Preliminary Comparison

Post on 18-May-2015

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Transcript of Preliminary Comparison

Looking at your preliminary task, what do you feel you

have learnt in the progression from it to the full









Fluffy was a preliminary task that we worked on in order to prepare ourselves for the coursework project of creating the opening two minutes of a film. I worked in a group with Marina, Charlotte and Niamh along with myself. Our location was the school library. We filmed here because it was an easy location to use and it was also suitable for the kind of film we wanted to create. I feel that as a first film that we made, this was quite a successful film as I had never made a film before and feel that the techniques went quite well apart from the noise that we encountered as a class was being taught in the library.






Un Autre Jour was my coursework film. The main difference in the filming project was that for my full product, I was working by myself as apposed to being in a group. I thought that this might have been a challenge and thought I might have set myself too much work however I feel that it was actually easier after hearing groups of people arguing about their story lines and filming sessions where I did everything in my own time and did not have to rely on other people.  Through working by myself, I have learnt how to manage my time, direct and edit and push my own ideas further. I feel that I have learnt different types of editing and the use of different programmes through the process of making my opening sequence. 

FILM TECHNIQUES IN FLUFFYIn the preliminary task I used the 180 degree rule, match on action and panning. I found though that these worked quite well with the type of film we made, with the dialogue and the fact the characters were looking around for certain people. Looking back on the preliminary task I created in a group, I feel that I have improved alot with sound, lighting and camera angles. This could be due to location and the different type of camera that I was using or it could just be due to the fact that with time, my ability has improved. 

FILMING TECHNIQUES IN UN AUTRE JOURIn the coursework film I used different kinds of shots which were more advanced. At the beginning of the film I used an establishing shot when the curtains were opening which introduced the viewer to the location of where this film will be taking place. The fact that they are pink also gives us an indication that the main character might be a female. I also used several long shots and long takes, showing both the full length and surroundings and long takes of the character walking away from the camera and searching for the bag. In a way, when  the character was opening the door, I used both a close up of the characters face and hand and also a point of view shot showing the same height of the character but looking at the door opening. I used several zoom and reverse zoom shots when the bag was being shown and when the credits were blending into each other.  I also did not use any dialogue unlike in my previous preliminary task where the film was centred around the talking. I chose not to have any dialogue in my film as I thought it would not go well with the stop motion of my film. I thought that just having the music made it more childish and aimed at my target audience meaning the viewer would not get bored with a vast amount of talking.