PrePresent and past tenses

Post on 11-Apr-2017

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Transcript of PrePresent and past tenses


Present and Past Tenses

 On September 24th , Carlos was going home at 4:00 P.M. as usual when…

Present and Past Tenses

 He saw a strange shadow behind one he decided to go to that tree…

Present and Past Tenses

  when he arrived he realized that something had been walking around the tree. Because he found some steps on the ground.

Present and Past Tenses

Suddenly he listened some noise approaching to him,that was when he saw a strange creature….

Present and Past Tenses

It was tall as a young tree and had claws and a big head like a cat with a long tail….

Present and Past Tenses

Carlos got scare and ran like no tomorrow. But as he was in a huge forest where he usually walks home. It was difficult to run…..

Present and Past Tenses

However the creature was following him. And when he finally stopped running…

Present and Past Tenses

Because he was tired the strange creature disappeared……He will never forget that day.

Present and Past Tenses

 On September 24th , Carlos was going home at 4:00 P.M. as usual when…He saw a strange shadow behind one he decided to go to that tree,when he arrived he realized that something had been walking around the tree.because he found some steps on the ground. Suddenly he listened some noise approaching to him,that was when he saw a strange was tall as a young tree and had claws and a big head like a cat with a long tail.Carlos got scare and ran like no tomorrow. But as he was in a huge forest where he usually walks home. It was difficult to run,However the creature was following him.and when he finally stopped running because he was tired the strange creature disappeared……He will never forget that day.


On September 24th , Carlos was going home at 4:00 P.M. as usual when…   

___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ He will never forget that day.