PRERF News Bulletin Sweden

Post on 12-Jul-2015

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Transcript of PRERF News Bulletin Sweden

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

Practical Methodology for Acquiring Key Competences of European Reference Framework

through Continuous Vocational Education and Training


Project number: 2013-1-SE1-LEO05-15265

Practical Methodology for Acquiring Key Competences of EU Reference

Framework through Continuous VET (PR-ERF) is a Leonardo Da Vinci

Project, launched on the 1st of December 2013. The main goal of the pro-

ject is to adapt the European Reference Framework for Key competences

(ERF KCs) to CVET to facilitate learners` personal fulfillment, develop-

ment, inclusion and employment.

The specific objective is to develop the holistic methodology for recognition and

development of ERF KCs as a package of Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes that

learners need to acquire through CVET for personal fulfillment, development,

inclusion and employment.

The methodology will be based on the product of Cyprus Leonardo da Vinci

EQLearn project, namely methodology for recognition and development of ERF

KCs in initial VET for integration of low-skilled adults. The training curricula and

materials developed in EQLearn correspond to basic levels of the European

Qualification Framework (EQF) up to level 3.

Shift in treating ERF in Sweden

In Sweden the concept of competence is difficult to interpret and Swedish policy

documents and the EU key competences treat it differently.

Swedish educational system defines goals and objectives rather than competences

or skills. In fact, there are two types of goals, that are detailed in the curriculum

documents: ‘goals to strive towards’ and ‘goals to attain in the compulsory school’.

Both of them more or less describe what is included in the levels of competences

of ERF.

Thanks to the PR-ERF project, the situation has started to shift. PR-ERF, being

coordinate by the Swedish partner, is based solely on European understanding of

competences, as they are in European Reference Framework.

Recent News:

Study plans elaboration in Sweden

Folkuniversitetet is elaborating study plans in cooperation

with Department of Doctoral assistance.

Within WP2. Del. 5 Development of curricula for CVET pro-

grammes according to EQF levels 4-5 every project partner is

developing curricula for a specific ERF competence.

The FU project team cooperated with Folkuniversitetet’s De-

partment of Doctoral assistance in order to improve the deve-

loped curricula by finding the gaps, where students feel especi-

ally insecure.

Contact: Yevgeniya Averhed

Phone: +46 18 68 00 36
