Presentation-1 Human Behaviour Intelligence

Post on 18-Nov-2014

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human intelligence

Transcript of Presentation-1 Human Behaviour Intelligence

WHY WE CHOOSE THIS TOPIC:I selected this topic of intelligence because it is an integral part of human beings. Intelligence differentiates people on the basis of a creativity of human mind .Human are considered superior creatures amongst all because they possess better intelligence abilities than others. When we go back to history, we see that most successful people who brought revolutionary development in the service of humanity used their mental capabilities. Intelligence is art which should be used in every field because it brings very productive results. For example, students who work hard may not bring good results if they will not plan their studies intelligently. Also in business we observe that those businessmen are highly successful who know the pros & cons of business techniques. Thus, we see that intelligence plays very important role in every walk of life.

Intelligence requires human mind to be used in an intensive way .Intelligence creates analytical abilities, logical capabilities and enhances thinking capabilities. Due to these attributes, we selected the topic of intelligence.


DEFINITION OF INTELLIGENCE : Intelligence (also called intellect) is an umbrella term used to describe a property of the mind that encompasses many related abilities, such as the capacities to reason, to plan, to solve problems, to think abstractly, to comprehend ideas, to use language, and to learn. There are several ways to define intelligence. In some cases, intelligence may include traits such as creativity, to include these traits in the definition of intelligence.

The dictionary meaning defines intelligence as "The Capacity to Acquire and Apply Knowledge By Means Of Thought And Reason . "

NOTE: This meaning leaves out many other capabilities which we might also consider intelligent.

To have intelligence means having the ability to think. All forms of thinking (excluding, perhaps extremely insane forms of thinking) results in some kind of intelligent action, even if it may seem very low intelligence to us.

EXAMPLE: For example an artist who creates an abstract painting does not necessarily need to acquire knowledge nor even apply it through reason, yet we label many artists as intelligent or genius.


The neurological understanding of the mechanisms of intelligence remains unclear but I suspect that we will discover that the term "intelligence" and "thinking" will prove entirely synonymous.

EXPLAINATION: A key to understanding intelligence requires the understanding of its basic mechanism for obtaining it: thinking. Again, most

people confuse thinking with consciousness and awareness, probably due to the fact that most people believe that only humans have the capacity to think.


Do only humans think? I submit that anything with a brain, thinks. Natural selection evolved brains because brains allow an organism to gather knowledge about the outside world and to utilize it to help them survive. In spite of past philosophers attempts to put humans on the pedestal of life and to declare that only humans think, research into brain biology over the past 30 years has shown that even a lowly worm has the capacity to think and reason at some basic level. And because nervous systems developed into simple brains and simple brains evolved into complex brains, so did the capacity to think and acquire knowledge. And since intelligence comes from mechanisms that think, so also does intelligence evolve along with the brains that hold intelligence.


The evolution of human intelligence refers to a set of theories that attempt to explain how human intelligence has evolved. The question is closely tied to the evolution of the human brain, and to the emergence of human language.

The timeline of human evolution spans some 7 million years from the separation of the Pan genus until the emergence of behavioral modernity by 30,000 years ago. Of this timeline, the first 3 million concern Sahelanthropus, the following 2 million concern Australopithecus, while the final 2 million span the history of actual human species (the Paleolithic).

Many traits of human intelligence, such as empathy, theory of mind, mourning, ritual, use of symbols and tools are already apparent in great apes, specifically Chimpanzees, although in lesser sophistication than in humans.


“Knowledge is an acquired quality and it is acquired with the help of the

atmosphere. It increases with the acquirement.”

A man may be learned and he may have a good deal of knowledge, but it is not necessary that he should be intelligent also similarly, Intelligent may not acquire knowledge. Generally intelligence is determined and fixed. It cannot he increased by practice. On the other hand, it is possible to develop and increase the knowledge. Knowledge of many things is called “Learning”. In other words, knowledge is nothing but knowing about many things. It is the intelligence help the application of all this knowledge in the practical life of man.



GENERAL FACTOR: Spearman proposed that intelligence consisted of two factors. The general underlying factor is referred to as the G factor and represents our capacity to develop more specific skills.

FOR EXAMPLE:- A person with an IQ of 80 may be able to tune an engine while a person with an IQ of 130may not. Therefore, people have multiple intelligence.


Creativity also has a special relationship with intelligence. Guilford another theorist of intelligence, believes creativity is an important part of our ability to reason. He defines two types of reasoning: CONVERGENT THINKING:- Which applies when an individual reaches a conclusion by working within a given framework, where he/she starts from a wide range of facts and narrow them down converges.

DIVERGENT THINKING:- Where an individual starts form one or several ideas and works out wards, often involving the generation of many new ideas this is also sometimes referred to as lateral thinking.

THE ROLE OF INTELLIGENCE:- Intelligence has played a major role in psychology but a very minor, almost nonexistent role in organizational behavior.

INTELLIGENCE IS GENETICALLY DETERMINED:- Our primary intelligence development takes place during the early years of our lives. Most people's intelligence is developed by the time they enter the work force. Over the years some psychologists have argued that intelligence is genetically determined and exists at birth. Research shows that intelligence unfolds through a series of stages.Eech stage places an upper limit on restrict the speed of learning.

INTELLLIGENCE IS DETERMINED BY THE EXTERNAL ENVOIRNMENT:- On the other hand, other psychologists have argued that intelligence is determined by the external environment in which the individual grows up. People brought up in a 'rich' environment a home where learning is encouraged and a highly differentiated social and ideal setting for development of intelligence.Today it is generally agreed that intelligence is a product of both genetics and the environment.

KINDS OF INTELLIGENCE:- FLUID AND CRYSTALLIZED INTELLIGENCE:- Some psychologists suggest that there are two different kinds of intelligence:

1 Fluid intelligence.2 Crystallized intelligence.

FLUID INTELLIGENCE: Fluid intelligence reflects information-processing capabilities, reasoning, and memory.

EXAMPLE: If we asked to solve an analogy group a series of letter according to some criterion or remember a set of number we would be using fluid intelligence.


Crystallized intelligence is the accumulation of information, skills, and strategies that people have learned through experience and that they can apply in problem-solving situations.

EXAMPLE: We would be likely to rely on crystallized intelligence, for instance, if we were asked to participate in a discussion about a solution to the causes of poverty, a task that allows us to draw on our own past experiences and knowledge of the world.In contrast to fluid intelligence, which reflects a more general kind of intelligence, crystallized intelligence is more a reflection of the culture in which a person is raised.

GARDNER’S MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCE ( The many way of showing intelligence ):- Gardner argues that we have minimum eight different forms of intelligence, each relatively independent of the others:

1- MUSICAL INTELLIGENCE ( Musical Smart) :-

Musical intelligence is the capacity to discern pitch, rhythm, timbre, and tone. This intelligence enables us to recognize, create, reproduce, and reflect on music, as demonstrated by composers, conductors, musicians, vocalist, and sensitive listener. Interestingly, there is often an affective connection between music and the emotions; and mathematical and musical intelligences may share common thinking processes. Young adults with this kid of intelligence are usually singing or drumming to themselves. They are usually quite aware of sounds others may miss.


It skills in using the whole body or various portions of it in the solution of problems or in the construction of products or displays, exemplified by dancers, athletes, actors, and surgeons.


Logical-mathematical intelligence is the ability to calculate, quantify, consider propositions and hypotheses, and carry out complete mathematical operations. It enables s to perceive relationships and connections and deductive thinking patterns. Logical intelligence is usually well developed in mathematicians, scientists, and detectives. Young adults with lots of logical intelligence are interested in patterns, categories, and relationships. They are drawn to arithmetic problems, strategy games and experiments.

4- LINGUISTIC INTELLIGENCE:- Skills involved in the production and use of language.


Skills involving spatial configurations, such as those used by artist and architects.


Designates the human ability to discriminate among living things (plants, animals) as well as sensitivity to other features of the natural world (clouds, rock configurations). This ability was clearly of value in our evolutionary past as hunters, gatherers, and farmers; it continues to be central in such roles as botanist or chef. It is also speculated that much of our consumer society exploits the naturalist intelligences, which can be mobilized in the discrimination among cars, sneakers, kinds of makeup and the like.


Interpersonal intelligence is the ability to understand and interact effectively with others. It involves effective verbal and non-verbal communication, the ability to note distinctions among others, sensitivity to the moods and temperaments of others, and the ability to entertain multiple perspectives. Teachers, social workers, actors, and politicians all exhibit interpersonal intelligence. Young adults with this kind of intelligence are leaders among their peers, are good at communicating and seem to understand others’ feelings and motives.


Knowledge of the internal aspects of oneself; access to one’s own feelings and emotions.


One of the newer contributions to understand intelligence comes from the work of cognitive psychologists who take an information-processing approach. They assert that the way people store material in memory and use that material to solve intellectual task provides the most accurate measure of intelligence.

BIOLOGICAL INTELLIGENCE:-Evidence suggests that genetic variation has a significant impact on IQ, accounting for three fourths in adults. Despite the high heritability of IQ, few genes have been found to have a substantial effect on IQ, suggesting that IQ is the product of interaction between multiple genes.

Other biological factors correlating with IQ include ratio of brain weight to body weight and the volume and location of gray matter tissue in the brain.

Because intelligence appears to be at least partly dependent on brain structure and the genes shaping brain development, it has been proposed that genetic engineering could be used to enhance the intelligence of animals, a process sometimes called biological uplift in science fiction. Experiments on mice have demonstrated superior ability in learning and memory in various behavioral tasks.


“Emotional intelligence is once ability to detect and to manage emotional cues and information” People who know their own emotions are good at reading others. Emotions may be more effective in their jobs. That in essence is theme underlying recent (EI) research.

Emotional intelligence composed of five dimensions: SELF AWARENESS: Being aware of what you are feeling. SELF MANAGEMENT: The ability to manage your own emotions

and Impulses.

SELF MOTIVATION : The ability to persist in the face of setbacks and failures.

EMPATHY : The ability to sense how others are feeling.

SOCIAL SKILLS : The ability to handle the emotions of others.


Artificial intelligence (AI) is the intelligence of machines and the branch of computer science which aims to create it.Major AI textbooks define the field as “The study and design of agents, “where an intelligent agent is a system that perceives its environment and takes actions which maximize its chances of success”. John McCarthy, who coined the term in 1956, defines it as "The science and engineering of making intelligent machines."


Sensitivity and capacity to tackle deep questions about human existence, such as the meaning of life, Why do we die? And how did we get here?

SOCIAL INTELLIGENCE:-Social intelligence according to the original definition of Edward Thorndike, is "The ability to understand and manage men and women, boys and girls, to act wisely in human relations" .It is equivalent to interpersonal intelligence


All intelligence processes contains many merits and demerits and have been used and abused in so many ways.Let us take a look at these aspects of INTELLIGENCE,



Result of intelligence can be properly used for selection of suitable candidates for educational and professional activities.


*Admission into a special educational program.*Identification and offer of scholarship to gifted students.


Intelligence helps in classifying individuals according to their mental make-up. In the school his is possible for the teacher to classify the students in his class as backward average, bright and gifted. Enrichment program for the gifted and remedial education for the backward and dull can thus be possible with the help of classification done through intelligence.


The result of intelligence along with the achievement can be successfully used for promotion of student to the next higher grades of classes.


Intelligence has sufficient scope for being misused leads to unhealthy effects on the welfare of individuals and society. These effects can be briefly summarized as follows;


The subjects whose intelligence is tested through intelligence test may be adversely affected by the knowledge of their I.Q findings may color not only their interests and attitudes towards learning and work but also personality in dealing with their environment.


The I.Q tables tagged to the children are very carefully remembered and misutilized by their teachers and parents. They try to see them in the light of their I.Q.


Not only students and teachers but society in general has tried to misinterpret and misutilized the results of intelligence testing for maintain the theory resulting in segregation, sectarianism and racial discrination in many societies include the most developed societies of the west.


An Intelligence Quotient or IQ is a score derived from one of several different standardized tests attempting to measure intelligence. The term "IQ," a calque of the German Intelligenz-Quotient, was coined by the German psychologist William Stern in 1912 as a proposed method of scoring early modern children's intelligence tests such as those developed by Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon in the early 20th Century.


Binet develop the concept of the I.Q (Intelligence Quotient).The I.Q is mental age divided by chronological age and express as a percentage. L.Q = M.A/C.A * 100

What is a good IQ score? What is a high IQ score? What is a low IQ score? These are common questions, particularly after someone finds out their score from an IQ test.Lewis Terman (1916) developed the original notion of IQ and proposed this scale for classifying IQ scores:

Over 140 - Genius or near genius 120 - 140 - Very superior intelligence 110 - 119 - Superior intelligence 90 - 109 - Normal or average intelligence 80 - 89 - Dullness 70 - 79 - Borderline deficiency Under 70 - Definite feeble-mindedness

Normal Distribution & IQ Scores:

The properties of the normal distribution apply to IQ scores:

50% of IQ scores fall between 90 and 110 70% of IQ scores fall between 85 and 115 95% of IQ scores fall between 70 and 130 99.5% of IQ scores fall between 60and140

Low IQ & Mental Retardation:-

5% of people have an IQ under 70 and this is generally considered as the benchmark for "mental retardation", a condition of limited mental ability in that it produces difficulty in adapting to the demands of life.

Severity of mental retardation can be broken into 4 levels:

50-70 - Mild mental retardation (85%) 35-50 - Moderate mental retardation (10%)

20-35 - Severe mental retardation (4%) IQ < 20 - Profound mental retardation (1%)

High IQ & Genius IQ:-

Genius IQ is generally considered to begin around 140 to 145, representing ~.25% of the population (1 in 400). Here's a rough guide:

115-124 - Above average (e.g., university students) 125-134 - Gifted (e.g., post-graduate students) 135-144 - Highly gifted (e.g., intellectuals) 145-154 - Genius (e.g., professors) 155-164 - Genius (e.g., Nobel Prize winners) 165-179 - High genius


INTELLIGENCE TEST may be classified as follows:


In which only one individual is tested at a time.


In which a group of individuals is tested at the same time.

CLASSIFICATION OF INTELLIGENCE TEST ( On the basis of their form ):-

INTELLIGENCE TEST may also be classified on the basis of their form as:



“Test involving the use of language in which the instructions are given in words written, oral or both are administered to one individual at a time”

The test content is loaded with verbal material which may include varieties of items listed below:


In these the subject is required to give the meanings of words or phrases.


What is the meaning of word “EVENTUALLY”? What does the phrase “BARKING DOGS SELDOME BITES” covey?


These are designed to test the subject’s immediate and long-term memory, and include recall and recognition type of items.


He may be called upon to tell the full names of teachers who teach him different subject, his phone number , the date of birth of his siblings and so on.


By means of these, the subject is tested for the ability to grasp, understand and react to a given situation.


The questions may be like: Why do big ships float in the sea while a small needle would sink in it?


The subject is tested on his knowledge about the things around him by means of these tests.


Where is Taj Mahal situated?


In these tests the subject is asked to provide answers which demonstrate his ability to reason, logically, analytically, synthetically.


Complete the series 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11,……....?


Through these tests items the subject is tested for his ability to point out the similarities or dissimilarities between two or more concepts or objects.


In what ways are animals and plants alike?


“These tests involve activities in which the use of language is not necessary except for giving directions”

PERFORMANCE TESTS are typical example of such tests. They are may be in the form of material objects or through oral or instructions and signs.

Generally the activities on which the performance of an individual is tested are of different types.


Here is a JIGSAW, in a jigsaw the task is to arrange the given picture with the help of given pieces cut out from that picture.

The completion of the picture gave us good estimate of INTELLIGENCE of the subject without language.


“The test which necessitate the use of language and are applied to a group of individuals at a time”

:*GROUP NON-VERBAL or NON-LANGUAGE TEST:-“The test which do not necessitate the use of language and are applicable to

a group of individuals at a time”The non-verbal group test does not, however, contain words or numerical figures. It contains pictures diagram and geometrical figures etc printed in a booklet.


A student must see the patterns forms by the shapes organized into groups then choose the answer that completes the picture. In this example the child has to understand 3 shapes form a pattern through 3 by 3 matrix, once

the child understand that the circle form diagonal line and triangle and square form their alternating pattern then he can choose the correct option no#2.BY ALL THESE WE CAN TEST THE INTELLIGENCE OF A PERSON.


References:*Elementary Psychology (KARAMAT HUSSAIN).*Advance Educational Psychology (S.K. MANGAL).*I.Q TEST BOOK.*Google Search.*Fred Lutkams (organization behavior)*Robert Lussier & Minas Poulous.