Pregnancy Week 6

Post on 31-May-2015

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description - Pregnancy Week 6: What to expect during 6th week of pregnancy.

Transcript of Pregnancy Week 6

Pregnancy Week 6 – What to Expect When You’re Expecting

First off, congratulations are in order!

If you are 6 weeks pregnant, chances are you just recently found out that you were welcoming a little

one to your family!

And, while I’m sure you are extremely excited, you may also be feeling a little afraid.

Pregnancy, while one of the most exciting and happy times of your life, can also be quite scary.

If you are experiencing your first pregnancy and are wondering what to expect, continue reading this


Throughout, we will discuss everything you need to know about pregnancy week 6, as well as what you

can expect in the months ahead!

Let’s start with your baby. During week 6 of pregnancy, your baby is still extremely tiny.

To be exact, they are approximately 2 to 5 millimetres in length (or half the size of a pea!).

During week 6, your baby is beginning to form, but still does not completely resemble a human.

If you were to look into your uterus, you would see an oversized head, as well as dark spots forming where your little ones eyes and nostrils will eventually be.

You would also see small pits on the side of the head which will eventually develop into ears, and small

buds that will soon be arms and legs.

During pregnancy week 6, your baby’s body will not only be developing, but their internal organs will also

begin forming.

At week 6, your baby’s heart will beat approximately 100 to 140 times each minute.

Blood will also begin to circulate throughout their body.

With 6 weeks of pregnancy not only comes small changes in your baby, but also small changes in you.

If, during your 6th week of pregnancy, you develop some spotting, do not panic.

Spotting is common and is usually nothing to worry about.

If, however, you do experience spotting, it is still a good idea to contact your healthcare professional to

ensure that it is not a sign of some impending problem.

Somewhere between 6 and 8 weeks of pregnancy, you will probably begin to experience morning


Morning sickness, a pregnancy related sickness that involves nausea and vomiting, is extremely common and

should subside during the course of your pregnancy.

If, however, vomiting is severe, it is once again a good idea to contact your healthcare professional as it could be a form of hypermedia grayidarum which may require hospitalization.

During pregnancy week 6, your body may begin to undergo slight changes.

In the next 8 months, however, you will begin to experience even more changes as you and your baby begin to grow together and your baby begins to develop rapidly.

If this is your first pregnancy, be sure to keep in touch with your healthcare professional as there is bound to be many questions that come up along your journey to parenthood.

Once again, congratulations! The next few months are going to bring you and your family plenty of joy as you find new and exciting ways to welcome your baby to the world!

Pregnancy Week 6 – What to Expect When You’re Expecting

