal Court Bail Account Court Administrator

Municipal Court General Account Court Administrator


Signatures Required

Mayor/Deputy Mayor

Municipal Clerk/Deputy Clerk and

Chief Finance Officer

Meeting Minutes January 4, 2011

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Current General Capital

Expert Witnessing COBRA

Escrow Special Police Escrow

Recreation Sub Division Trust

Governmental Grant Miscellaneous Trust

Kimberwyck Curb Suit Off-site Escrow

Dog License Open Space

Law Enforcement Self Insurance

Sanitary Landfill Escrow Public Assistance Trust (PATF)

Mountainview Assessment Trust Riverview Assessment Trust

Health Benefits Public Assistance

Signatures Required

Chief Finance Officer or Municipal Clerk


Payroll Account Payroll Agency Account

Signatures Required

Chief Finance Officer or Tax Collector


Tax Collector’s Redemption Account

Signatures Required

Court Administrator


Municipal Court Bail Account Municipal Court General Account

3. Resolution authorizing the collection of Interest on Delinquent Taxes and a Year End




WHEREAS, N.J. Revised Statutes 54:4-67 implies that affirmative action is required on the

part of the governing body in fixing the rate of interest on delinquent taxes.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of

Hillsborough, that the interest rate on delinquent taxes shall be 8% per annum of the first $1,500 and

18% per annum on any amount in excess of $1,500 for the year 2011, and no interest shall be charged

if payment of any installment is made within the 10th calendar day following the day upon which

same became payable.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED in accordance with N.J.S.A. 54:4-67 the governing body may

also fix a penalty to be charged to a taxpayer with a delinquency in excess of $10,000.00 who fails to

pay that delinquency prior to the end of the calendar year and that such penalty shall not exceed 6%

of the amount of the delinquency.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED in any case where the taxes are not paid during the respective

extended periods, the full interest rate from the due date shall apply.

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4. Resolution authorizing tax sale relief.


WHEREAS, the governing body of the Township of Hillsborough, County of Somerset, State

of New Jersey wants to grant taxpayers with personal hardships relief from the tax sale, and

WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 54:5-19 gives the governing body the authority to establish installment

plans provided that monthly payments are made and that the plan does not exceed 2 years in

duration, and

WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 54:5-19 also gives the governing body the authority to direct the Tax

Collector to establish installment plans with the owners who are affected,

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Committee of the Township of

Hillsborough, County of Somerset, that the Tax Collector be authorized to establish installment

plans for any taxpayer that can demonstrate that they meet the criteria for a period not to exceed two


5. Resolution approving reorganization matters:

a. Authorizing the Reorganization Meeting of 2012

b. Adopting the 2011 Township Committee Meeting Schedule

c. Authorizing the fees for meeting notices

d. Designating 2011 Official Newspapers


BE IT RESOLVED that the Reorganization Meeting of the Township of Hillsborough for the

year 2012 shall be held at the Hillsborough Township Municipal Building, 379 South Branch Road,

Hillsborough, New Jersey, 08844 on Tuesday, January 3, 2012 at 7:00 P.M.


BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Hillsborough that the

following is established as a schedule of regular public meetings of the Township Committee to be

held during 2011.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that regular meetings shall commence at 7:30 P.M. and the

location shall be at the Municipal Building, 379 South Branch Road, Hillsborough, NJ 08844 except

as otherwise noted.

In accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act, a copy of this resolution shall


� Be posted on the Bulletin Board at the Municipal Building and shall remain posted for the

year 2011.

� Be mailed to the following newspapers: The Hillsborough Beacon, the Courier News, the

Somerset Messenger Gazette, and the Newark Star Ledger.

� Filed with the Township Clerk.

� Mailed to those persons who have requested and paid the charges for copies of the

schedule and revisions thereto and shall be promptly mailed to those persons who

hereinafter make such request and prepay such charge.


7:30 P.M. – Regular Meetings

at the Hillsborough Municipal Complex


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25TH 12TH & 26TH


8TH & 22ND 9TH & 23RD


8TH & 22ND 13TH & 27TH


12TH & 26TH 11TH & 25TH


10TH & 24TH 9TH & 22ND


14TH & 28TH 13TH & 27TH


WHEREAS, Section 14 of the Open Public Meetings Act, Chapter 231, P.L. 1975 permits the

public body to fix a reasonable sum to be charged to persons who request that notice of meetings as

required under the Act be mailed to them individually; and

WHEREAS, said sum is to cover the costs of providing such notices; and

WHEREAS, said Section further permits the public body to provide such notices free of

charge to news media who so request;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Committee of the Township of

Hillsborough, County of Somerset, State of New Jersey, as follows:

1. Each person requesting an individual notice be mailed to him shall pay annually

to the Township of Hillsborough the sum of $10.00 to cover the costs thereof, as

required under the Act.

2. Requests for such individual notice made by news media shall be granted without


3. The sum herein designated is subject to change upon the adoption of superseding

resolution by this public body.

This resolution shall take effect immediately.


WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 10:4-8(d) of the Open Public Meetings Act requires that said notice of

meetings be submitted to four (4) newspapers, two (2) of which shall be the official newspapers; and

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WHEREAS, the Township Committee of the Township of Hillsborough has determined that

the Somerset Reporter, the Newark Star Ledger, the Courier News, the Spectator, and the

Hillsborough Beacon have the greatest likelihood of informing the public within the jurisdictional

boundaries of Hillsborough Township of such meetings.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that notices will be sent to all four (4) newspapers.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Hillsborough

that the Hillsborough Beacon and the Courier News are hereby designated as the official

newspapers of this body during 2011 as required by N.J.S.A. 10:4-18 and N.J.S.A. 10:4-8(d)(2) of the

Open Public Meetings Act.

Upon motion by Deputy Mayor Suraci, seconded by Committeeman Wagner, the consent

agenda was unanimously approved upon call of the roll.


Upon motion by Deputy Mayor Suraci, seconded by Committeeman Wagner, the meeting

duly adjourned at 8:10 p.m. Said motion was carried unanimously upon voice vote.


Kevin P. Davis, RMC, QPA

Township Administrator/Clerk