Prepositions (over,among)

Post on 05-Nov-2015

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Transcript of Prepositions (over,among)

Over(melepasi) 7

Among (di antara-lebih dari 2 )

Fill in the blanks with over or among.

1.Please put the blanket ________________ my head.2.The 3 cats fought _______________ themselves.3.Distributes the apples _____________ the pupils.4. He climbed ________________________ the fence.5.Lets us not fight _______________ parents, brothers or sisters.6. It's the oldest bridge ____________ the Pahang River.7. The plane flew _____________________ the mountain.8. You'll never find your money ______________ all that rubbish.9.I was standing ______________________ the crowds.10.Let us celebrate the party _______________ our best friends.11. The bridge goes ________________________ the river.12. This is the one he likes the most ________________ all his books.13. He was happy to be _________________________ friends again.14. I always put a cover ________________ my car. I want to protect my car 15. You'll find the books on birds _________________ the books on mammals and the books on flowers.16. We came to a small house____________________ the trees.17. Jenny shared out the sweets _________________ her friends.