Presentation finish

Post on 16-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Presentation finish

Today we will be talking about the Solar System. By Elliott Bolton.


The sun ?

Some people might think that the sun is the biggest star in the solar system but ITS NOT.

The sun is a big ball of gas. Also it is in the middle of the solar system our solar system).


Mercury is the first planet closer to the sun. It also is only just a bit bigger than the moon which is quite small. It only has little atmosphere so that mean’s that when the comets or asteroids enter the atmosphere it is quite easy to get through and so it creates a craters just like the moon.


Venus is a volcanic waste land. Venus is basically a planet covered in a toxic gas which would kill a human. The scorching planet could melt lead which is very hot. Glimpses below the clouds reveal volcanoes and deformed mountains.

Planet earth!!

Earth is our home land we live and drink from the lovely water sources we have unlike some other planets. Orbiting spacecraft study our home world from above as a whole system and aid in our understanding how the planet is changing. We only have life on earth because the ocean brings Orbiting spacecraft study our home world from above as a whole system and aid in our understanding how the planet is changing us life on earth.


Mars is a cold planet. It has the same length of dry land as our home land earth. Mars is home to a volcano in our solar system named Olympia but it also has many more but this is the biggest one on mars. But the atmosphere is so thin that liquid water could exist for many year. There is signs of ancient floods on mars but no evidence of water just ice.


Jupiter is the fifth planet away from the sun and is also the biggest planet within the solar system! Jupiter's famous red spot is in fact a storm the size of earth that has raged for hundreds of years.


Saturn is the second largest planet in the Solar System after Jupiter. It is so big that Earth could fit into it 755 times. Despite its similarities to Jupiter, there is no great spot on Saturn, although the planet does have stormy weather.


Uranus has 27 moons (so far discovered) orbiting the planet. Ten of these were discovered in 1986 by the Voyage. Uranus pale blue colour is caused by the methane in its atmosphere which filters out red light.


The strongest winds in the Solar System have been recorded on Neptune, at speeds of up to 2,000 kilometres per hour. Neptune has four faint rings that are nearly invisible .The coldest temperatures measured in the Solar System (-230°c) have been recorded on Neptune's moon, Triton.

The end.

Thank you for listening to my slide!I really appreciate it thank you

By Elliott Bolton