PP Maya Models and Ideas

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Transcript of PP Maya Models and Ideas

Maya 3D ModelsBy: Arnau Llobera Donoso


Description This model can be described as a hoverbike or a mix between a

motorbike and a quadcopter. It has 4 propellers that allow it to glide through the air and maintain a constant maximum height of 1.5 meters from the ground, and with burst, of up to 3 meters of height. It can carry up to 3 passengers with a maximum speed of 300Km/h. The idea started with the body of a motorbike. I wanted to make it fly, and found this to be the best option for it to do so. As the motors are located in the propellers, the body of the motorcycle is used to store a large amount of energy and some items.The movement system works fairly similar to how tanks in real life are controlled: there’s 2 handles. Triggering the right direction will require the left handle to be pulled backwards while the right handle gets pushed forward. To turn the vehicle to the left will require the opposite action (left handle pushed/right handle pulled).Pushing both handles to the front will move the vehicle forward, while pulling them backwards will reverse the vehicle. The bars on the handles are used to regulate the revolutions of the propeller, which translates into speed and height.

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This model is an arthropod-like creature. It is an invertebrate with an exoskeleton, a segmented body, jointed appendages, compound eyes and antennae that include sensors. Having the size of a Great Dane, it possesses long legs that allow him to navigate trough a wide variety of terrains. Its most remarkable characteristic is the presence of only 4 legs, compensated by their strength. It has claws at the end of each leg to help it climb.

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This creation is a closable Hoverboard, witch makes it way easier to carry in the back or anywhere else, but when its time to use it, it has a reasonable size for the user to use and be comfortable, the orang parts are the propulsion mechanism and it can be flipped and it will still maintain height. When closed the hovering mechanism is protected wich makes it way mor sabe to carry around and to protect. It closes and opens with magnets which means that is highly durable as it has no small moving parts that can be damaged or broken.

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In this project my main purpose was to transform a ball into a monster/companion/creature that a person could carry with ease and that it also would be protected from many things. I started the project with a simple sphere, a then used the Multi-Cut Tool to make my own edges and define all the body parts. By doing this I was making sure that all the pieces would fit perfectly in a sphere and it could be enclosed perfectly. The idea was that the ball was empty in the inside, and that it contained some kind of magical energy that when the ball is opened acts as limbs to sustain the plates.

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3D Acrid


This creature is named Acrid, a character from a video game called Risk of Rain i wanted to transform this 2 dimensional character in 3D. At first i thought of making it smooth but then i thought that the conversion from 2D pixels to 3D would be simple cubes, and thats why i used single colored cubes.

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3D PixelArt Creations


This is a collection of creatures made in a specific art style. I wanted to translate pixel arte into 3D and i thought this would be the best way, to have simple cubes with separations giving it range to animate them. Some of them are dinosaurs, some animals, and some are fantasy creatures.

PixelArt Bat

Pixelart Brachiosaurus

PixelArt Diplodocus

PixelArt Dragonhawk

PixelArt Horsecrab

PixelArt Iguana

PixelArt Varano

PixelArt Void Creature

Other various models

Simple Terrain Test

Wooden Building

Gliding Insect