Practical session - Teaching, Learning and Assessment Schedules steps

Post on 11-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Practical session - Teaching, Learning and Assessment Schedules steps


Dr Muavia Gallie (PhD)

Education Moving Up

Practical SessionTeaching, Learning &

Assessment Schedules

5 School Turnaround Principles

16 Educational Principles

8 School Readiness


15 Teaching, Learning and Assessment Schedules

50 School Operational


60 School Quality Systems

16 School Turnaround Deliverables

Ownership Planning Curriculum Management

SustainabilityCulture, Climate, Relationship



From Underperformance to Excellence

1. Under-Performing Schools

2. High Functioning Schools

3. School of Excellence

8 School Readiness Components (Planning)Attendance Teacher




TablingTeaching, Learning,

Assessment Schedule

Organogram TLSM


50 School Operational SystemsAcademic (11) Administration (14) Communication (6) ICT (7) Pastoral Care (12)

Planning Planning

CM - Monitoring and Evaluation

CCR - Support and Development

60 School Quality SystemsLeadership


Planning (10)Human

Resources (10)Learning and Teaching (10)

Assessment and Feedback (10)

Monitoring and Evaluation (10)

CCR - Support and Development

CM - Monitoring and Evaluation


Sustain - Institutionalisation Sustain - Institutionalisation

School Turnaround Strategy (5 Phases) – 3-5 Years



3 – 6 Months

Culture, Climate, Relationship


6 - 9 Months


m Managemen


1.5 – 2.5 Years


6 – 9 Months



3 – 6 Months


50 School Operational SystemsAcademic (11); Administration (14); Communication (6); ICT (7); Pastoral Care (12)

1. Teaching 2. Learning Support 3. School Image 4. Principal’s Office 5. Finance and ICT

1.1 Teacher Substitute Management

2.1 Co-Curricular Management

3.1 Admissions Management

4.1 External Doc Supply to Agents Management

5.1 Funds Management

1.2 External Exams Management

2.2 Discipline Management

3.2 Calendar Management

4.2 Human Resources Management

5.2 Finance Management

1.3 Internal Exams Management

2.3 Exclusion Management

3.3 Daily Bulletin Management

4.3 Inventory Management

5.3 Fin Accountability Management

1.4 Assessment Process Management

2.4 Learning Info Management

3.4 Good News Management

4.4 Human Relations Management

5.4 Data Management

1.5 Teaching Info Management

2.5 Learner Attendance Management

3.5 Parent Info and Communication Management

4.5 Teachers and Learners Risk Management

5.5 Digital Management

1.6 External Reporting Management

2.6 Rewards and Conduct Management

3.6 SMS Management 4.6 Learner Profile Management

5.6 Network Management

1.7 Teaching Process Management

2.7 Physical & Mental Health Management

3.7 Feeder Schools Management

4.7 Return on Investment Management

5.7 Publishing Management

1.8 Timetable Process Management

2.8 Gifted and Talent Management

3.8 Other Schools Management

4.8 Class groups and Subjects Management

5.8 Document Management

1.9 Learner Performance Tracking Management

2.9 Special Needs Management

3.9 Enrichment Management

4.9 Literacy Management

5.9 Website Management

1.10 Second Opportunity Management

2.10 Social Support Management

3.10 Volunteerism Management

4.10 School-Workplace Management

5.10 ICT Integration Management



Practical SessionFocus Specific IssuesSchool Readiness Components6. Teaching, Learning, and Assessment Schedules

Chunking of work; 15 TLAS areas.


Teaching ScheduleWhat will the teacher be doing?

Learning ScheduleWhat do we want the learner to do?

Assessment ScheduleWhat do we want the learner to know and understand?

1. Curriculum Alignment

6. Classroom Management

11. Classroom Assessment

2. Planning Practice and Interaction

7. Physical Environment

12. Test and Examination Preparation

3. Direction and Instruction

8. Questioning Techniques

13. Second Chance Opportunity

4. General Techniques 9. From Interaction to Engagement

14. Final Expectation

5. Teaching and Learning Tools

10. Classroom Leadership

15. Grades, Marks, Targets, etc.


Teaching Schedule

1. Curriculum Alignment 2. Planning, Practice and


3. Directio

n and Instruction

4. General Techniques

5. Teaching and Learning Tools

• Mapping the chunks within the different weeks

• Ensure Unique chunk-descriptions per week are the same (all the chunks must be unique for others)

• Do Cross linking of chucks, both at horizontal and vertical level

• Make clear distinction between chunks which start at the level, and those continuing from previous grades.


Chunking of the Curriculum

C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 C17 C18 C19 C20 C21 C22 C23 C24 C25 C26 C27 C28 C28 C30 C31 C32 C33 C34 Total

Grade 8 2.94% 23.5%

Grade 9

Grade 10

Grade 11

Grade 12


Subject Chunking C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 C17

















C34 Total

Grade 8A Grade 8B Grade 8C Grade 8D Grade 8E Grade 8F Grade 9A Grade 9b Grade 9C Grade 9 D Grade 9E Grade 9F Grade 10A Grade 10B Grade 10C Grade 10D Grade 10E Grade 10F Grade 10G Grade 10H Grade 11A Grade 11B Grade 11C Grade 11D Grade 11E Grade 12A Grade 12B Grade 12C Grade 12D


Teaching Schedule1. Curriculum Alignment

2. Planning, Practice and Interaction 3. Direction and Instruction

4. General Techniques

5. Teaching and

Learning Tools

• Describe the Content to be taught• Indicate the Source where information came from• Identify Other sources where content can be sought from, and consider sources presenting

alternative perspectives, methods, approaches, etc. on the same content• Indicate the Scope, Depth and Breath of the content to be covered (indicate how long

teaching will take, of the period time)• Indicate whether Pre-knowledge is necessary• Indicate whether Pre-engagement from learners is necessary• Identify the Teaching method [13] (teacher and/or learners centred) to be followed (lecture,

demonstration, tell a story, whole-class discussion, visual display, role play, small group discussion, visit, project work, library search investigation, practical work, self-study)

• Identify the particular practice of skill to be followed such as Homework – indicate to learners what the approximate length of time they should take to complete task (ensure a consistent space where homework assignment is noted in writing). Consider a ‘homework Roster’ for the class, grade or school. Types of homework (preparation tasks – learners gaining background information; practice exercises – to apply, review, revise and reinforce new knowledge; creative homework – learners integrate multiple concepts and develop critical thinking and problem solving skills, which is open-ended questions and long-term projects with choice for learners; extension assignments – learners to pursue knowledge individually and imaginatively, which allows for class work and real world to connect)

• Identify Length of teaching, learning, and formative assessment per lesson and/or per week• Identify Practical examples, simulations, symbolism, etc. that will be utilised (connect

theory and practice – real life experiences)


Integrating ‘Chunking’ with TLAS


Teaching Schedule1. Curriculum Alignment

2. Planning,


and Interaction

3. Direction and Instruction 4. General



5. Teaching

and Learning


• Role of the Teacher – Facilitator, Orchestrator, Passive, Authoritarian

• Levels of Learning (Blooms’ Levels of Learning – Facts, Information, Know-how, Comprehension and Wisdom)

• Instruction Signs (Listen, look at me, be quiet, sit down, stand up, line up, take out your homework, get your pencil/pen, etc.)

• Develop Maps for different directions (What to do when: - I don’t understand what the teacher said; I don’t understand the lesson; I don’t know how to tackle the work; I am finished with my work; I want to help another learner; I need to go to the bathroom; etc.)

• How to give your directions (speak up and say exactly what you need; identify a ‘silly word’ to get their attention; ensure to let learners repeat your directions; write important information in a special place on the board; use a timeframe to ensure you want things to be done within a certain time; ensure learners know the importance of the directions; constantly ‘police’ the task until learners demonstrated they can be left alone; encourage learners to seek clarify from other learners too; now reduce the talking and focus on the doing)


Teaching Schedule1. Curriculum Alignment

2. Planning, Practice and


3. Direction and Instruction

4. General Techniques 5. Teaching and Learning Tools

•Setting the atmosphere/tone in your classroom (build rapport by creating trust and relationship; create peaceful pace through your own calm voice, expect excellence through routine and consistency; use story telling to create higher order thinking and imagining, indicate expected behaviour and consequences, get-down-to-it learning approach, balance hard work with camaraderie, friendship and joy)

• Important techniques: • Display important concepts on walls; • Test equipment before using them; • Ensure clean and neat classroom area; • Music can be used effectively where appropriate; • Consistently greeting all learners when they enter; • Personal stories and humour assist connection; • Emphasis things which are important; • Use your voice tone to set the correct atmosphere; • Ensure proper lighting; • Spend time building up relationships; • Use colour patterns to distinguish different things; • Utilise visual tools to ensure holding their attention; • Avoid ‘incorrect spelling’ on the board; • Professionally dress at least 1 step above all/most

learners; • Ensure seating choices given; • Ensure time management as a principle; • Encourage learner socialization;

• Ensure permission is requested when leaving the classroom; • Ask questions that promote thinking; • Dignify all responses and contributions; • Utilise humour to increase retention; • Put effort in to ensure connection of concepts with ‘outside

school experiences’; • Ask for volunteers before identifying; • Teachers must move around to classroom for attention; • Manage learner movement for oxygen; • Start your lesson on time; • Ensure some feedback loop after every 10 minutes; • Create the freedom of learners to opt out; • Keep water in class available for learners; • Use multiple senses to stimulate all learning styles; • Reduce distractions to the minimum; • Emphasise Safety in the classroom; • Emphasise Success of All in the classroom; • Emphasise the importance of Love; • Emphasise the importance of Belonging;

• Display Constantly incorporate the dreams of learners into the learning conversations to ensure connection


Teaching Schedule1. Curriculum Alignment

2. Planning,

Practice and


3. Direction and Instruction

4. General Techniques

5. Teaching and Learning Tools• Differentiate Instruction by: designing the lessons to meet the needs of

all learners; on-going, ever-changing flexible groupings; responding to different readiness, interest and learning profile; on-going assessment; addressing essential principles, concepts and skills; careful planning; an effective philosophy that allows all learners to feel successful

• Multiple Intelligences: 1. Verbal/Linguistic (writing, journal, poem, TV ads, reading stories, concept mapping, crossword puzzle); 2. Logical/Mathematical (time line, compare and contrast ideas, visual diagrams, comic strips, survey results); 3. Interpersonal (tell stories, cooperative games, role play, discuss and come to conclusion, interviews); 4. Body Kinesthetic (cooperative games, physical exercises, hands-on experiments, model or representation); 5. Musical Rhythmic (rapping, musical instruments, music writing, dance steps, make up sounds and sound effects, jingle, rhymes); 6. Naturalist (collect and categorise data, materials, or ideas; discover or experiment; take field trips; case study; adapt materials to a new use, label and classify); 7. Interpersonal (personal journal; write about personal experiences; think about and plan; review or visualise; expressing of feelings; imagine and write about the future)


Learning Schedule6. Classroom Management 7.

Physical Environment

8. Questioning Techniques

9. From Interaction to Engagement

10. Classroom Leadership

•Tips for Teachers (start the first day of the year with clear expectations and a plan; be fair to all learners and apply consistently; be prepared for some disruptions, and therefore don’t let it phase you; instil high expectations consistently and prevent sliding during ‘off’ days; incentivise good behaviour through affirmation and rewards; rather over-plan to ensure that your are not caught out ‘idling’ our without ideas and activities; if you have clear rules, you must display them but limit them; ensure that you build relationships and ensure that they know you care about them even when you don’t like what they do; praise in public and reprimand in private; ensure to prevent emotional outbursts that could lead to confrontation and humiliation; be patient and keep practicing and don’t sweat the small stuff unless it has the potential to be come ‘big stuff’)

•Establish Routine (model how to by yourself through simple and straightforward displays; model how not to and exaggerate consequences in example; have a learner model it from start to finish; have a group of 4-5 learners to model it; practice with the whole class until they get it right; go live to ensure ‘feeling of success’ or ‘doing things the right way’)

•Have rules for both yourself (teacher) and learners (Teacher – I will: - treat each learner with respect; criticize in private and praise in public and make every effort not to embarrass you in front of your peers; maintain a sense of humour since laughter is important; remember you may have other issues going on and therefore give you some ‘space’ when needed; let you know when I don’t feel to good; try to never yell/scream; focus on your learner as both a process and product; incorporate the building of character in my classroom; not allow you to talk bad about other learners and teachers; allow you to vent if you need to; take care of problems myself without sending it to the principal; make no judgement about you based on your prior action; always forgive; need your assistance and help at various stages during the year and therefore you are invited to extend your hand where you can help; Learners’ code of conduct – I will: be polite at all times; work quietly and not disturb others; listen respectfully when others are talking; be friendly to fellow classmates; be honest and trustworthy; respect my teacher and other adults and learners; be prepared for class every day; arrive to class in time; cooperate with others; always do my best)


Learning Schedule6. Classroom Management

7. Physical Environment 8. Questioning Techniques

9. From Interaction to Engagement


Classroom Leadership

• How can we establish and maintain an effective physical environment?• Aesthetics;• Content on the walls;• Lighting;• Storage space;• Teacher workspace;

• Example: Create a space where learners can find help, be supportive, etc.


Learning Schedule6.

Classroom Management

7. Physical Environmen


8. Questioning Techniques 9. From

Interaction to


10. Classroom


• Learning requires processing;• Questions direct instruction;• ‘Safe’ to be incorrect, making mistakes, …;• When struggling learners have to expose

their weakness to get information they need, they won’t do it!;

• 9 Critical questioning tools: • deflected questions; • deflected responses; • open-ended questions; • total responses questions; • response journals or boards; • interactive notes; • mutually assured correct responses; • whole group questions, share, compare, repair in small

groups; • every point processing.


Learning Schedule6. Classroom Management

7. Physical Environment

8. Questioning Techniques

9. From Interaction to Engagement 10.

Classroom Leadership

• How can learners be engaged meaningfully and effectively beyond active participation and time-on-task?• Learners learn better when engaged (shifting

meaning – “sit still and listen”);• Engage is the extent to which learners are

cognitively, physically and emotionally connected with what they are doing;

• Level of learner engagement is impacted by the design and execution of the teaching and learning activities, strategies and methods;

• From minimum compliance to total engagement.


Learning Schedule6. Classroom

7. Physical


8. Questioning Techniques

9. From Interaction to Engagement

10. Classroom Leadership• How can teachers function as truly inspirational

leaders in their classrooms with their learners and learner learning?• Inspire learners to action, to results, to achieve;• Learning with hope, inspire them to belief in their ability to

turn dreams into reality;• Speak of possibility;• Give of themselves, but also take care of themselves;• Are in tune with the classroom – operate with empathy

and compassion – create joy, fun and sense of belonging with boundaries and limits;

• Healthy relationship between teacher and learners – genuine caring and high expectations – won’t let them ‘off the hook’ – balance between pressure and nurture;

• Best relationships: celebrate achievements; maintain standards; expect success; demand excellence; coach to excellence; empower; meet needs; support individually.


Assessment Schedule11. Classroom Assessment 12

. Test and Examination Preparation

13. Second Chance Opportunity

14. Final Expectation


Grades, Marks,

Targets, etc.

• How are on-going, classroom formative and summative assessment, evaluation, accountability and documentation developed, maintained and effectively executed to ensure maximum learner success with meaningful and challenging targets?• Concept of assessment might be the most misunderstood concept

in schooling – it is assessment when the marks are changeable!• Has shifted from a ‘teaching tool’ to a ‘documentation tool’

(evaluation);• We can’t fatten cows by weighing them. But we should weigh

them to assess and adjust how we are feeding them until they meet the ‘fat’ standard.

• Effective teachers use assessment to gather information in order to determine what next steps are necessary to ensure the learners meet the desired standards and outcomes;

• Teaching process: explain what is to be learned; explain why success in learning is important; model what is to be learned; ask a friend to see how well the learning is happening; provide additional modeling; one more time see how well you can do it; repeat last two steps until satisfied and then get tested!


Assessing Learning in the Classroom1. What will

learners learn?2. How will we know learning has occurred?

• Set indicators• Provide


3. How will we collect and provide evidence of learning?

• Establish purpose and context• Create opportunities to demonstrate

learning• Observation• Learning logs• Performance tasks• Projects• Tests• Written language• Oral language• Visual communication

• Establish feedback strategies

4. What activities will enable learners

to learn?

5. How will learners demonstrate their


5.1 How will learners receive ongoing feedback?• Descriptive• Specific• Self/peer/parent/teacher as

coachAssessment FOR Learning

5.2 What will be the next

steps in improving learning?

6. How will learners receive summative

feedback?• Qualitative/descriptive• Quantitative/marks• Self/teacher as judge

Assessment OF Learning

7. What will be the next steps

in new learning?

Chunk of Learning:Learner Outcomes


Assessment Schedule11.

Classroom Assessment

12. Test and Examination Preparation 13. Second Chance Opportunity







Targets, etc.

• How can we effectively prepare learners to succeed in the tests and/or examinations?• Most teachers focus on teaching the curriculum rather than

ensuring that learners learn well;• Written, Taught and Assessed curriculum;• Test scores are actually a reflection on us more than the

learners;• Only a portion of content we teach is likely to be of long-term

importance;• What learners know is more important than How much they

know;• Choose how much of time is used for teaching;• Choose how much emphasis – push heavily and gloss over;• Different assessment methods in terms of the levels of Bloom;• When using multiple choice, true-false and matching

assessment methods, ensure that learners are not ‘guessing’ correctly/wrongly – ensure sound argument supporting their determination, as well as why each distractor is incorrect;


Assessment Schedule11.

Classroom Assessment

12. Test and

Examination Preparation

13. Second Chance Opportunity 14. Final Expectations




Targets, etc.

• How do we ensure that we teach real life lessons to learners, that they might not get it right the first time, but mastery is important?• In the real world, almost every activity, apart from life-

threatening events, allow for a second chance – drivers license (How many of you have failed your drivers license test? How many times? Are those people who got their license first, better drivers than you?);

• Second chance opportunities are invested with real learning;• But second chance opportunities must make a difference;• Should be the ownership of the learner, not the teacher;• Technology gives us the opportunity to generate second

chance opportunities;• It has to be built into the learning system of the school;• The worry that SCO will be used and abused by learners is

unfounded, although any new system will go through challenges during introduction phase.


Assessment Schedule11. Classroom Assessment

12. Test and

Examination Preparation


Second Chance Opportunity

14. Final Expectation 15.



Targets, etc.

• Four Expectations:• Learner DAT cognitive ability;• School Targets;• Learner’s current performance;• Learner Expectations in relation to

Achieving their Dreams;• How many learners failed last year

‘because of us (teachers)’ – we failed them?


Assessment Schedule11.

Classroom Assessment


Test and

Examination Preparation

13. Second Chance Opportunity

14. Final Expectation

15. Grades, Marks, Targets, etc.• Track the progress of the learners on a regular

basis;• Must attach a verbal explanation to grades –

Learner Feedback Sheet (to learners) and Teacher Feedback Sheet (to HoDs);

• Ensure that ‘grading’ means something between different teachers, and subjects;

• Grades must be ‘tools for learners’ and not for teachers;

• Work on a “value added” approach to grading (AYP);

• Ensure an efficient and effective Recording Keeping system;

• Grades are ‘a moments reflection’ of what a learner knew, at a particular time, given a particular test – it does not represent the ‘worth’ of the learners.

Thank You!