Ppt5 b

Post on 27-May-2015

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Transcript of Ppt5 b

Our Lady of Mercy School

Colegio Nuestra Señora de la Merced.

Este es nuestro colegio;La Merced

Aquí estudiamos desde los 3 años hasta los 18 años Our school is in

Loiu, a small village near Bilbao. The school is at the top of a mountain, so pupils go there by bus or by car.

There are about 700 children at our school. They come from diffferent places: Bilbao, Getxo, Basauri, Sopelana...

As you can see, it is very beautiful.

El colegio en primavera es muy bonito.

The school is sorrounded by trees, and at this time of year they have got lots of colour and lots of beautiful flowers.

When the weather is nice we go outside to play.

In the small photograph we can see the Sports Centre, from the main school building.

El colegio en invierno Que frió hace! It rarely snows

here, but when it does we can´t get to school.

This photo was taken on Sunday, and the following day there wasn´t any snow at school.

Los Patios. Vamos a jugar!

We have got six playgrounds. Two of them are indoors andfour outdoors.

The smaller children have slides and swings.

We have half an hour for break in the morning and an hour after lunch.

El Polideportivo. Nos gusta mucho el deporte

In P.E we play basketball, football, do gym exercises and play games.

The school has got basketball and five-a- side football teams.We play against other schools.

The matches are on Fridays and Saturdays.

Las clases. Estudiamos en 3 idiomas diferentes: castellano, vasco e inglés.

We start classes at 08:30 and finish at 4 o’clock

We study Maths, Spanish, Basque, Religion, English, Science, Art, Music, Computer Studies and P.E.

We have exams 3 times a year, as well as tests, and lots of homework.

We wear school gowns on top of our uniforms.

La Comida!!Hoy comemos espaguetis, pescado y plátano School food isn’t so bad but most of

us think that mum’s cooking is better. We can’t choose the food. Today we

are eating pasta, fish and a banana. Our teachers serve us the food and we

help them.

Patron Saint’s Day (School Fiestas) Vamos a pasarlo bien The school fiestas are in May.We have

competitions, a parade and lots of fun.All the students dress up. The parents come to see the parade.

Everybody has a good time.

Un colegio cristiano. Jesús es nuestro amigo. Our school has got a church and some of the teachers are nuns. On special days: Christmas, Easter,... we go to Mass.

At 12 o’clock every day we stop lessons for a few moments to pray.

Students of other religions also come to our school.

Campañas. Queremos ayudar a los demás

We have campaigns to learn about problems in the world and to collect money to help other people.

Some days ago, we organised a market to raise money.

Navidades The 2nd bachiller (A level) pupils

dress up with different costumes: Father Christmas, angels,... and give prizes to children´s best works as letters, pictures or poems.

Some pupils write plays and perform them to all the students.

Adios y hasta pronto!!!! Here we are in the classroom. We hope you like this presentation. BYE -BYE