PRACTICE: Why is it dark during the night? It is dark during the nightbecause the earth rotates on...

Post on 02-Jan-2016

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Transcript of PRACTICE: Why is it dark during the night? It is dark during the nightbecause the earth rotates on...

PRACTICE: Why is it dark during the night?

It is dark during the night because theearth rotates on its axis. For example, theearth rotates like a basketball spinning on a finger, making one revolution every twenty-four hours as it & other planets orbit around the sun.As a result,

one side of the planet is facing away from the sun and no light shines on that portion of Earth.

for approximately half of each day,

SAMPLE QUESTION: Why do teachers receive double that of the portions a student receives in a school lunch?

SAMPLE QUESTION: Identify three reasons more and more students are choosing to graduate at semester.

SAMPLE QUESTION: What is natural selection and how does it preserve certain organisms?

Model Paragraph Natural selection preserves certain organisms by allowing them to adapt to their environment. By definition, natural selection is the process by which organisms with favorable variations survive and reproduce at a higher rate. For example, the willow ptarmigan is brown most of the year but turns white in the winter. If the ptarmigan does not change color, it will be spotted easily by predators and eaten. Therefore, by camouflaging itself it has a chance to survive and reproduce, and pass this adaptation to future generations.

Model Paragraph

Athletes who take the Conditioning classes have a distinct advantage over those who don’t because they develop their performance muscles. For example, athletes who’ve taken Conditioning generally show greater coordination, have superior speed and quickness, and suffer fewer injuries. The grace and coordination comes from enhanced muscle control. Quickness comes from developing fast-twitch muscles. The durability factor is a result of having strong muscles and tendons with the elasticity to sustain violent collisions and unusual body positions suffered in competition. Non lifters, on the other hand, are often working with weaker and less flexible muscles. Therefore, the non-lifter’s performance is not as good, and his or her chances of being injured are greater than those who lift weights throughout the year.

SAMPLE QUESTION: Do athletes who take Conditioning have an advantage over those who don’t?

SAMPLE QUESTION: Are generic medicines a feasible substitute for name brand curatives?

Model Paragraph

Generic medicines often are good substitutes for name brand curatives because they do for you what the more expensive medicines do. For example, many people turn to Extra-Strength Tylenol or Bayer Aspirin for relief from headaches and sore muscles because they both contain the maximum amount of acetamynaphen, a pain-relieving drug. Similarly, their generic counterpart from Dillons or IGA contain the maximum dose of acetamynaphn. Quite often, the only difference between the generic and the more expensive name brand drug is the cost. Therefore, a person who would like to save money should consider using generic pharmaceutical products of all kinds.

SAMPLE QUESTION: How do first degree murder and manslaughter differ?

STATEMENT: First degree murder is different than manslaughter in the premeditation and malice aforethought.

What are the three most important classes you’ve taken?

How does college football’s BCS play-off system work?

What is etymology and how can you use it?

What are the best and the worst school lunches?

SAMPLE QUESTION: What is a student planner and how do you utilize yours?

SEE Writing Format?



By definition, _____________________________________

_______________________. For example, _____________


Therefore, _______________________________________


…such as…

To illustrate,

One such…

A case in point is..



A parallel…




In the same way

In contrast

On the contrary




On the other hand






As a result



For that reason



ENUMERATION: List and explain three or more changes you’d make in yourself if you could.

DEFINITION/CLARIFICATION: What is “religion” and how does it impact your life?

CLARIFICATION: How will you use your education?

COMPARISON: In what way(s) are you like your parents?

CONTRAST: How do you hope to differ from your parents when you’re their age?