Prayer Technology April 14

Post on 25-May-2015

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Your Prayer gets answered when it’s in line with God’s will! How will what you need from God serve God? Before you approach God, get rid of your agenda, and be about His agenda!

Transcript of Prayer Technology April 14


Technology of Prayer

+Let’s Read Nehemiah 1 - 2: 1-10Key Paradigms to Study!

Rejoice at God’s promise like someone who finds great spoil Ps 119:162.

Seek for God’s word like Silver, search for it like it’s hidden treasures. Prov 2: 1-4

God’s word has transformational power. Rom 12 :1-2

We derive life and sustenance from God’s word. Deut 8:3, Job 23:12

God’s word does not return void. It prospers! Is 55:11

+ Let’s DECLARE Together!Lift up your Bible and Let’s declare together!

This is my manual, it reveals who I am, and what I am capable of doing!

This is the constitution of the Kingdom I belong to!

This is a living document, capable of transforming my life. The words are spirit and life.

When I read God’s words, I cannot stay the same.

As I read today, I discover hidden Secrets

God’s word is a hammer – it breaks my resistance, A double edged sword – it judges my thoughts and attitude, A fire – consuming what is not right, A lamp and light – showing me the way, A seed –growing in me to bring forth harvest, Food – nourishing my spirit, A mirror – keeping me in check and shape.

+Prayer Lessons from Nehemiah

1. Your Prayer gets answered when it’s in line with God’s will! How will what you need from God serve God? Before you approach God, get rid of your agenda, and be about His agenda!

2. Prayer starts with the humility of identifying with the errors past, asking for mercy and then seeking God’s face.

3. Think through your prayer point, and ask, how can this problem or issue be resolved? What are the clear next steps. What can God do for me, that will set every other thing in motion. This is not brainless praying, this is thoughtful praying.

4. Right there in the presence of the King, he prayed under his breath, when the King asked him what he wanted. He was clear, all he wanted, was all he needed! Prayer is a way of connecting back to God, for the things you have sought him about, for his Kingdom!


What do you need? How does it align with what God needs?

What are the easy next steps? What does God need to put into action for you that will make everything else happen? All you usually need is –wisdom, favor before a king, access, approval, ideas, relationships e.t.c. usually in the form of a word from God.

Think about it well, what do you need? Don’t be selfish or out of sync with God’s will. What does God want and what is your need to do His will?


Cut the Paper into two!

Write down your full names, phone number, email and membership status on each sheet.

Then write the well thought out need you require from God. Your prayer point. Ensure it’s connected to what God want’s done, His will and Agenda!

Keep a Copy, and Put a Copy in the Basket

Then come up one by one, and pick the one you believe you can handle. Pick one only.

Plan to meet the NEED within 30 days!

+Acts 2: 42-47

42And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers. 43 Then fear came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles. 44Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common, 45 and sold their possessions and goods, and divided them among all, as anyone had need.

46 So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, 47praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church[a] daily those who were being saved.


Acts 2:47 NU-Text omits to the church.