Pray & fast friday 18 sep 2015

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Prayer list for 18 September 2015

Transcript of Pray & fast friday 18 sep 2015

Dear friends: We thank you for sharing our concern for the children of South Africa and the world. Children remain the future of human civilization. We encourage you to pray earnestly as the enemy as set his sights on them! You will find the prayer guide on page 3 and 4 for the children. Please also stand in prayer with us for the following network partners:

MISSION: ASIA 2000 has sent us their requests and has asked us to pray for the following: 1.) A committee meeting that will shortly take place and where far reaching situations will be addressed; 2.) For a proper itinerary for our visit to the Philippines where many things must be addressed and done, and that Yvonne will get round to do all these things in less than 3 weeks; 3.) For someone to keep an eye on the office while we are away.

GOOD NEWS HEARTS has asked us to pray for them 1.) This Monday 16h30 they bring the Valuable to Jesus message to Bramley Children’s Home for children aged 6 – 12 years. They return 2 years later for a follow up opportunity. 2.) Please pray as they continually reach out to New Hope and Sonitas – schools for children with special needs. This Thursday they need prayer as they work to share the Gospel with the children at New Hope!

TAMIM MINISTRIES has asked us to pray for them, please consider the following: “We are still receiving encouragement and well done, from all those who have received a copy of the magazine. Our trip to Zambia was one of a few challenges and many blessings. Thank you for all the material we could share with the pastors so they could go back home and equip the church to Move and Flow and not be a dead sea with only one inlet point. Our prayer requests are a few yet well needed.

1.) Ankia Van Der Merwe will be flying to Cambodia and Vietnam on the 21 September to minister in churches there. She will return on the 28 September. 2.) We will be hosting a Women's Weekend Conference the 9-11 Oct in the Wilge Valley where Ankia, Carol as well as Anne Spencer and Hestie will be ministering. Husband and wife team Anja & Henrico will minister in worship. The weekend theme is Beholding Him. Taken from 2 Corinthians 3:18. We are expectant for God's Glory to transform these ladies in their thinking and for them to be equipped in knowing and walking in the Spirit, having the mind of Christ and keeping their eyes fixed on Jesus. On a personal note: God's provision to do His work and to sustain all that has been done this year. Love Carol”

EAR2HEAR The EAR2HEAR celebration is nearing and we ask that you please pray for this event. There are still many people who have yet to respond to their invitations. 1.) EAR2HEAR CARE is preparing for the Festive Season outreach which takes place at the end of November beginning of December. Last year more than 2000 men, women and children were reached with gifts and with the Gospel. Please pray that the Lord already start helping us to prepare the ground for the end of 2015. As you know recession fears and poor economic forecasts makes ministries nervous - But we are trusting God for impossible breakthroughs… because He is able. 2.) EAR2HEAR MINISTRIES: - Well-connected people in the resourcing, printing and media industries - for producing Gospels of Mark, Magazines and other published materials by EAR2HEAR! The company agents who supply Gospels of John in RSA (from IRELAND) have closed their doors. We need alternative resources. - We need to find cheaper blank CDs in bulk in Pretoria/Johannesburg area. CDs are going all over Africa. We also need to purchase 2 more CD duplicators to help with the production load. - Bibles. We are short of Bibles! 3.) EAR2HEAR PRAY: we want to pray for even more intercessors and intercession groups; to pray exclusively for needs of EAR2HEAR and the network partners. The current group already carries a heavy prayer burden. 4.) EAR2HEAR NETWORK: Pray for open doors to work with more leaders. After dealing with several leaders this week, we realised how some truly need help and guidance in their ministry. We were shocked to hear how some were quoting non-Christian scholars (without realising it) to help them in their prayer initiatives. Please pray for open doors to mentor, network and encourage leaders. Pray for open hearts to receive counsel and instruction. CHILDREN’S PRAYER FOCUS in SOUTH AFRICA:

PRAY FOR THE FOLLOWING GROUPS WORKING WITH CHILDREN, HELPING CHILDREN, EVANGELISING CHILDREN: Youth Leader’s Forums (Palm tree leadership forum) encourages leaders, ministers involved with youth work;

Evangelism organisations (Bible clubs, Scripture unions, Student Christian Organisations, Mission Societies, Child Evangelism Fellowship, Good News Hearts, Petra College); Evangelism and activism campaigns (Valuable to Jesus, Mighty kids, Transforming Kids, Living Ball, Kids in Action, Care Bares) Baby ministries (Good News Hearts)

Drop in centres (Refilwe Orphan Care, Bana Ba Kgosi Drop-In Centre), Orphanages; Social workers; Child protection services (CMR, SOS); Primary, Intermediary and High Schools; Schools for children with special needs; Private schools; Home schooled; Tertiary educational institutions; Teachers & care givers; Education department; Drug Rehabilitation centres, Youth detention centres; Sunday schools, Youth groups, Christian camping centres; Hospices for sick children and hospital wards with sick children; Anti-trafficking services (MERCY HOUSE); Deliverance ministries working with children caught up in witchcraft and Satanism; Homeless children on the street; Children with parents in prison, and children born in prisons; Special Needs Children (Good News Hearts).


PRAY FOR THE FOLLOWING FOR THE CHILDREN OF THE WORLD: Christian witness and teaching to adults who influence the lives of children, that God would instruct them on how to care for the future generation (Parents, family, teachers, pastors, medical profession, entertainment industry.)

Restoration of discipline and teaching children to respect parents and authority; Thank God for the many children who are cared for globally. The Church to rise up in response (globally) to evangelise and minister to the needs of children. God can raise up children evangelists (globally), child intercessors in prayer and children as Kingdom ambassadors. Self-image of children and Parental involvement in raising children. Holy and right doing teachers with the heart of Jesus Christ.

Pray Against: Music, technology & Entertainment industry sharing values, morals and beliefs that influence our children. Especially the influence of Satanism; witchcraft; new age and other pagan practices. Growing Illiteracy in developing and developed countries. Broken Families due to absent fathers and/or mothers. Child soldiers and Children in War torn countries (Think Isis) and rape of teenage girls. Child slave labourers and Child sex trafficking. Forced child marriages and Sexual purity. Bulling. Pray against predatory behaviour of paedophiles and those who promote to legalize it. Hungry children… children are the largest sector of world population starving. Orphans due to violence, disease, famine, natural disasters and war zones. Children affected by abuse in the global church. Many leaders around the world are discussing the de-criminalisation of many drugs (on a global scale) which will affect our children.

Graphic by EAR2HEAR PRAY