PPaarrlliiaammeennttaarryy … · -AGRICULTURAL...

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PPP arliamentary Documentation aarrlliiaammeennttaarryy DDooccuummeennttaattiioonn

Vol XXXIV (1 to 15 June, 2008) No. 11 VVooll XXXXXXIIVV ((11 ttoo 1155 JJuunnee,, 22000088)) NNoo.. 1111

AGRICULTURE -AGRICULTURAL COMMODITIES-TEA 1 PRAMOD KUMAR and o thers Tea indus t ry in Ind ia : p rob lems and prospec ts . INDIAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS, V.63(No.1) , 2008(Jan- March) : P .84-96 * * Agr icu l tu re-Agr icu l tu ra l Commodi t ies -Tea. -AGRICULTURAL COMMODITIES-TOBACCO 2 Tobacco menace. ASSAM TRIBUNE, 2008(3 .6 .2008) * * Agr icu l tu re-Agr icu l tu ra l Commodi t ies -Tobacco. -AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION 3 LANG, T im Food insecur i ty . ECOLOGIST, 2008(March) : P .32-34 H igh l igh ts the impact o f c l imate change on produc t ion and qua l i t y o f food. * * Agr icu l tu re-Agr icu l tu ra l Produc t ion . 4 Rega in ing momentum. BUSINESS STANDARD, 2008(6 .6 .2008) Ana lyses the growth o f agr icu l tu re sec tor in the year 2007-08. * * Agr icu l tu re-Agr icu l tu ra l Produc t ion . -AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH 5 COOKE, Jeremy Can GM crops he lp feed Af r i ca? DECCAN HERALD, 2008(5 .6 .2008) * * Agr icu l tu re-Agr icu l tu ra l Research. 6 GM concern in agr icu l tu re . H INDU, 2008(11.6 .2008) Focuses on cont rovers ies re la ted w i th Genet ica l l y Mod i f ied c rops . * * Agr icu l tu re-Agr icu l tu ra l Research. * * - Keywords 1

-AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH-ORGANIC FARMING 7 SARMA, D igambar Organ ic fa rming: Sc ience and be l ie f . ASSAM TRIBUNE, 2008(5 .6 .2008) * * Agr icu l tu re-Agr icu l tu ra l Research-Organ ic Farming. 8 SHARMA, Ganesh and SHARMA, Mona Compost ing and vermicompost ing techno logy : a boon fo r ru ra l deve lopment th rough organ ic fa rming. KURUKSHETRA, V.56(No.4) , 2008(February) : P .21-23 * * Agr icu l tu re-Agr icu l tu ra l Research-Organ ic fa rming ; Rura l Deve lopment . -CROPS 9 CHANDRA, D inesh and o thers Crop d ivers i f ica t ion in ra in fed up land r ice ecosys tem. INDIAN FARMING, V.57(No.11) , 2008(February) : P .4-6 * * Agr icu l tu re-Crops . -FERTIL IZERS AND MANURES 10 SELVAKUMAR, M. and KATHIRAVAN, P.G. Fer t i l i ze r indus t ry : Feed ing agr icu l tu ra l growth . FACTS FOR YOU, V.25(No.7) , 2008(Apr i l 2008) : P .34-35 * * Agr icu l tu re-Fer t i l i zers and Manures . -FORESTS AND FORESTRY-BIRD SANCTUARY 11 ASAD R RAHMANI F l igh t to ex t inc t ion . TRIBUNE, 2008(8 .6 .2008) Ca l l s fo r immedia te s teps to save endangered Ind ian b i rd spec ies . * * Agr icu l tu re-Fores ts and Fores t ry-B i rd Sanctuary . -FORESTS AND FORESTRY-WILD L IFE 12 DUTT, Anuradha Hope ye t fo r Ind ia 's t igers . P IONEER, 2008(12.6 .2008) Dea ls w i th t iger conservat ion programmes. * * Agr icu l tu re-Fores ts And Fores t ry-Wi ld L i fe . 13 Jumbo t ragedy. P IONEER, 2008(4 .6 .2008) Draws a t ten t ion towards a la rming number o f e lephant death in Ind ia . * * - Keywords 2

-FORESTS AND FORESTRY-WILD L IFE * * Agr icu l tu re-Fores ts And Fores t ry-Wi ld L i fe . 14 Preserv ing w i ld l i fe . P IONEER, 2008(6 .6 .2008) * * Agr icu l tu re-Fores ts and Fores t ry-Wi ld L i fe . -LAND AND LAND REFORMS-LAND ACQUISITION 15 ANTONY, M.J . Fas t t rack land acqu is i t ion . BUSINESS STANDARD, 2008(4 .6 .2008) * * Agr icu l tu re-Land And Land Reforms-Land Acqu is i t ion . -LAND AND LAND REFORMS-LAND ACQUISITION-SEZ 16 Dea l i s dea l . F INANCIAL EXPRESS, 2008(4 .6 .2008) D iscusses the cont roversy over o rder o f Goa s ta te Government to s top work a t the th ree not i f ied SEZs. * * Agr icu l tu re-Land And Land Reforms-Land Acqu is i t ion-SEZ. -LAND AND LAND REFORMS-LAND GRAB 17 FERNANDES, Ash ish Ta ta and the tu r t les . ECOLOGIST, 2008(Apr i l ) : P .34-35 Examines imp l ica t ions o f land procurement by Tata Co. * * Agr icu l tu re-Land and Land Reforms-Land Grab. -NATURAL RESOURCES-WATER RESOURCES 18 DALAL, J .L . Smal l lakes can recharge water tab le . TRIBUNE, 2008(12.6 .2008) * * Agr icu l tu re-Natura l Resources-Water Resources . 19 Great Ind ian EIA f raud. DAMS.RIVERS & PEOPLE, V.5(No.12) , 2008(Jan-March) : P .3-4 Exposes i r regu lar i t ies in the repor t o f E IA (Env i ronment Impac t Assessment ) on var ious water scams. * * Agr icu l tu re-Natura l Resources-Water Resources ; Cor rup t ion . 20 MUKHERJEE, Dhur ja t i Water c r is is and r i ver management . ASSAM TRIBUNE, 2008(4 .6 .2008) * * Agr icu l tu re-Natura l Resources-Water Resources . * * - Keywords 3

-NATURAL RESOURCES-WATER RESOURCES 21 SEVIER, Laura L iqu id b lue go ld . ECOLOGIST, 2008(March) : P .68-69 Expresses concern over water scarc i ty and emphas ises the need to take the measures to save water . * * Agr icu l tu re-Natura l Resources-Water Resources . -PEST CONTROL 22 RAMA RAO, C.A and o thers Economic ana lys is o f adopt ion o f in tegra ted pes t management in g roundnut . INDIAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS, V.63(No.1) , 2008(Jan- March) : P .97-107 * * Agr icu l tu re-Pes t Contro l . 23 THOMAS, Pat Roundup weedk i l le r . ECOLOGIST, 2008(Apr i l ) : P .20-21 F inds out the impac t o f pes t ic ides spray on c rops . * * Agr icu l tu re-Pes t Contro l . -SOIL CONSERVATION 24 HARVEY, Graham Feed ing the so i l tha t feed us . ECOLOGIST, 2008(March) : P .37-40 S t resses on minera l r i ch fe r t i le so i l fo r the hea l th o f human be ing . * * Agr icu l tu re-So i l Conservat ion . BIOGRAPHIES -LEADERS-ADVANI , LAL KRISHNA 25 B IDWAI , Pra fu l Rooted in pre jud ice . FRONTLINE, V .25(No.8) , 2008(25.4 .2008) : P .88-90 Comments on the au tob iography o f BJP leader L .K. Advan i . * * B iograph ies-Leaders-ADVANI , La l Kr ishna. -LEADERS-ANWAR IBRAHIM 26 HOLLAND, Lor ien and WEHRFRITZ, George Back in the l igh t . NEWSWEEK, V.151(No.12) , 2008(24.3 .2008) : P .18-21 * * - Keywords 4

-LEADERS-ANWAR IBRAHIM Ref lec ts on the po l i t i ca l reb i r th o f Anwar Ib rah im in Ma lays ia . * * B iograph ies-Leaders-ANWAR IBRAHIM. -LEADERS-CHAUDHURI , MALATI 27 MOHANTY, B idyut Ma la t i Chaudhur i - f i rs t wave femin is t . MAINSTREAM, V.46(No.13) , 2008(15.3 .2008) : P .15-16 * * B iograph ies-Leaders-CHAUDHURI , Mala t i . -LEADERS-MAYAWATI 28 NIHAL SINGH, S. Impor tance o f be ing Maya. TRIBUNE, 2008(3 .6 .2008) Acknowledges the impor tance o f po l i t i ca l s ta tu re o f Mayawat i in cur rent na t iona l po l i t i cs . * * B iograph ies-Leaders-MAYAWATI . -LEADERS-YEDIYURAPPA, B.S. 29 SWARUP, Har ihar Son o f so i l as CM: B.S. Yed iyurappa. TRIBUNE, 2008(1 .6 .2008) * * B iograph ies-Leaders-YEDIYURAPPA, B.S. . -PROMINENT PERSONS-SINHA, JAGMOHAN LAL 30 NOORANI , A .G Jus t ice w i th a f ine ba lance. FRONTLINE, V .25(No.8) , 2008(25.4 .2008) : P .82-87 Pays homage to Jus t ice Jagmohan La l S inha, an upr igh t and courageous judge o f A l lahabad H igh Cour t . * * B iograph ies-Prominent Persons-SINHA, Jagmohan La l . -PROMINENT PERSONS-VAJPAYEE, UPENDRA 31 SURENDRA MOHAN Journa l is t w i th a v is ion . MAINSTREAM, V.46(No.13) , 2008(15.3 .2008) : P .19-20 Pays t r ibu tes to f reedom f igh ter and journa l is t Upendra Va jpayee. * * B iograph ies-Prominent Persons-VAJPAYEE, Upendra . * * - Keywords 5

COMMERCE -ECONOMIC INTEGRATION 32 F IORAMONTI , Lorenzo and POLETTI , Ar to Fac ing the g ian t : Southern perspec t ives on the European Un ion . THIRD WORLD QUARTERLY, V .29(No.1) , 2008: P .167-180 Presents de ta i led s tudy on the per formance o f EU (European Un ion) . * * Commerce-Economic In tegra t ion . 33 ROBLES, A l f redo C EU FTA negot ia t ions w i th SADC and Mercosur . THIRD WORLD QUARTERLY, V .29(No.1) , 2008: P .181-197 Argues tha t the EU and i ts par tners have d i f fe ren t concept ions o f in tegra t ion in to the wor ld economy. * * Commerce-Economic In tegra t ion; Reg iona l Trade Assoc ia t ions . -ECONOMIC INTEGRATION-COMMON CURRENCY 34 BHUSNURMATH, Myth i l i Here 's look ing a t you, Euro ! ECONOMIC TIMES, 2008(2 .6 .2008) H igh l igh ts emergence o f Euro as a ser ious r i va l to the Do l la r . * * Commerce-Economic In tegra t ion-Common Cur rency. -ECONOMIC INTEGRATION-COMMON CURRENCY-(ASIA) 35 RAJ, J . Fe l ix As ia i s one. STATESMAN WEEKLY, V.100(No.12) , 2008(22.3 .2008) : P .11 Examines the need to use s ing le cur rency in As ia to fac i l i ta te un i ty . * * Commerce-Economic In tegra t ion-Common Cur rency- (As ia ) . - INTERNAL TRADE-( INDIA) 36 PALIT, Ami tendu The ta le o f re ta i l . F INANCIAL EXPRESS, 2008(2 .6 .2008) Advocates fo r o rgan ised supermarkets fo r re ta i l market ing in Ind ia . * * Commerce- In te rna l Trade- ( Ind ia) . 37 Unshack l ing the cha in s to res : Reta i l ing in Ind ia . F INANCIAL EXPRESS, 2008(2 .6 .2008) * * Commerce- In te rna l Trade- ( Ind ia) . * * - Keywords 6

- INTERNATIONAL TRADE-( INDIA-CHINA) 38 HUMA SIDDIQUE R ise in Ind ia , Ch ina b i la te ra l t rade on cards . F INANCIAL EXPRESS, 2008(4 .6 .2008) * * Commerce- In ternat iona l Trade- ( Ind ia-Ch ina) . - INTERNATIONAL TRADE-WTO 39 MANOCHA, Dushyant Emergence o f g loba l admin is t ra t i ve law and in te rna t iona l ins t i tu t ions : Wor ld Trade Organ isa t ion as an example . FOREIGN TRADE REVIEW, V.42(No.4) , 2008(Jan-March) : P .42-66 Examines the func t ion ing o f Wor ld Trade Organ isa t ion f rom g loba l admin is t ra t i ve law perspec t ive . * * Commerce- In ternat iona l Trade-WTO. COMMUNICATIONS -MOBILE PHONES 40 DESAI , Ashok V. Coming break . TELEGRAPH, 2008(3 .6 .2008) Dea ls w i th ce l lphone deve lopment in Ind ia . * * Communica t ions-Mob i le Phones. -TELECOM POLICY-( INDIA) 41 AGARWAL, Arp i ta Pa l Auc t ions pre fer red fo r ass ign ing spec t rum. F INANCIAL EXPRESS, 2008(3 .6 .2008) Examines the cont rovers ia l scenar io regard ing a l loca t ion o f 3G spec t rum to te lecom compan ies . * * Communica t ions-Te lecom Po l icy- ( Ind ia) . COMPANY AFFAIRS AND MANAGEMENT -COMPANIES FINANCE-SHARE MARKETS 42 MANOJ JOHN and PATHAK, J igar C i rcu i t f i l te rs : A necessary ev i l? F INANCIAL EXPRESS, 2008(6 .6 .2008) D iscusses tha t dummy f i l te rs in case o f smal l caps can check opera tors man ipu la t ion in s tock marke t . * * Company Af fa i rs And Management -Companies F inance-Share Markets . * * - Keywords 7

-COMPANIES TAKEOVER 43 C lear headed dec is ion . BUSINESS STANDARD, 2008(13.6 .2008) D iscusses dea l be tween Ranbaxy and Japanese company Da i ich i Sankyo. * * Company Af fa i rs And Management -Companies Takeover . 44 PHIL IP, S iddhar th Shot in the arm. BUSINESS INDIA, No.785, 2008(20 Apr i l 2008) : P .80-81 D iscusses Tata 's takeover o f the be leaguered au tomobi le g ian t ' s luxury Marque is Jaguar and Land Rover . * * Company Af fa i rs And Management -Companies Takeover . CULTURE AND CIVILIZATION -CONSERVATION AND PRESERVATION 45 KOPPIKAR, Smrut i Goods once so ld . OUTLOOK, V.48(No.13) , 2008(31.3 .2008) : P .14-16 G ives de ta i ls o f an a l te rna te proposa l to p ro tec t Crawford market Grade I her i tage s t ruc ture , in Mumbai . * * Cu l tu re and C iv i l i za t ion-Conserva t ion and Preserva t ion . DEFENCE - ( INDIA) 46 BHARATH GOPALASWAMI and PANT, Harsh V. Beyond Agn i - I I I : A long way to g loba l power . DECCAN CHRONICLE, 2008(5 .6 .2008) Ana lyses Ind ia 's de fence capab i l i t ies in contex t w i th p resent scenar io . * * Defence- ( Ind ia) . 47 DAS, Premvi r M i l i ta ry power . TRIBUNE, 2008(8 .6 .2008) D iscusses the ro le o f Ind ia 's mi l i ta ry power in p resent wor ld scenar io . * * Defence- ( Ind ia) . * * - Keywords 8

-ARMS AND ARMAMENT-NUCLEAR WEAPONS-MISSILES 48 SUBRAMANIAN, T .S S t r i ke power . FRONTLINE, V .25(No.4) , 2008(28.3 .2008) : P .46-47 Demonst ra tes Ind ia 's submar ine to sur face miss i le capab i l i t ies inv iew o f the success fu l launch o f Sagar ika (K-15) . * * Defence-Arms and Armament -Nuc lear Weapons-Miss i les . -ARMS AND ARMAMENT-SUBMARINES 49 ARUN KUMAR SINGH Turbu lence under the sea. DECCAN CHRONICLE, 2008(11.6 .2008) Throws l igh t on the need and impor tance o f submar ines fo r Ind ia 's de fence sys tem. * * Defence-Arms And Armament -Submar ines . -ARMY-PERSONNELS WELFARE 50 CHODHURY, Shantanu Und ign i f ied , Min is te r? INDIAN EXPRESS, 2008(5 .6 .2008) Draws a t ten t ion towards major po in ts o f S ix th pay Commiss ion tha t led to ex t reme fee l ing among de fence personne ls . * * Defence-Army-Personne ls Wel fa re . 51 HARWANT SINGH Defence leadersh ip . TRIBUNE, 2008(8 .6 .2008) Ca l ls fo r adequate incent ives fo r a rmed fo rces to a t t rac t young ta len ts . * * Defence-Army-Personne ls Wel fa re . 52 MEHTA, Ashok K. Can ' t f igh t on empty s tomach. P IONEER, 2008(11.6 .2008) D iscusses the prob lems o f Ind ian army. * * Defence-Army-Personne ls Wel fa re . -DEFENCE BUDGET-( INDIA) 53 B IDWAI , Pra fu l M i l i ta ry overdr ive . FRONTLINE, V .25(No.7) , 2008(11 Apr i l 2008) : P .100-101 * * - Keywords 9

-DEFENCE BUDGET-( INDIA) Argues over the fas t r is ing de fence budget . * * Defence-Defence Budget - ( Ind ia) . -DEFENCE POLICY-(UNITED STATES- IRAQ) 54 DEHGHANPISHEH, Babak and THOMAS, Evan Sc ions o f the surge. NEWSWEEK, V.151(No.12) , 2008(24.3 .2008) : P .26-32 D iscusses Amer ica 's Mi l i ta ry po l icy in I raq . * * Defence-Defence Po l icy - (Un i ted Sta tes - I raq) . -DEFENCE RELATIONS-( INDIA-UNITED STATES) 55 NEHA KUMAR Po l i t i ca l imp l ica t ions o f Ind ia -US coopera t ion on miss i le de fence. MAINSTREAM, V.46(No.16) , 2008(5.4 .2008) : P .23-24 * * Defence-Defence Re la t ions- ( Ind ia-Un i ted Sta tes ) ; Miss i les . -DISARMAMENT 56 CIRINCIONE, Joseph I s d isarmament mak ing a comeback? TRIBUNE, 2008(7 .6 .2008) * * Defence-Disarmament . 57 GOPALAN BALACHANDRAN I t ' s a long road to d isarmament . INDIAN EXPRESS, 2008(7 .6 .2008) * * Defence-Disarmament . 58 PANT, Harsh V. D isarmament is l i ke chas ing a ch imera . DECCAN CHRONICLE, 2008(10.6 .2008) * * Defence-Disarmament . -MIL ITARY HISTORY-(UNITED KINGDOM) 59 ALDRICH, R ichard J In te l l igence w i th in BAOR and NATO's Nor thern Army Group. STRATEGIC STUDIES, V.31(No.1) , 2008(February) : P .89-122 D iscusses the in te l l igence d imens ion o f Br i t i sh Army o f the Rh ine (BAOR) and i ts in te r face w i th Nor th A t lan t ic Treaty Organ isa t ions (NATO) a l l ies dur ing co ld war era . * * Defence-Mi l i ta ry H is tory - (Un i ted K ingdom) . * * - Keywords 10

-NAVY-( INDIA) 60 ARUN KUMAR SINGH Navy , Coas t Guard must ge t more funds , powers . DECCAN CHRONICLE, 2008(2 .6 .2008) * * Defence-Navy- ( Ind ia) . ECONOMIC GROWTH 61 WOLF, Mar t in DOs and don ' ts fo r fas t economic growth . BUSINESS STANDARD, 2008(9 .6 .2008) * * Economic Growth . - ( INDIA) 62 ABREU, Rob in Gather ing c louds . BUSINESS INDIA, No.785, 2008(20.4 .2008) : P .44-45 Examines the impact o f US recess ion on Ind ian economy. * * Economic Growth- ( Ind ia) . 63 ADVANI , L .K. Growth can ' t be expressed in jus t numer ica l te rms. BUSINESS STANDARD, 2008(8 .6 .2008) G ives c r i t i ca l v iew on recent s ta t i s t ics re la ted w i th Ind ia 's economic Growth . * * Economic Growth- ( Ind ia) . 64 DALY, Herman E S teady s ta te economy. ECOLOGIST, 2008(Apr i l ) : P .40-41 Focuses on economic growth . * * Economic Growth- ( Ind ia) . 65 PARIKH, Daksesh R id ing the tu rbu lence. BUSINESS INDIA, No.785, 2008(20.4 .2008) : P .46-49 Ana lyses tha t Ind ian economy is fee l ing the impact o f g loba l upheava l . * * Economic Growth- ( Ind ia) . 66 SABNAVIS, Madan Wi l l in f la t ion a f fec t g rowth? BUSINESS STANDARD, 2008(13.6 .2008) * * Economic Growth- ( Ind ia) ; In f la t ion . * * - Keywords 11

- ( INDIA) 67 SAUMITRA MOHAN Ind ia 's g rowth s tory . STATESMAN, 2008(5 .6 .2008) * * Economic Growth- ( Ind ia) . - ( INDIA-CHINA) 68 BHADURI , Ami t Ind ia and Ch ina . FRONTIER, V.40(No.37) , 2008(30.3 .2008) : P .13-15 Focuses on economic growth o f Ind ia and China . * * Economic Growth- ( Ind ia-Ch ina) . - (SRI LANKA) 69 LUETH, Er ik and RUIZ-ARANZ, Mar ta Are workers remi t tances a hedge aga ins t macroeconomic shocks? Case o f Sr i Lanka. ASIA-PACIFIC DEVELOPMENT JOURNAL, V.14(No.1) , 2007(June) : P .25 -39 Core la tes remi t tances and macro economic var iab les fo r Sr i Lanka. * * Economic Growth- (Sr i Lanka) . - (TURKEY) 70 NARENDRANATH, K.G. Turkey in the mids t o f economic revo lu t ion . ECONOMIC TIMES, 2008(11.6 .2008) * * Economic Growth- (Turkey) . - (UNITED STATES) 71 SAMUELSON, Rober t J Ho ld the Hys ter ia ( fo r now) . NEWSWEEK, V.151(No.13) , 2008(31.3 .2008) : P .17 Focuses on the economy o f Un i ted Sta tes . * * Economic growth- (Un i ted Sta tes ) . -ECONOMIC CRISIS- ( INDIA) 72 SHAH, A jay We have seen th is mov ie be fore . F INANCIAL EXPRESS, 2008(7 .6 .2008) * * - Keywords 12

-ECONOMIC CRISIS- ( INDIA) Ana lyses present cond i t ion o f Ind ian economy and compares i t w i th US-European s tag f la t ion o f 1970 's . * * Economic Growth-Economic Cr is is - ( Ind ia) . -ECONOMIC POLICIES-(ASIA) 73 SARKAR, H i ren Nexus be tween ach iev ing the mi l lenn ium deve lopment goa ls and economic growth : ro le o f po l icy . ASIA-PACIFIC DEVELOPMENT JOURNAL, V.14(No.1) , 2007(June) : P .1-24 * * Economic Growth-Economic Po l ic ies - (As ia) . -ECONOMIC POLICIES- INFRASTRUCTURE 74 AHLUWALIA, Montek S ingh I t takes th ree to tango. OUTLOOK, V.48(No.14) , 2008(7 .4 .2008) : P .26-27 D iscusses the ro le o f pub l ic p r iva te par tnersh ip in the deve lopment o f in f ras t ruc ture in Ind ia . * * Economic growth-Economic Po l ic ies - In f ras t ruc ture . -ECONOMIC POLICIES-LIBERALISATION 75 K ISSINGER, Henry A. G loba l isa t ion and i ts d isconten ts . DECCAN CHRONICLE, 2008(1 .6 .2008) * * Economic Growth-Economic Po l ic ies -L ibera l isa t ion . -ECONOMIC POLICIES-SUBSIDIES 76 PONAPPA, Shyam Sens ib le subs id ies? BUSINESS STANDARD, 2008(5 .6 .2008) G ives suggest ion fo r a we l l conce ived approach to food subs id ies and fue l subs id ies in Ind ia . * * Economic Growth-Economic Po l ic ies -Subs id ies . - INCOME AND WEALTH-POVERTY 77 CHATTERJEE, B iswa j i t and GHOSH, D i l ip Kumar Chron ic pover ty in West Benga l : some emerg ing issues . INDIAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION, V.53(No.4) , 2007(Oct - Dec . ) : P .819-841 * * Economic Growth- Income and Weal th -Pover ty . * * - Keywords 13

EDUCATION -EDUCATION AND DEVELOPMENT 78 SARMAH, Anuradha Educat ion and soc ie ta l t rans format ion . ASSAM TRIBUNE, 2008(6 .6 .2008) * * Educat ion-Educat ion and Deve lopment . -EDUCATION POLICY-(GERMANY) 79 THEIL , S te fan Germany 's new t rue be l ievers . NEWSWEEK, V.151(No.13) , 2008(31.3 .2008) : P .28-29 H igh l igh ts e f fo r ts made by Germany fo r deve lopment o f educat ion among Mus l ims. * * Educat ion-Educat ion Po l icy- (Germany) ; Is lam. -EDUCATIONAL POLICY-( INDIA-ASSAM) 80 SAHEWALLA, Ga janan Lega l educat ion and Government apathy . ASSAM TRIBUNE, 2008(9 .6 .2008) Revea ls poor cond i t ions o f lega l educat ion in Assam Univers i ty and Governments apathy towards i t . * * Educat ion-Educat iona l Po l icy - ( Ind ia -Assam) . -EDUCATIONAL REFORMS 81 GREENE, Br ian Needed: A cu l tu ra l sh i f t . DECCAN HERALD, 2008(2 .6 .2008) D iscusses the need o f re fo rm in sc ience educat ion . * * Educat ion-Educat iona l Reforms. 82 HAZARIKA, Arup Kumar Pr iva te tu i t ion and UGC norms. ASSAM TRIBUNE, 2008(1 .6 .2008) * * Educat ion-Educat iona l Reforms. 83 Inc reas ing scourge o f p r iva te tu i t ions . DECCAN CHRONICLE, 2008(3 .6 .2008) * * Educat ion-Educat iona l Reforms. -GIRL EDUCATION-( INDIA) 84 Jus t g i r l s . TELEGRAPH, 2008(10.6 .2008) * * - Keywords 14

-GIRL EDUCATION-( INDIA) G ives a c r i t i ca l v iew on the proposa l to open an I IT ( Ind ian Ins t i tu te o f Techno logy) on ly fo r g i r ls . * * Educat ion-Gi r l Educat ion- ( Ind ia) . -TECHNICAL EDUCATION 85 VENKATARAMAN, Nand in i Eng ineer ing educat ion in Ind ia . H INDU, 2008(15.6 .2008) * * Educat ion-Techn ica l Educat ion . ELECTIONS - ( INDIA) 86 NEHRU, Arun Fewer f r inge benef i ts seen in po l l scenar io . DECCAN CHRONICLE, 2008(8 .6 .2008) D iscusses po l i t i ca l cond i t ion o f Ind ia in the contex t o f coming e lec t ions . * * E lec t ions- ( Ind ia) . - (RUSSIA) 87 DAPHNE SKILLEN Nex t genera l e lec t ions in Russ ia : What ro le for the med ia? EUROPE ASIA STUDIES, V.59(No.8) , 2007(December) : P1263-1278 * * E lec t ions- (Russ ia) ; Press . -ASSEMBLY ELECTIONS-( INDIA-KARNATAKA) 88 BHATTACHARJEE, Sh ibdas Imp l ica t ions o f Karnataka po l ls . ASSAM TRIBUNE, 2008(3 .6 .2008) Exp lores the impac t o f Ka rnataka Assembly e lec t ion on Ind ian po l i t i cs . * * E lec t ions-Assembly E lec t ions- ( Ind ia-Karnataka) . 89 Hope and rea l i ty . DECCAN HERALD, 2008(6 .6 .2008) Focuses on the v ic to ry o f Bhara t iya Janata Par ty in Karnataka Assembly e lec t ions in contex t w i th coming genera l e lec t ions . * * E lec t ions-Assembly E lec t ions- ( Ind ia-Karnataka) . 90 KULKARNI , Sudheendra Karnataka lessons fo r Congress and BJP. INDIAN EXPRESS, 2008(1 .6 .2008) * * E lec t ions-Assembly E lec t ions- ( Ind ia-Karnataka) . * * - Keywords 15

-ASSEMBLY ELECTIONS-( INDIA-KARNATAKA) 91 MALVIKA SINGH Ana lys is o f a de feat . TELEGRAPH, 2008(3 .6 .2008) Ana lyses Karnataka 's Assembly e lec t ion resu l ts . * * E lec t ions-Assembly E lec t ions- ( Ind ia-Karnataka) . 92 MENON, Paravath i and SRIDHAR, V. Karnataka: The BJP v ic to ry in perspec t ive . H INDU, 2008(2 .6 .2008) * * E lec t ions-Assembly E lec t ions- ( Ind ia-Karnataka) . 93 VOHRA, Panka j Po l i t i cs o f p ro jec t ion . H INDUSTAN TIMES, 2008(2 .6 .2008) Ana lyses c r i t i ca l l y the BJP 's s t ra tegy in Karnataka Assembly e lec t ions . * * E lec t ions-Assembly E lec t ions- ( Ind ia-Karnataka) ; BJP. -BY ELECTIONS-( INDIA-ANDHRA PRADESH) 94 Fa i led g immick . DECCAN HERALD, 2008(4 .6 .2008) D iscusses the fac to rs respons ib le fo r the de fea t o f Te langana Rasht ra Sami t i (TRS) in Andhra Pradesh By e lec t ions . * * E lec t ions-By E lec t ions- ( Ind ia-Andhra Pradesh) . 95 OMER FAROOQ Te langana dumps TRS. P IONEER, 2008(4 .6 .2008) D iscusses Te langana Rasht ra Sami t i par ty 's defea t in Andhra Pradesh By e lec t ions . * * E lec t ions-By E lec t ions- ( Ind ia-Andhra Pradesh) ; TRS. 96 S lap fo r the TRS. DECCAN CHRONICLE, 2008(2 .6 .2008) D iscusses the resu l t o f Andhra Pradesh By e lec t ions in contex t w i th TRS par ty . * * E lec t ions-By E lec t ions- ( Ind ia-Andhra Pradesh) . -ELECTION SYSTEM-OPINION POLL 97 GORADIA, Pra fu l l Abo l ish ex i t po l ls . P IONEER, 2008(6 .6 .2008) * * E lec t ions-E lec t ion Sys tem-Opin ion Po l l . * * - Keywords 16

-ELECTION SYSTEM-VOTING PROCEDURE 98 McALLISTER, Ian and WHITE Vo t ing aga ins t a l l in pos t communis t Russ ia . EUROPE ASIA STUDIES, V.60(No.1) , 2008(January) : P .67-87 Focuses on negat ive vo t ing in Russ ia . * * E lec t ions-E lec t ion Sys tem-Vot ing Procedure . -GENERAL ELECTIONS-( INDIA) 99 SUBRAHMANYA, K. See-Saw bat t le ahead. DECCAN HERALD, 2008(1 .6 .2008) G ives v iews on coming genera l e lec t ion . * * E lec t ions-Genera l E lec t ions- ( Ind ia) . -PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS-(UNITED STATES) 100 Barack Obama the nominee. H INDU, 2008(5 .6 .2008) D iscusses Barack Obama's success in c l inch ing the Democra t i c par ty 's nominat ion fo r the 2008 US Pres ident ia l e lec t ion. * * E lec t ions-Pres ident ia l E lec t ions- (Un i ted Sta tes) . 101 BATRA, N.D. Obama or McCain? STATESMAN, 2008(11.6 .2008) Focuses on cand ida tes fo r Un i ted Sta tes Pres ident ia l e lec t ion . * * E lec t ions-Pres ident ia l E lec t ions- (Un i ted Sta tes) . 102 C indre l la man. P IONEER, 2008(5 .6 .2008) D iscusses w in o f Democra t ic par ty 's nominat ion by Barack Obama fo r the 2008 US Pres ident ia l e lec t ion . * * E lec t ions-Pres ident ia l E lec t ions- (Un i ted Sta tes) . 103 C lose ranks . DECCAN HERALD, 2008(9 .6 .2008) Assesses the po l i t i ca l cond i t ion o f Un i ted Sta tes in contex t w i th Pres ident ia l e lec t ion . * * E lec t ions-Pres ident ia l E lec t ions- (Un i ted Sta tes) . * * - Keywords 17

-PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS-(UNITED STATES) 104 DESAI , Ra j iv Down but no t ye t ou t . T IMES OF INDIA, 2008(3 .6 .2008) Focuses on campaign for Un i ted Sta tes Pres ident ia l e lec t ions . * * E lec t ions-Pres ident ia l E lec t ions- (Un i ted Sta tes) . 105 DOWD, Mauren H i l la ry has been shown the door , bu t she is s t i l l here . DECCAN CHRONICLE, 2008(5 .6 .2008) Focuses on H i l la ry C l in ton ' de feat in campaign to ge t nominat ion fo r Un i ted Sta tes Pres ident ia l e lec t ion . * * E lec t ions-Pres ident ia l E lec t ions- (Un i ted Sta tes) . 106 JAISHANKAR, Dhruva Pres ident Obama? INDIAN EXPRESS, 2008(5 .6 .2008) * * E lec t ions-Pres ident ia l E lec t ions- (Un i ted Sta tes) . 107 KALYANI SHANKAR How Hi l la ry los t the race . P IONEER, 2008(13.6 .2008) * * E lec t ions-Pres ident ia l E lec t ions- (Un i ted Sta tes) . 108 KALYANI SHANKAR She won ' t fade away. P IONEER, 2008(6 .6 .2008) G ives v iew on acceptance o f de fea t in par ty nominat ion fo r Un i ted Sta tes Pres ident ia l e lec t ion by H i l la ry C l in ton . * * E lec t ions-Pres ident ia l E lec t ions- (Un i ted Sta tes) . 109 Las t lap . TELEGRAPH, 2008(6 .6 .2008) Throws l igh t on the se lec t ion o f Barack Obama as a Democra t ic Par ty cand ida te fo r Pres ident ia l e lec t ion in Uni ted Sta tes . * * E lec t ions-Pres ident ia l E lec t ions- (Un i ted Sta tes) . 110 MUKUL KESAVAN Gender versus ro le . TELEGRAPH, 2008(5 .6 .2008) Ana lyses the campaign fo r the e lec t ion o f Democra t cand ida te fo r Un i ted Sta tes Pres ident ia l e lec t ion . * * E lec t ions-Pres ident ia l E lec t ions- (Un i ted Sta tes) . 111 Obama i t i s . BUSINESS STANDARD, 2008(6 .6 .2008) * * - Keywords 18

-PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS-(UNITED STATES) Focuses on nominat ion o f Barack Obama as Democra t ic cand ida te fo r Un i ted Sta tes Pres ident ia l e lec t ion . * * E lec t ions-Pres ident ia l E lec t ions- (Un i ted Sta tes) . 112 POWELL, Michae l Man o f shrewed ca lcu la t ions . DECCAN HERALD, 2008(7 .6 .2008) Focuses on Barack Obama, Democra t ic par ty nominee fo r Un i ted S ta tes Pres ident ia l e lec t ion . * * E lec t ions-Pres ident ia l E lec t ions- (Un i ted Sta tes) . 113 THAKUR, Ramesh Genu ine Amer ican hero US man o f des t iny . H INDU, 2008(6 .6 .2008) Dea ls w i th Un i ted Sta tes Pres ident ia l e lec t ion. * * E lec t ions-Pres ident ia l E lec t ions- (Un i ted Sta tes) . EMIGRATION AND IMMIGRATION 114 Look ou t . TELEGRAPH, 2008(3 .6 .2008) G ives v iew on depor ta t ion o f the Pak is tan i human r igh ts ac t iv is t by Immigra t ion Depar tment o f Ind ia . * * Emigra t ion And Immigra t ion . -REFUGEES AND REHABILITATION 115 RAO, S.L . Rea l i ty o f migra t ion . DECCAN HERALD, 2008(6 .6 .2008) Exp lores the issues re la ted w i th nat iona l and in te rna t iona l m igra t ion . * * Emigra t ion And Immigra t ion-Refugees And Rehab i l i ta t ion . -REFUGEES AND REHABIL ITATION-HUMAN TRAFFICKING 116 Human t ra f f i ck ing . ASSAM TRIBUNE, 2008(8 .6 .2008) * * Emigra t ion and Immigra t ion-Refugees and Rehab i l i ta t ion-Human T ra f f i ck ing . * * - Keywords 19

ENERGY 117 SUNITA NARAIN F ruga l i ty i s no t pover ty . BUSINESS STANDARD, 2008(6 .6 .2008) D iscusses the need o f ta lk on energy secur i ty . * * Energy . -ENERGY POLICY-( INDIA) 118 TEJA, Jaskaran O i l , food and geopo l i t i cs . TRIBUNE, 2008(4 .6 .2008) Emphas ises on the issue o f ensur ing energy secur i ty o f Ind ia . * * Energy-Energy Po l icy- ( Ind ia) . -ENERGY POLICY-( INDIA-ASSAM) 119 Power re forms. ASSAM TRIBUNE, 2008(9 .6 .2008) Emphas ises the need o f immedia te re fo rms in Assam Sta te E lec t r ic i ty Board . * * Energy-Energy Po l icy- ( Ind ia -Assam) . -NON CONVENTIONAL POWER RESOURCES-WIND ENERGY 120 Le t ' s ge t to know more about w ind energy . DEEKSHA, V.5 (No.1) , 2008(Apr i l -June) : P .40-42 * * Energy-Non Convent iona l Power Resources-Wind Energy . -POWER RESOURCES-FUEL 121 HUMA SIDDIQUI A iming fo r a l te rnat ive fue ls . F INANCIAL EXPRESS, 2008(11.6 .2008) * * Energy-Power Resources-Fue l . -POWER RESOURCES-FUEL-BIO FUEL 122 WILKINSON, Tracy No consensus on b io fue ls a t food meet . TRIBUNE, 2008(7 .6 .2008) * * Energy-Power Resources-Fue l -B io Fue l . * * - Keywords 20

-POWER RESOURCES-FUEL-BIOFUEL 123 HATAI , L .D B io fue l fo r sus ta inab le economy. KURUKSHETRA, V.56(No.4) , 2008(February) : P .6-7 * * Energy-Power Resources-Fue l -B io fue l . 124 SARMAH, Eta l i and BORDOLOI , Bedanga B iod iese l -cornucop ia o f fue l in fu ture . KURUKSHETRA, V.56(No.4) , 2008(February) : P .3-5 * * Energy-Power Resources-Fue l -B io fue l . FINANCE 125 JAYASUNDERA, P.B. Mov ing to c reate more f i sca l space. H INDU, 2008(5 .6 .2008) Focuses on cha l lenges be fore Sr i Lankan Government to b r idge sav ing inves tment gap in f i sca l management . * * F inance. -BANKS AND BANKING 126 BHATTACHARJEE, Ar i j i t Bang ladesh Grameen Bank: a boon or bane? ASSAM TRIBUNE, 2008(9 .6 .2008) * * F inance-Banks And Bank ing. 127 SRIVASTAVA, Sami r K . Expans ion o f bank ing in Ind ia . ECONOMIC TIMES, 2008(7 .6 .2008) * * F inance-Banks And Bank ing. -BANKS AND BANKING-BANK CREDIT 128 Banks and musc le power . H INDU, 2008(6 .6 .2008) Apprec ia tes the gu ide l ines o f Supreme Cour t g iven to Commerc ia l banks and F inanc ia l Ins t i tu t ions in respec t o f debt recovery opera t ions . * * F inance-Banks and Bank ing-Bank Cred i t . 129 DAS, Satya j i t F r isk ing f inanc ia l asse ts . BUSINESS STANDARD, 2008(12.6 .2008) Ca l ls fo r immedia te s teps to res to re the func t ion ing o f banks and c red i t supp ly . * * F inance-Banks And Bank ing-Bank Cred i t . * * - Keywords 21

-BANKS AND BANKING-FINANCIAL DISPUTES 130 P lay ing i t sa fe . ECONOMIC TIMES, 2008(6 .6 .2008) Po in ts to RBI 's dec is ion to bar Sahara Ind ia F inanc ia l Corpora t ion(SIFC) f rom accept ing pub l ic depos i ts . * * F inance-Banks And Bank ing-F inanc ia l D isputes . -BUDGET-( INDIA) 131 BANIK, Sun i l Cent ra l budget - loan wa iver . JANATA, V.63(No.10) , 2008(30.3 .2008) : P .23-25 Cr i t i ca l l y examines the budget in respec t o f wr i te o f f fa rm loans . * * F inance-Budget - ( Ind ia) . 132 SEN, Arup Kumar Po l i t i ca l read ing : Un ion Budget 2008-09. MAINSTREAM, V.46(No.13) , 2008(15.3 .2008) : P .7 * * F inance-Budget - ( Ind ia) . 133 S INGH, N.K Budget shou ld no t be a surpr ise . INDIAN EXPRESS, 2008(8 .6 .2008) * * F inance-Budget - ( Ind ia) . -CURRENCY AND COINAGE 134 GROSS, Dan ie l M ismanagement 101. NEWSWEEK, V.151(No.12) , 2008(24.3 .2008) : P .42 Ana lyses the impact o f do l la r pr ice on wor ld economy. * * F inance-Currency and Co inage. -CURRENCY AND COINAGE-MONETARY POLICY-( INDIA) 135 Rat ing vo tes : Monetary po l i cy . INDIAN EXPRESS, 2008(13.6 .2008) * * F inance-Currency And Co inage-Monetary Po l icy - ( Ind ia ) . -DEFICIT F INANCING 136 SHAH, A jay What nex t on f i sca l ru les . BUSINESS STANDARD, 2008(4 .6 .2008) Expresses the need to address the f laws in F isca l * * - Keywords 22

-DEFICIT F INANCING Respons ib i l i t y and Budget Management (FRBM) s t ra tegy fo rmula ted to f i gh t f i sca l c r is is . * * F inance-Def ic i t F inanc ing. -EXCHANGE CONTROL 137 GHOSH, Jayat i Manag ing Ind ia 's fo rex reserves . DECCAN CHRONICLE, 2008(10.6 .2008) * * F inance-Exchange Cont ro l . -F INANCIAL SECTOR REFORMS 138 RAWAT, D.S. UPA gov t has a la rge un f in ished agenda. F INANCIAL EXPRESS, 2008(2 .6 .2008) Urges tha t UPA government shou ld focus on the execut ion o f s ta l led re forms. * * F inance-F inanc ia l Sector Reforms. -FOREIGN ASSISTANCE-FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT 139 SOMASEKHAR SUNDARESAN Ind ian FDI po l icy cu ts a sor ry f igure . BUSINESS STANDARD, 2008(9 .6 .2008) * * F inance-Fore ign Ass is tance-Fore ign D i rec t Inves tment . -FOREIGN ASSISTANCE- INVESTMENT 140 SEN, Kumkum Sh i f t in regu la to ry respons ib i l i t y and reduced procedure to a t t rac t FDI . BUSINESS STANDARD, 2008(2 .6 .2008) * * F inance-Fore ign Ass is tance- Inves tment . - INFLATION 141 CHANDRASEKHAR, C.P Gone w i th w inds o f l ibera l i sa t ion . FRONTLINE, V .25(No.8) , 2008(25.4 .2008) : P .10-13 D iscusses the fac to rs beh ind the cur ren t in f la t ionary t rend in Ind ia . * * F inance- In f la t ion . 142 Fue l l ing in f la t ion . P IONEER, 2008(6 .6 .2008) * * - Keywords 23

- INFLATION Cr i t i c ises recent h ike in fue l p r ices by Government . * * F inance- In f la t ion . 143 GHOSH, Jayat i G loba l t rends . FRONTLINE, V .25(No.8) , 2008(25.4 .2008) : P .16-20 Examines in te rnat iona l fac to rs in f luenc ing Ind ia 's domest ic p r ice t rend. * * F inance- In f la t ion . 144 GHOSH, Jyo t i G loba l s tag f la t ion . FRONTLINE, V .25(No.7) , 2008(11 Apr i l 2008) : P .43-44 * * F inance- In f la t ion . 145 GOSWAMI, Anupam Combat ing in f la t ion . BUSINESS INDIA, No.785, 2008(20 Apr i l 2008) : P .50-53 * * F inance- In f la t ion . 146 Impor t ing in f la t ion . H INDUSTAN TIMES, 2008(6 .6 .2008) * * F inance- In f la t ion . 147 Now, tack le in f la t ion . T IMES OF INDIA, 2008(6 .6 .2008) * * F inance- In f la t ion . 148 RAMAKRISHNAN, Venk i tesh Pay ing the pr ice . FRONTLINE, V .25(No.8) , 2008(25.4 .2008) : P .4-8 Cr i t i ca l l y examines the shor t - term popu l is t measures be ing taken up by UPA Government to min imize the impac t o f in f la t ion on i t s po l i t i ca l p rospec ts . * * F inance- In f la t ion . 149 VENKATESAN, V Hoarder 's de l igh t . FRONTLINE, V .25(No.8) , 2008(25.4 .2008) : P .21-23 D iscusses the Forward Cont rac ts (Regu la t ion/Amendment Ord inance, 2008) as a p r ime reason fo r the recent p r ice r i se . * * F inance- In f la t ion . - INTERNATIONAL FINANCE 150 JHUNJHUNWALA, Bhara t Wor ld bank , IMF, recess ion . FRONTIER, V.40(No.37) , 2008(30-3.2008) : P .3 * * - Keywords 24

- INTERNATIONAL FINANCE D iscusses the f inanc ia l po l i cy o f wor ld Bank . * * F inance- In ternat iona l F inance. -STATE FINANCE 151 JOHL, S .S. Anemic economy. TRIBUNE, 2008(5 .6 .2008) Examines b leed ing f inanc ia l pos i t ion o f Pun jab s ta te and a lso s t resses on need to take adequate s teps to s t rengthen i t s economy. * * F inance-Sta te F inance. -TAXATION-(LATIN AMERICA) 152 MARGOLIS, Mac One sure th ing: death to taxes . NEWSWEEK, V.151(No.15) , 2008(14.4 .2008) : P .32-33 Shows the pro tes t aga ins t taxa t ion in La t in Amer ica . * * F inance-Taxat ion- (La t in Amer ica) . FOOD 153 LEWIS, J . I . Func t iona l foods . ASSAM TRIBUNE, 2008(3 .6 .2008) H igh l igh ts med ic ina l va lue o f food i tems. * * Food. -FOOD AID 154 BLAS, Jav ie r Food a id dec l ines to near 50 year low. BUSINESS STANDARD, 2008(11.6 .2008) * * Food-Food A id . -FOOD INDUSTRY 155 THOMAS, Pat Lucozade spor t w i th ca f fe ine boos t . ECOLOGIST, 2008(March) : P .18-19 H igh l igh ts the long te rm harmfu l e f fec ts o f energy dr inks . * * Food-Food Indus t ry ; Pub l ic Hea l th . * * - Keywords 25

-FOOD PRICES 156 F IRODIA, Arun R is ing food pr ices : The b lame game. ECONOMIC TIMES, 2008(9 .6 .2008) * * Food-Food Pr ices . 157 MITTAL, Rakesh Bhar t i R is ing food pr ices and impera t ives fo r Ind ia . F INANCIAL EXPRESS, 2008(11.6 .2008) * * Food-Food Pr ices . -FOOD SECURITY 158 GAUTAM, Harender Ra j Ind ia we l l p laced to t ide over food c r is is . TRIBUNE, 2008(4 .6 .2008) H igh l igh ts Ind ia 's surp lus food gra in p roduc t ion in e ra o f g loba l food c r is is . * * Food-Food Secur i ty . 159 STREITFELD, Dav id and BRADSHER, Ke i th Weather adds to cha l lenge o f food shor tages . H INDU, 2008(11.6 .2008) * * Food-Food Secur i ty . 160 SWAMINATHAN, M.S. G loba l food c r is is and Ind ian response. H INDU, 2008(2 .6 .2008) * * Food-Food Secur i ty . INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT - ( INDIA) 161 SENGUPTA, Jayshree Pa in fu l economic s lowdown : S i tua t ion may lead to loss o f jobs . TRIBUNE, 2008(2 .6 .2008) Examines s low mov ing Indus t r ia l g rowth in Ind ia due to economic c r is is . * * Indus t r ia l Deve lopment- ( Ind ia) . - ( INDIA-JAMMU AND KASHMIR-LADAKH) 162 PHUNCHOK, Tser ing Changthang needs to ba lance cont inu i ty and change. BORDER AFFAIRS, V .9(No.2) , 2008(Jan-March) : P .19-28 Focuses on the indus t r ia l p roduc t ion sys tem in Eas tern Ladakh(Changthang) . * * Indus t r ia l Deve lopment- ( Ind ia -Jammu and Kashmir -Ladakh) . * * - Keywords 26

-ENTERPRISES-SERVICE SECTOR 163 MEHTA, V inod Serv ice sec tor : Begg ing fo r Government a t tent ion . ASSAM TRIBUNE, 2008(10.6 .2008) * * Indus t r ia l Deve lopment-Enterpr ises-Serv ice Sec tor . 164 S INGHAL, Arv ind Dec l in ing serv ice in serv ice sec tor . BUSINESS STANDARD, 2008(5 .6 .2008) * * Indus t r ia l Deve lopment-Enterpr ises-Serv ice sec tor . - INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS- INDUSTRIAL HAZARDS 165 SHARMA, Ra jan Ve i l o f decept ion . FRONTLINE, V .25(No.7) , 2008(11 Apr i l 2008) : P .94-96 H igh l igh ts the march-pas t o f Bhopa l Gas v ic t ims aga ins t Ind ian Government 's move fo r a l low ing Dow Chemica l Company to conduct bus iness in Ind ia . * * Indus t r ia l Deve lopment- Indus t r ia l Acc idents - Indus t r ia l Hazards . - INDUSTRIES-CARPET INDUSTRY 166 GANDHI , G.P. Ind ia : land o f 'mag ic ' carpets . FACTS FOR YOU, V.28(No.7) , 2008(Apr i l 2008) : P .10-17 * * Indus t r ia l Deve lopment- Indus t r ies-Carpet Indus t ry . - INDUSTRIES-RUBBER INDUSTRY 167 SATYA SUNDARAM, I . Rubber supp ly-demand gap worsens . FACTS FOR YOU, V.28(No.7) , 2008(Apr i l 2008) : P .18-20 * * Indus t r ia l Deve lopment- Indus t r ies-Rubber Indus t ry . - INDUSTRIES-TYRE 168 DATTA, Sa ika t Burn ing rubber . OUTLOOK, V.48(No.14) , 2008(7 .4 .2008) : P .74-75 Focuses on the acu te shor tage o f ty res in Ind ian A i r fo rce . * * Indus t r ia l Deve lopment- Indus t r ies-Tyre . -SMALL SCALE INDUSTRIES 169 RODRIGUES, Ryan Punters tu rn suckers . BUSINESS INDIA, No.785, 2008(20.4 .2008) : P .54-57 * * - Keywords 27

-SMALL SCALE INDUSTRIES S ta tes tha t the SMES (Smal l and Med ium S ize Enterpr ises) f i le lega l -su i t aga ins t Ind ian banks fo r der iva t ives losses . * * Indus t r ia l Deve lopment-Smal l Sca le Indus t r ies ; Banks and Bank ing. INTER STATE DISPUTES -BOUNDARIES 170 Border row. ASSAM TRIBUNE, 2008(2 .6 .2008) Focuses on encroachment on border a reas o f Assam by i t s ne ighbour ing s ta tes . * * In te r S ta te D isputes-Boundar ies . -WATER DISPUTES 171 SUBRAMANIAN, T .S T roub led waters . FRONTLINE, V .25(No.8) , 2008(25.4 .2008) : P .28-32 H igh l igh ts in te r s ta te water d ispute be tween Tami l Nadu and Karnataka. * * In ter S ta te D isputes-Water D isputes . INTERNATIONAL LAW -TREATIES 172 In the wrong c lus ter . DECCAN HERALD, 2008(7 .6 .2008) Urges Ind ia to back the c lus ter bomb ban t rea ty . * * In ternat iona l Law-Treat ies . INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS - (CHINA-TIAWAN) 173 ADAMS, Jonathan Why anger the dragon? NEWSWEEK, V.151(No.12) , 2008(24.3 .2008) : P .24-25 D iscusses Ta iwan 's re la t ions w i th Ch ina. * * In ternat iona l Re la t ions- (Ch ina-T iawan) . * * - Keywords 28

- (CHINA-TIBET) 174 BHARGAVA, G.S Ch ina in T ibe t . MAINSTREAM, V.46(No.16) , 2008(5.4 .2008) : P .5-6 Focuses on Ch ina 's po l icy towards T ibe t . * * In te rnat iona l Re la t ions- (Ch ina-T ibe t ) . 175 NAYAR, Ku ld ip Not too la te fo r Ch ina. JANATA, V.63(No.10) , 2008(30.3 .2008) : P .5-6 Cr i t i c ises Ch ina 's po l icy towards T ibe tan 's demands fo r independence. * * In ternat iona l Re la t ions- (Ch ina-T ibe t ) . 176 SENGUPTA, N i t i sh Ho l lowness o f Ch ina 's c la im over T ibe t . MAINSTREAM, V.46(No.16) , 2008(5.4 .2008) : P .4-5 * * In ternat iona l Re la t ions- (Ch ina-T ibe t ) . 177 S IWEI , Mao F ive quest ions on the T ibe tan issue. H INDU, 2008(4 .6 .2008) * * In ternat iona l Re la t ions- (Ch ina-T ibe t ) . - ( INDIA-CHINA) 178 COWSHISH, Atu l T ies enters a dynamic phase. NATION & THE WORLD, V.14(No.388) , 2008(1 .3 .2008) : P .5-7 D iscusses Indo-China re la t ions . * * In te rnat iona l Re la t ions- ( Ind ia-Ch ina) . 179 GHOSH, Kunal Buddh ism and Communism: r i va ls fa i th in T ibe t . MAINSTREAM, V.46(No.16) , 2008(5.4 .2008) : P .9-14 Ana lyses Ch ina 's fo re ign po l i cy towards Ind ia in the contex t o f T ibe t . * * In te rnat iona l Re la t ions- ( Ind ia-Ch ina) . 180 Pranab 's Ch ina tour . CENTRAL CHRONICLE, 2008(10.6 .2008) D iscusses Ind ia -Ch ina re la t ions in contex t w i th Pranab Mukher jee 's v is i t to Ch ina. * * In te rnat iona l Re la t ions- ( Ind ia-Ch ina) . * * - Keywords 29

- ( INDIA-MYANMAR) 181 MUKHERJEE, Ami tava What p r ice democracy?: Ind ia 's re la t ions w i th Myanmar , Bang ladesh. MAINSTREAM, V.46(No.16) , 2008(5.4 .2008) : P .19-21 * * In te rnat iona l Re la t ions- ( Ind ia-Myanmar) . - ( INDIA-PAKISTAN) 182 CHANSORIA, Mon ika Indo-Pak ta lks : Sans key break through. ASSAM TRIBUNE, 2008(2 .6 .2008) * * In te rnat iona l Re la t ions- ( Ind ia-Pak is tan) . 183 Pak fo r be t te r t ies w i th Ind ia . CENTRAL CHRONICLE, 2008(7 .6 .2008) * * In te rnat iona l Re la t ions- ( Ind ia-Pak is tan) . - ( INDIA-RUSSIA) 184 ERMOLAYEV, Dmi t ry 2008- A land mark year in Russ ia - Ind ia re la t ions . ECONOMIC TIMES, 2008(7 .6 .2008) * * In te rnat iona l Re la t ions- ( Ind ia-Russ ia) . - ( INDIA-SRI LANKA) 185 MAYILVAGANAN, M Re-emergence o f Tami l Nadu fac tor in Ind ia 's Sr i Lanka po l icy . STRATEGIC ANALYSIS, V .31(No.6) , 2007(November) : P .943-971 * * In te rnat iona l Re la t ions- ( Ind ia-Sr i Lanka) . 186 MURALIDHAR REDDY, B Demonis ing Ind ia . FRONTLINE, V .25(No.8) , 2008(25.4 .2008) : P .44-48 Examines ant i - Ind ia rhe tor ic in Sr i Lanka. * * In te rnat iona l Re la t ions- ( Ind ia- Sr i Lanka) . - ( INDIA-UNITED STATES) 187 RAJA MOHAN, C. Ind ia 's Obama prob lem. INDIAN EXPRESS, 2008(9 .6 .2008) Ana lyses Barack Obama's v iews and thoughts on Ind ia . * * In te rnat iona l Re la t ions- ( Ind ia-Un i ted Sta tes) . 188 RAJGHATTA, Ch idanand Who 's be t te r fo r Ind ia? T IMES OF INDIA, 2008(8 .6 .2008) * * - Keywords 30

- ( INDIA-UNITED STATES) Examines who is the most su i tab le cand ida te fo r the pos t o f Un i ted Sta tes Pres ident in contex t w i th Indo-US re la t ions . * * In te rnat iona l Re la t ions- ( Ind ia-Un i ted Sta tes) . - ( INDIA-WEST ASIA) 189 ANEJA, A tu l Ind ia faces uph i l l task in West As ia . H INDU, 2008(3 .6 .2008) G ives an account o f e f fo r ts made by Ind ia to re in fo rce i t s t ies w i th West As ia . * * In te rnat iona l Re la t ions- ( Ind ia-West As ia) . - ( IRAN-MIDDLE EAST) 190 CHERIAN, John Bu i ld ing br idges . FRONTLINE, V .25(No.8) , 2008(25.4 .2008) : P .63-65 Examines I ran 's expand ing in f luence in the Gu l f reg ion . * * In te rnat iona l Re la t ions- ( I ran- Midd le Eas t ) . - ( IRAQ) 191 CHERIAN, John Nat ion ru ined. FRONTLINE, V .25(No.8) , 2008(25.4 .2008) : P .59-62 * * In te rnat iona l Re la t ions- ( I raq) . -FOREIGN POLICY 192 HAYNES, Je f f rey Re l ig ion and fo re ign po l icy mak ing in the USA Ind ia and I ran : towards a research agenda. THIRD WORLD QUARTERLY, V .29(No.1) , 2008: P .143-165 * * In te rnat iona l Re la t ions-Fore ign Po l icy . -FOREIGN POLICY-(CHINA-AFRICA) 193 CAMPBELL, Horace Ch ina in A f r ica : Cha l leng ing US g loba l hegemony. THIRD WORLD QUARTERLY, V.29(No.1 ) , 2008: P .89-105 D iscusses the Ch ina 's re la t ions w i th A f r i ca and i t s impact on U .S. * * In te rnat iona l Re la t ions-Fore ign Po l icy- (Ch ina-Af r ica) . * * - Keywords 31

-FOREIGN POLICY-(EUROPE) 194 AGGESTAM, L isbeth and HILL, Chr is topher Cha l lenge o f mu l t i cu l tu ra l i sm in European fo re ign po l icy . INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS, V.84(No.1) , 2008(January) : P .97-114 * * In te rnat iona l Re la t ions-Fo re ign Po l icy- (Europe) . -FOREIGN POLICY-(UNITED STATES-EAST ASIA) 195 SURYANARAYANA, P.S Amer ican Agenda. FRONTLINE, V .25(No.4) , 2008(28.3 .2008) : P .62-64 Focuses on the USA's p lan to c rea te s t ra teg ic g roup ing in Greater Eas t As ia . * * In te rnat iona l Re la t ions-Fore ign Po l icy- (Un i ted Sta tes -Eas t As ia) . -FOREIGN POLICY-(UNITED STATES-KOSOVO) 196 CHERIAN, John Kosovo wa lks out . FRONTLINE, V .25(No.4) , 2008(28.3 .2008) : P .57-61 Cr i t i ca l l y examines USA's ro le in Kosovo 's independence f rom Serb ia . * * In te rnat iona l Re la t ions-Fore ign Po l icy- (Un i ted Sta tes - Kosovo) . - INTERNATIONAL BOUNDARIES-( INDIA-CHINA) 197 S tand f i rm. DECCAN HERALD, 2008(7 .6 .2008) D iscusses tha t Ind ia -Ch ina ta lks on border d ispu te needs a f resh momentum. * * In te rna t iona l Re la t ions- In te rna t iona l Boundar ies- ( Ind ia - Ch ina) . -PASSPORT AND VISAS 198 DUTTAGUPTA, Ishan i Po in ts ta l l y . ECONOMIC TIMES, 2008(5 .6 .2008) D iscusses the new v isa sys tem o f Un i ted K ingdom. * * In te rna t iona l Re la t ions-Passpor t and V isas . 199 SEVASTOPULO, Demet r i US to impose s t r i c te r v isa ru le . BUSINESS STANDARD, 2008(4 .6 .2008) * * - Keywords 32

-PASSPORT AND VISAS * * In te rna t iona l Re la t ions-Passpor t and V isas . LABOUR AND LABOURING CLASSES -EMPLOYMENT AND UNEMPLOYMENT-MANPOWER 200 NAYAR, Lo la Beeh ive sh i f t : d rone to buzz . OUTLOOK, V.48(No.13) , 2008(31.3 .2008) : P .42-44 Focuses on Government 's dec is ion on pub l ic -p r iva te par tnersh ip to c rea te sk i l led peop le . * * Labour and Labour ing C lasses-Employment and Unemployment - Manpower . -EMPLOYMENT AND UNEMPLOYMENT-MIGRANT LABOUR 201 GHOSE, Bhaskar D i lemma o f ident i ty . FRONTLINE, V .25(No.4) , 2008(28.3 .2008) : P .90-91 D iscusses the p l igh t o f Nor th Ind ian migrant labourers in Maharasht ra fac ing the wra th o f Ra j Thackrey 's ha t red po l i t i cs . * * Labour and Labour ing C lasses-Employment and Unemployment - M igrant Labour . -LABOUR LEGISLATION 202 V ISWANATH, Anurag Labour los t in Ch ina . BUSINESS STANDARD, 2008(13.6 .2008) D iscusses Ch ina 's new labour law. * * Labour And Labour ing C lasses-Labour Leg is la t ion . -LABOUR UNION 203 SABHARWAL, Man ish T rade Un ions fo r someth ing new. F INANCIAL EXPRESS, 2008(6 .6 .2008) * * Labour And Labour ing C lasses-Labour Un ion . LAW AND JUSTICE -JUDICIARY-COURTS-HIGH COURTS-( INDIA-KARNATAKA) 204 Fu l f i l l i ng a dream. DECCAN HERALD, 2008(6 .6 .2008) D iscusses tha t c rea t ion o f two c i rcu i t benches o f H igh cour t in * * - Keywords 33

LAW AND JUSTICE -JUDICIARY-COURTS-HIGH COURTS-( INDIA-KARNATAKA) Karnataka w i l l he lp in speedy t r ia l . * * Law And Jus t ice-Jud ic ia ry -Cour ts -H igh Cour ts - ( Ind ia - Karnataka) . -JUDICIARY-JUDGEMENT 205 VELLAKKAL, Sukumar Supremely sens ib le . F INANCIAL EXPRESS, 2008(6 .6 .2008) Dea ls w i th the Supreme Cour t 's judgement on renewal o f hea l th insurance scheme for e lder peop le . * * Law And Jus t ice-Jud ic ia ry -Judgement . -JUDICIARY-JUDGES 206 Judg ing judges . TRIBUNE, 2008(12.6 .2008) D iscusses the need to enforce jud ic ia l accountab i l i t y . * * Law And Jus t ice-Jud ic ia ry -Judges . 207 SHARMA, R.D. Se lec t ing judges . STATESMAN, 2008(9 .6 .2008) Emphas ises upon the need o f a commiss ion for the se lec t ion o f judges in Supreme Cour t and H igh Cour t . * * Law And Jus t ice-Jud ic ia ry -Judges . -JUDICIARY-JUDICIAL ACTIVISM 208 RANBIR SINGH Per i l s o f jud ic ia l ac t iv ism. MAINSTREAM, V.46(No.13) , 2008(15.3 .2008) : P .23-24 * * Law and Jus t ice-Jud ic ia ry -Jud ic ia l ac t iv ism. -LAW-CRIMINAL LAW 209 RAGHAVAN, R.K. I t ' s i n the DNA. FRONTLINE, V .25(No.7) , 2008(11 Apr i l 2008) : P .97-98 D iscusses the mer i ts o f DNA Pro f i l ing Ac t and i t s impor tance in c r im ina l inves t iga t ions . * * Law And Jus t ice-Law-Cr imina l Law. * * - Keywords 34

-LAW-ISLAMIC LAW 210 RAMAKRISHNAN, Venk i tesh Women 's char ter . FRONTLINE, V .25(No.7) , 2008(11 Apr i l 2008) : P .28-30 Sparks debate over the re lease o f a 'Shar ia t N ikahnama' in the Mus l im communi ty . * * Law And Jus t ice-Law- Is lamic Law. MASS MEDIA -PRESS AND STATE 211 NADEZHDA AZHGIKHINA S t rugg le fo r press f reedom in Russ ia : re f lec t ions o f a Russ ian journa l is t . EUROPE ASIA STUDIES, V.59(No.8) , 2007(December) : P1245-1262 * * Mass Media-Press and Sta te . 212 SMAELE, Hedwig De Mass media and the In format ion c l imate in Russ ia . EUROPE ASIA STUDIES, V.59(No.8) , 2007(December) : P1299-1313 * * Mass media-Press and Sta te . -PRESS-JOURNALISM AND JOURNALISTS 213 A t tack on ed i to r . TRIBUNE, 2008(7 .6 .2008) Expresses concern on recent a t tack on Lok Sabha ed i tor and a lso focuses on the r is ing in to le rance in Maharasht ra . * * Mass Media-Press-Journa l ism and Journa l is ts . 214 A t tack on f reedom. P IONEER, 2008(7 .6 .2008) Expresses concern on the a t tack on Lok Sat ta ed i to r fo r h is ed i to r ia l on Maharasht ra Government . * * Mass Media-Press-Journa l ism and Journa l is ts . 215 C l imate o f in to le rance. H INDU, 2008(7 .7 .2008) Expresses concern on growing in to le rance aga ins t journa l i s ts in recent t ime. * * Mass Media-Press-Journa l ism and Journa l is ts . 216 Freedom of speech. DECCAN HERALD, 2008(9 .6 .2008) Cr i t i c ises the a t tack on the house o f Loksat ta ed i to r fo r an ed i to r ia l on Maharasht ra Government . * * - Keywords 35

-PRESS-JOURNALISM AND JOURNALISTS * * Mass Media-Press-Journa l ism and Journa l is ts . 217 Here they go aga in . T IMES OF INDIA, 2008(7 .6 .2008) Condemns the a t tack on journa l i s ts in recent t imes . * * Mass Media-Press-Journa l ism and Journa l is ts . 218 SANGHVI , V i r Punks and pub l ic i ty . H INDUSTAN TIMES, 2008(8 .6 .2008) D iscusses recent a t tacks on press . * * Mass Media-Press-Journa l ism and Journa l is ts . -PRESS-PRESS ETHICS 219 AKHILA SIVADAS Moment o f t ru th . H INDU, 2008(8 .6 .2008) Expresses concern on low s tandard o f med ia 's e th ics fo l lowed by p ress in Aarush i murder case. * * Mass Media-Press-Press Eth ics . 220 DEVI CHERIEN Aarush i d id no t need th is . P IONEER, 2008(8 .6 .2008) Cr i t i c ises med ia fo r insens i t i ve repor t ing on Aarush i murder case. * * Mass Media-Press-Press Eth ics . 221 GHOSH, Shohin i Here we are now, en ter ta in us . H INDUSTAN TIMES, 2008(4 .6 .2008) Exp la ins tha t insens i t i ve sensa l isa t ion o f Aarush i murder case by med ia dep ic ts lack o f consc ience and journa l i s t ic e th ics . * * Mass Media-Press-Press Eth ics . 222 NARAYAN, S. Why is the med ia here so negat ive? CENTRAL CHRONICLE, 2008(10.6 .2008) * * Mass Media-Press-Press Eth ics . 223 SANGHVI , V i r Second murder . H INDUSTAN TIMES, 2008(1 .6 .2008) * * - Keywords 36

-PRESS-PRESS ETHICS Cr i t i c ises the way po l ice and med ia have hand led the Aarush i murder case in No ida. * * Mass Media-Press-Press Eth ics . -PUBLICITY AND PUBLIC RELATIONS-ADVERTISING 224 MORRIS, Jeremy Dr ink ing to the na t ion : Russ ian Te lev is ion adver t i s ing and cu l tu ra l d i f fe rent ia t ion . EUROPE ASIA STUDIES, V.59(No.8) , 2007(December) : P1387-1403 Examines the deve lopment o f Te lev is ion adver t i s ing in Russ ia keep ing in v iew on the marke t ing o f beer . * * Mass Med ia-Pub l ic i t y and Pub l ic Re la t ions-Adver t i s ing . PARLIAMENT -LEGISLATIVE POWERS AND PRIVILEGES 225 SEZHIYAN, Era Loans and l im i ts . FRONTLINE, V .25(No.8) , 2008(25.4 .2008) : P .109-112 Emphas ises tha t Par l iament shou ld have e f fec t ive cont ro l over Government 's bor rowings and scru t in ise the u t i l i za t ion o f the loan funds in the wake o f p rov is ion made fo r wa iver o f fa rm loans in the cur ren t budget . * * Par l iament -Leg is la t i ve Powers and Pr iv i leges . -LEGISLATORS-( INDIA) 226 TANDON, Ad i t i MP's funds used or misused? TRIBUNE, 2008(1 .6 .2008) * * Par l iament -Leg is la to rs - ( Ind ia) . -PRESIDING OFFICERS-( INDIA-ORISSA) 227 DAS, Pra fu l la Under a c loud. FRONTLINE, V .25(No.8) , 2008(25 Apr i l 2008) : P .33-35 D iscusses the cont roversy fo r sexua l harassment case rag ing aga ins t Or issa Assembly Speaker Maheshwar Mohanty and Devas is Nayak harassment case . * * Par l iament -Pres id ing Of f i cers - ( Ind ia-Or issa) . * * - Keywords 37

PETROLEUM -OIL PRICES 228 ARUN, T .K. Some pr ice h ikes he lp the poor . ECONOMIC TIMES, 2008(5 .6 .2008) Exp la ins how h ike in fue l p r ices lowers the f i sca l de f ic i t tha t he lps poor . * * Pe t ro leum-Oi l Pr ices . 229 BHALLA, Sur j i t S . Greasy o i l economics . BUSINESS STANDARD, 2008(7 .6 .2008) Compares the economics o f r i se in o i l p r ices in te rms o f Do l la r and Rupees . * * Pe t ro leum-Oi l Pr ices . 230 BHAT, U.R. O i l p r ice h ike : Unf in ished bus iness . ECONOMIC TIMES, 2008(9 .6 .2008) Dea ls w i th the e f fec t o f r i se in o i l p r ices on Ind ian compan ies * * Pet ro leum-Oi l Pr ices . 231 B i t te r p i l l . DECCAN HERALD, 2008(5 .6 .2008) G ives v iews in suppor t o f Government 's dec is ion to h ike the p r ices o f pe t ro leum produc ts . * * Pe t ro leum-Oi l Pr ices . 232 B leed ing to death . BUSINESS STANDARD, 2008(3 .6 .2008) Focuses on Oi l marke t ing compan ies bound to bear huge losses as a resu l t o f Government 's inab i l i t y to h ike pr ices . * * Pe t ro leum-Oi l Pr ices . 233 Crude mat te rs . TELEGRAPH, 2008(2 .6 .2008) Focuses on loss made by Ind ian Oi l compan ies due to huge subs idy . * * Pe t ro leum-Oi l Pr ices . 234 Crude measures : Fue l subs id ies . F INANCIAL EXPRESS, 2008(4 .6 .2008) G ives an account o f fue l subs id ies g iven in d i f fe ren t count r ies * * Pet ro leum-Oi l Pr ices . * * - Keywords 38

PETROLEUM -OIL PRICES 235 DUTTA, Bhaskar Get used to i t . T IMES OF INDIA, 2008(6 .6 .2008) Expresses v iews on h ike in fue l p r ices by Government . * * Pe t ro leum-Oi l Pr ices . 236 ETHIRAJ, Gov indra j O i l p r ices : Where 's the pan ic? BUSINESS STANDARD, 2008(10.6 .2008) * * Pe t ro leum-Oi l Pr ices . 237 Fue l c r is is . ASSAM TRIBUNE, 2008(5 .6 .2008) G ives v iew on r ise in p r ices o f pe t ro leum produc ts . * * Pe t ro leum-Oi l Pr ices . 238 GHOSH, An i rvan Crude awaken ings . ECONOMIC TIMES, 2008(9 .6 .2008) D iscusses how the smal l bus iness wors t h i t by h ike in Pet ro leum p r ices . * * Pe t ro leum-Oi l Pr ices . 239 Gr im and bear i t . DECCAN CHRONICLE, 2008(4 .6 .2008) D iscusses tha t i t i s necessary to h ike o i l p r ices modera te ly in con tex t w i th g loba l r ise in o i l p r ices . * * Pe t ro leum-Oi l Pr ices . 240 How to dea l w i th ever r i s ing c rude pr ices? ECONOMIC TIMES, 2008(3 .6 .2008) * * Pe t ro leum-Oi l Pr ices . 241 JOG, San jay Crude c runch. F INANCIAL EXPRESS, 2008(8 .6 .2008) Ana lyses the impact o f zooming o i l p r ices on Ind ian economy. * * Pe t ro leum-Oi l Pr ices . 242 Le t s ta tes cush ion o i l h ike . ECONOMIC TIMES, 2008(7 .6 .2008) * * Pe t ro leum-Oi l Pr ices . 243 Log ica l te r ro r ism. INDIAN EXPRESS, 2008(6 .6 .2008) * * - Keywords 39

PETROLEUM -OIL PRICES Ref lec ts on BJP 's reac t ion to o i l p r ice h ike by ca l l ing i t "economic te r ror ism' . * * Pe t ro leum-Oi l Pr ices . 244 MEHTA, V ik ram S. O i l p r ice conundrum. F INANCIAL EXPRESS, 2008(3 .6 .2008) * * Pe t ro leum-Oi l Pr ices . 245 MITRA, Chandan Pr ice o f inept i tude. P IONEER, 2008(8 .6 .2008) G ives v iew on Pr ime Min is te r 's reques t to Min is te rs to cance l fo re ign t r ips to encourage energy secur i ty . * * Pe t ro leum-Oi l Pr ices . 246 O i l e f fec t . TELEGRAPH, 2008(6 .6 .2008) S tud ies the impac t o f h ike in o i l p r ices on in f la t ion . * * Pe t ro leum-Oi l Pr ices . 247 O i l shocks s tocks . DECCAN HERALD, 2008(10.6 .2008) Throws l igh t on the impact o f h igh r i se in fue l p r ices on s tock market . * * Pe t ro leum-Oi l Pr ices . 248 RAHA, Sub i r 900 c rore and $160 a bar re l . F INANCIAL EXPRESS, 2008(11.6 .2008) G ives v iews on o i l p r ice regu la t ion . * * Pe t ro leum-Oi l Pr ices . 249 Reduce taxes on pe t ro l /d iese l . CENTRAL CHRONICLE, 2008(6 .6 .2008) * * Pe t ro leum-Oi l Pr ices . 250 SHARMA, Ruch i r O i l and the seven myths . ECONOMIC TIMES, 2008(9 .6 .2008) Exp lo res the reasons beh ind the h igh pr ice r ise in pe t ro leum p roduc ts . * * Pe t ro leum-Oi l Pr ices . * * - Keywords 40

PETROLEUM -OIL PRICES 251 Shou ld pr ices o f pe t ro leum products ra ised? BUSINESS STANDARD, 2008(4 .6 .2008) * * Pe t ro leum-Oi l Pr ices . 252 SWAMINATHAN S ANKLESARIA AIYAR We ' re rea l ly subs id is ing OPEC. T IMES OF INDIA, 2008(8 .6 .2008) Suggests measures to encourage energy e f f i c iency in contex t w i th h igh r ise in o i l p r ices . * * Pe t ro leum-Oi l Pr ices . POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT - ( INDIA-JAMMU AND KASHMIR) 253 SARIFUDDIN AHMED Genes is o f Jammu and Kashmir p rob lem. ASSAM TRIBUNE, 2008(4 .6 .2008) D iscusses the spec ia l prov is ions made in the cons t i tu t ion fo r Jammu and Kashmir i s the roo t cause o f soc ia l and po l i t i ca l unres t in s ta te . * * Po l i t i cs And Government - ( Ind ia-Jammu and Kashmi r ) . -ALLIANCES 254 NEHRU, Arun Waste fu l po l i t i ca l auc t ion is avo ided. DECCAN CHRONICLE, 2008(1 .6 .2008) Focuses on po l i t i ca l a l l iance in Ind ian po l i t i cs . * * Po l i t i cs And Government -A l l iances . 255 S INGHVI , Abh ishek Never the twa in sha l l meet . H INDUSTAN TIMES, 2008(4 .6 .2008) Cont rad ic ts any poss ib i l i t y o f a l l iance be tween Congress and BJP. * * Po l i t i cs And Government -A l l iances . -C IVIL AND POLITICAL RIGHTS-FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS 256 AGARWAL, San j iv Turn c lock back . TRIBUNE, 2008(4 .6 .2008) D iscusses the issue o f mak ing r igh t to p r iva te proper ty as a * * - Keywords 41

-C IVIL AND POLITICAL RIGHTS-FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS fundamenta l r igh t . * * Po l i t i cs And Government -C iv i l And Po l i t i ca l R igh ts - Fundamenta l R igh ts . -CIVIL AND POLITICAL RIGHTS-HUMAN RIGHTS 257 KUNZRU, Har i Human r igh ts v io la t ion in Ch ina : hand le w i th care . DECCAN HERALD, 2008(2 .6 .2008) * * Po l i t i cs And Government -C iv i l And Po l i t i ca l R igh ts -Human R ights . 258 Mend your ways . DECCAN HERALD, 2008(3 .6 .2008) D iscusses tha t Ind ia can p lay a p ivo ta l ro le in the f igh t fo r human r igh ts . * * Po l i t i cs And Government -C iv i l And Po l i t i ca l R igh ts -Human R ights . 259 MURALIDHAR REDDY, B. M iss ion fa i lu re . FRONTLINE, V .25(No.7) , 2008(11.4 . 2008) : P .45-49 Exp la ins the reason beh ind the announcement o f I IGEP( In terna t iona l Independent Group o f Eminent Persons) to te rminate i t s opera t ion re la t ing to inves t iga t ion in to Human R igh ts v io la t ion cases in Sr i Lanka. * * Po l i t i cs And Government -C iv i l And Po l i t i ca l R igh ts -Human R ights . -CRIME IN POLITICS 260 Cr imina ls and po l i t i cs . ASSAM TRIBUNE, 2008(6 .6 .2008) Ra ises concern over c r ime and cor rup t ion in po l i t i cs . * * Po l i t i cs And Government -Cr ime in Po l i t i cs . 261 TRIPATHI , Ramdut t C lean bet raya l . INDIAN EXPRESS, 2008(13.6 .2008) Ind ica tes tha t induc t ion o f min is te rs w i th c r im ina l records by Mayawat i in Ut ta r Pradesh Government i s a c lear cont ras t o f her e lec t ion s logan. * * Po l i t i cs And Government -Cr ime in po l i t i cs . * * - Keywords 42

-FORMS OF STATE-DEMOCRACY 262 WEINER, Er ic Wi l l democracy make you happy? FOREIGN POLICY, V .165, 2008(March-Apr i l ) : P .57-59 * * Po l i t i cs and Government -Forms o f S ta te-Democracy . -POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT-(ASIA) 263 WEHRFRITZ, George and ADAMS, Jonathan Po l i t i cs o f p rac t ica l nos ta lg ia . NEWSWEEK, V.151(No.14) , 2008(7 .4 .2008) : P .26-29 * * Po l i t i cs and Government -Po l i t i ca l Deve lopment - (As ia) ; Economic Growth . -POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT-(BANGLADESH) 264 Watch over . TELEGRAPH, 2008(12.6 .2008) Assesses present po l i t i ca l cond i t ion o f Bang ladesh. * * Po l i t i cs And Government -Po l i t i ca l Deve lopment - (Bang ladesh) . -POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT-(CYPRUS) 265 CHERIAN, John Vote fo r un i ty . FRONTLINE, V .25(No.4) , 2008(28.3 .2008) : P .54-56 D iscusses the Pres ident ia l e lec t ion resu l ts o f Cyprus . * * Po l i t i cs and Government -Po l i t i ca l Deve lopment - (Cyprus) . -POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT-( INDIA) 266 SRIVASTAVA, Tav ish i Cong-SP p lay h ide and seek . P IONEER, 2008(8 .6 .2008) Throws l igh t on po l i t i ca l a l l iance be tween Congress and Samajwad i Par ty . * * Po l i t i cs And Government -Po l i t i ca l Deve lopment - ( Ind ia ) . 267 SUDHANSHU RANJAN Po l i t i cs o f po lar isa t ion . DECCAN HERALD, 2008(4 .6 .2008) Expresses concern on po la r isa t ion o f Ind ian po l i t i cs on the bas is o f reg iona l and coa l i t ion Po l i t i cs . * * Po l i t i cs And Government -Po l i t i ca l Deve lopment - ( Ind ia ) . * * - Keywords 43

-POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT-( INDIA-KARNATAKA) 268 HEGDE, Pandurang Cha l lenges be fore the new Government . DECCAN HERALD, 2008(5 .6 .2008) Focuses on the cha l lenges be fore BJP led new Government in Karnataka. * * Po l i t i cs And Government -Po l i t i ca l Deve lopment - ( Ind ia - Karnataka) . 269 UPADHYA, Ramakr ishna T ime to de l iver . DECCAN HERALD, 2008(7 .6 .2008) D iscusses tha t BJP can fo rm a s t rong base in Karnataka by fu l f i l l i ng the expec ta t ions o f masses. * * Po l i t i cs And Government -Po l i t i ca l Deve lopment - ( Ind ia - Karnataka) . -POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT-( INDIA-KERALA) 270 PUNJ, Ba lb i r I t ' s Le f t versus Lef t in Kera la . P IONEER, 2008(13.6 .2008) Focuses on var ious po l i t ica l and ideo log ica l con f l i c t be tween CPI and CPI (M) in Kera la . * * Po l i t i cs And Government -Po l i t i ca l Deve lopment - ( Ind ia -Kera la) -POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT-( INDIA-MEGHALAYA) 271 TALUKDAR, Sushanta Hung aga in . FRONTLINE, V .25(No.6) , 2008(28 March 2008) : P .132-133 Focuses on the po l l ou tcome o f Megha laya Leg is la t i ve Assembly . * * Po l i t i cs And Government -Po l i t i ca l Deve lopment - ( Ind ia - Megha laya) . -POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT-( INDIA-NAGALAND) 272 MUKHIM, Pat r ic ia Po l i t i cs gone awry . STATESMAN, 2008(9 .6 .2008) Expresses concern on v io len t po l i t ics in Nagaland in recent t imes . * * Po l i t i cs And Government -Po l i t i ca l Deve lopment - ( Ind ia - Naga land) . * * - Keywords 44

-POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT-( INDIA-NAGALAND) 273 TALUKDAR, Sushanta Chance fo r peace. FRONTLINE, V .25(No.7) , 2008(11 Apr i l 2008) : P .33-35 D iscusses the e lec t ion resu l ts o f Naga land Leg is la t i ve Assembly * * Po l i t i cs And Government -Po l i t i ca l Deve lopment - ( Ind ia - Naga land) . -POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT-( INDIA-TRIPURA) 274 TALUKDAR, Sushanta Le f t fo r t ress . FRONTLINE, V .25(No.6) , 2008(28 March 2008) : P .129-131 H igh l igh ts the v ic to ry o f Le f t F ron t in Tr ipura fo r the four th consecut ive t ime in the s ta te . * * Po l i t i cs And Government -Po l i t i ca l Deve lopment - ( Ind ia - T r ipura) . -POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT-( INDIA-WEST BENGAL) 275 DASGUPTA, D ipankar R ight ques t ion . TELEGRAPH, 2008(4 .6 .2008) D iscusses how the present po l i t i ca l cond i t ion is hamepr ing economic deve lopment o f West Benga l . * * Po l i t i cs And Government -Po l i t i ca l Deve lopment - ( Ind ia -West Benga l ) . 276 SENGUPTA, Saugar Buddha 's ba i ters . P IONEER, 2008(1 .6 .2008) Ana lyses the impact o f CPM Government 's per fo rmance on the panchayat i e lec t ion in West Benga l . * * Po l i t i cs And Government -Po l i t i ca l Deve lopment - ( Ind ia -West Benga l ) . -POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT-(KOREA) 277 GREY, Kev in Cha l lenges to the theory and prac t ice o f po lyarchy : the r i se o f the po l i t i ca l le f t in Korea. THIRD WORLD QUARTERLY, V .29(No.1) , 2008: P .107-124 Prov ides an ana lys is o f the deve lopment o f democracy in Korea. * * Po l i t i cs and Government -Po l i t i ca l Deve lopment - (Korea) . * * - Keywords 45

-POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT-(MALAYSIA) 278 GATSIOUNIS, Ioann is Ma lays ian race card . NEWSWEEK, V.151(No.12) , 2008(24.3 .2008) : P .23 Ana lyses the v ic to ry o f Anwar Ibrah im, in Ma lays ia 's e lec t ions . * * Po l i t i cs and Government -Po l i t i ca l Deve lopment - (Malays ia ) . -POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT-(NEPAL) 279 DUTT, Anuradha Caught in a wh i r lw ind . P IONEER, 2008(5 .6 .2008) D iscusses po l i t i ca l s i tua t ion in Nepal a f te r ous ter o f monarchy * * Po l i t i cs and Government -Po l i t i ca l Deve lopment - (Nepa l ) . 280 GHIMIRE, Yubara j D ispers ing a f te r Assembly . INDIAN EXPRESS, 2008(13.6 .2008) Focuses on Nepa l 's po l i t i ca l a rena a f te r two months o f e lec t ions . * * Po l i t i cs And Government -Po l i t i ca l Deve lopment - (Nepa l ) . 281 GHOSE, Arab inda K ingdom of Nepa l i s Repub l ic o f Nepa l . CENTRAL CHRONICLE, 2008(7 .6 .2008) * * Po l i t i cs and Government -Po l i t i ca l Deve lopment - (Nepa l ) . 282 NAYAK, N ihar Mao is t movement in Nepa l and i t s tac t ica l d igress ions : S tudy o f s t ra teg ic revo lu t ionary phases, and fu tu re impl ica t ions . STRATEGIC ANALYSIS, V .31(No.6) , 2007(November) : P .915-942 * * Po l i t i cs and Government -Po l i t i ca l Deve lopment - (Nepa l ) . 283 NIHAL SINGH, S. Prachanda 's w isdom put to tes t . DECCAN CHRONICLE, 2008(5 .6 .2008) Throws l igh t on the cha l lenges and oppor tun i t ies ava i lab le fo r Mao is t Government in Nepa l . * * Po l i t i cs And Government -Po l i t i ca l Deve lopment - (Nepa l ) . 284 Repub l ic o f Nepa l . ASSAM TRIBUNE, 2008(1 .6 .2008) G ives v iew on abo l ishment o f Nepal ' s roya l ru le . * * Po l i t i cs And Government -Po l i t i ca l Deve lopment - (Nepa l ) . * * - Keywords 46

-POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT-(NEPAL) 285 SHASTRI RAMACHANDARAN Pr ice o f power . TRIBUNE, 2008(7 .6 .2008) Deta i l s o f expecta t ions f rom Nepa l 's Mao is t par ty . * * Po l i t i cs and Government -Po l i t i ca l Deve lopment - (Nepa l ) . 286 VARADARAJAN, S iddhar th K ing gone, Nepa l must conf ron t a new danger . H INDU, 2008(3 .6 .2008) Exp la ins tha t dead lock over Government fo rmat ion in Nepa l can cause de lay to cons t i tu t ion dra f t i ng process . * * Po l i t i cs And Government -Po l i t i ca l Deve lopment - (Nepa l ) . -POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT-(PAKISTAN) 287 B IDWAI , Pra fu l Parad igm sh i f t . FRONTLINE, V .25(No.6) , 2008(28 March 2008) : P .108-110 Examines the change in Pak is tan 's po l i cy under newly fo rmed coa l i t ion government . * * Po l i t i cs And Government -Po l i t i ca l Deve lopment - (Pak is tan) . 288 DHAR, M.K Democra t ic s t rugg le in Pak is tan w i l l con t inue . INDIAN OBSERVER, V.48(No.7) , 2008(1-15 .4 .2008) : P .38-40 * * Po l i t i cs and Government -Po l i t i ca l Deve lopment - (Pak is tan) . 289 KHINDARIA, Br i j Under a grey shround. BUSINESS INDIA, No.785, 2008(20.4 .2008) : P .42 Comments on cur ren t po l i t i ca l s i tua t ion in Pak is tan . * * Po l i t i cs and Government -Po l i t i ca l Deve lopment - (Pak is tan) . 290 MURTAZA RAZUI K ingmaker vs the k ing . INDIAN EXPRESS, 2008(6 .6 .2008) Focuses on the d i f fe rences be tween Pervez Mushar ra f and o ther po l i t i ca l par t ies o f Pak is tan . * * Po l i t i cs and Government -Po l i t i ca l Deve lopment - (Pak is tan) . 291 NAJAM SETHI Genera l l y go ing . INDIAN EXPRESS, 2008(7 .6 .2008) G ives op in ion on the fu tu re o f Pervez Mushar ra f in Pak is tan * * - Keywords 47

-POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT-(PAKISTAN) po l i t i cs . * * Po l i t i cs And Government -Po l i t i ca l Deve lopment - (Pak is tan) . 292 NAQVI , M.B. T igh ten ing sc rews. DECCAN HERALD, 2008(5 .6 .2008) S tud ies present po l i t i ca l cond i t ions o f Pak is tan . * * Po l i t i cs And Government -Po l i t i ca l Deve lopment - (Pak is tan) . 293 NAYAR, Ku ld ip Ep lug o f Tobacco i . NATION & THE WORLD, V.14(No.388) , 2008(1 .3 .2008) : P .3-4 D iscusses the po l i t i ca l s i tua t ion o f Pak is tan . * * Po l i t i cs and Government -Po l i t i ca l Deve lopment - (Pak is tan) . 294 PARTHASARATHY, G. K iyan i ru les Pak is tan. P IONEER, 2008(12.6 .2008) S tud ies the gr ip o f Pak is tan 's Army Che i f on Pak is tan 's po l i t i cs . * * Po l i t i cs And Government -Po l i t i ca l Deve lopment - (Pak is tan) . 295 SOOD, V ik ram B izar re shadowbox ing in Pak . DECCAN CHRONICLE, 2008(4 .6 .2008) Po in ts ou t the d i f fe rences in Pak is tan 's coa l i t ion Government . * * Po l i t i cs And Government -Po l i t i ca l Deve lopment - (Pak is tan) . 296 SUBRAMANIAN, N i rupama Pervez Mushar ra f assesses h is op t ion . H INDU, 2008(2 .6 .2008) * * Po l i t i cs And Government -Po l i t i ca l Deve lopment - (Pak is tan) . -POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT-(RUSSIA) 297 MATHEWS, Owen Chaos in the Kreml in . NEWSWEEK, V.151(No.11) , 2008(17.3 .2008) : P .15 D iscusses po l i t i ca l deve lopment in Russ ia . * * Po l i t i cs and Government -Po l i t i ca l Deve lopment - (Russ ia ) . 298 MOSES, Joe l C Who has led Russ ia? Russ ian reg iona l po l i t ica l e l i tes , 1954- 2006. EUROPE ASIA STUDIES, V.60(No.1) , 2008(January) : P .1-24 * * Po l i t i cs and Government -Po l i t i ca l Deve lopment - (Russ ia ) . * * - Keywords 48

-POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT-(RUSSIA) 299 RADYUHIN, V lad imi r Over to Medvedev. FRONTLINE, V .25(No.4) , 2008(28.3 .2008) : P .48-50 Ana lyses the po l i t i ca l s i tua t ion in Russ ia under d ream team o f Pres ident Dmi t ry Medvedev and Pr ime Min is ter V lad imi r Put in . * * Po l i t i cs and Government -Po l i t i ca l Deve lopment - (Russ ia ) . -POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT-(TAIWAN) 300 SURYANARAYANA, P.S Vote fo r s tab i l i ty . FRONTLINE, V .25(No.8) , 2008(25.4 .2008) : P .56-58 Focuses on the Pres ident ia l e lec t ion outcome in Ta iwan. * * Po l i t i cs and Government -Po l i t i ca l Deve lopment - (Ta iwan) . -POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT-(T IBET) 301 CHERIAN, John T roub le in T ibe t . FRONTLINE, V .25(No.7) , 2008(11.4 .2008) : P .131-134 * * Po l i t i cs and Government -Po l i t i ca l Deve lopment - (T ibe t ) . -POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT-(UNITED STATES) 302 P ILKINGTON, E D For ty years a f te r Mar t in Lu ther K ing . FRONTLINE, V .25(No.8) , 2008(25.4 .2008) : P .121-123 D iscusses the Pres ident ia l nominat ion o f a b lack man Barack Obama a f te r fo r ty years o f Mar t in Luther K ing 's assass inat ion who s t rugg led fo r rac ia l jus t ice . * * Po l i t i cs and Government -Po l i t i ca l Deve lopment - (Un i ted S ta tes ) . -POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT-POLITICAL AGITATION-( INDIA-WEST 303 SEN, Sumanta Gurung c rea ted by appeasement po l i cy . STATESMAN, 2008(15.6 .2008) D iscusses the issue o f demand fo r separa te Gorkha land. * * Po l i t i cs And Government -Po l i t i ca l Deve lopment -Po l i t i ca l Ag i ta t ion- ( Ind ia -West Benga l ) . * * - Keywords 49

-POLITICAL PARTIES 304 B IDWAI , Pra fu l A la rm be l ls fo r the UPA. ASSAM TRIBUNE, 2008(6 .6 .2008) Dea ls w i th poor per fo rmance o f Un i ted Progress ive A l l iance in Karnataka 's Assembly e lec t ion . * * Po l i t i cs And Government -Po l i t i ca l Par t ies . 305 Cracks in the Le f t . P IONEER, 2008(9 .6 .2008) Focuses on the poss ib i l i ty o f b reak in Le f t par t ies . * * Po l i t i cs And Government -Po l i t i ca l Par t ies . 306 GHOSH, Sa i lendra Nath Genes is o f cap i tu la t ion and b i r th o f a f rankenste in . MAINSTREAM, V.46(No.16) , 2008(5.4 .2008) : P .7-8 D iscusses the communal ideo log ies o f a l l po l i t i ca l par t ies in Ind ia . * * Po l i t i cs and Government -Po l i t i ca l Par t ies ; Communal ism. 307 MALHOTRA, Inder De lh i i s fa r away. INDIAN EXPRESS, 2008(4 .6 .2008) Focuses on c r is is o f leadersh ip among nat iona l par t ies in v iew o f e lec t ions due nex t year . * * Po l i t i cs And Government -Po l i t i ca l Par t ies . -POLITICAL PARTIES-BJP 308 DASGUPTA, Swapan Sn ipers w i th in may damage BJP. P IONEER, 2008(1 .6 .2008) * * Po l i t i cs And Government -Po l i t i ca l Par t ies-BJP. 309 DUBE, Muku l H indutva exper iment : f rom lab to fac tory . MAINSTREAM, V.46(No.13) , 2008(15.3 .2008) : P .4-5 Focuses on H indutva ideo logy o f Gu jara t Government . * * Po l i t i cs and Government -Po l i t i ca l Par t ies-BJP; Po l i t i ca l Ph i losophy and Ideo log ies . 310 PURI , Ra j inder Wi l l the BJP re invent i t se l f? STATESMAN, 2008(4 .6 .2008) * * Po l i t i cs And Government -Po l i t i ca l Par t ies-BJP. * * - Keywords 50

-POLITICAL PARTIES-CONGRESS 311 BHAMBHRI , C.P. Congress in deep t roub le . P IONEER, 2008(3 .6 .2008) Suggests Congress Par ty to a l low i ts s ta te leaders to g row in s ta tu re in order to b r igh ten i t s chances o f v ic to ry . * * Po l i t i cs And Government -Po l i t i ca l Par t ies-Congress . 312 GANGULI , Amulya Son ia is to b lame. STATESMAN, 2008(15.6 .2008) Examines the background beh ind dec l in ing popu lar i t y o f Congress par ty . * * Po l i t i cs And Government -Po l i t i ca l Par t ies-Congress . 313 GANGULI , Amulya Unf r iend ly a l l ies . TRIBUNE, 2008(9 .6 .2008) D iscusses the po l i t i ca l cond i t ion o f Congress in p resent coa l i t ion po l i t i cs . * * Po l i t i cs And Government -Po l i t i ca l Par t ies-Congress . 314 GUPTA, Smi ta November re ign? OUTLOOK, V.48(No.11) , 2008(17.3 .2008) : P .50-54 D iscusses the po l ic ies and p lans o f Congress Par ty fo r the e lec t ions . * * Po l i t i cs and Government -Po l i t i ca l Par t ies-Congress . 315 ILL IAH, Kancha How the Congress can shed i ts an t i -OBC tag . DECCAN CHRONICLE, 2008(10.6 .2008) * * Po l i t i cs And Government -Po l i t i ca l Par t ies-Congress . 316 RAJAPPA, Sam Karnataka Ker fu f f le . STATESMAN, 2008(2 .6 .2008) G ives reasons beh ind Congress Par ty 's de fea t in Karnataka Assembly e lec t ion . * * Po l i t i cs And Government -Po l i t i ca l Par t ies -Congress ; Assembly E lec t ion- ( Ind ia-Karnataka) . 317 V ISWAM, S. Congress shou ld learn lessons f rom i ts de feats . DECCAN CHRONICLE, 2008(6 .6 .2008) * * Po l i t i cs And Government -Po l i t i ca l Par t ies-Congress . * * - Keywords 51

-POLITICAL PARTIES-CPI 318 NAMBOODIRI , Udayan Imminent imp los ion? P IONEER, 2008(7 .6 .2008) Focuses on po l i t i ca l and ideo log ica l d i f fe rences be tween po l i t i ca l par t ies in Ind ia . * * Po l i t i cs and Government -Po l i t i ca l Par t ies-CPI . 319 PARTHASARATHY, G. Red s tar over South B lock . T IMES OF INDIA, 2008(9 .6 .2008) Cr i t i c ises the ideo logy and po l i c ies o f Communis t par ty on fo re ign a f fa i rs and na t iona l secur i ty . * * Po l i t i cs And Government -Po l i t i ca l Par t ies-CPI . -POLITICAL PARTIES-CPI(M) 320 BASU, Uday House o f cards . STATESMAN, 2008(1 .6 .2008) Examines the reasons for CPM's poor per fo rmance in Panchayat e lec t ions in Benga l . * * Po l i t i cs And Government -Po l i t i ca l Par t ies-CPI (M) ; Loca l Se l f Government . 321 MUKHERJEE, Rudrangshu Par ty Lessons . TELEGRAPH, 2008(9 .6 .2008) Cr i t i c ises CPI (M) fo r p lay ing po l i t i cs o f d is rup t ion and v io lence in West Benga l . * * Po l i t i cs And Government -Po l i t i ca l Par t ies-CPI (M) . 322 RAMAKRISHNAN, Venk i tesh Le f t agenda. FRONTLINE, V .25(No.8) , 2008(25.4 .2008) : P .127-132 * * Po l i t i cs and Government -Po l i t i ca l Par t ies-CPI (M) . 323 SEN, Sumanta Reasons fo r the debac le . TELEGRAPH, 2008(4 .6 .2008) Ana lyses the fac tors respons ib le fo r poor per fo rmance o f Le f t par t ies in Panchayat e lec t ions in West Benga l . * * Po l i t i cs and Government -Po l i t i ca l Par t ies-CPI (M) . * * - Keywords 52

-POLITICAL PARTIES-CPM 324 GHOSH, Ar indam M idd le Benga l . STATESMAN, 2008(1 .6 .2008) Urges CPM to mend i ts po l i t i ca l ideo logy in v iew o f i t s de fea t in Panchayat po l ls . * * Po l i t i cs And Government -Po l i t i ca l Par t ies-CPM; Loca l Se l f Government . -POLITICAL PARTIES-LEFT PARTIES 325 ROY, Aban i Rebu i ld ing the Lef t . P IONEER, 2008(7 .6 .2008) Ana lyses present po l i t i ca l cond i t ion o f Le f t par t ies in Ind ia . * * Po l i t i cs And Government -Po l i t i ca l Par t ies-Lef t Par t ies . -POLITICAL PARTIES-TRS 326 OMER FAROOQ When TRS los t the p lo t . P IONEER, 2008(8 .6 .2008) Revea ls the fac to rs respons ib le fo r the de fea t o f Te langana Rasht ra Sami t i (TRS) in by e lec t ion in Hyderabad. * * Po l i t i cs and Government -Po l i t i ca l Par t ies-TRS. -POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY AND IDEOLOGIES-SOCIALISM 327 SURENDRA MOHAN Soc ia l i sm today. JANATA, V.63(No.10) , 2008(30.3 .2008) : P .3-4 D iscusses the r ise o f soc ia l i sm in var ious count r ies . * * Po l i t i cs and Government -Po l i t i ca l Ph i losophy and Ideo log ies - Soc ia l i sm. -POLITICAL STRUGGLES-(KOSOVO) 328 ABRAMOWITZ, Mor ton Moment o f t ru th fo r Serb ia . NEWSWEEK, V.151(No.12) , 2008(24.3 .2008) : P .36 D iscusses Serb ia 's reac t ion on the independence o f Kosovo. * * Po l i t i cs and Government -Po l i t i ca l S t rugg les- (Kosovo) . * * - Keywords 53

-REGIONAL POLITICS 329 SHARMA, Ka lpana Breed ing in to le rance w i l l de lay deve lopment . H INDU, 2008(6 .6 .2008) Revea ls tha t po l i t i cs based on par t i san agenda in Maharasht ra can harm the deve lopment in fu tu re . * * Po l i t i cs and Government -Reg iona l Po l i t i cs . -STATES REORGANISATION 330 GORADIA, Pra fu l l On ly governance mat ters . P IONEER, 2008(13.6 .2008) S ta tes tha t good governance in economic and admin is t ra t i ve sense shou ld be the base fo r the nex t S ta tes Reorgan isa t ion Commiss ion . * * Po l i t i cs And Government -Sta tes Reorgan isa t ion . PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION -CIVIL SERVICES-( INDIA) 331 MANDAL, Debak i Nandan C iv i l serv ices . STATESMAN, 2008(6 .6 .2008) Emphas ises the need o f re fo rm in c iv i l serv ices . * * Pub l ic Admin is t ra t ion-C iv i l Serv ices- ( Ind ia) . 332 TRIPATHI , Purn ima S. Ca l l fo r change. FRONTLINE, V .25(No.6) , 2008(28 March 2008) : P .111-113 D iscusses sugges t ions g iven by Par l iamentary Commi t tee to make d ras t ic changes in the fo rmat o f the c iv i l serv ice examinat ion . * * Pub l ic Admin is t ra t ion-C iv i l Serv ices- ( Ind ia) . -CIVIL SERVICES-CIVIL SERVICES AND STATE-( INDIA) 333 DESHMUKH, B,G. Coa l i t ions are here to s tay : Bureaucracy t ry to be po l i t i ca l . TRIBUNE, 2008(1 .6 .2008) * * Pub l ic Admin is t ra t ion-C iv i l Serv ices-C iv i l Serv ices and S ta te - ( Ind ia) . * * - Keywords 54

-CIVIL SERVICES-PAY COMMISSION 334 JHUNJHUNWALA, Bhara t Open ing the f loodgates o f cor rup t ion . MAINSTREAM, V.46(No.16) , 2008(5.4 .2008) : P .17-18 Cr i t i c ises the recommendat ions o f S ix th Pay Commiss ion wh ich opened a w indow to lega l ise cor rup t ion . * * Pub l ic Admin is t ra t ion-C iv i l Serv ices-Pay Commiss ion ; Cor rupt ion . 335 JOSHI , Rakesh B ig car ro t , no s t ick . BUSINESS INDIA, No.785, 2008(20 Apr i l 2008) : P .58-60 Ana lyses the d iscuss ions over recommendat ions o f S ix th Pay Commiss ion in v iew o f h igh sa lary packages to Cent ra l Government employees w i thout c red ib i l i t y . * * Pub l ic Admin is t ra t ion-C iv i l Serv ices-Pay Commiss ion . 336 PATHAK, R.L . Warped pay rev is ion . P IONEER, 2008(12.6 .2008) * * Pub l ic Admin is t ra t ion-C iv i l Serv ices-Pay Commiss ion . 337 S ta te pay pane l . ASSAM TRIBUNE, 2008(7 .6 .2008) Dea ls w i th Assam's S ix th Pay Commiss ion . * * Pub l ic Admin is t ra t ion-C iv i l Serv ices-Pay Commiss ion . -CORRUPTION 338 SURYA PRAKASH, A. Pas t imper fec t , fu ture tense. P IONEER, 2008(3 .6 .2008) Focuses on lack o f any mechan ism cons tan t ly do ing d i l igence in respec t o f persons seek ing pub l ic o f f i ce to ensure cor rupt ion f ree cu l tu re . * * Pub l ic Admin is t ra t ion-Cor rupt ion . -E GOVERNANCE 339 SODHI , Inder jee t S ingh Ro le o f in fo rmat ion techno logy and E-governance in e f fec t ive de l i very o f pub l ic serv ice- in i t ia t i ves , cha l lenges and p rospec ts . INDIAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION, V.53(No.4) , 2007(Oct - Dec . ) : P .808-818 * * Pub l ic Admin is t ra t ion-E Governance. * * - Keywords 55

-LAW AND ORDER-CRIMES AND CRIMINALS 340 IYENGAR, Pushpa Seraph im. OUTLOOK, V.48(No.13) , 2008(31.3 .2008) : P .22-24 H igh l igh ts the increas ing c r im ina l ac t i v i t ies o f fo re ign tour is ts in Goa. * * Pub l ic Admin is t ra t ion-Law and Order -Cr imes and Cr imina ls . -LAW AND ORDER- INTERNAL SECURITY-SECURITY AGENCIES 341 B IBHUTI BHUSAN NANDY Bumbl ing in te l l igence. STATESMAN, 2008(8 .6 .2008) D iscusses the need o f re fo rm in Ind ia 's in te l l igence es tab l ishment . * * Pub l ic Admin is t ra t ion-Law and Order - In terna l Secur i ty - Secur i ty Agenc ies . 342 EDMUNDS, T imothy In te l l igence agenc ies and democra t isa t ion : Cont inu i ty and change in Serb ia a f te r Mi losev ic . EUROPE ASIA STUDIES, V.60(No.1) , 2008(January) : P .25-48 Examines the re forms o f the Serba in in te l l igence agenc ies . * * Pub l ic Admin is t ra t ion-Law and Order - In terna l Secur i ty - Secur i ty Agenc ies . 343 JOGINDER SINGH Center must be more proac t ive to se t up a federa l an t i - te r ror agency . DECCAN CHRONICLE, 2008(9 .6 .2008) * * Pub l ic Admin is t ra t ion-Law And Order - In te rna l Secur i ty - Secur i ty Agenc ies . 344 JOGINDER SINGH Ind ia needs a federa l agency . P IONEER, 2008(2 .6 .2008) Emphas ises the need o f a cent ra l agency to f igh t te r ror ism. * * Pub l ic Admin is t ra t ion-Law And Order - In te rna l Secur i ty - Secur i ty Agenc ies . -LAW AND ORDER-POLICE 345 BASU, Uday Po l i ce s ta te . STATESMAN, 2008(15.6 .2008) Exposes v io la t ion o f bas ic r igh ts o f c i t i zens by Benga l po l i ce . * * - Keywords 56

-LAW AND ORDER-POLICE * * Pub l ic Admin is t ra t ion-Law And Order -Po l ice . 346 SOMASUNDARAM, V i jaya and SHEKHAR, Beu lah Measur ing the e f f i cacy leve ls o f po l ice t ra in ing o f f i cers . INDIAN POLICE JOURNAL, V .54(No.3) , 2007(Ju ly -Sept ) : P .38-42 * * Pub l ic Admin is t ra t ion-Law and Order -Po l ice . -LAW AND ORDER-PRISONS 347 RAGHAVAN, R.K. Rea l i t y beh ind bars . FRONTLINE, V .25(No.6) , 2008(28.3 .2008) : P .106-107 D iscusses the Pew Cent re 's S tudy on the impr isonment o f b lack peop le in Un i ted Sta tes . * * Pub l ic Admin is t ra t ion-Law And Order -Pr isons . -LAW AND ORDER-TERRORISM 348 BURKE, Jason I t i s p remature to dec lare s t ra teg ic de feat o f A l -Qaeda. H INDU, 2008(4 .6 .2008) * * Pub l ic Admin is t ra t ion-Law And Order -Ter ror ism. 349 NAZARETH, Mar ianne De Ter ror ism s tems f rom depr iva t ion . DECCAN HERALD, 2008(10.6 .2008) * * Pub l ic Admin is t ra t ion-Law And Order -Ter ror ism. -LAW AND ORDER-TERRORISM-(AFGHANISTAN) 350 NELSON, Fraser Hamid Karza i a p r isoner in h is own pa lace in Kabu l . DECCAN CHRONICLE, 2008(4 .6 .2008) Ra ises concern over regroup ing o f Ta l ibans in A fghan is tan . * * Pub l ic Admin is t ra t ion -Law And Order -Ter ror ism-(Afghan is tan) . -LAW AND ORDER-TERRORISM-( INDIA) 351 ANANTH, M.S. Ind ia 's lega l war on te r ror . INDIAN EXPRESS, 2008(5 .6 .2008) * * Pub l ic Admin is t ra t ion-Law And Order -Ter ror ism-( Ind ia) . 352 DEVASAHAYAM, M.G. Do we need POTA?: I t i s a d is t rac t ion law and aga ins t human r igh ts . TRIBUNE, 2008(1 .6 .2008) * * Pub l ic Admin is t ra t ion-Law And Order -Ter ror ism-( Ind ia) . * * - Keywords 57

-LAW AND ORDER-TERRORISM-( INDIA) 353 NEHRU, Arun Government can ' t take te r ro r l igh t ly . P IONEER, 2008(9 .6 .2008) * * Pub l ic Admin is t ra t ion-Law And Order -Ter ror ism-( Ind ia) . -LAW AND ORDER-TERRORISM-(PAKISTAN) 354 Appeas ing the mi l i tan ts . TRIBUNE, 2008(2 .6 .2008) G ives a c r i t i ca l v iew on Pak is tan 's po l i cy regard ing hand l ing m i l i tan ts spec ia l l y Ta l iban. * * Pub l ic Admin is t ra t ion -Law And Order -Ter ror ism-(Pak is tan) . 355 A t tack in Is lamabad. DECCAN HERALD, 2008(4 .6 .2008) Expresses concern on te r ro r is t ac t iv i t ies in Pak is tan . * * Pub l ic Admin is t ra t ion -Law And Order -Ter ror ism-(Pak is tan) . 356 Deals b las ted . TRIBUNE, 2008(4 .6 .2008) Suggests Pak is tan Government to rev iew po l icy re la ted to te r ror in v iew o f recent bomb b las t a t Dan ish Embassy in Is lamabad. * * Pub l ic Admin is t ra t ion -Law And Order -Ter ror ism-(Pak is tan) . 357 GILL, K .P.S. West ignor ing IS I ' s dead ly ro le . P IONEER, 2008(11.6 .2008) Expresses concern on IS I 's pa t ronage to Is lamis t te r ro r ism. * * Pub l ic Admin is t ra t ion -Law And Order -Ter ror ism-(Pak is tan) . 358 Ins ide ou t . TELEGRAPH, 2008(5 .6 .2008) Dea ls w i th te r ror ism in Pak is tan . * * Pub l ic Admin is t ra t ion -Law And Order -Ter ror ism-(Pak is tan) . -LAW AND ORDER-VIOLENCES AND DISORDERS 359 MISHRA, D ina Nath Mao te r ror is ts : Expand ing and dangerous . P IONEER, 2008(15.6 .2008) * * Pub l ic Admin is t ra t ion-Law And Order -V io lences And D isorders . * * - Keywords 58

-LAW AND ORDER-VIOLENCES AND DISORDERS-(BEIRUT) 360 PROTHERO, Mi tche l l Gangs o f Be i ru t . NEWSWEEK, V.151(No.15) , 2008(14.4 .2008) : P .30 Focuses on in te rna l s t rugg le o f Sunn i and Shia te in Be i ru t . * * Pub l ic Admin is t ra t ion-Law and Order -V io lences and D isorders - (Be i ru t ) . -LAW AND ORDER-VIOLENCES AND DISORDERS-( INDIA) 361 VERGHESE, B.G. Needed, a ho l is t i c approach. DECCAN HERALD, 2008(10.6 .2008) Suggests tha t Government shou ld fo rm a neut ra l body for peace ta lks w i th Maois t . * * Pub l ic Admin is t ra t ion -Law And Order -V io lences and D isorders - ( Ind ia) . -LAW AND ORDER-VIOLENCES AND DISORDERS-( INDIA-ASSAM) 362 Tough s tand. ASSAM TRIBUNE, 2008(2 .6 .2008) Focuses on Assam Government 's tough s tand on ta lks w i th the m i l i tan t g roups a f te r v io la t ions o f cease- f i re agreement . * * Pub l ic Admin is t ra t ion -Law And Order -V io lences and D isorders - ( Ind ia-Assam). -LAW AND ORDER-VIOLENCES AND DISORDERS-( INDIA-CHHATTISGARH) 363 One s ta te , two Governments . DECCAN CHRONICLE, 2008(1 .6 .2008) D iscusses how the Mao is t se t -up a para l le l Government in Chhat t i sgarh . * * Pub l ic Admin is t ra t ion -Law And Order -V io lences and D isorders - ( Ind ia-Chhat t i sgarh) . -LAW AND ORDER-VIOLENCES AND DISORDERS-( INDIA-JHARKHAND) 364 Red carpet . STATESMAN, 2008(7 .6 .2008) S tud ies the reasons beh ind r ise in Mao is t ac t iv i t ies in Santha l Parganas. * * Pub l ic Admin is t ra t ion-Law and Order -V io lences and D isorders - ( Ind ia-Jharkhand) . * * - Keywords 59

PUBLIC HEALTH -DISEASES 365 BOBBY RAMAKANT Leaders to de l ibera te on TB/HIV in N.Y. CENTRAL CHRONICLE, 2008(6 .6 .2008) * * Pub l ic Hea l th -D iseases . 366 FREEDMAN, Dav id H Tes t ing Baby 's bra in . NEWSWEEK, V.151(No.13) , 2008(31.3 .2008) : P .60-61 Dea ls w i th the` Aut ism' - a b ra in d isorder d isease among ch i ld ren. * * Pub l ic Hea l th -D iseases ; Ch i ld Care . 367 Ma lar ia deaths . ASSAM TRIBUNE, 2008(3 .6 .2008) Expresses concern on outbreak o f Malar ia in Assam. * * Pub l ic Hea l th -D iseases . 368 RICKS, De l th ia Aut i sm: Know where i t o r ig ina tes . TELEGRAPH, 2008(2 .6 .2008) * * Pub l ic Hea l th -D iseases . -DISEASES-AIDS 369 CHENG, Mar ia Waging war on AIDS. P IONEER, 2008(3 .6 .2008) * * Pub l ic Hea l th -D iseases-AIDS. 370 McGIVERING, J i l l F igh t ing AIDS, s lowly . DECCAN HERALD, 2008(6 .6 .2008) * * Pub l ic Hea l th -D iseases-AIDS. -MEDICAL RESEARCH-( INDIA) 371 RAJALAKSHMI, T .K. Tes t ing t imes . FRONTLINE, V .25(No.7) , 2008(11 Apr i l 2008) : P .25-27 S ta tes tha t the Cent ra l Research Un i t faces the th reat o f c losure o f i t s produc t ion un i t a f te r the suspens ion o f i t s l i cense. * * Pub l ic Hea l th -Med ica l Research- ( Ind ia) ; Vacc ina t ion . * * - Keywords 60

-POLLUTION-AIR 372 CHIBBER, Bhara t i Env i ronment degradat ion : a i r po l lu t ion in Ind ia . DEEKSHA, V.5 (No.1) , 2008(Apr i l -June) : P .8-11 * * Pub l ic Hea l th -Po l lu t ion-A i r . -POLLUTION-WATER 373 GRAHAM, John R id ing the f luor ide t iger . ECOLOGIST, 2008(Apr i l ) : P .16-17 Ref lec ts on the harmfu l e f fec t o f f l uor ide on water . * * Pub l ic Hea l th -Po l lu t ion-Water . -PUBLIC HEALTH POLICY-( INDIA) 374 DASGUPTA, Debarsh i Pu lse o f a na t ion . OUTLOOK, V.48(No.13) , 2008(31.3 .2008) : P .18-20 Examines the new parameters to determine the phys ica l we l lbe ing o f Ind ians . * * Pub l ic Hea l th -Pub l ic Hea l th Po l icy - ( Ind ia) . 375 JAYANTHI NATARAJAN Be t te r hea l thcare needs focus on in f ras t ruc ture . DECCAN CHRONICLE, 2008(9 .6 .2008) * * Pub l ic Hea l th -Pub l ic Hea l th Po l icy - ( Ind ia) . 376 KRISHNAMOORTHY, E.S Towards equ i tab le hea l th care prov is ion . H INDU, 2008(7 .6 .2008) * * Pub l ic Hea l th -Pub l ic Hea l th Po l icy - ( Ind ia) . 377 RAMACHANDRAN, R. A i l ing po l i cy . FRONTLINE, V .25(No.7) , 2008(11 Apr i l 2008) : P .11-15 Assesses the fa i lu re o f Ind ian Government to fo rmula te a p roper hea l th and immunisa t ion po l icy . * * Pub l ic Hea l th -Pub l ic Hea l th Po l icy - ( Ind ia ) ; Vacc ina t ion . 378 RAMAN, Anuradha and NAYAR, Lo la X- ray : there is l i fe on Mars . OUTLOOK, V.48(No.14) , 2008(7 .4 .2008) : P .32-38 Compares the per formance o f pub l ic and pr iva te sec tor in the f ie ld o f pub l ic hea l th care . * * Pub l ic hea l th -Pub l ic Hea l th Po l icy - ( Ind ia ) ; Pr iva te Sec tor . * * - Keywords 61

-VACCINATION 379 BHARGAVA, Pushpa M. Po l i t i cs o f po l io . H INDU, 2008(11.6 .2008) Ra ises ques t ions on per fo rmance o f Ora l Po l io Vacc ine(OPV) and po l i t i cs on i t . * * Pub l ic Hea l th -Vacc ina t ion . 380 RAMACHANDRAN, R. G loba l p lan . FRONTLINE, V .25(No.7) , 2008(11 Apr i l 2008) : P .16-19 Examines repercuss ions o f the en t ry o f g loba l compan ies tha t o f fe r expens ive perhaps unnecessary vacc ines in Ind ia under Un iversa l Immunisa t ion Programme. * * Pub l ic Hea l th -Vacc ina t ion . 381 RAMACHANDRAN, R. Vacc ine wor r ies . FRONTLINE, V .25(No.7) , 2008(11 Apr i l 2008) : P .4-10 Expresses concern about the na t iona l immunisa t ion programme in v iew o f the cance l la t ion o f p roduc t ion l i cences o f th ree vacc ine manufac tur ing pub l ic en terpr ises . * * Pub l ic Hea l th -Vacc ina t ion . 382 V ISWANATHAN, S. Concern in Coonoor . FRONTLINE, V .25(No.7) , 2008(11 Apr i l 2008) : P .20-24 Cr i t i ca l l y examines suspens ion o f l i cence o f Pas teur Ins t i tu te o f Ind ia to produce vacc ines . * * Pub l ic Hea l th -Vacc ina t ion . RELIGION -RELIGION AND STATE 383 JAYARAJ, V .R. Kera la 's g reat d iv ide . P IONEER, 2008(15.6 .2008) Exp la ins Kera la Sta te Minor i ty Commiss ion 's recommendat ion on the r igh ts o f Chr is t ian nuns . * * Re l ig ion-Re l ig ion and Sta te ; Chr is t ian i ty . 384 MUZAMIL JALEEL Keep the l ines s t ra igh t in Kashmi r . INDIAN EXPRESS, 2008(4 .6 .2008) Draws a t ten t ion towards dangerous consequences o f Jammu and * * - Keywords 62

RELIGION -RELIGION AND STATE Kashmi r Government po l i cy o f b r ing ing re l ig ious bod ies w i th in s ta te cont ro l . * * Re l ig ion-Re l ig ion and Sta te . RURAL DEVELOPMENT -RURAL EMPLOYMENT 385 SAINATH, P. NREGA: A f ine ba lance. H INDU, 2008(2 .6 .2008) Nat iona l Rura l Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) . * * Rura l Deve lopment-Rura l Employment . SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY -ATOMIC ENERGY-NUCLEAR RELATIONS-( INDIA-UNITED STATES) 386 KANWAL, Gurmeet and CHAUDHURI , Rudra N-dea l hangs in ba lance. DECCAN HERALD, 2008(10.6 .2008) Dea ls w i th Indo-US nuc lear dea l . * * Sc ience And Techno logy-Atomic Energy-Nuc lear Re la t ions- ( Ind ia-Un i ted Sta tes ) . 387 SUBRAHMANYAM, K. Runn ing ou t o f t ime: Indo-US nuc lear dea l . T IMES OF INDIA, 2008(4 .6 .2008) * * Sc ience And Techno logy-Atomic Energy-Nuc lear Re la t ions- ( Ind ia-Un i ted Sta tes ) . -ELECTRONICS-COMPUTERS 388 HARSIMRAN SINGH Web fu l l o f weapons. ECONOMIC TIMES, 2008(7 .6 .2008) Eva lua tes how Ind ia i s p repared to tack le cyber a t tacks . * * Sc ience And Techno logy-E lec t ron ics-Computers . -ELECTRONICS- INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 389 BHATTACHARJEE, Sub imal I s there a roadmap for IT in Assam? ASSAM TRIBUNE, 2008(8 .6 .2008) Urges Assam Government to c rea te in f ras t ruc ture fo r the deve lopment o f in fo rmat ion techno logy ( IT) sec tor . * * Sc ience and Techno logy-E lec t ron ics - In format ion Techno logy . * * - Keywords 63

-METEOROLOGY-ENVIRONMENT 390 BEHURIA, Sar thak T ime to look a t the way we l i ve . ECONOMIC TIMES, 2008(5 .6 .2008) Ca l ls fo r adopt ing eco f r iend ly way o f l i fe to save env i ronment fo r fu ture genera t ion . * * Sc ience And Techno logy-Meteoro logy-Env i ronment . 391 BHAT, Ra jesh Key to today 's bus inesses . DECCAN HERALD, 2008(5 .6 .2008) D iscusses tha t low carbon economics are h igh on the agenda o f most bus iness today . * * Sc ience And Techno logy-Meteoro logy-Env i ronment . 392 CHAUDHURY. Mahasweta Save the p lanet . STATESMAN, 2008(5 .6 .2008) Urges to sh i f t to env i ronment f r iend ly way o f l i fe to save the Ear th . * * Sc ience And Techno logy-Meteoro logy-Env i ronment . 393 Chok ing p lanet : Env i ronmenta l damage is tak ing to l l . TRIBUNE, 2008(5 .6 .2008) * * Sc ience And Techno logy-Meteoro logy-Env i ronment . 394 DASGUPTA, Kumkum Wi l l th is be your po ison? H INDUSTAN TIMES, 2008(5 .6 .2008) Draws a t ten t ion towards hea l th hazards caused by inc inera t ion p lan ts p lan ted up in res ident ia l co lon ies . * * Sc ience And Techno logy-Meteoro logy-Env i ronment . 395 GHOSH, Prod ip to Why decarbon ise? And how? BUSINESS STANDARD, 2008(7 .6 .2008) * * Sc ience And Techno logy-Meteoro logy-Env i ronment . 396 MUKHERJEE, Dhur ja t i Fu ture cha l lenges : Food, pover ty . CENTRAL CHRONICLE, 2008(7 .6 .2008) Expresses concern over env i ronmenta l i ssues go ing to cha l lenge our fu tures . * * Sc ience and Techno logy-Meteoro logy-Env i ronment . 397 Sav ing env i ronment . DECCAN HERALD, 2008(5 .6 .2008) * * Sc ience And Techno logy-Meteoro logy-Env i ronment . * * - Keywords 64

-METEOROLOGY-GLOBAL WARMING 398 AZIM PREMJI Ac t now for eco log ica l sus ta inab i l i t y . ECONOMIC TIMES, 2008(9 .6 .2008) * * Sc ience And Techno logy-Meteoro logy-Globa l Warming. 399 BARATHAKUR, N.B. Towards a low carbon economy. ASSAM TRIBUNE, 2008(5 .6 .2008) Dea ls w i th g loba l warming issues . * * Sc ience And Techno logy-Meteoro logy-Globa l Warming. 400 DOGRA, Bhara t De lay in curb ing emiss ions w i l l p rove cos t ly . TRIBUNE, 2008(9 .6 .2008) Dea ls w i th g loba l warming issues . * * Sc ience And Techno logy-Meteoro logy-Globa l Warming. 401 DUTTA, Madhumat i No way back . STATESMAN, 2008(8 .6 .2008) H igh l igh ts the cha l lenges o f g loba l warming for humank ind . * * Sc ience and Techno logy-Meteoro logy-Globa l Warming. 402 Greenhouse e f fec t and i t s imp l ica t ions . DEEKSHA, V.5 (No.1) , 2008(Apr i l -June) : P .31-35 * * Sc ience and Techno logy-Meteoro logy-Globa l Warming. 403 KOTRAVEL, Bhara th i Indus t ry awakens to env i ronment conserva t ion. FACTS FOR YOU, V.28(No.7) , 2008(Apr i l 2008) : P .26-28 * * Sc ience And Techno logy-Meteoro logy-Globa l Warming; Corpora te Governance. 404 SAKSENA, Ketak i Ward ing o f f doomsday. P IONEER, 2008(5 .6 .2008) Expresses concern over Ear th 's c l imate change due to emiss ion o f g reen house gases . * * Sc ience And Techno logy-Meteoro logy-Globa l Warming. -METEOROLOGY-NATURAL CALAMITIES-DISASTER RELIEF 405 DATTA, Devangshu Learn ing f rom d isas ters . BUSINESS STANDARD, 2008(7 .6 .2008) * * Sc ience And Techno logy-Meteoro logy-Natura l Ca lami t ies - D isas ter Re l ie f . * * - Keywords 65

-METEOROLOGY-NATURAL CALAMITIES-DISASTER RELIEF 406 J IANG, Wenran More needed. STATESMAN, 2008(3 .6 .2008) Apprec ia tes Ch inese Government fo r most ex tens ive and qu ick rescue opera t ion to he lp ear thquake v ic t ims in the count ry . * * Sc ience And Techno logy-Meteoro logy-Natura l Ca lami t ies - D isas ter Re l ie f . SOCIAL POLICY AND PLANNING -BACKWARD CLASSES-RESERVATION POLICY 407 DHANKHAR, Jagdeep No room for re t icence. INDIAN EXPRESS, 2008(4 .6 .2008) G ives op in ion over Cent ra l Government 's a t t i tude towards Gu j ja r ag i ta t ion in Ra jas than. * * Soc ia l Po l icy And P lann ing-Backward C lasses-Reserva t ion Po l i cy . 408 Gu j ja rs on the rampage. P IONEER, 2008(1 .6 .2008) * * Soc ia l Po l icy And P lann ing-Backward C lasses-Reserva t ion Po l i cy . 409 Gu j ja rs on war pa th . ASSAM TRIBUNE, 2008(1 .6 .2008) Dea ls w i th Gu j ja r ' s v io len t p ro tes t fo r reserva t ion by inc lus ion in Schedu led Tr ibe ca tegory . * * Soc ia l Po l icy And P lann ing-Backward C lasses-Reserva t ion Po l i cy . 410 ILAIAH, Kancha Bad fo r democracy . DECCAN HERALD, 2008(3 .6 .2008) G ives v iew on campaign aga ins t reserva t ion in educat iona l ins t i tu t ions . * * Soc ia l Po l icy And P lann ing-Backward C lasses-Reserva t ion Po l i cy . 411 MALIK, Ashok and KUMAR UTTAM T r iba l ism. P IONEER, 2008(8 .6 .2008) Dea ls w i th Gu j ja rs ag i ta t ion in Ra jas than to ge t Schedu led T r ibe(ST) s ta tus . * * Soc ia l Po l icy and P lann ing-Backward C lasses-Reserva t ion Po l i cy . * * - Keywords 66

SOCIAL POLICY AND PLANNING -BACKWARD CLASSES-RESERVATION POLICY 412 NILOFAR SUHRAWARDY Gu j ja r s t i r i s a wake up ca l l . TRIBUNE, 2008(11.6 .2008) Focuses on the recent cont rovers ies re la ted w i th reserva t ion po l icy . * * Soc ia l Po l icy And P lann ing-Backward C lasses-Reserva t ion Po l i cy . 413 RAVINDER KAUR Case fo r inc lus ion . T IMES OF INDIA, 2008(5 .6 .2008) Dea ls w i th Gu j ja r ag i ta t ion fo r inc lus ion in Schedu led Tr ibes quota . * * Soc ia l Po l icy And P lann ing-Backward C lasses-Reserva t ion Po l i cy . 414 SETHI , Lokpa l Year i s no t enough. P IONEER, 2008(1 .6 .2008) Focuses on year o ld ag i ta t ion o f Gu j ja rs demand ing Schedu led T r ibe s ta tus . * * Soc ia l Po l icy And P lann ing-Backward C lasses-Reserva t ion Po l i cy . 415 TAVLEEN SINGH V io lence a t our doors teps . INDIAN EXPRESS, 2008(1 .6 .2008) B lames se l f i sh po l i t i ca l in ten t ions fo r le t t ing Gu j ja r ' s v io len t p ro tes t reach ing cap i ta l . * * Soc ia l Po l icy And P lann ing-Backward C lasses-Reserva t ion Po l i cy . -BACKWARD CLASSES-SCEDULED TRIBES 416 SHAIL MAYARAM But who are these Guj ja rs? H INDUSTAN TIMES, 2008(11.6 .2008) D iscusses the need to redef ine Schedu led Tr ibe s ta tus . * * Soc ia l Po l icy And P lann ing-Backward C lasses-Sceduled Tr ibes . * * - Keywords 67

-BACKWARD CLASSES-SCHEDULED CASTES 417 V ISWANATHAN, S House d iv ided. FRONTLINE, V .25(No.8) , 2008(25.4 .2008) : P .41-43 Po in ts ou t the d isc r im ina t ion aga ins t Da l i t Chr is t ians in Tami l Nadu. * * Soc ia l Po l icy and P lann ing-Backward C lasses-Schedu led Castes -CHILD WELFARE 418 Ch i ld r igh ts and c rea t ive f reedom. DECCAN CHRONICLE, 2008(11.6 .2008) Dea ls w i th the s t rong pro tes t by Aarush i ' s mother fo r p ro tec t ion o f Ch i ld R igh ts aga ins t te lev is ion channe ls . * * Soc ia l Po l icy And P lann ing-Ch i ld Wel fare . -CHILD WELFARE-CHILD ATTROCITIES 419 RAGHAVAN, R.K Bat t l ing ch i ld abuse. FRONTLINE, V .25(No.8) , 2008(25.4 .2008) : P .104-108 * * Soc ia l Po l icy and P lann ing-Ch i ld Wel fa re-Ch i ld A t t roc i t ies . -CHILD WELFARE-CHILD LABOUR 420 ANIL KUMAR, V Government -NGO par tnersh ips and beyond: Exper ience o f ch i ld labour e rad ica t ion pro jec t in Karnataka. INDIAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION, V.53(No.4) , 2007(Oct - Dec . ) : P .842-853 * * Soc ia l Po l icy and P lann ing-Ch i ld Wel fare-Ch i ld Labour ; NGOs. 421 ANTONY, M.J . B ig smal l p rob lem. BUSINESS STANDARD, 2008(11.6 .2008) Expresses concern on prob lems re la ted w i th en forcement o f jud ic ia l o rder re la ted w i th ch i ld labour . * * Soc ia l Po l icy And P lann ing-Ch i ld Wel fare-Ch i ld Labour . 422 GANAPATHI , R. and SANNASI , S . Bread w inn ing-A ch i ld 's p rerogat ive? FACTS FOR YOU, V.28(No.7) , 2008(Apr i l 2008) : P .29-33 D iscusses the issues concern ing ch i ld labour . * * Soc ia l Po l icy And P lann ing-Ch i ld Wel fare-Ch i ld Labour . * * - Keywords 68

-CHILD WELFARE-GIRL CHILD 423 SUKHMINDER KAUR Gender b ias towards the g i r l ch i ld . SOCIAL WELFARE, V.54(No.11) , 2008(March) : P .36-38 * * Soc ia l Po l icy and P lann ing-Ch i ld Wel fare-Gi r l Ch i ld . -SOCIAL PROBLEMS-CHILD MARRIAGE 424 RAJALAKSHMI, T .K Ch i ld redef ined. FRONTLINE, V .25(No.7) , 2008(11.4 .2008) : P .91-93 D iscusses the 18 th Law Commiss ion Repor t address ing the lacuna in the Proh ib i t ion o f Ch i ld Mar r iage Ac t , 2006. * * Soc ia l Po l icy and P lann ing-Soc ia l Prob lems-Ch i ld Mar r iage. -SOCIAL WELFARE 425 RAJ KUMAR, C. Promot ing corpora te soc ia l respons ib i l i t y . H INDU, 2008(9 .6 .2008) Urges corporate sec tor to inves t fo r the deve lopment and soc ia l empowerment o f underpr iv i leged sec t ion o f soc ie ty . * * Soc ia l Po l icy And P lann ing-Soc ia l Wel fa re . -WOMEN 426 K ING, E.M. and LOMBORG, B. Women and deve lopment . ECONOMIC TIMES, 2008(6 .6 .2008) * * Soc ia l Po l icy And P lann ing-Women. 427 KLEIN, H i la ry Women in Zapat is ta movement . FRONTIER, V.40(No.37) , 2008(30.3 .2008) : P .7-11 Focuses on women 's par t i c ipa t ion in soc ia l movement in Zapat is ta . * * Soc ia l Po l icy and P lann ing-Women; Soc ia l Reforms. 428 S IVAKUMAr, Sr iv idya Women, f reedom and what i t means to them. H INDU, 2008(2 .6 .2008) * * Soc ia l Po l icy And P lann ing-Women. 429 VENKAT, V idya Ac t o f fa i th . FRONTLINE, V .25(No.8) , 2008(25.4 .2008) : P .113-118 App lauds the Tami l Nadu Mus l im Women 's Jamaat 's in i t ia t i ves * * - Keywords 69

-WOMEN taken fo r the be t te r l i ves o f the oppressed Mus l im women. * * Soc ia l Po l icy and P lann ing-Women. -WOMEN TRAFFICKING 430 SAMI YOUSAFZAI and MOREAU, Ron Op ium br ides o f A fghan is tan . NEWSWEEK, V.151(No.14) , 2008(7 .4 .2008) : P .42-44 Exposes the se l l ing o f daughters by poppy growing fa rmers to repay loans in A fghan is tan . * * Soc ia l Po l icy and P lann ing-Women Tra f f i ck ing . -WOMEN-CAREER AND ACHIEVEMENTS 431 OM RAJ SINGH Peop le 's percept ion o f women po l ice . INDIAN POLICE JOURNAL, V .54(No.3) , 2007(Ju ly -Sept ) : P .63-72 * * Soc ia l Po l icy and P lann ing-Women-Career and Ach ievements ; Po l i ce . -WOMEN-SOCIAL CONDITION 432 TASLIMA NASREEN Are you women or jus t represent ing husbands and fa thers? MAINSTREAM, V.46(No.13) , 2008(15.3 .2008) : P .18-19 * * Soc ia l Po l icy and P lann ing-Women-Soc ia l Cond i t ion . -WOMEN-VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN 433 RAMAKRISHNAN, Ra jesh Save g i r l ch i ld -Gujara t s ty le . FRONTIER, V.40(No.37) , 2008(30-3.2008) : P .5-7 Draws a t ten t ion on sexual harassment o f g i r l s tudents in Patan PTC co l lege in Gu jara t . * * Soc ia l Po l icy and P lann ing-Women-V io lence aga ins t Women. -WOMEN-WOMEN IN POLITICS 434 SHASHIKALA SITARAM Beyond nat iona l equa l i t y . DECCAN HERALD, 2008(4 .6 .2008) Focuses on women 's par t i c ipa t ion in Karnataka 's Assembly e lec t ions . * * Soc ia l Po l icy And P lann ing-Women-Women in Po l i t i cs . * * - Keywords 70

SPORTS -CRICKET 435 Cr icke t 's new run : IPL worked l i ke a charm. P IONEER, 2008(3 .6 .2008) Ind ian Premier League ( IPL) . * * Spor ts -Cr icke t . 436 MAJUMDAR, Bor ia And the w inner is c r icke t . T IMES OF INDIA, 2008(2 .6 .2008) S ta tes tha t Ind ian Premier League tournament has in jec ted f resh l i fe in to the game. * * Spor ts -Cr icke t . 437 MALIK, Ashok Th is month , tha t mi rac le . P IONEER, 2008(1 .6 .2008) Reca l ls Ind ia 's h is to r ica l w in in c r icke t wor ld cup in 1983. * * Spor ts -Cr icke t . 438 SEKHRI , Desh Gaurav IPL, the $2 B i l l ion IPO. ECONOMIC TIMES, 2008(3 .6 .2008) Ind ian Premier League( IPL) . * * Spor ts -Cr icke t . 439 Spor t ing success : IPL. H INDU, 2008(3 .6 .2008) Ind ian Premier League( IPL) . * * Spor ts -Cr icke t . -TENNIS 440 A ILOO PRAKASH P lay the game or make way. DECCAN HERALD, 2008(9 .6 .2008) Expresses concern on d i f fe rences be tween tenn is p layers Leander Paes and Mahesh Bhupath i . * * Spor ts -Tenn is . TRANSPORTATION -A IR TRANSPORT 441 Bus iness tha t won ' t f l y . BUSINESS STANDARD, 2008(9 .6 .2008) S tud ies the reasons beh ind poor per fo rmance o f c iv i l av ia t ion a round the wor ld . * * T ranspor ta t ion-A i r Transpor t . * * - Keywords 71

TRANSPORTATION -A IR TRANSPORT 442 JAYANTH, V. T ime fo r conso l ida t ion in the sk ies . H INDU, 2008(5 .6 .2008) G ives an overv iew o f f inanc ia l c r is is imposed on A i r l ines w i th the r is ing c rude pr ices . * * T ranspor ta t ion-A i r Transpor t . 443 T IWARI , Dheera j and AWASTHI , Ra ja Hand le w i th care . ECONOMIC TIMES, 2008(8 .6 .2008) Dea ls w i th Ind ian av ia t ion sec tor . * * T ranspor ta t ion-A i r Transpor t . -A IR TRANSPORT-AIRPORTS 444 SESHAN, Sekhar Take o f f and land in s ty le . BUSINESS INDIA, No.785, 2008(20 Apr i l 2008) : P .96-103 * * T ranspor ta t ion-A i r Transpor t -A i rpor ts . -ROAD TRANSPORT 445 McDOUGALL, Dan Sp inn ing whee ls . ECOLOGIST, 2008(Apr i l ) : P .30-34 Focuses on the r i se o f wor ld 's cheapes t car `Nano ' . * * T ranspor ta t ion-Road Transpor t . 446 V . SWAMY KUMARA Tough on t ipp le rs . TELEGRAPH, 2008(4 .6 .2008) G ives op in ion in suppor t o f tough law fo r d runken dr iv ing . * * T ranspor ta t ion-Road Transpor t . -ROAD TRANSPORT-ROADS AND HIGHWAYS 447 H ighway to nowhere . P IONEER, 2008(2 .6 .2008) G ives reasons beh ind lowest ever progress ra te o f Nat iona l H ighway Deve lopment Programme under UPA government . * * T ranspor ta t ion-Road Transpor t -Roads and H ighways . * * - Keywords 72

-WATER TRANSPORT-SHIPPING 448 SAVITZ, Jacque l ine Cru ise cont ro l . ECOLOGIST, 2008(Apr i l ) : P .14-15 Draws a t ten t ion on dec l ine in In te rna t iona l sh ipp ing used fo r t ranspor ta t ion . * * T ranspor ta t ion-Water Transpor t -Sh ipp ing . -WATER TRANSPORTATION-SHIPPING-SHIPBUILDING 449 SATYA SUNDARAM, I . Sh ipbu i ld ing in t roub led waters . FACTS FOR YOU, V.28(No.7) , 2008(Apr i l 2008) : P .7-9 * * T ranspor ta t ion-Water Transpor ta t ion-Sh ipp ing-Sh ipbu i ld ing . UNITED NATIONS AND INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS -UN AGENCIES-FAO 450 Feud ing over food and fue l . H INDU, 2008(9 .6 .2008) Throws l igh t on the ou tcome o f Food and Agr icu l tu re Organ isa t ion Summi t in Rome on food c r is is . * * Un i ted Nat ions And In te rna t iona l Organ isa t ions-UN Agenc ies- FAO. URBAN DEVELOPMENT 451 KUMBHAKAR, Tankeswar Growing urban isa t ion . ASSAM TRIBUNE, 2008(8 .6 .2008) F inds ou t the growing urban isa t ion around the wor ld . * * Urban Deve lopment . -URBAN PROPERTY 452 BHATTACHARYA, K.P Hous ing and Hab i ta t . STATESMAN WEEKLY, V.100(No.12) , 2008(22.3 .2008) : P .10-11 D iscusses the abo l i t ion o f Urban Land Ce i l ing Ac t in Benga l . * * Urban Deve lopment-Urban Proper ty . 453 KAYAKAM, Anupama Rea l i ty check . FRONTLINE, V .25(No.7) , 2008(11 Apr i l 2008) : P .36-38 * * - Keywords 73

-URBAN PROPERTY Expresses concern over esca la t ing rea l es ta te pr ices in Mumbai mak ing i t unaf fo rdab le fo r a l l sec t ions . * * Urban Deve lopment-Urban Proper ty . YOUTH AFFAIRS 454 MAIRA, Arun How the youth w i l l shape Ind ia . ECONOMIC TIMES, 2008(6 .6 .2008) * * Youth Af fa i rs . * * - Keywords 74