Presentation awesome

Post on 17-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Presentation awesome

Market Research

Carli Starkel, Claudia Hernandez, Ed Feiler, Paige Hannan, Wendy Barnes

Background The Memorial Union, ASU’s student “Hub” is

place where students can gather to socialize, eat, and study.

The MU provides students with many services such as several places to eat, ATM’s and banking centers, study nooks and lounges, and even a bowling alley and arcade center!

• RESEARCH PURPOSE: Find out what the best use of the empty spot in the MU will be for ASU students

•RESEARCH OBJECTIVES: Determine how to make the best use of the vacant spot

•RESEARCH QUESTION: Do students spend most of their time eating or studying in the Memorial Union?

Data Collection Data Collection Our Research Design We conducted a survey to

evaluate how students spend their time in the MU

We asked questions such as: What’s your GPA How much time do you

spend in the MU a week? How much time do you

spend in the Library?

Demographics, survey method, convenience sample


in the MU have a significant Correlation

The Significance F-Value proves this

REGRESSION STATISTICS Multiple R 0.310904409

R Square 0.096661551

Adjusted R Square 0.077842

Standard Error 0.381557107

Observations 50

ANOVAdf SS MS F Significan

ce FRegression 1 0.747762356 0.747762356 5.136230479 0.027977514

Residual 48 6.988119644 0.145585826 Total 49 7.735882


• We Reject the Null Hypothesis • To the right is the average time spent of the respondents’ favorite MU activities

Sum of squares

df Mean Square

F Sig.

Between groups 45.234 2 22.617 3.176 .051

Within Groups 334.695 47 7.121

Total 379.929 49

Dining 1.72

Retail 2.00

Study/ Social 3.42

• Trendy study cafe• Café will serve sandwiches, study snacks, coffee• Small bookstore to sell magazines, best sellers,

newspapers• Lounge style seating, stage• Electrical outlets

• Later hours so people can eat and study• M&G and Sun Dollars