PPeeaaccee - Brookside Congregational Church...

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Transcript of PPeeaaccee - Brookside Congregational Church...

THE BROOKSIDE CHRONICLE Brookside Congregational Church, United Church of Christ

2013 Elm Street, Manchester, NH 03104-2528

Tel. (603) 669-2807 • Fax (603) 668-9041

Visit Our Web Site: www.brooksidecc.org

December, 2013

Room to Grow, Room to Serve, Room for You An Open and Affirming Congregation


Advent & Christmas, at a Glance

A summary of the season. page 2

“Bits and Pieces”

Various items of interest. page 11

Christian Formation for All Ages

Nurturing our faith. page 5

December Bible Readings, Worship Info.

Prepare the way… page 14

From Dawn’s Desk

Growing in peace. p. 3-4

“From the Brookside Workbench”

A new maintenance feature. page 13

Many Ways to Help Others

Share as you are able. p. 7-8

Music for the Season

A busy, musical month! page 6

Order Your Poinsettias

Deadline is December 16. page 6

Peace for Kids

December activities for you! page 12

When Do I…?

Sunday volunteer schedules. page 15

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Join Pastor Dawn in the Manning House

for a Christmas Story. Refreshments

will be served.

SSaattuurrddaayy,, DDeecceemmbbeerr 2211:: -- CChhrriissttmmaass CCoonncceerrtt,, 33 ppmm

…details on page 6

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December, 2013 2

Advent and Christmas at Brookside

Sunday, Dec. 1 – Advent 1 (Communion Sunday; Loaves & Fishes)

10:00 am – Worship (with Advent Candlelighting) and Church School

Sunday, Dec. 8 – Advent 2

10:00 am – All ages worship; Advent Candlelighting and

Decorating the Sanctuary Christmas Tree

Thursday, Dec. 12

5:30 pm – Women’s Union Christmas Meeting/Yankee Swap

Sunday, Dec. 15 – Advent 3 (New Members Received)

10:00 am – Worship (with Advent Candlelighting) and Church School

4:00 pm – Meet in Choir Room for Caroling

Wednesday, Dec. 18

3-4 pm – Children’s Story Time, in Manning House Parlor

Saturday, Dec. 21

2:30 pm – Carillon Prelude

3:00 pm – 4th Annual Christmas Concert, “Christmas at Brookside”

featuring Choirs, Handbells, and Martell Spagnolo

Sunday, Dec. 22 – Advent 4

10:00 am – Worship (with Advent Candlelighting) and Church School

11:15 am – Christmas Basket assembly in Fellowship Hall

Tuesday, Dec. 24 – CHRISTMAS EVE

Noon Church Office closes at Noon today.

4:30 pm – Children’s Christmas Eve Service, featuring a mini musical;

this service is especially planned with children in mind.

7:00 pm – Traditional Candlelight Service

Wednesday, Dec. 25 Merry Christmas! Building Closed.

Thursday, Dec. 26 Church Office opens at Noon today.

Sunday, Dec. 29 10:00 am – Worship; NO Church School (child care available for 5 & under)

Wednesday, Jan. 1 New Year’s Day – Building Closed

Sunday, Jan. 5 – Epiphany (Communion, Loaves & Fishes)

10:00 am – Worship – Journey of the Magi; Church School begins new Unit

~ See page 6 to order Poinsettias for Christmas. ~

December, 2013 3

From Dawn’s Desk O little town of Bethlehem,

how still we see thee lie!

Above thy deep and dreamless sleep

The silent stars go by;

Yet in thy dark streets shineth

The everlasting Light.

The hopes and fears of all the years

Are met in thee tonight. This beloved Christmas Carol was written by Phillips Brooks, renowned preacher and pastor of

Trinity Church in Boston. He wrote the carol in 1868 years after a pilgrimage to the Holy Land where

he worshipped in the Church of the Nativity on Christmas Eve. The experience made an indelible

impression on him.

I am reminded of the Brookside/Temple Adath Yeshurun pilgrimage in April, 2013. One of our

stops was Bethlehem in the occupied territory of Palestine on the West Bank. Biblically, Bethlehem was

the location of the story of Ruth when she left Moab with her mother-in-law Naomi. It was the home of

King David when he was the youngest of Jesse’s sons, a shepherd boy, and the least likely in the world’s

eyes to be chosen by God. The prophet Micah indicates that the messiah will be born in Bethlehem:

from you shall come forth for me (God) one who is to rule in Israel… And they shall live secure, for now

he shall be great to the ends of the earth: and he shall be the one of peace. Of course, Christians inter-

pret this prophecy as meaning Jesus, the Prince of Peace.

I can’t say I had the same inspiring experience at the Church of the Nativity as Phillip Brooks had.

The Church of the Nativity is actually managed by three churches: Roman Catholic, Greek Orthodox,

and Ethiopian Orthodox, and each has their own chancel area. The Church is built over the entrance to

the cave where Jesus is said to have been born. The entrance is a small door through which a hundred

pushing pilgrims from all over the world tried to fit simultaneously. Not an experience of Christian

hospitality going through the door.

December, 2013 4

As in Jesus day, Bethlehem is an occupied land. Below is a picture of the security wall from the

Bethlehem side with graffiti. The merchants are really hurting, and life in Bethlehem is difficult when it

comes to providing one’s family with the basic necessities.

I don’t think Bethlehem was a serene, Christmas card village in Jesus’ day either. The Romans were

forcing a census to extract more taxes from the already overburdened people. The town was congested

with pilgrims competing for lodging and other things. And, into this chaos the Prince of Peace was born,

Emmanuel, God with us. Then, as now, the hopes and fears of all the years are met in thee tonight.

In my own spiritual practices, I have been delving deeper into what peace means; not peace, as the

world gives it, but the peace of Christ: Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. (Jn 14:27). How

does the peace of Christ, not only keep me centered, but also pour out into the world? How do hopes and

fears affect peace? How do we deepen our spiritual practice as a peacemaker? What is the difference

between being a doormat for Jesus and choosing a nonviolent response? How is hospitality related to

peacemaking? How do we live peace?

If any of these questions stir you during the Advent season, then join us for Monday Matters and

The Things that Make for Peace. May Advent be not only a preparation for Christmas parties and family

gatherings, but a time of reflection and deepening spiritual practice for you as we prepare for Christ’s


O Come, O Come, Emmanuel….

Pastor Dawn

December, 2013 5

Church School – Fran Hakenson Keeps Us Informed

We thank Karen Horsch, Suzanne Burke, Alison and Alex Kivikoski, and Lance

Auger for teaching the unit on “The Lord is My Shepherd” which ended November


. Thanks also to those who helped with the Advent workshop.

On November 17th

we started our Christmas unit, “Jesus is Born.” In this unit

Amy Woloski and Dawn Brockett are teaching Cooking, Scott Milne is teaching

Science, and Kurt Strandson is teaching Storytelling.

December 1st there will be a Multiage Video workshop, since it is Thanksgiving


December 8th

we will have intergenerational worship where we will decorate the Sanctuary’s

Christmas Tree with the ornaments that we made at the Advent Workshop on November 24th


December 15th

will be the last workshop of the “Jesus is Born” unit.

December 22nd

the choir will be presenting a cantata – the Christmas Story in word and song. We

invite all children to attend this service. However, we realize that it might be too long for very young

children. This Sunday and the next, Nursery care will be open for all children 5 and under. Children can

be brought to the Nursery at the beginning of worship or any time during the service.

January 5th

we will begin our next unit – more about this unit in the January Chronicle.

Confirmation Class to Gather on December 1st

Confirmands will meet on Sunday, December 1 from 11:30-1 PM. Mentors are welcomed to join

us, but it is not required. Lunch will be provided. The focus of our discussion will be on God: what we

understand about God, how God is portrayed in culture, and what the church has to say about God.

Monday Matters: December Focus Is “Peace”

This weekly opportunity for study and discussion on a variety of topics of faith and ethics meets

from 7-8:30 pm in the Manning House parlor. You can come as your schedule allows. During Decem-

ber, we continue the series “The Things that Make for Peace,” as follows:

Dec. 2 (2) Finding Peace – led by Rev. Dr. David Reynolds

Dec. 9 (3) Practicing Peace

Dec. 16 (4) Extending Peace

The group will resume in January, beginning with:

Jan. 6 Epiphany – When Grace Appears – Growing Together in Discipleship

A Note from Heath

We’d like to thank everyone who attended our open house on Sunday, October 6th

. Close to 300 invi-

tations were either mailed or handed out, and we had well over 80 people come and see our new home.

Most were Brookside folk, some were old friends, and we even made some new friends. I was amazed to

learn that many people who had been coming to Brookside for several years had never seen the inside of

the cottage. We were very happy to open the house to everyone and were glad all who attended had a

great time. As time and resources allow, Bobbie and I will be decorating and making improvements here

and there to make the space even more ‘homey’. If you missed the open house and would like to see the

inside of the cottage, please see me or Bobbie and we will gladly arrange a time for you to come by.

December, 2013 6

Much Music this Month

It's hard to believe, but the holidays are upon us again

and all our choirs are busily preparing! Please join us for

our 4th annual concert "Christmas at Brookside" on Sat-

urday, December 21 at 3:00 pm when all our choirs are

performing and we will again welcome UCC pastor Mar-

tell Spagnolo as we celebrate the baby Jesus, the infant

king through beautiful music. We hope you will bring

your friends and family to this wonderful event, but make

plans to come early to enjoy an added bonus – the sounds

of our own carillon! Heath has volunteered to play carols

and more as we gather for the concert. The delightful

sounds of our tower bells will begin at 2:30 and we will have cookies and cocoa to keep you warm.

Don't miss the chance to escape the busy-ness and enjoy the "reason for the season," and if you are able,

please bring non-perishable items to share with our friends at New Horizons!

In the meantime, the Chancel Choir and Junior Choir member Kyra Whitehead have been invited to

sing at the "Freedom Salute" in honor of the NH Army National Guard's 169th Medevac unit that has

returned from Afghanistan. We sang for their deployment ceremony last year and have been looking

forward to welcoming them home. The public is invited, so come and show your gratitude for our troops

on Saturday, December 7 at 11:00 am in Concord.

A little closer to home, we will be Christmas caroling at New Horizons and then to our neighbors in

the north end on Sunday, December 15. Please meet us in the choir room at 4 pm if you would like to

join us – all are welcome!

Don't forget, the Chancel Choir will present a cantata – the Christmas story told through word and

song – on the morning of December 22, and our Junior Choir will be presenting our first mini musical

on Christmas Eve at the 4:30 Family Service. Be sure to come and hear them share their talents as we

celebrate the birth of Jesus, and stay for our Traditional Candlelight service when our Chancel and Bell

Choirs will sing and ring in the peace and joy of Christmas as we welcome our savior...the infant King.

Blessings for a joyous Christmastime!

In peace and harmony,


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Order a Poinsettia to Honor a Loved One

The Sanctuary will be decorated with poinsettias beginning December 22. If you

would like to donate a poinsettia, please fill out this form and return it to the church office

by Monday, December 16. The cost is $11 each.

I/We _________________________________________________________ wish to donate

______ poinsettia(s) in memory of ____________________________________________

Enclosed is my check for $ ________ (made payable to Brookside Congregational Church).

~ Plants may be taken home after the Christmas Eve candlelight service ~

December, 2013 7

Holiday Basket Project: Sharing Our Blessings

Our annual “all-church” effort to provide Holiday Meals for families in need in the

Manchester area has begun, with 48 Thanksgiving baskets distributed on November 25.

We now look toward providing meal baskets for Christmas. Given the extensive

need in our local community, many of you expressed the interest in having Brookside

try to do additional baskets for the Christmas effort as we had in the past, so we will be

working to provide 60 baskets for Christmas. You may want to consider our “Gift of

Giving” cards which can be associated with monetary donations towards meal baskets and can be mean-

ingful gifts during the Christmas season. Food donations are also welcome.

Here are some key dates related to the Brookside Christmas Meal Basket effort –

Sundays, December 1 & 8 – Visit the Holiday Basket Table to sign up to donate funds or food dona-

tions. Gift of Giving cards will be available as well (Fellowship Hall).

Sunday, December 15 – All food donations for the baskets need to be delivered to Fellowship Hall to

allow us to inventory food donations to prepare for basket setups. Monetary donations still very much

appreciated, and “Gift of Giving” cards will still be available.

Saturday, December 21 – Set up for Christmas basket preparation (8:30 AM, Fellowship Hall).

Sunday, December 22 – “All Church basket filling”– filling 60 baskets for Christmas meals (Immedi-

ately following Sunday service – Fellowship Hall).

Monday, December 23 – Basket distribution/Agency pick-up (8:45 AM, Sanctuary).

Thank you to all who have made this all-church effort possible! This effort has definitely made a dif-

ference in our community!

Christmas Fund: We Have Come to Bear the Light of Christ

For 111 years, the Christmas Fund for the Veterans of the Cross and the Emergency Fund – one of

four Special Mission Offerings of the United Church of Christ – has been a way in which we, as mem-

bers of the UCC and the predecessor denominations from which our Church was born, share the light

and love of Jesus Christ to those who have so faithfully and selflessly served, and who now find them-

selves facing unforeseen financial crises.

This year, Brookside Church will be receiving offerings for the Christmas Fund throughout the

month of December via special envelopes in the pew racks, along with a portion of the Christmas Eve

offering. On behalf of clergy and lay employees and families whose lives are touched by your giving to

the Christmas Fund Offering, we express profound gratitude for your generosity and compassion.

New Horizons on New Year's Eve

Volunteers are needed to help serve the evening meal at New Horizons Soup

Kitchen on Tuesday, December 31. Brookside will provide the 'servers' for the even-

ing on New Year's Eve this year, and, as you might guess, there may be an extra large

crowd of folks in need of a hot meal that evening. The hours of service are 4:00 to

6:00 pm, and we may need a larger number of volunteers than typical during other

parts of the year. If you are able to give a little of your time on the last day of 2013 to

offer folks coming to New Horizons hopes and prayers along with a hot meal, please

contact Rod Leavell at 668-5574 or rleavell@comcast.net.

December, 2013 8

How to Help Those Affected by Typhoon Haiyan

The United Church of Christ has issued an appeal for $250,000 for Typhoon Haiyan response. The

UCC will support early response and recovery efforts of the United Church of Christ in the Philippines

as well as partners in the ACT Alliance that have significant operations in the Philippines, including the

National Council of Churches in the Philippines, United Methodist Committee on Relief, Lutheran

World Relief and Christian Aid.

Initial support grants funded by One Great Hour of Sharing have been sent to the ACT Alliance and

UCCP. Initial response activities will likely include material resource provision, emergency shelter

items, drinking water and cash for work programs. Long-term response initiatives and partners will be

supported as funds are available. It is likely a disaster of this magnitude will require multiple years for


How you can help:

1. Pray for the people impacted by Typhoon Haiyan, UCC partner organizations active in response

efforts, and all humanitarian workers.

2. To assist people in recovering from this disaster, please make a gift payable to Brookside Congre-

gational Church and mark in the memo portion “Typhoon Haiyan.” Checks can be placed in the offering

plate and the total collected will subsequently be mailed to the NH Conference so that Brookside gets

proper acknowledgment of the donations.

OR you can make a secure online donation to the International Disaster Relief fund (search - UCC,

International Disaster Relief). Please note “Typhoon Haiyan” in the Comments Box.

Zimbabwe Notes and Follow-up

We have received word that the container that was shipped earlier this year has arrived in Beira

(Mozambique). It should arrive at its destination within 6-10 days.

There was so much excitement during the month of October when we had 12 visiting delegates from

UCC in Zimbabwe! Thank you to all who participated by hosting guests overnight, helping with plan-

ning and carrying out all the background support for the Ukama Fair, and attending/leading various

events and activities throughout the Manchester/Concord area during our guests’ three-week stay in

New Hampshire.

Empty Bowls Sets a Record

This year’s Empty Bowls soup fundraiser was the biggest and best ever, raising $9,500 for New

Horizons from the sale of 460 handmade ceramic bowls. Thank you to all who participated!

December, 2013 9

Holy Communion

The sacrament of Communion will be celebrated on Sunday, December 1, served by: Ellen

Tourigny, Mary Pratt, Anne Rodman, Judy Foley, Chris Taylor, and George Abbott, with Denise Forest


Please note, we use gluten-free bread for Communion, so that those who have a gluten intolerance

may participate fully in the sacrament.

Will You Join Us?

New members will be received into the congregation during worship on Sunday, December 15. If

you didn’t attend the orientation session in November but are interested in joining, please speak with

Pastor Dawn (669-2807, ext. 101 or pastor@brooksidecc.org).

If You Would Like to Schedule a Baptism

Avery Emerson Bouthiette, daughter of Craig & Vanessa Bouthiette, was baptized on November 10.

Ezra Greene Schneider, son of Karl & Laura Schneider, was baptized on November 24.

If you would like to schedule a Baptism, please speak with Pastor Dawn (see contact info above).

Joined in Holy Matrimony

Congratulations to Jen Hoysradt and James Gartner who were married here on November 2.

Faithful Stewards Corner

Our thanks to:

Marylou Bissonnette, Louise Popp, and Nancy Popp, for a second year of chairing the

Brookside Christmas Fair.

Women’s Union, for decorating Manning House.

Dawn & Megan Brockett, for setting up the Sanctuary Christmas Tree.

Deacons, for decorating the Sanctuary.

Rod Leavell, Pete Lovejoy, Bob Dunn, Herb Pence, Tom Cleary, Bruce Richards, Joe

Forest, Anne Lachance, for helping distribute the Thanksgiving boxes.

Jan Strabone, Cathy Knox, Dorice Reitchel, Rosemary Hoysradt, for helping with

decorations at the Advent Workshop.

Mary Pratt, Ellen Tourigny, Anne Lachance for Advent Workshop help.

Judy Foley and Russ Dunn, for making soup for the Advent Workshop.

Alex Kivikoski, Rejoice Dhliwayo, Thoko Dhliwayo, Kate Stantial, for helping with

sandwiches at the Advent Workshop.

If any ministry member has someone to mention for the “Faithful Stewards Corner,” send their

names to Pastor Dawn by the 15th

of each month for the Chronicle.

December, 2013 10

Women’s Union Plans a Yankee Swap

The December Women's Union meeting will be held on Thursday, Dec. 12. The

evening will be hosted by Carole Whitcher, who has planned a delightful holiday

dinner along with a Yankee Swap. Festivities begin at 5:30 pm and everyone is

invited. Dinner is $7.00 per person. Those who would like to participate in the

Yankee Swap should bring a new, wrapped gift with a value of $10.00. Please

RSVP to Donna Moody if you plan to attend, 695-4128.

How the Fair Fared this Year… Fair Enough!

Thanks to the help of nearly 75 volunteers, the annual Christmas Fair was a big success. About 1,000

people attended the fair, about 300 more than last year. Pastor Dawn welcomed the vendors and invited

all to join in a prayer before the doors opened to the public. Many area merchants contributed door prize

items, including: Cleary Cleaners, Hoppagrass Florist, Belmont Hall, Cactus Jacks/T-Bones, Farm and

Flower, and The Kitchen.

Fran Hakenson chaired the raffle table which raised $577 in addition to providing fun for all. The

bake sale was chaired by Robin Popp, with help from Vange Popp. Donations of baked goods exceeded

all expectations, and raised almost $1,600. Once again, Dave Gates chaired the used books, and set a

record over previous years with $465 in sales.

Marylou Bissonnette and Melody Whitcher, worked tirelessly in the weeks leading up to the fair,

preparing Brookside Vineyards Grape Jam, decorating, cleaning, cooking and soliciting donations for

door prizes. Carole and Melody Whitcher (aka Mrs. Claus) chaired the luncheon raising $636. Along

with their volunteers, they treated a record number of guests to beans, hot dogs, chili, cornbread, cole-

slaw, and desserts.

Tom Cleary's rookie season as chair of the White Elephant Sale was a success raising $283. He

worked hard to move a ton of merchandise out of Fellowship Hall. (Unfortunately they weren't able to

sell both tons.) The Jewelry table was chaired by Martha Cushing and Connie Jowdy for the second

year, and with the help of their volunteers, it was a shining success raising $216. Penny Stillman and all

of the ladies of the thrift shop operated the Antiques and Collectibles table raising $495 and kept the

Thrift Shop open during the fair. Houseplants grew in abundance this year and Hope Pearson and Sarah

Merrill worked all day selling over $200 worth of plants which were started by church members in the

weeks leading up to the fair.

Many thanks to all who assisted in setting up and cleaning up after the fair. After any large event it is

always nice to see fresh faces with some energy left to help with the clean-up.

Brad Baylies provided live Christmas music and Glenn Greenidge served as our announcer from the

stage which was made to look like an old-fashioned Christmas by Marylou Bissonnette and Vange Popp.

The fair grossed over $6,000. We are anticipating expenses of approximately $700. Thanks to all

who gave time and talent to make this year's fair a success! A testament to the potential for great accom-

plishments, when the entire Brookside community works together.

Merry Christmas to All!

Louise, Marylou and Nancy (The Popp Sisters)

December, 2013 11

Kudos to This Brookside Member!

Our own Laura (Braciale) Schneider is featured at the deCordova Museum in Lincoln,

Mass. as part of their 2013 Biennial Exhibition, running through April 13, 2014. For more

information, log on to www.decordova.org/laura-braciale.

Seniors: Tour Manchester’s Holiday Light Displays

The Manchester Police Dept. is sponsoring a Senior Lights Tour on Wednesday, Decem-

ber 4, leaving from the JFK Ice Arena parking lot at 5:30 pm. After the tour, light (haha, get

it?) refreshments will be served. We will return to the JFK by 8:30 pm. Pre-registration is

required; to reserve a spot, please call 792-5431 by December 1.

Interfaith Women to Feature Global Holiday Music

Interfaith Women of NH invites all women to a musical program titled “Holiday Music

Around the World” on Thursday, December 5, 6:45 pm at the First Congregational Church,

corner of Hanover and Union Streets in Manchester. Presenters will include a South Sudanese

group of dancers; Song of the Lark singers Rahel and Sue; Aksara a cappella ensemble; plus

more. Registration begins at 6:30, and there will be refreshments after the program. Please

RSVP to Karen at kedonoghue@comcast.net or 641-6834.

NH Conference UCC Hosts Advent Open House ~ Wednesday, December 11 from 2-4 pm ~ 140 Sheep Davis Road, Pembroke ~

Come one and all: tour the Conference facility and meet your Conference staff. Enjoy

fellowship, holiday music, fresh baked cookies, and an abundance of holiday cheer!

RSVPs are appreciated, but not required (to do so, call 225-6647 or email


Women’s Celebration Theme Is “Together We Can”

Every four years, since 1982, the United Church of Christ, Women Leaders of New Eng-

land (UCCWLNE) have sponsored a spring weekend gathering of women, both clergy and lay.

This year's event will be the weekend of March 28-30, 2014 at the Holiday Inn by the Bay in

Portland, Maine. There will be worship, keynote speakers, music, workshops & forums, Bible

study, marketplace Connections and more. Find more details and registration information at


Fifth Sunday = Tour of Brookside Church

Learn about some of Brookside’s secrets during this tour of the Church and Manning

House. Bill Hoysradt will be your knowledgeable tour guide – meet him by the Coke machine

in Fellowship Hall around 11:15 a.m. on Sunday, December 29.

December, 2013 12

Kids’ Activity Page

December, 2013 13

From the Brookside Workbench

This new feature will highlight some of the maintenance that is required

in and around this large facility on an ongoing basis. Those of you who own

your own home can only imagine… multiply your maintenance issues by 10

or 20, and you might get an idea of what we deal with to keep this “ark” in

good and seaworthy condition.

First… an Item of Note

The garbage disposal in the Fellowship Hall Kitchen is broken – kaput – out of order – so please do

not try to use it! All food waste should be put in the garbage cans. Thanks.

Completed “Out of the Ordinary” Projects

Sealed foundation cracks and waterproofed concrete outside of Fellowship Hall.

Installed a walkway to the Thrift Shop shed.

Sanctuary front steps masonry repairs done. This is a temporary fix; in the future more work is

needed to be done.

Replaced one groundwater sump pump outside of Fellowship Hall and repaired the other (will also

need to be replaced in the near future).

Replaced two broken gutters by the Fellowship Hall entrance.

Repair work done to the MH boiler system due to a blockage.

Upcoming Projects

Waterproofing FH Windows.

Reglazing some of the Brookside building and the sexton cottage windows.

Chimney cap on furnace chimney.

Helping Hands Always Welcome

If you are available to volunteer some time to help with some other maintenance projects, please

contact the church office. A couple of projects we have on the “to do list” are painting, preparing the

flower beds for winter.

To Your Health!

The Parish Nurse has hours here every week, on Thursdays from 10:00 to

11:30 a.m. in Room D. Avail yourself of free nurse consultation, blood pres-

sure checks, health information, referrals and more. Be sure to check out the

Parish Nurse bulletin board across from Room E to learn about events throughout Manchester!

Free hearing screening will be offered on Thursday, December 5, same hours as above. Please call

663-8004 to register.

Weather Policy: when Manchester Schools are closed due to inclement weather, the Parish Nurse

Office will be closed – and the nurse will not be here.

If You’re Hospitalized…

Remember to call the church office (669-2807) if you want the pastor to know that you’re in the

hospital. Due to federal law, hospitals are not permitted to provide us with this information.

December, 2013 14

15 15 15 15 Chronicle Deadline 15 15 15 15

Please submit all items for the January Chronicle by Sunday, December 15. You can deliver them

in person, send them by mail, or e-mail them to: nicoleg@brooksidecc.org. Thank you.

Ask, and You Shall Receive

If you would like pledge envelopes for 2014, please contact Vicky in the church office (669-2807 or

vickyw@brooksidecc.org) and she will be happy to get you a set.

Looking Ahead to Annual Reports for 2013

Please submit all Annual Reports (written and financial) by Monday, January 6 (if via email, as a

Word document to nicoleg@brooksidecc.org). This deadline is necessary to have the booklet ready by

January 17. The Annual Meeting is scheduled for Sunday, January 26, immediately following worship.

Worship and Bible Readings for December

Each issue of the Chronicle features monthly Bible readings, so that you can

read and reflect on your own, at a time that suits you best. Following are the

readings for December; underlined passages will be used in worship.

December 1 – Advent 1

Hebrew Scriptures Isaiah 2:1-5

Psalm 122

Christian Testament Romans 13:11-14

Matthew 24:36-44

Sermon: “Living into Peace through Hope”

December 8 – Advent 2: Tree Decorating

Hebrew Scriptures Isaiah 11:1-10

Psalm 72:1-7, 18-19

Christian Testament Romans 15:4-13

Matthew 3:1-12

December 15 – Advent 3

Hebrew Scriptures Isaiah 35:1-10

Psalm 146:5-10

Christian Testament James 5:7-10

Matthew 11:2-11

Sermon: “What Do You See and Hear?”

December 22 – Advent 4

Hebrew Scriptures Isaiah 7:10-16

Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19

Christian Testament Romans 1:1-7

Matthew 1:18-25

Sermon: “Signs of God with Us”

December 24 – Christmas Eve

- 4:30 Children’s Service with Mini Musical

- 7:00 Candlelight Service

December 29

Hebrew Scriptures Isaiah 63:7-9

Psalm 148

Christian Testament Hebrews 2:10-18

Matthew 2:13-23


December, 2013 15


December 1 December 8

Scott Antonucci David Migliori

Betsy Antonucci Cindy Migliori

Jeff Fletcher Bob Dunn

David Gates Sis Dunn

December 15 December 22

Richard Rodman Mike Goodman

Bruce Richards Gail Goodman

Don Waldrupe Jeff Rapson

Greg Berry Tricia Lucas

December 24 December 29

All Bob Merrill

Deacons Sarah Merrill

Usher Louise Popp

Nancy Popp


December 1 December 8

Ellen Tourigny Chris Taylor

Mary Pratt Scott Milne

December 15 December 22

Anne Rodman Anne Rodman

Scott Milne Chris Taylor

December 24 December 29

Denise Forest Denise Forest

Anne Rodman Megan Brockett


December 1 December 8

Bob Boisvert Chris Taylor

December 15 December 22

Bruce Richards Morehouse Family

December 29

Tricia Lucas


December 1 December 8

Kyra Whitehead Derrick Dixon

December 15 December 22

Owen Strandson Sam Boisvert

December 24 December 29

Sienna Milne Laura Tourigny


December 1 December 8

Denise Forest Jeff Rapson

December 15 December 22

Herb Pence Jean Dickson

December 29

Cathy Knox

Fellowship Hour Schedule

The schedule for the next three

months is as follows:

Dec: Stewardship Ministry

Jan: Mission Ministry

December, 2013 16

Financial Update, In a Nutshell…

Any questions regarding the detail of the

treasurer's report below may be directed to Gail

Goodman at 656-9038, or e-mail her at



For the period ending October 31, 2013

Actual vs. Budget

Month Actual Budget Var.

Total Income 26,681 29,816 (3,134)

Total Expenses 31,279 33,847 (2,568)

Net Gain (Loss) ($4,598) ($4,032) (566)

Year-to-date Actual Budget Var.

Total Income 279,044 286,291 (7,246)

Total Expenses 277,777 293,880 (16,103)

Net Gain (Loss) 1,268 (7,588) 8,857

Actual Budget Var.

Total YTD Pledges

142,874 149,894 (7,019)

Brookside Congregational Church

United Church of Christ

2013 Elm Street

Manchester, NH 03104

Telephone (603) 669-2807

Fax (603) 668-9041

Web Site: www.brooksidecc.org

Sunday Worship & Church School: 10 am

Church Office Hours: Monday – Thursday,

9:00 am to 3:00 pm

Fridays, 9:00 am to NOON

Rev. Dr. Dawn Berry, Pastor

Office Hours 9–3, Mon.–Thurs.

(Friday is the Pastor’s Day Off)

Office tel. 669-2807 x 101; home 746-5033

email: pastor@brooksidecc.org

Please remember that the pastor is frequently

called away, or may have other commitments

during the day. It is best to call first if you

need to speak with her.

A Note From Your Stewardship Committee

This holiday season, we thank everyone who has supported Brookside Congregational Church this

past year with their time, talent and financial contributions and look forward to support from all of our

members in the year ahead. If you need a convenient way to make regular offerings or if you plan to

make an additional gift before the end of the year, we encourage you to look into our electronic giving

options. As the pace of life speeds up, especially around the holidays, you may find electronic giving a

most welcome way to make contributions. More information will be available on the website soon

(www.brooksidecc.org), or contact the church office at 669-2807 for more information.


The objective of The Brookside Chronicle is to disperse church news; inspire people to a new

awareness; and interpret the ministry of our church. We will be faithful to the truth, honest and car-

ing, and strive for accuracy.

The Chronicle staff appreciates and welcomes input from all organizations, boards, ministry

groups, members and friends of Brookside Congregational Church. We reserve the right to edit, cut

or leave out articles according to available space, timeliness and priority.


FAX: (603) 668-9041; WEB SITE: WWW.BROOKSIDECC.ORG OFFICERS, MINISTRY GROUPS AND STAFF MEMBERS (Chairs underlined; * denotes Council Members)


Laura Sevigny * Treasurer

Gail Goodman * Clerk

Dale Trombley *

Members at Large

Dave Migliori * Nancy Lachance * Stewardship

Greg Berry Dawn Brockett Joe Lachance Tricia Lucas Jeff Rapson * TJ Rapson Kerry Richardson Roger Sevigny * Cindy Watts

Christian Formation

George Abbott Megan Brockett Judy Foley Denise Forest Scott Milne Mary Pratt Anne Rodman Chris Taylor Ellen Tourigny * Gary Trahan Mission

Pamela Brown Liberty Dhliwayo Jean Dickson Anne Lachance * Rod Leavell Cindy Migliori Beverly Robie * Jane Sherwin

Paula Curry, Thrift Shop Rep.

TBD, Women’s Union Rep.

Called to Care Coordinators

Martha Cushing Sarah Duffley Human Resources

Jeff Fletcher Robert Merrill Calley Milne Pastoral Relations

Becky Boisvert Tricia Lucas Scott Milne Mark Watts Church Delegates

Jean Dickson Joe Lachance Kerry Richardson Anne Rodman Roger Sevigny Dale Trombley

Trustee to Elliot

Roger Sevigny

Hearts & Hands/ Prayer Shawl Ministry Coordinator

Rosemary Hoysradt Thrift Shop

Penny Stillman & Paula Curry, co-chairs Bill Hoysradt, Treas.

Dawn Brockett Sis Dunn Gail Goodman Joe Lachance

Women’s Union

Marylou Bissonnette, President

Sis Dunn, Nancy Popp, program/meeting chairs Jean Dickson, Secretary/Treasurer


Donna Moody


Heath Auger voice mail #105



Rev. Dr. Dawn Berry * voice mail #101


Dir. of Music/Organist

Kim Whitehead voice mail #108


Church School Coordinator

Rev. Fran Hakenson voice mail #104


Acting Youth Coordinator

Ellen Tourigny


Parish Administrator

Vicky Wisner voice mail #100


Admin. Assistant

Nicole Grinnell voice mail #103


Thanks to all who serve in so many capacities.

December, 2013 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9:00 am Chancel Choir rehearsal 9:00 am Pastor’s Day Off 9:00 am

10:00 am Worship – Advent 1 Noon “Hearts & Thrift Shop (PDO) Thrift Shop

Communion; Loaves & Fishes) Hands” craft group 10:00 am

11:15 am Junior Choir rehearsal 1:30 pm Worship, Parish Nurse &

11:30 am Confirmation Class Evergreen Place 6:00 pm 6:00 pm Hearing Screening

Stewardship Ministry Handbell Choir

7:00 pm 6:30 pm 7:30 pm 6:45 Interfaith Women

Monday Matters Christian Formation Chancel Choir at First Cong. Church

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 9:00 am Chancel Choir rehearsal 9:00 am (PDO) 9:00 am

10:00 am Worship – Advent 2 Thrift Shop Thrift Shop

(All Ages Worship – Tree Decorating) Noon “Hearts & 10:00 am

11:15 am Junior Choir rehearsal Hands” craft group Parish Nurse

11:30 am Mission Ministry 6:00 pm

Handbell Choir 5:30 pm

7:00 pm 6:00 pm Council 7:30 pm Women’s Union

Monday Matters of Ministries Chancel Choir

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 9:00 am Chancel Choir rehearsal Deadline to Order 9:00 am (PDO) 8:30 am Christmas

10:00 am Worship – Advent 3 Poinsettias 3-4 pm Children’s Thrift Shop Basket preparation

(New Members Received) Christmas Story Hour 10:00 am 9:00 am

11:15 am Junior Choir rehearsal Noon “Hearts & Parish Nurse Thrift Shop

4:00 pm Meet for Caroling Hands” craft group 6:00 pm

Handbell Choir 3:00 pm 4th Annual

CHRONICLE 7:00 pm 7:30 pm Christmas Concert

DEADLINE Monday Matters Chancel Choir

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 9:00 am Chancel Choir rehearsal 8:45 am Christmas Office Closes at Office Opens at (PDO) 9:00 am

10:00 am Worship – Advent 4 Basket Distribution Noon Today A Noon Today Thrift Shop

11:10 am Christmas Basket Assembly VERY

11:30 am Junior Choir rehearsal 4:30 pm Children’s MERRY (NO Thrift Shop or

11:30-Close Organ Fund Benefit at Xmas Eve Service CHRISTMAS Parish Nurse)

Shorty’s Manchester (Building Closed)

7:00 pm Candlelight ll

Xmas Eve Service

29 30 31 Note: Generally, only church-related activities are

listed here; however, be aware that many

outside groups use space in our facility on a

regular basis, as well.

A full calendar of events is available on our

website, www.brooksidecc.org; click to any

page and find the link on the left side.

9:00 am Chancel Choir rehearsal

10:00 am Worship

11:15 am Church Tour

4:00 pm Vol. to

New Horizons