PPT on Rise to Hitler

Post on 04-Jul-2015

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9th class 3rd chapter Rise to Hitler

Transcript of PPT on Rise to Hitler






SESSION : 2014-2015

Who Was Adolf Hitler?

Adolf Hitler (20 April 1889 in Braun au am Inn, Austria – 30 April 1945 in Berlin) was the leader of Nazi Germany. Hitler

also led the NSDAP (often called the Nazi Party), the democratically elected party which ruled Germany at this time. He became Chancellor of Germany in 1933. This appointment

was allowed by the German constitution.Hitler became dictator (complete ruler) in 1934. He called

himself the Fuehrer (leader) of the German Empire. The Nazis created a dictatorship called the third Reich. In 1933, they

blocked out all other political parties. This gave Hitler absolute power.

Hitler ordered the invasion of Poland in 1939, and this started

World War II. Because of Hitler, at least 50 million people died.

During World War II, Hitler was the Commander-in-Chief of

the German forces and made all the important decisions. This

was part of the so-called Führerprinzip. He shot himself 1945, as

the Soviet Army got to Berlin.

Many war crimes were done during the war by Nazi forces

acting under Hitler's directions. They killed their enemies or

put them in concentration camps. Hitler and his men

persecuted and killed Jews and other ethnic, religious, and

political minorities. In what is called the Holocaust, the Nazis

killed six million Jews, gypsies, homosexuals and other groups

of people.

Nazi leader Adolf Hitler was one of the most powerful and infamous dictators of the 20th century. After World

War I, he rose to power in the National Socialist German Workers Party, taking control of the German government

in 1933. His establishment of concentration camps to inter Jews and other groups he believed to be a threat to

Aryan supremacy resulted in the death of more than 6 million people in the Holocaust. His attack on Poland in

1939 started World War II, and by 1941 Germany occupied much of Europe and North Africa. The tide of the war turned following an invasion of Russian and the

U.S. entry into battle, and Hitler killed himself shortly before Germany’s defeat.

Hitler’s involvement

in world war IOn 16 August 1914, Hitler joined the Bavarian army. He fought for

Germany in World War I. Hitler served in Belgium and France in the 16th Bavarian Reserve Regiment. He spent nearly the whole time on the Western Front. He was a runner, one of the most dangerous jobs on the Front. That means, he ran from one position to another one to

carry messages. On 1 November 1914, Hitler became a Gefreiter (equivalent at the time to a private first class in the American and

lance corporal in the British armies). The government awarded him the Iron Cross Second Class on 2 December 1914.

On 5 October 1916, he was hurt by a bullet shell. Between 9 October and 1 December, he was in the military hospital Blitz. In March 1917, he went back to the front. There, he

was involved in a battle and was awarded with the Militärverdienstkreuz Third Class with swords.

In March 1918, Hitler participated in the Spring Offensive. On 4 August 1918, Hitler was awarded with the Iron Cross

First Class by the Jewish Hugo Gutmann. After the capitulation of Germany, Hitler was shocked, because the

German army still held enemy area in November 1918.


History of the Swastika The Swastika is a religious symbol used by the Egyptians,

Chinese, Roman armies, and many othersThe Swastika means good luck!

The Nazi Party used the Swastika because they felt it had connections to original caste systems that avoided racial

mixingThe Swastika is banned in most countries, except for

religious or scholarly reasons

Nazi Party at it’s Peak

Adolf Hitler was sworn in the Chancellery on January 30th, 1933.

Hitler wanted to do away with the German democracy and form a

more dictatorship Government.

Hitler had a plan to get a bill signed that gave him all the power.

This included making new laws and control the budget.

When Adolf got this passed the Government in Germany had turned

to a dictatorship. Hitler had achieved what he had been working on for


He could now do whatever he pleased like making laws against

Jews, and that was just the beginning of it.

Mein Kampf

Hitler wrote Mein Kampf (“My Struggle) in 1925 while he was in prison

This became the Nazi ideology – and it attacked Jews, Communists, democracy,

and the Treaty of VersaillesHitler also wrote that Germany needed to

destroy the French Nation and conquer Russia, among other things

The book sold/distributed 10 million copies between 1925-1934

Quote by Adolf Hitler:-“Those who want to live, let them

fight, and those who do not want

to fight in this world of eternal

struggle do not deserve to live.”