Pre 20th century aded movements

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Transcript of Pre 20th century aded movements

Alison Parvin

ADED 380, Summer 2013

As a precursor to our introduction to the Women’s Institutes, let’s look at just a few of the Canadian Adult Education movements and organisations that were around at the end of the 19 th and beginning of the 20 th Century.

Frontier Camp

Saskatchewan Grain Growers

Imperial Order of Daughters of the Empire (IODE)

Council of Women – Local and National

Victoria Order of Nurses (VON)

The University Women’s Club

‘Education must become a reality for all citizens, since enlightenment and healthy citizenship is a better asset than ignorant and filthy slaves.’ (Cook, 1970, p40)

Born 1862, studied and became a Reverend.

Started Frontier Camp in 1899.

Logging, mining and railroad camps.

Labourer/Teachers: worked alongside labourers during the day and taught them at night.

Reading, writing and arithmetic.

Continues today.

110+ years of history.

‘Literacy. Learning for Life’

Violet McNaughton

Born in England, emigrated to Canada with husband John in 1909

Formed Women’s Grain Growers Association 1913

Agitated for numerous reforms that improved the lives of farm families.

Campaigned for trained midwives and more nurses, doctors, and hospitals that were affordable and in close proximity to all farm families.

Led the fight for women’s vote in Saskatchewan.

Influencial as Editor of the Western Producer

Upheld the assimilation to the ‘British culture and way of life’ (Sheehan, 1970, p56).

Neither religious (although each to their own denomination) nor political (Sheehan, 1970, p48)

Diverse range of members, urban centres ranged from mid to upper levels of the class society, which rural areas had all levels.

Were extremely busy socially; and used their husbands names, e.g.Mrs Edward Jones, Mrs Charles Hepworth.


‘Community as an extension of the home’ (Crowley, 1970, p17).

Education and child welfare

Cultural and moral issues

Women on school boards; war work; and Women as citizens.


Founded by Lady Aberdeen, wife of the Governor General of Canada.

President of the council from 1893 to 1899.

The nurses were taught based on English woman and legend, Florence Nightingale’s rules of nursing.

Although not a movement, this was an extremely important organisation in the emancipation of women.

The University Women's was founded in 1907

Promoting education, rights and opportunities for women

Fosters fellowship among members sharing ideas, interests, and fun.

Early members were involved in other groups such as the Council of Women and the Women’s Institutes.

Cook. George L. 1970, Educational Justice for the Campmen: Alfred Fitzpatr4ick and the Foundation of Frontier College, 1899-1922. In Welton, M. R., Knowledge for the People: The Struggle for Adult Learning in English Speaking Canada 1828-1973

Dennison, C. 1970, Houskeepers of the Community – The BC Women’s Institutes 1909 –1946. In Welton, M. R., Knowledge for the People: The Struggle for Adult Learning in English Speaking Canada 1828-1973

Fenner, Ruth, 1999.

Howes, Ruth, Adelaide Hoodless: Woman With A Vision, 1965

Sheehan, N., (1992) The IODE and the Making of Imperial Citizens, 1900-1940. In Welton, M. R., (Ed), Educating for a Brighter Day: Women’s Organisations as Learning Sites.

Steer, S., (1992). Violet McNaughton and the struggle for the Co-operative Society. In Welton, M. R., (Ed), Educating for a Brighter Day: Women’s Organisations as Learning Sites.

Welton, M. R., Knowledge for the People: The Struggle for Adult Learning in English Speaking Canada 1828-1973

Welton, M. R., Educating for a Brighter Day: Women’s Organisations as Learning Sites, 1992