preliminary storyboard exercise: P for psycho

Post on 12-Jan-2015

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Transcript of preliminary storyboard exercise: P for psycho

A2 Storyboard“P” is for Psycho

Preliminary Exercise: P FOR PSYCHO

Before we started thinking about our fable and receiving our brief in groups we were given the chance to make a picture storyboard of a previous short film that had been made by another group. This gave us a chance to understand the importance of certain screen shots and angles used to create certain effects and the importance of a story board.

Establishing wide shot, low angle (low key lighting)- zoom in med. Shot.

Mix to

Int. Low angle (MS)

slow tilt up to no.3

Low angle (med.shot)

High angle close up,

pan across objects

Close up – plug hole

Close up – bandage - wrapping

Close up – mirror image clench fist

Close up- head turn/ blurs quickly SFX: Door opening

Black (pause) BANG! BANG!