Presentation italy

Post on 26-May-2015

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Transcript of Presentation italy

Let Me Know You: United in Diversity

Comenius Partnership Project 7th Visit – Celikan/ Adyaman TURKEY

29th April -2nd May

Advantages and gains of our our partnership project

Itis Giovanni XXIII –RomaAdvantage #1 : FEEDBACK

The Project is a further and new tool to evaluating the school’s policy on education . It was helpful in the awareness of our Strengths and the Weaknesses, in collecting data in order to submit suggestions and find solutions.


at Itis Giovanni XXII we feel that we have to promote and implement Foreign Language studies for teachers and students in order to fulfil our needs in terms of quality development and internationalisation. We feel the need to involve more students and teacher staff in eTwinning partnership.


In addition, our first Comenius Experience has allowed teachers to encourage students to work with the method of research, to collect data and solve problems. The teachers involved in the partnership have privileged the students’ ability to organize knowledge according to a goal and the habit to work in a team through direct experience of carrying out tasks, learning by doing.


Most of the activities and topics aroused positive interest in the students with an average degree of satisfaction. The Rome visit was central to acknowledge the English language to be essential in a communicative context thought beyond national borders to a wider audience of students.


Accuracy wasn’t a barrier for students who definitely privileged getting to know different cultures, people and places in order to get to know different lifestyles thanks to family hosting.

The project was an experience of intense and complete cultural exchange of which the students have felt all the value in terms of comparison and openness.


The project has promoted the understanding and respect of different cultures and a better and tolerant attitude to overcome prejudices and stereotypes.The organisational aspects that have required an evident effort on the students too have made them aware that they can’t be spoon-fed lifelong. Probably for the students the meetings have been too short compared to the work before and after the visits.









Thank YOU !!!