Preliminary sketches

Post on 29-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Preliminary sketches

We created these sketches before filming our Preliminary Task, to guide us through each scene. We drew up eight sketches of the beginning of each shot, so it was clear to us where to set the video recorder and to ensure we followed the 180 degree rule.

First SceneDuration: 7.3 seconds

Shot: Establishing shot

Description: Walks down corridor and walks through double doors. Zoom in as she walks forward.

Second Scene

Duration: 5 seconds

Shot: Long shot

Description: Film from other side of double doors as the girl walks into the class room. Follow the camera round as she moves.

Third Scene

Duration: 9 seconds

Shot: Close up shot as she walks into the room.

Description: Girl walks through the door, shoot a quick close up and then zoom onto bad character hiding by the wall.

Fourth SceneDuration: 12 seconds

Shot: Long shot

Description: Bad character walks over to the girl on the computer and pushes her aggressively against the wall.

Fifth SceneDuration: 2.5 seconds

Shot: Over the shoulder

Description: Girl is asking ‘why me?!’

Sixth SceneDuration: 2.5 seconds

Shot: Over the shoulder

Description: Filmed over the shoulder as they speak.

Seventh SceneDuration: 6 seconds

Shot: Two shot

Description: Showing the two people in the shot-linking them to one another, talking over the table.

Eighth SceneDuration: 5 seconds

Shot: Two shot

Description: The bad character is strangling the girl as she tries to struggle out.