Practice questions for eyes and ears

Post on 03-Apr-2015

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Transcript of Practice questions for eyes and ears

Eye and Ear Practice


The nurse is asked to test the visual acuity of a client using a Snellen chart. The nurse prepares to

perform the test, knowing that which of the following identifies the accurate procedure for this

visual acuity test?

1. Both eyes are tested together followed by the testing of the right and then the left eye

2. The right eye is tested, followed by the left eye, then both eyes are tested

3. The client is asked to stand 40 feet from the chart and is asked to read the largest line on the chart

4. The client is asked to stand 40 feet from the chart and to read the line that can be read 20 feet away by an individual with unimpaired vision

2. The right eye is tested, followed by the left eye, then both eyes are tested

The clinic notes that following several eye examinations, the physician has documented a diagnosis of legal

blindness in the client’s chart. Which of the following does the nurse expect to note documented as the result

of the Snellen chart test?

1. 20/20 vision

2. 20/40 vision

3. 20/60 vision

4. 20/200 vision

4. 20/200 vision

Tonometry is performed on the client with a suspected diagnosis of glaucoma. The nurse reviews the test results as documented in the client’s chart and understands that

normal intraocular pressure is

1. 2 to 7 mmHg

2. 10 to 21 mmHg

3. 22 to 30 mmHg

4. 31 to 35 mmHg

2. 10 to 21 mmHg

The nurse is assisting in developing a plan of care for the client scheduled for cataract surgery. The nurse make suggestions regarding the plan, knowing that which of the following problems is most specifically associated

with this type of surgery?

1. Self-care deficit

2. Alternation in nutrition

3. Sensory perceptual alteration

4. anxiety

3. Sensory perceptual alteration

The nurse is reviewing the health record of a client diagnosed with glaucoma. The chief clinical manifestation

that the nurse expects to note the early stages of cataract information is

1. Eye pain

2. Floating spots

3. Blurred vision

4. diplopia

3. Blurred vision

The nurse is assigned to administer the prescribed eye drops for a client preparing for cataract surgery. Which of the following types of eye drops does the nurse expect to

be prescribed?

1. An osmotic diuretic

2. A miotic agent

3. A mydriatic medication

4. A thiazide diuretic

3. A mydriatic medication

The nurse is assigned to care for a client following a cataract extraction. The nurse plans to position the


1. On the operative side

2. On the nonoperative side

3. Prone

4. Supine

2. On the nonoperative side

The client is diagnosed with glaucoma. Which of the following data gathered by the nurse indicates a risk

factor associated with glaucoma?

1. A history of migraine headaches

2. Frequent urinary tract infections

3. Cardiovascular disease

4. Frequent upper respiratory infections

3. Cardiovascular disease

The nurse is assigned to care for a client with a detached retina. Which of the following assessment signs does the

nurse expect to be documented in the client’s record?

1. Pain in the affected eye

2. Blurred vision

3. A sense of a curtain falling across the field of vision

4. A yellow discoloration of the sclera

3. A sense of a curtain falling across the field of vision

The nurse is assigned to care for a client with a diagnosis of detached retina. Which of the following findings

indicates the bleeding has occurred as a result of retinal detachment?

1. Complaints of a burst of black spots or floaters

2. A sudden sharp pain in the eye

3. Total loss of vision

4. A reddened conjunctiva

1. Complaints of a burst of black spots or floaters

The client arrives in the emergency department following an automobile accident. The client’s forehead hit the

stirring wheel and a hyphema was diagnosed. The nurse prepares to position the client

1. Flat on bed rest

2. On bed rest in a semi-Fowler’s position

3. In the lateral position on the affected side

4. In lateral position on the unaffected side

2. On bed rest in a semi-Fowler’s position

The client arrives in the emergency department with a penetrating eye injury from wood chips while cutting

wood. The nurse checks the eye and notes the piece of wood protruding from the eye. The nurse immediately

prepares the client for which of the following?

1. Removal of the piece of wood using a sterile eye clamp

2. Application of an eye patch

3. Visual acuity tests

4. Irrigation of the eye with sterile saline

3. Visual acuity tests

The client sustains a chemical eye injury from a splash of battery acid. The nurse prepares the

client for which of the following immediate measures?

1. Assessment of visual acuity

2. Irrigation of the eye with sterile normal saline

3. Swabbing the eye with antibiotic ointment

4. Covering the eye with a pressure patch

2. Irrigation of the eye with sterile normal saline

A client arrives at the emergency department with a foreign body in the left ear that has been

determined to be an insect. Which of the following interventions does the nurse anticipate to be

prescribed initially?

1. Irrigation of the ear

2. Instillation of diluted alcohol

3. Instillation of antibiotic ear drops

4. Instillation of corticosteroid ointment

2. Instillation of diluted alcohol

A client with Meniere’s disease is experiencing severe vertigo. The nurse instructs the client to do which of the following to assist in controlling the


1. Increase fluid intake to 3000 mL a day

2. Avoid sudden head movements

3. Lie still and watch TV

4. Increase sodium in the diet

2. Avoid sudden head movements

The nurse is caring for a client following craniotomy for removal of an acoustic neuroma. The nurse understands that assessment of which of the following cranial nerves identifies a complication specifically associated with this


1. Cranial nerve I, olfactory

2. Cranial nerve III, oculomotor

3. Cranial nerve IV, trochlear

4. Cranial nerve VII, facial nerve

4. Cranial nerve VII, facial nerve

The nurse is monitoring a client with a blunt head injury sustained from a motor vehicle accident. Which of the following indicates a basal skull

fracture as a result of the injury?

1. Purulent drainage from the auditory canal

2. Bloody or clear drainage from the auditory canal

3. Epistaxis

4. Periorbital edema

2. Bloody or clear drainage from the auditory canal

The nurse is reviewing the physician’s orders on a client admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of an acute attack of Meniere’s disease. Which of the following orders if noted on the client’s chart does

the nurse question?

1. The administration of a sedative

2. The administration of an antihistamine

3. The administration of a vasoconstrictor

4. Bed rest

3. The administration of a vasoconstrictor