Present perfect continuous: exercise 2

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Transcript of Present perfect continuous: exercise 2

Present perfect continuous: exercise 2

Respond to the following situations.

Why are you so tired?

Because I .......................................................................................... the wheels on my car. (replace)

Your French is perfect.

Really? I ............................................................................................. French for ten years. (learn)

Look at Jane. She's so nervous.

No wonder. She ................................................................................... for her boyfriend for ages. (wait)

Bill is sunburnt.

Yes, he really is. He ................................................................................................ since the morning. (sunbathe)

Your parents look relaxed.

They ......................................................................................................... all the weekend. (relax)

All the footballers are so wet.

They the rain since the match started. (play)

Have you talked to Richard yet?

Not yet. But I ......................................................................................... to phone him since you told me. (try)

Is Grace your neighbour?

Yes, she is. She........................................................................................... next door for six years now. (live)

Why are Patt and Matt so dirty?

They ............................................................................................... their bedroom. (paint)

Shall I wake Doris up?

Yes, please. She ........................................................................................ all day long. (sleep)

Present perfect simple: exercise 1

Rewrite these sentences in the present perfect simple.


I went to shops on Saturday.

I ............. already .......................... to shops.

I have already gone to shops.

I didn't do it yesterday.

I ................................................................................. it yet.

We bought the tickets on Monday.

We ................... already ..................................... the tickets.

My girlfriend wasn't there. She didn't arrive.

My girlfriend isn't here. She ........................................................... .

The team wasn't successful. They lost.

The team isn't successful. They .................. just ................... .

I didn't find my keys. I couldn't open the door.

I ........................................ my keys. I can't open the door.

Did the postman deliver the parcel in the morning?

............... the postman ................................................... the parcel yet?

I cut my finger. It hurt.

I ...................................... my finger. It hurts.

They worked in Wales for a week in May.

They .................................................. in Wales since last week.

She was on her holiday for a month. She came back yesterday.

She ............................. on her holiday for a month. She ............... just .................................................... back.


Complete the following sentences with past simple. Choose the correct answer:

1. He [drank/drinked] much water yesterday.

2. I [washed/did wash] my car last week.

3. The thief [stole/stealed] all the money.

4. Mary [sang/singed] a beautiful song.

5. I [gived/gave] Paul a letter last week. Created with 1

Present perfect simple and continuous: exercise 2

Complete the sentences with one of the options.

I have been staying at this hotel ..................................................

for a long time a long time ago from May

My father has been going to work ......................................................


since he left school daily

Have you told the manager ...................................................... ?

in time

in the morning yet

We ........................................... had a radio so far.

have never never never have

She hasn't been eating meat .....................................

lately yet since a long time

I've bought it .....................................

at the shop for you yesterday

The airline hasn't cancelled the flight ........................................

already last time yet

....................................... have you been studying abroad? how many times how often how long

I've been trying to contact him ..............................

before all day then

We've never been .................................

in Africa to Africa at Africa Created with 5


Completa las oraciones con pasado simple o continuo:

(Complete the sentences using past simple or continuous)

1. She [sat/was sitting] (sit)on a chair and watching TV.

2. We waved at him, but he [didn't looked/wasn't looking/] (not look).

3. When I was Young I [wanted/was wanting] (want) to be a pilot.

4. What [happened/did happened] (happen) after that?

5. [Did you see/Were you seing] (you / see) Jane last night?

6. She [was wearing/wore] (wear) her new jacket when I saw her.

7. I [was seeing/saw] (see) you walking in the park this morning.

8. I got up at seven and then I [had/was having] (have) a big breakfast.

9. [Did you goed/Did you go] (you/go) to the restaurant yesterday?

10. I left the cinema before the film ended. I [wasn't enjoing/wasn't

enjoying] (not enjoy) it.

11. When [did she start/was she starting] (she / start) learning English? – Five years ago.

13. Mr. Brown [had/was having] (have) a shower when I knocked his door.

14. I turned the radio off. Nobody [was listening/listened/] (listen) to it Created with 6


Complete the sentences with present simple or present continuous:

1. - What is that noise? Somebody (play) the piano.

2. - We (go) to the cinema this Friday.

3. - We (go) on holiday every winter.

4. - The days (be) longer in summer.

5. - She often (talk) to herself.

6. - She (have) a shower at the moment.

7. - Right now, she (run) down the hill.

8. - Oak trees (grow) very slowly.

9. - My dog (not eat) vegetables.

10. - My brother (not like) animals. Created with 1


Complete the sentences with present simple or continuous:

1. The phone (ring). Can you answer it?

2. Where (you / come) from?

3. Why (she/cry)? Because she hurt herself.

4. What (you/do)? I’m a teacher. (Recuerdo que la pregunta significa "¿A qué te dedicas?)

5. What (she/ wear)? A bikini and sunglasses.

6. Where is he? He (do) his homework.

7. How many hours (they / work) a week?

8. How often (you / have) a bath?

9. What time (this programme / end)?

10. (know) the answer?

11. (remember) her name?

12. (she / like) what she is eating?

Past Simple Past continuous

Se usa para expresar acciones del pasado que se completaron. - V. Regulares: I arrived last week. - V. Irregulares: She went to the theatre. (No –s de tercera persona)

Cómo se forma:

- Afirmación: I went to the cinema.

- Negación: I DIDN’T GO to the cinema. (Usamos el auxiliary DO en pasado y el

verbo lo mantenemos en infinitivo. En tercera persona igual).

- Interrogación: Did you go to the cinema? Did she go to the cinema? (Al igual que

en la negación, utilizamos el auxiliar DO en pasado y el verbo lo mantenemos en infinitivo.

Cuando necesitemos incluir una question word (When, Why, Where, How, What) simplemente la colocaremos al principio: Where did you live?

TRUCO: Recuerda la palabra QASI (Question word+Auxiliary verb+Subject+Infinitive).

Usamos el past simple: - Si en la oración aparece “ago” (She arrived ten minutes ago) - Si hay acciones consecutivas (She arrived and went to bed) - Acompañado de un pasado continuo. Puede ir al principio o al final. (I was

sleeping when the phone rang/Peter broke his leg when he was playing football). Traducir la frase ayuda mucho a decidir cuál es pasado simple y cuál no.

Al contrario que el past simple, este pasado expresa acciones inacabadas.

Para formarlo, necesitamos conocer el pasado del verbo irregular “to be” I was I was singing in the rain You were You were playing football He was + verbo terminado en ing: He/She was running We were We were eating pizza You were You were watching a movie They were They were hunting

Cómo se forma:

- Negación: Solo introducimos “NOT” entre Was/were y el verbo terminado en ing. (He was NOT playing football/He wasn’t playing football)

- Interrogación: En una interrogación solo debemos invertir una frase afirmativa.

Por ejemplo: You were eating pizza → Were you eating pizza?

Usamos el past continuous:

- Si se refiere a acciones simultáneas, que están ocurriendo en el mismo momento (I was cooking while my brother was playing guitar)

- Si estas describiendo el entorno (lo que ves en ese momento). (It was raining the people were walking quickly)

- Si aparece While, la frase SUELE (ten cuidado, no siempre) ser en pasado continuo. (The pone rang WHILE I was having a shower)

TRUCO: El pasado simple suele ir acompañado de WHEN, mientras que el pasado continuo suele ir acompañado de WHILE.

Present Simple (Third person verb+–s) Present Continuous (to be+verb-ing)

Cosas que siempre son verdad: - El agua hierve a 100 grados. - Water boils at 100 degrees

Cosas que ocurren justo en el momento en el que se está hablando:

- El agua está hirviendo ahora, así que pon la pasta.

- The wáter is boiling now, so you can put in the pasta.

Situaciones permanentes: - Maria vive en Londres (desde que

nacío) - Maria lives in London.

Situaciones temporales: - Maria está viviendo en París por unos

meses (porque normalmente vive en Londres)

- Maria is living in París for a few months.

Hábitos o cosas que hacemos regularmente: - Yo bebo café todas las mañanas - I drink coffee every morning

Nuevos hábitos o situaciones temporales: - Estoy bebiendo demasiado café estos

días. - I’m drinking too much coffee these


Eventos futuros que están planeados (con seguridad):

- Mi avión sale a las 8 esta noche. - Mi plane leaveS at eight tonight

Para referir a planes del día a día, que se realizarán más tarde:

- Hoy he quedado con John después de clase.

- I’m meeting John after class today. (En español, nosotros lo hacemos con un presente perfecto. En inglés con el presente continuo, siempre)

Para hablar de cosas que ocurren en un libro, películas, juegos, etc.

- Al final del libro, el detective atrapa al asesino.

- At the end of the book, the detective catchES the killer.

Para hablar de personas que aparecen en fotos (porque en la foto, la acción está ocurriendo en ese momento)

- En esta foto, mi madre está caminando junto a un lago.

- In this picture, my mother is walking beside a lake.

Reading: A2

Study skills tips

Read the study skills tips to practise and improve your reading skills. You’ll learn some great

study tips at the same time!

Before reading

Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and do the exercises.

Preparation task Write the words in the correct box.

progress extra practice

group activities

mistakes your homework

notes a list

Make Do

Reading text: Study skills tips

Many studies about language learning ask the question: What makes a good language

learner? There are some things that good language learners do and some things they don’t

do. Here are some of the most useful suggestions from studies.

• Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. People often get things wrong. Good language

learners notice their mistakes and learn from them.

• Do group activities. People use language to communicate with other people. A good

language learner always looks for opportunities to talk with other students.

• Make notes during every class. Notes help you to remember new language. Look at

your notes when you do your homework.

• Use a dictionary. Good language learners often use dictionaries to check the meaning

of words they don’t know. They also make their own vocabulary lists.

• Think in the language you’re learning outside the classroom. When you’re shopping or

walking down the street, remember useful words and phrases. Sometimes, when you’re

at home, say new words to practise your pronunciation.

• Do extra practice. Test and improve your language, reading and listening skills with self-

study material. You can find a lot of this online.

• Imagine yourself speaking in the language. Many good language learners can see and

hear themselves speaking in the language. This helps their motivation.

• Enjoy the process. Good language learners have fun with the language. Watch a TV

series or film, listen to songs, play video games or read a book. It’s never too late to

become a good language learner.


Task 1 According to the text, are the sentences true or false?

1. Good language learners don’t make mistakes.

2. It’s a good idea to talk with other students.

3. Take notes only before an exam.

4. Good language learners write down the words and expressions they


5. Think of language you know when you are outside the classroom.

6. Don’t take tests outside of class – it’s very stressful.














Task 2 Write the noun forms of the verbs. For example, ‘imagination’ is the noun form of the verb


1. learn ………………………………

2. suggest ………………………………

3. communicate ………………………………

4. mean ………………………………

5. pronounce ………………………………

6. motivate ………………………………

Discussion What other tips do you have for learning a new language