Preparedness What it’s all about. KDPH Preparedness Branch Provides preparedness guidance and...

Post on 30-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Preparedness What it’s all about. KDPH Preparedness Branch Provides preparedness guidance and...


What it’s all about

KDPH Preparedness Branch

• Provides preparedness guidance and support to local health department staff

• Works with state partners to assure preparedness plans are in place

• The Branch is divided into two sections:– Administration and Program Evaluation Section– Health and Medical Emergency Operations



• Preparedness staff respond to Public Health Emergencies including but not limited to:– Floods– Severe Weather

• i.e. Ice storms, tornados, earthquakes– Food Outbreaks– Disease Outbreaks– White Powder Incidents– Scheduled Events– i.e. World Equestrian Games, Derby, NASCAR races


• Local Health Departments are required to meet specific requirements

• These deliverables are determined by the agencies that provide our grant funding such as CDC– Deliverables include things like:• 24/7 contact phone numbers for LHDs• ICS (Incident Command System) training• Participation in a disaster exercise annually• Having written Preparedness Plans

Reporting Preparedness Activities

• Preparedness staff use a system called Catalyst to report their activities– Other LHD programs use Catalyst– Each program uses a version of Catalyst that was

specifically designed for their needs

• Reporting is done quarterly and the information in the system is used to report local activities to our grantors to assure the funding to being used to meet the deliverables

Declared Disasters by Year 1963-2009 and 2000-2009

A Decade of Disasters in Kentucky


1/00 tornado, floods2/00 storms, flooding

4/02 storms, flooding5/02 storms, tornado, flooding

8/01 Storms, flooding

6/04 storms, flooding none

3/03 Winter storms6/03 & 7/03 storms, flooding, mudslide, tornado

3/05 winter storm12/05 storms, tornado

5/07 Storms, mudslide, flooding

2/08 storms, mudslide, flood5/08 storms, tornado, mudslide, flood8/08 Gustav response9/08 windstorm-Ike

2/09 winter storm8/09 storms, straightline wind, flood4/09 … H1N1

Federally Declared Disasters by Year

11-20 21-30 31-40 41-501-10

Number of DisastersKentucky ranks 8th in the number of declared disasters since the 1960s

PopulationKentucky ranks 26th population

Land AreaKentucky ranks 36th in land area

Kentucky Is In the Top 10 For Disasters


Pike County Flood 2010

Finding the Way To Preparedness

Public Health Preparedness Capacity Development

•Pandemic Flu•SNS•Coop•Medical Surge

•After Action•Research



•Hospitals•Mental Health•Volunteers•First Responders•POD Sites

•NIMS/ICS•Volunteers•HMPAC•Subject Matter

•Incident Command•Table Top•Functional•Full Scale

Kentucky Department for Public Health

Preparedness BranchRebecca Gillis

Branch Manager502-564-7243 x 3741