Practices and dialogues on Migration and development: strengthening EUNOMAD

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Practices and dialogues on Migration and development: strengthening EUNOMAD. Methodological Notes Altay Manço (IRFAM) Brussels, December 2008. Partners. France: Ader, GRDR Belgium: IRFAM, Transfaires Great Britain: CFD Netherlands: INTENT, ADPC Germany: WEF Spain: FCEAR Italy: GAO - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Practices and dialogues on Migration and development: strengthening EUNOMAD

Practices and dialogues onMigration and development:

strengthening EUNOMAD

Methodological Notes

Altay Manço (IRFAM)

Brussels, December 2008

Partners France: Ader, GRDR Belgium: IRFAM, Transfaires Great Britain: CFD Netherlands: INTENT, ADPC Germany: WEF Spain: FCEAR Italy: GAO Poland: SPA Portugal: INDIA Czech Republic: OPU

Other actors involved: European Parliamentary Groups European Commission: DG Dev, JLS, DG E Council of Europe United Nations: UNDP Networks International. : ENAR, CONCORD, SOLIDAR

Guests: Luxembourg: SESOPI Switzerland: REFORMAF, HESSO

Plan Preamble Clarification of principal concepts The Purpose of the action Objectives Expected Results Means and activities Methodology Example: the Belgian case


EUNOMAD is an international associationof organizations involved in development practices in relation to migration

It carries out measures for migrants working for the development of countries of origin and destination

It develops recommendations to policy makers at various levels of power

It boosts the interaction between policy makers and migrants in this area

Clarification of principal concepts

"Practices and dialogues on migration and development"V V V VV V V V

« Migrants » « Policy Makers » « Dialogue » « Good Practice » « Development »

«International Solidarity » « Development Co-operation » « Co-development »

« Migrants » ?

This designation includes:

Immigrants: people who have migrated Second generation of migrants

People "of foreign origin" can be "naturalized" They reside in the EUNOMAD network counties Special attention is paid to migrants from developing


« Policy Makers » ?These are political leaders and administrative staff:

Municipalities and other local authorities Regions Parastatal agencies States Federations European Union International organizations

They are all concerned with international migration, social integration or development policies

It also seems important to involve various experts as well as jounalists

« Dialogue » ?The essence of the work undertaken is not the claim

The dialogue is a set of exchanges to better understand the meaning of Others and fostering the emergence of a new cooperation

The dialogue presupposes the equality of participants and their voluntary participation

It requires the ability to find a common language in order to understand and respect partners

The three EUNOMAD dialogue: within the network itself with migrants and policy makers facilitating dialogue between migrants and policy makers

« Good Practice » ?The initiative aims to define and illustrate the"best migration and development practices"

A good practice is an approach that has proven its usefulness in a respective situation and may be replicable in other contexts

The criteria for good practice are: relevance in relation to the matter adaptability and the degree of integration in context the innovative aspect, the added value, the comparative advantage significant positive impact and effectiveness, the achievement of

objectives sustainability design quality, cost-benefit gradient compliance with the principles of human rights

« Development » ? The development is the act that improves the well-being Its main features are:

the comprehensive and integrated approach transparency the professional approach territoriality citizen participation the partnership approach respect of local values ecological integrity equity between nations, individuals and groups economic efficiency

« International solidarity » ?

Body of mutual relations amongcommunities in different countries

Any action of solidarity is not a development initiative (Emergency relief)

The countries concerned may be of the same level of development

It concerns any kind of collective initiatives, public or not

« Development Co-operation »?

Set of policies and practices of industrialized countries to improve the well-being of less advanced countries (economic, cultural, technical or financial help)

Migrants and development ?Migrants can play an important role in the framework of

North-South or West-East relations: help to bridge the divide between people stimulate development in the regions of origin through

transfers of knowledge, products, money and services create a sensitivity in the host country for their country of

origin raise new questions on development, international relations,

etc. canalize migration trends symbolize a transnational and cooperative citizenship

« Co-development » ?

Recognition of the importance of the role of migrants in development efforts has

allowed the emergence of a new concept "Co-development"

The co-development is a shared development

The co-development refers to : the interdependence between North and

South (or East and West) the links established by migrants,

governments and private bodies collaboration between migrants and their

countries of origin

The co-development : refers to partnerships for a balanced trade concerns the international cooperation among local

authorities, businesses and groups, including migrant associations and professional organizations

concerns the economic, cultural and social issues, and therefore the policy

offers a large range of projects, from small and family initiatives to more ambitious projects in order to develop: economic capacities (business creation or remittances) social skills (participatory citizenship in origin and destination

areas) political skills (development of management tools)

The EUNOMAD network …

These initiatives may pose difficulties. Therefore migrants and institutions need to have a common strategy in order to make their development efforts effective.

This is the reason why the network EUNOMAD was born in Europe !

Networks objective«Practices and dialogue on migration and development»

December 2008 – November 2010

The objective of this network is to build a sustainable federation to move forward development issues …

EUNOMAD tends to strengthen: the implementation the ability to develop practices the ability to support partners and ability to participate in policy-making process at

various levels


1. To strengthen associations and organizations’ abilities involved in development activities in close collaboration with migrants

2. To strengthen dialogue between associations involved in development activities in close collaboration with migrants

3. To promote the identification and dissemination of the best development practices in relation to migration

4. Strengthen the dialogue between associations and institutions in this field across Europe

Expected Results Strengthening of effective networks in

partner countries Strengthening contacts between migrant

associations and policy makers Sharing and valorise development

practices in association with migrants Organization of exchanges with European

institutions and platforms, as well as international organizations

Publication of recommendations

Means and activities

1. Preparation and organization of conferences in Brussels

2. Animation and strengthening of national platforms in France, Belgium and the UK

3. Expansion of the dynamics to other countries like Italy, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic and Netherlands

4. Capitalization and developing the best practices

5. Strengthening dialogue with institutions and other European platforms

1. Conferences in Brussels (1/year)for members of the network:

to provide the network agenda to define the division of tasks among

members to establish work committees to strengthen links, trade and cooperation to conduct public debates to disseminate results in various forms

2. Strengthening national platforms in France, Belgium and UKby GRDR, CFD, Transfaires:

identification of relevant actors in partner countries creation of a database and a directory of practices strengthening exchanges among stakeholders identifying their needs and resources collective search for solutions organization of conferences (1/year/country) for

local partners dissemination of results in various forms

3. Expansion of the dynamics to Italy, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic and Netherlands:

to support partners in these countries to help in identification of relevant actors

in these countries with relation to the migration and development

to create the database to strengthen exchanges among local

stakeholders to identify their needs and resources to organize a seminar (1/country) to disseminate the results

4. Capitalization and developing best practices:

to organize of two workshops to establish quality criteria and put forward exemplary projects: one in Paris on "social skills" one other in The Hague on "economic capacites"

to develop and disseminate of tools (an European guide of good practices, an analytical book, ...)

to increase the visibility of the network to enlarge the network of new members

5. Strengthening dialogue withEuropean institutions:

to organize a joint seminar with representatives of the European Commission

to organize a day of consultation with other European platforms

to organize of a workshop with the Council of Europe

to organize meetings with European parliamentary groups

to participate in the fair of UNDP

Summary approachof methods

A. Animation and strengthening of national platforms in France, Belgium and UK

B. Expansion of the dynamics to other countries: Italy, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic and Netherlands

C. Capitalisation and valorisation of practices

Introduction:Differences between countries ...

In this project, some partners are responsiblefor more actions than others …

Some countries have a larger migrant population than others

This migration comprises recent and old migrant flows Migrants can be more or less active or organized in

the co-development projects Institutions can be more or less aware and active in

this area The issue can be discussed or not in the literature The network members can be more or less

experienced in this field ...

A. Building and animation of the national platforms (F, B, GB)

Assemble in national platform many recognized actors of the field Articulate platforms with the European EUNOMAD network Provide methodological experiences of these countries to other

member countries Identification of actors: the database and the practice directory Strengthening exchanges among actors: what position on migration and

development should be taken? Identifying resources and needs: interviews ... Collective search for possible solutions: interpellation of political staff,

cooperation between actors, ... Organization of the annual conference Identification of the "best practices" to enrich the debate at the European

level (exchanges with foreign stakeholders) Participation in the European network Dissemination of results at the national level

B. Transfer of the dynamic toI, E, P, D, PL, CZ, NL

The goal is to support the dynamics of creating networks in these countries

EUNOMAD will support these partners to develop their capabilities to : identify relevant actors on migration and

development: implementation of a directory survey their resources and needs organize exchanges between these actors produce material on the development best

practices in cooperation with migrants participate in the EUNOMAD activities

C. Capitalization and valorisation of practices (all)

The aim is to enable the network to exchange information in connection with their activities, according to two themes:

1. "Social skills" 2. "Economic capacity"

These workshops allow members to submit examples of a good practice and to establish criteria of success for these practices

A dozen criteria for a good project will be defined, validated and illustrated

Participants will benefit from the contributions of invited experts, policy makers, etc.

Organizers of workshop will disseminate the results The workshop will include:

presentation of the best practices (guide) bibliography evaluation material project bank policy recommendations (tools) general conclusions (analysis)

The Belgian case: an example0. The Belgian background1. Creating and running a local group in Liege (starting

October 2008)2. Methodological support and analysis of the practices

of a group of projects in Wallonia (starting November 2008)

3. Animation of the Belgian «migration and development» platform with the participation of players actors (December 2008-November 2010)

4. Participation in the EUNOMAD network (December 2008-November 2010)

0. The Belgian context Belgium is a country with a large migrant population from

outside of the EU This population is old, structured and has many associations The experiences of co-development appear to be many Administrations develop a favourable speech on migrant

participation in the international co-operation policies, since the late 90s

Yet, public aid in terms of co-development are quite rare Research on the subject are also rare IRFAM and Transfaires offer an integrated contribution and

are supported by the Walloon Region

1. Creating and running a local group in Liege (TRANSFAIREs)

The objectives of this project are: Identify in this city individuals or associations

concerned by co-development actions Learn more about individual and collective

practices Create an awareness and debate space

among stakeholdersTarget audience:

Mainly, immigrants from sub-Saharan Africa

Activities in Liège … Creation and consolidation of a group of 10 to 20 people Realization of a directory of relevant actors Redaction of a document describing local practices Production of a collective analysis of these practices Analysis of literature, including association productions Identification of problems and needs in the field Organization of a day of reflection to present and validate the

findings (Liège, 2009) Organization of a partnerships „fair“ Consolidation of links with relevant institutions Participation in the Belgian Platform and the EUNOMAD

Network Publications at the local level

2. Methodological support for projects in Wallonia (IRFAM)

The IRFAM is in charge of accompanying a group of associations with co-development projects

These projects are selected and supported by the Walloon Region

The target audience is migrants associations and some social workers who work with them

Please note: the differences in methods and area between the two Belgian approaches create complementarities

Activities in Wallonia … Identify Walloon actors involved in development activities:

meetings and interviews, document analysis Produce a more explicit definition of the co-development concept

through the study of actions Develop coaching tools and methodologies tailored to the needs of

associations and professionals Organize meetings between associations (Verviers, 2009) Boost cooperation between migrant associations and

administrations: creation of a committee Develop and valorise skills and resources of immigrant people Make actions visible (publications, …) Provide others with series of recommendations Join EUNOMAD platform and network

3. Belgian Plateform (TRANSFAIREs/IRFAM)

The platform will involve local partners in Liege and in some other cities in Wallonia, as well as other selected actors from Brussels and Flanders

Activities in Belgium … Analysis of literature and administration lists order to identify actors

in other regions of the country Selection and meeting of these actors (invitation to participate to the

Belgian Platform) Interviews on practices Constitution of the platform with a large spectrum of actors (from

many different regions, types of initiatives, associations, businesses, ...)

Animation of the Platform (visibility meeting in Brussels in 2009) Identification of best projects to propose to EUNOMAD collective

activities Analysis of meeting proceedings Dissemination of the publications

4. Participation to EUNOMAD activities

Finally, selected Belgian actors will participate in the European network

Thank you for your attention !

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