Presbyterian · Here is an excerpt from my...

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Presbyterian CourierPresbyterian Courier

The Presbyterian Church of Bowling Green, KentuckyThe Presbyterian Church of Bowling Green, Kentucky

Volume 17 November 2013 Issue 10

Associate Pastor 1

Youth News 3

Congregational Care

& Fellowship 4

Church/Community 6

November Birthdays 10

Movember Calendar 11

ater in November I will be travelling for four days to the Trinity Con-ference Center in North Carolina as part of the Pastor Theologian

Program of the PC(USA). Ten of us were selected to be part of the program and we will be studying the Holy Spirit. Part of this study will be to understand how the Holy Spirit is at work in the church. My proposal that I had to submit for the program talked about how the culture and the church is changing. Change is happening at a much quicker pace than previous generations and we are watching it happen in all facets of life so how does the church change in these times. This is not change for the sake of change but rather how do we understand the Holy Spirit bringing about what’s occurring.

Here is an excerpt from my proposal:

When looking to scripture for instances of the Holy Spirit we can see that the Spirit empowers the people to live differently. John 20:22-23 says, “When he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are for-given them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.”1 In that passage the people have the power to let go, to forgive, to change how they interact with one another, to alter relationships. In the Hebrew Bible we can see the transfiguration of death into life with the story of the dry bones in Ezekiel 37:5, “Thus says the Lord God to these bones: I will cause breath to enter you, and you shall live.”2 In both passages change happens when God breathes God’s spirit on humans. This Spirit transforms the relationships between the disci-ples of Jesus and others. This Spirit takes the driest of bones what we think of as dead and brings new life. Change is inevitable yet if we are to understand the transformation that is happening in the church today then we must dig deeper into how the Holy Spirit works, into how the Holy Spirit connects to individuals and communities, and how the Holy Spirit causes us to be agents of change.

In preparation for this program I have been asked to read two books(which I will list below), as well as look at how the culture under-stands the Holy Spirit. I look forward to delving into this subject and bringing back what I learned to help us as the church in this time and in this place. 1. NRSV, Harper Collins Study Bible, San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, 2006, John 20:22-23 2. Ibid, Ezekiel 37:5

continued on next page

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Website for Children's Ministry is

From Our Associate Pastor (continued from page 1) Books I am reading in preparation for the Pastor Theologian Program: The Holy Spirit by Veli-Mätti Kärkkäinen A Community Led by the Spirit: the ministry of the missional church by Craig Van Gelder 1. NRSV, Harper Collins Study Bible, San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, 2006, John 20:22-23 2. Ibid, Ezekiel 37:5

Sunday School Offerings

Parenting in the 21st Century - Studying and discussing 10 Principles for Spiritual Parenting: Nurturing Your Child's Soul - Rm 202 Floyd Hays Ellis Class - Studies and discusses Feasting on the Word. Contact Person is Charles Reid. Rm 201 Christian Thought - Discussing The Holy Land - Conference Room Christian Perspectives: The Politics of Prophets, Led by: Terry Shoemaker - in Rm 207. October 20 - Nov 10th

Lectionary is Available Online

Did you know that Daily Devotions and the Lectionary Readings are available at the Presbytery website: ? You may use the next day/previous day links near the top of the page to change the date of the lectionary.

Children in Worship

Please look for the Children's Bulletin, which can be picked up with the regular bulletins. The hope is to provide guidance on what is happening in the service while leaving room

Page 3

Youth News Youth News

FALL YOUTH RETREAT AT CAMP LOUCON! This annual event, sponsored by the Western Kentucky Presbytery, will be November 8-10. The theme this year will be “The Game of Life”. Our own Kara Hildebrandt will be our keynote speaker. We’ll explore life’s ups and downs through the eyes of the Biblical David & Ruth. Cost is $55.

2014 HIGH SCHOOL MISSION TRIP TO THE JERSEY SHORE: The Western Kentucky Presbytery is sponsoring this trip to Point Pleasant Beach, NJ. Point Pleasant Presbyterian Church will host our volunteer village. We’ll be helping with Hurricane Sandy recovery. The dates are June 21-29, 2014. The cost is $300 per person. We will fund raise to help with the cost and scholarship money is avail-able. All rising 8th graders through graduated seniors are welcome. There are only 28 youth spots available. Please encourage our youth to sign up! Non-refundable first deposits of $75 are due by February 1.

2014 MONTREAT YOUTH CONFERENCE will be July 12-19, 2014. Our group will once again be staying at Linger Longer Lodge. This trip is for rising 8th graders through graduated seniors. There are also opportunities for college students to participate in college work crew. Cost is $350. First de-posits of $50 are due by February 1st. These will be refundable up to May 1st. Subsequent deposits of $100 are due April 1, May 1, & June 1. Scholarships are available to help with the cost.


Some of us were "zombified" at the Halloween Lock-in on Saturday, Oc-tober 26. A big thank you to Emily Potter for her talents in face painting! We also managed to make it to both Sunday worship services and helped lead music. A great, but exhausting weekend!

Sunday Youth Group meets every Sunday 5:30-8pm at the church. All youth in grades 6-12 are welcome to join us! (Music from 5:30-6:00, dinner 6-6:30, activities/study topics 6:30-8:00.) Our cur-rent study topic is on experiencing God in our everyday lives. Wednesday Night Youth Fellowship (Grades 8-12, 5:30-6:30pm) meets at Spencer’s Coffee-house. Contact David Muffett at for more information on our Youth Ministry.

Page 4

Congregational Care & FellowshipCongregational Care & Fellowship

Our deepest sympathy is extended to the following members and friends of this church who have recently lost loved ones:

Doug Humphrey in the death of his nephew, Jeff Humphrey

The family of Kay Schell

Kaye Murphy in the death of her son-in-law

Simple Gifts Bonanza

Thank you for making the Simple Gifts Bonanza a great success. Approximately 160 gifts have been donated. In addition, members have requested gifts. The Simple Gifts group will be meeting to organize the requests and communicate how to redeem or fulfill requests. Our congregation is really good at giving, now we will have the opportunity to “ask” as well. You will be contacted soon with your information.

There is still time to submit a gift or redeem a gift. Just visit the gift box outside the church office doors and complete the forms. Susan Thomison Warren Central High School

Presbyterian Women

PW THANK OFFERING The Thank Offering is a PW offering collected in the fall of each year that gives women a tangible way to express their gratitude for the special blessings in their lives. Projects that meet the needs of people who are aging, disabled, homeless or displaced as well as children, youth and women through educational, health, peace and justice programs. have been funded by this offering. Forty percent of the money collected is used to support hospitals and community health programs. The re-maining 60 percent is used for new creative ideas for mission. THANK OFFERING RECIPIENTS Thanks to your generous giving of $705,544 to the 2012 Thank Offering, 36 projects (27 national and 9 international) will receive grants, allowing them to improve the lives of women, children and men in need. The recipients will provide an array of services in their communities—a food pantry that will serve a Hispanic community, a well that will provide clean water for a children's home in Kenya, a mobile dental clinic in Jamaica, reentry programs for women released from prison, and much more. At least 40 percent of the offering funds health ministries.

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Friends (submitted by Donna Hill)

This information is quoted from an August 29. 2013 article. You can access the whole article at It is very important to take all medications, not just a list, to doctor’s appointments.

This includes medication applied to the skin, over the counter meds and herbal and vitamin reme-dies. Particularly in adults over age 65 the changes in the body associated with aging cause an increased risk of drug side effects. “The body cannot break down medications effectively, due to body mass and protein levels so medications may not be absorbed efficiently,” says Mardy Chizek, RN and president of Charism Eldercare Services. “And once the medication is broken down the body may not be able to excrete it so it accumulates, leading to adverse consequences.” Sometimes, older adults need different dosing levels or if multiple medications are being taken, the person is at higher risk for problems due to drugs interacting with each other. Side effects of medi-cations can mimic symptoms of a disease “rather than appear as medication related, so it may be difficult to identify problematic medications,” Chizek says. Being aware of these possibilities allows you to advocate well for yourself or your loved ones, when more medications are suggested or if you feel the drug therapy is not being effective. Specifically in Bowling Green, it has been brought to my attention that Springhill Pharmacy will de-liver a weekly supply of medications properly dosed and placed in one of those day by day contain-ers. This could be a big help if you are not able to do this for yourself due to arthritic hands, poor eyesight or live in a facility where you cannot easily manage your own medications.

TPC Art Gallery News

Be sure to stop by the Fellowship Hall Gallery to see the artwork of three talented artists: Jeane Adams-Smith, Leigh Rountree, and April Rountree. You may visit the Gallery between 8:30 and 4:00 Monday through Friday, and of course on Sunday mornings!

Life Unplugged Meets on 11/1

Life Unplugged is scheduled to take place at the home of Gary & Liza Ahrendt on Friday, Nov 1, 7:00 PM. Bruce Kessler will provide the musical entertainment! We'll sing around the campfire (whether permitting). Otherwise, we'll bring the party indoors! Ahrendt's will provide an assortment of beverages. Bring an appetizer or dessert to share! (Let them know if you will attend, pretty please! 904-2191.)

Watch the Sunday Bulletins and the 60-Second emails for information about our annual Thanksgiving Celebration!

Page 6

Church and CommunityChurch and Community

A Report from the Memorials Committee

At a September meeting, Ann Dickey, D. A. Faxon, (Pat Reid absent for medical issues) and Tom Moody heard requests for the following items. Several issues had already been approved by the Properties Ministry. Session heard the report and affirmed the requests.

� A set of tablecloths for the 4 round and 16 rectangular tables in Fellowship Hall given in Memory of Frances Rabold.

� A set of 16 age/size appropriate chairs for the Children’s Music Room given in Memory of Frances Budde.

� The repair and adjustment of all hand bells (on-site work) given from the Memorial Funds given in memory of Jane Allen, Dorothy Clark, Jim Coonrad, Virgil Hale, Louise Harris, Thomas D. Kennedy, Judy Maples, and Marjorie Nahm.

� A project to build drawers and shelves to enclose the space underneath the stair case of Tenth Avenue entrance (project to be completed in near future) by Memorial Funds for James K. Ben-nett and Sue Rue.

Presbyterian Coffee Project

Orders for fairly traded coffee, tea, chocolate bars, and cocoa will be taken in Fellow-ship Hall on Sunday November 10 from 9:30-11:00 a.m. This will enable orders to be received in time for the holiday season and for gift giving. Once again, donations for Holy Joe's Cafe will be accepted. Donations will be used to send coffee to our service-men and women in Afghanistan for use by chaplains in their ministry. Over the past 4 years we have ordered in excess of $20,000.00 of fairly traded products, 10% of which is returned to our denomination to support small farm projects in the United States. Thanks for your continued support of this important ministry.

Our Library

When is the next time YOU will visit the Church Library? Over 3000 books are waiting to be checked out.


Wanted: Coffee mugs from YOUR Alma Mater! Please deliver them to the Church Kitchen. Already here are WKU, University of Kansas, and Centre College!

Page 7

Missions Responds to Needs Trend

The Washington Post (10/25) recently reported in its "Answer Sheet" blog a sharp rise in the number of homeless children enrolled in the nation's public schools: a ten percent increase from last year and a 75% rise from statistics reported prior to the nation's economic crisis. Although these national statistics may not reflect exactly Kentucky statistics, it does indicate a trend of need, a trend lurking beneath the surface of our own comfortable lives, a trend begging for attention. Bud Schlinker knows the look of the homeless; he sees it in the faces of the four children who come to eat with their mother when the Bridge ministry appears every Tuesday evening at 5:30. John Van Ness knows the sound of community between a man with property and a man without when he visits over a bowl of chili in his lap at the bridge on Tuesday. Ann Rudolph knows the look of gratitude when she dishes up barbecue to the visitors who come to the bridge for fellow-ship and assistance. Need and resignation are likely companions. When the government closed down in October, Habitat for Humanity was unable to register some required financial documents. Consequently, the next HFH BUILD dates are on hold, which altered our church volunteer BUILD schedule from October to "when?." In the meantime a family waits. Church volunteers, however, are not resigned to waiting. Jackie Hank's house needs repair. Habitat is partnering with our BUILD volunteers to demolish and rebuild Jackie's carport on November 2 and 3. David Muffett and Nathan Algie also suggested other future exterior improve-ments to the house: gutters, landscaping, and roofing. This project is sponsored by our church deacons and the mission committee and paid for with Deacons Discretionary funds. Debbie Trickey, supervisor of pantry giving, reports the church served 148 people last month, a month not traditionally busy. Winter looms. The need for food will increase. The food pantry depends upon donations from church members: chili, beef stew, chicken and dumplings, peanut butter, tuna, canned chicken, crackers, pudding or jello cups, vegetables and fruit. The drop off zone for pantry items is under the staircase at the 10th Street entrance. Together our voices, our hands, and our dollars create community service. ... if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him? 1 John 3:17-18 November Projects: Jackie Hanks' House Repairs, November 2, and possibly the following weekend as well. Contact Doug Humphrey at 842-6289 or Bridge Ministry, every fourth Tuesday, 4:30 to 6:30, our church volunteer date. Contact Stephen Todd at 843-1350 or Food Pantry, drop off under the staircase at 10th Street entrance. Contact Debbie Trickey, 542-6459 or

Page 8

The Property Ministry Report for October 2013

The biggest concern addressed in the past month was the lightning strike to the steeple of the church and if damage occurred to the wood member/bean supporting the bell. Fortunately, the damage was minor and no repairs are needed. September 20th I met with Donald H. Stoneburg Engineering, PSC, who inspected the beam. Below is his email recommendation: From: Donald Stoneburg [] Sent: Monday, September 23, 2013 6:49 AM To: Cc: Subject: Wood Member Inspection - The Presbyterian Church, 1003 State Street, Bowling Green, KY

Mr. Rabold,

This letter serves to document the site visit we made to The Presbyterian Church on Friday September 20th, 2013. The purpose of this visit was to examine a wood support member for the bell located in the steeple tower of the church. This wood member was apparently damaged by a lightning strike within the last two weeks.

Based on our examination of the wood member, it is our recommendation that no action be taken at this time. The member which was damage is a spacer element and the area of damage is away from the load transfer area of the member and therefore does not affect the overall integrity of the bell support structure.

Please call with questions.

Donald H. Stoneburg, PE President Donald H. Stoneburg Engineering, PSC Dba SE Engineering 1733 Campus Plaza Court, Unit 10 Bowling Green, KY 42101 Ph: 270-796-3052 Fax: 270-842-3102

In addition, below is a list of repairs compiled by David Muffet that have been made since the light-ning strike on 9/11/13:

1. A new fire alarm system has been installed by Booth Fire & Safety. Cost was $1,650.00.

2. Lyons repaired the HVAC control unit for the sanctuary and replaced a transformer. They also replaced a belt on the fellowship hall fan that was damaged due to a power surge from the light-ning strike. Cost was $966.13.

3. Travis Satterly with IVC installed a new telephone system. Cost was $5,545.60. We have switched over our dial tone service to Travis' company. He is giving us a special cost that allows us great savings and allows us to switch our phone & internet service. We now have our internet service through BGMU fiber optic which will allow us to eventually live stream our worship ser-vices.

4. Modern Systems has repaired some of the security system sensors that were damaged by the lightning strike.

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5. The left kitchen oven is now working. A circuit breaker in the oven had been thrown. This was fixed by Burton's Appliance service at no cost.

6. Buck Electric repaired the steeple light & timer, and a photo eye damaged by the lightning. Cost was $343.52.

7. ISTT replaced two of the ethernet switches damage by lightning. Cost was $123.02.

Items still to be repaired:

1. We are still waiting on ISTT to install a new permanent video camera for the sanctuary balcony. The camera has been ordered. They have brought us a temporary camera but it has limited capa-bilities.

2. We have also discovered that the lightning damaged our overall HVAC control system. Our pre-sent system is so old that there are no updates available and we cannot control the zones in the church. The new system will be much easier to use but will cost $21,328.87. We are waiting on a call back from the insurance adjuster before we proceed with installation by Lyons. The adjuster is on vacation this week and will be back on Monday.

Buck Electric also repaired one of the front lights at the sanctuary entrance. This was not lightning related.

I think that is everything that has occurred over the past month concerning the Property Ministry.

Please let me know if you have any questions,

David Muffett Director of Youth Ministries/Property Administration











Receipts Expenses

Financial SummaryYear to Date September




Is Your




Page 10

November BirthdaysNovember Birthdays

November 1

Sharon Hendrix

Curtiss Long

November 3

Gary Hanks

November 4

Trudy Burkeen

November 5

William Rabold, Jr,.

November 6

Hayward Beliles

Stuart Kernohan

Evan Sharp

November 7

Claire Duren

November 8

Melinda Fry

November 9

Rosamond Beard

November 10

Jean Coverdale

Brad Thomison

November 11

Haley Carter

Hunter Murphy

November 12

Lloyd Ferguson

Ron Shrewsbury

November 13

Denny Wedge

Julie Wedge

November 14

Lola Baker

November 15

Carter Clemons

November 17

Grant Clemons

November 18

Emily Kessler

Sarah Kessler

Peggy Truman

November 20

David Muffett

November 21

Mike Cobb

November 22

David Coverdale

Sarah Jackson

Cindy Tanner

November 23

Sandy Franklin

November 24

Bob Bueker

November 25

Jean Harris

Anne Multerer

Charles Reid

George Watson

November 26

Norma Johnson

David Stites

November 27

Basil Jones

November 28

Miguel Castro

Robert Haynes

November 29

Susan Elms

Lila Maslowski

Stella Maslowski

November 30

Trevor Webb

David Yusk

Page 11

November Calendar of EventsNovember Calendar of Events

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 10:30am Morning



Life Unplugged

at Ahrendts


3 Time Change 8:30am Worship 9:10am Children’s

Chimes 9:30am Children’s

Choir 9:45am Sunday

School 11:00am Worship

6:00pm Youth


4 11:00am

Circle 3

5 9:30am TaiChi 11:00am Special

Care 2:00pm Staff Mtg.

7:00pm Deacons Election Day

6 5:30pm Youth

Fellowship 6:00pm R Ringers 7:00pm Chancel


7 9:30am TaiChi


Theology Pub

8 10:30am Morning



Gordoneers Youth retreat at

Camp Loucon


10 8:30am Worship 9:10am Children’s

Chimes 9:30am Children’s

Choir 9:45am Sun. Morn-

ing Circle 9:45am Sunday

School 11:00am Worship

11 11:30am

Circle 9

12 Presbytery meets here 9:30am TaiChi 11:00am Special

Care 2:00pm Staff Mtg. 4:30pm Peace-making 5:30pm Worship

Min 6:30pm Missions 7:00pm Camera


13 9:15am Wed.

Morning Circle 9:30am Circle 6

5:30pm Youth

Fellowship 6:00pm R Ringers 7:00pm Chancel


14 9:30am TaiChi


Theology Pub

15 10:30am Morning



17 8:30am Worship 9:10am Children’s

Chimes 9:30am Children’s

Choir 9:45am Sunday

School 11:00am Worship 6:00pm Youth



19 Kara away 9:30am TaiChi 11:00am Special

Care 11:00am Finance

Min. 1:00pm CUICHM 2:00pm Staff Mtg. 7:00pm Eve. Circle 7:00pm Session

20 11:00am Circle 4

5:30pm Youth

Fellowship 6:00pm R Ringers 7:00pm Chancel


21 9:30am TaiChi


Theology Pub

22 10:30am Morning



24 8:30am Worship 9:10am Children’s

Chimes 9:30am Children’s

Choir 9:45am Sunday

School 11:00am Worship 6:00pm Youth



26 9:30am TaiChi 11:00am Special

Care 2:00pm Staff Mtg.

7:00pm Book Club

27 5:30pm Youth


28 Closed

Thanksgiving 12:00 Dinner

29 Closed


Page 12

The Presbyterian Church

1003 State Street Bowling Green, KY 42101 (270)843-4707 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED

Non-Profit Organization Permit No. 202

U. S. Postage Paid Bowling Green, KY

The Presbyterian Church Bowling Green, Kentucky


The Presbyterian Church Staff

Dr. Matthew W. Covington Pastor

Rev. Kara Hildebrandt Associate Pastor

Thomas N. Moody Organist, Pastoral Assistant

Wayne Pope Choir Director

David Muffett Director of Youth Ministries /

Property Administration

Richard Barefoot Financial Administrator

Steve Moore Treasurer

Cheryl Gregory Secretary

Dana Patterson Director, Preschool Learning Center

Cedric Whitney Custodian

Michael Spencer Sunday Sexton

Sheila Reeves Newsletter Editor

“Our reason for being is to manifest

the good news of Jesus Christ in word

and deed so that disciples are made by

means of inspiring and engaging worship,

relevant and reliable education,

compassionate and caring fellowship,

meaningful and magnanimous outreach,

to the glory of God.”

November 2013

Friday, November 15th, is the deadline Friday, November 15th, is the deadline Friday, November 15th, is the deadline Friday, November 15th, is the deadline Friday, November 15th, is the deadline Friday, November 15th, is the deadline Friday, November 15th, is the deadline Friday, November 15th, is the deadline

for the December 2013 newsletter. for the December 2013 newsletter. for the December 2013 newsletter. for the December 2013 newsletter. for the December 2013 newsletter. for the December 2013 newsletter. for the December 2013 newsletter. for the December 2013 newsletter.

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Full Color Newsletters are available online at