Power point-Invention ppp

Post on 24-May-2015

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Transcript of Power point-Invention ppp

  • 1. Invention

2. [v.] something to be the first person to become aware that a particular place or thing exists. 3. [n.] a person or an animal in a drawing, painting, etc. 4. [n.] a person who is traveling in a car, bus, train, plane, or ship and who is not driving it or working on it. 5. [n.] a flash, or several flashes, of very bright light in the sky caused by electricity. 6. [v.] to damage something so badly that it no longer exists, work, etc. 7. [v.] a liquid that is put on surfaces to give them a particular color. 8. simple present passivesimple past passive 9. simple present passivesimple past passiveWe make the simple present passive with + + past participle subject is/ are.The Terracotta Army is visited by nearly two million people every year. We make the simple past passive using subject+was/ were+past participleThe Empire state Building was built in 1931.. 10. simple present passivesimple past passiveTo make a question in the passive, we use is/ are or was / were+subject+past participleWhere were the terracotta figures discovered ? Remember, regular participle end in ed. Many verbs have irregular participle.. 11. amazing achievements In 1974, thousands of terracotta figures were discovered in Xi an, China. The terracotta figures were buried with the first Emperor of Qin Qin Shi Huang 210- 209 B.C.DID YOU KNOW? The Terracotta Army is visited by nearly two million people every year! 12. The ceiling of the Sistine Chapel was painted by Michelangelo. The painting took four years and was completed in 1512.DID YOU KNOW? Many famous painters were involved in painting the Sistine Chapel, although it is known mostly for Michelangelos work. 13. The Channel Tunnel or Chunnel, as it is sometimes called was opened in 1994, and carries around eight million passengers a year between France and England. Most of the tunnel, 39 km out of the total of 50 km, is underwater. It is the longest undersea tunnel in the world.DID YOU KNOW? Around 15,000 workers were employed on the project. It took seven years to dig the tunnel. 14. The Empire State Building was built in 1931. When the world Trade Centers Twin Towers were destroyed, it became once again the tallest building in the New York.DID YOU KNOW? The Empire State Building is struck by lightning an average of 100 times a year! 15. 12345678 16. 12345678 17. 12345678 18. 12345678 19. ___c___ ab jrc ksd ml teuf nvg owh pxi qyz 20. d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ab jrc ksd ml teuf nvg owh pxi qyz 21. di______ ab jrc ksd ml teuf nvg owh pxi qyz 22. dis_____ ab jrc ksd ml teuf nvg owh pxi qyz 23. disc____ ab jrc ksd ml teuf nvg owh pxi qyz 24. disco___ ab jrc ksd ml teuf nvg owh pxi qyz 25. discov__ ab jrc ksd ml teuf nvg owh pxi qyz 26. discove_ ab jrc ksd ml teuf nvg owh pxi qyz 27. d i _ _ _v e r ab jrc ksd ml teuf nvg owh pxi qyz 28. Choose colorab jrc ksd ml teuf nvg owh pxi qyz 29. __g___ ab jrc ksd ml teuf nvg owh pxi qyz 30. f_g___ ab jrc ksd ml teuf nvg owh pxi qyz 31. fig___ ab jrc ksd ml teuf nvg owh pxi qyz 32. figu__ ab jrc ksd ml teuf nvg owh pxi qyz 33. figur_ ab jrc ksd ml teuf nvg owh pxi qyz 34. fig__e ab jrc ksd ml teuf nvg owh pxi qyz 35. Choose colorab jrc ksd ml teuf nvg owh pxi qyz 36. _____n_n_ 37. l____n_n_ 38. li___n_n_ 39. lig__n_n_ 40. li_h_n_n_ 41. _i__tnin_ 42. l___tning 43. Choose colorlightning 44. __i__ 45. p_ __ 46. _a __ 47. __ n_ 48. _a _t 49. Choose color 50. Direction 1. Make a group of three. 2. Create your own invention, draw the picture and write description under the picture by using present simple passive structure. 3. Detail for the invention - name of the invention - location/ material - reason/ useful 51. Our invention is Chopsticks Fan . It is made of plastic and a small fan. It will help you a lot when you eat a bowl of instant noodle. You will not be patient with high temperature of it anymore. 52. Direction 1. Make a group of five.2. Each group chooses a representative. 3. The representative sits in front of your member and turns back against to the power point Dont look at the power point . 4. Other members look at the picture from power point. 53. 5. Explain to the representative of your group by using past simple passive structure. 6. Dont say the name of the invention. 7. The representative has to guess What the invention is? 8. The group can guesses the most pictures in 3 minutes will be the winner.