Power of Pranayama talk by Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani

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Transcript of Power of Pranayama talk by Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani


• Yogacharya


• Deputy Director

• Centre for Yoga Therapy, Education and Research (CYTER), Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Puducherry. www. sbvu.ac.in

SBV Yoga Fest 2016

SBV AIM HIGH’s Centre for Yoga Therapy, Education

and Research (CYTER)

Salutogenesis, our focus!

SBV AIM HIGH’s Centre for Yoga Therapy, Education

and Research (CYTER)

Salutogenesis, our focus!

“அ�ட�தி� உ�ளேத ப��ட�; ப��ட�தி� உ�ளேத அ�ட�; அ�ட�� ப��ட�� ஒ�ேற அறி��தா� பா����ேபாேத” - ச�ைட�ன� சி�த�

That which lies in the macrocosm, lies in the microcosm.

That which lies in the microcosm lies in the macrocosm.

When we understand truly, both are indeed one. - Sattaimuni Siddhar


• Fourth step of Ashtanga Yoga

• Regulation of inhalation and exhalation

• Science of controlled, conscious expansion of Prana, the vital life force (Prana + ayama)

• A link between body-emotions-mind-spirit

• An Integral Component of Yoga Therapy

– Acts at Pranamaya Kosha (physiological, emotional, subtle level)

– Can be either mono therapy / combination

1. Annamayakosha (Anatomical existence)

2. Pranamayakosha (Physiological existence)

3. Manomayakosha (Psychological existence)

4. Vijnanamayakosha (Intellectual existence)

5. Anandamayakosha (Universal existence)

PANCHA KOSHA - 5 levels of human existence

Classification of Pranayama (By Yogamaharishi Dr. Swami Gitananda Giri )

• Yoga Pranayamas or Adhamas: Correcting breathing difficulties, cleansing respiratory

system and strengthening the nervous system.

e.g. Vibhaga, Bhastrika, Kapalabhati, Sheetali & Sitkari

• Samyama Pranayamas or Madyamas:

Introspective means to attain sensory control, sensory withdrawal, concentration & meditation.

e.g. Brahmari, Pranava and Savitri

• Shakti Pranayamas or Uttamas:

Higher Pranayamas for arousal of Kundalini Shakti.

e.g. Ujjayi and Surya Bhedana

Four Phases of Pranayama


held out

held in


Deep breathing is economical *

Normal Shallow Deep

Volume 500 200 1000

Rate 12 30 6

Ventilation 6000 6000 6000

Dead space 150 150 150

Dead space V 1800 4500 900

Alveolar V 4200 1500 5100

* Prof Madanmohan, Director CYTER and Head Department of Physiology, MGMC & RI

8 Classical Kumbhakas (Hatha Pradipika)

1. Surya bhedana - sun cleaving breath

2. Ujjayi - the victorious breath

3. Sitkari - hissing breath

4. Sheetali - beak tongue breath

5. Bhastrika - bellows breath

6. Bhramari - sound of bee breath

7. Murccha - fainting/swooning breath

8. Plavini - floating breath

Importance of Pranayama (Hatha Pradipika II:2)

चले वाते चल ं�च�त ं�न�चले �न�चल ंभवेत ्। योगी �थाणु�वमा�नो�त ततो वायु ं�नरोधयेत ्॥

chale vāte chalaṃ chittaṃ niśchale niśchalaṃ bhavet yogī sthāṇutvamāpnoti tato vāyuṃ nirodhayet

When respiration is disturbed, the mind gets disturbed. When breath is steady and undisturbed, mind is also steady and undisturbed. By consciously controlling respiration, the Yogi attains steadiness of mind.

Importance of Pranayama (Hatha Pradipika IV:29)

इि��याणां मनो नाथो मनोनाथ�तु मा�तः ।

मा�त�य लयो नाथः स लयो नादमा��तः ॥

indriyāṇāṃ mano nātho manonāthastu mārutaḥ mārutasya layo nāthaḥ sa layo nādamāśritaḥ

Mind is the master of the senses, while the breath is its Lord. Mastery of the breath lies in its absorption that depends on conscious vibrations induced during smooth, steady inhalation and exhalation.

Importance of Pranayama (Hatha Pradipika II:16)

�ाणायामेन यु�तेन सव�रोग�यो भवेत ्।

अयु�ता�यासयोगेन सव�रोगसमु�घमः॥

prāṇāyāmena yuktena sarvarogakṣayo bhavet ayuktābhyāsayogena sarvarogasamudghamaḥ

When practices like Pranayama are performed properly, they can eradicate all diseases; but improper practice can otherwise generate diseases.

Psycho-mental Benefits (Patanjala Yoga Sutra)

• Tatah kshiyate prakashavaranam –II: 52 “Thereby the shroud covering the inner effulgence is destroyed” • Dharanasu cha yogyataa manasah – II: 53 “Mental fitness is attained for higher practices that begin with one pointed concentration”

Advantages of Pranayama as a tool for therapy

• Doesn’t require any special equipment

• Can be integrated into daily life

• Can be done by most patients

• Not too taxing

• Can be taught in shorter time

• Can be used with other practices

• Space not a constraint

• Cost effective

Limitations of Pranayama as a Therapy

• Needs :






• Lack of qualified teachers

Slow - rhythmic Pranayamas

• Hypertension

• Diabetes mellitus

• Bronchial Asthma

• Anxiety neurosis

• Musculoskeletal disorders

• Geriatrics

• Irritable bowel syndrome

• Coronary Artery disease

• Epilepsy

• Insomnia

Sukha, Savitri, Nadi Shuddhi, Ujjayi, Anuloma Viloma

Anti stress

Fast Pranayamas

• Bronchial asthma

• Hypothyroidism

• Depression

• Lethargy

• Obesity

Bhastrika & Kapalabhati

Chandra Pranayama and Chandra Bhedana

• Coronary artery disease

• Hypertension

• Diabetes mellitus

• Anxiety

• Insomnia

• Epilepsy

• Hyperthyroidism


Surya Pranayama and Surya Bhedana

• Depression

• Asthma

• Excessive sleepiness

• Hypothyroidism

• Obesity

• Syncope


Cleansing breaths


– ENT disorders

Mukha Bhastrika

– Learning disorders

– Attention disorders

– Mental retardation

– Diabetes mellitus Kukkriya Pranayama

–Digestive disorders

–Throat disorders

Cooling Pranayamas

• Hot flushes of menopause

• Thyrotoxicosis

• Digestive disorders

• Pitta conditions

• Heat exhaustion

• Chronic fatigue Sheetali,

Sitkari, Sadanta

Nada Pranayamas

• Stress disorders

• Eye disorders

• ENT disorders

• Chronic headache

• Sleeping disorders

• Anxiety disorders

• Depression

Bhramari & Pranava

Vibhaga Pranayama

• Adham Pranayama – abdominal and lower limb disorders

• Madhyam Pranayama – chest and upper limb disorders

• Adhyam Pranayama – head and neck disorders

• Mahat Yoga Pranayama – affects the whole body

Focusing consciousness into broncho-pulmonary segments

Pranava Pranayama • Using foundation of Vibhaga

• Chanting Akara, Ukara, Makara and Omkara Nada

• 2 to 3 times longer exhalations

• Appropriate hand gestures (Mudras)

Adham Pranayama


Breathing Part of Body Part of Brain

Lower Chest Lower Reptilian complex

Madhyam Pranayama


Breathing Part of Body Part of Brain

Mid Chest Mid Mammalian complex

Adhyam Pranayama


Breathing Part of Body Part of Brain

Upper Chest Upper Neo-cortex

Pranava AUM Pranayama


Breathing Part of Body Part of Brain

Whole Chest Whole Body Whole Brain

Research in Swara Yoga

Uni-nostril & alternate nostril Pranayama techniques have captured imagination of researchers world wide. Recent studies have reported differential physiological and psychological effects including :

– O2 consumption, – metabolism and body weight, – blood glucose, – involuntary blink rates and intraocular pressure, – heart rate and heart rate variability, – stroke volume and end diastolic volume – galvanic skin resistance, – digit pulse volume, and blood pressure .

Uni-nostril / alternate nostril Pranayamas

Suryanadi asana Chandranadi asana

Forced UN / AN breathing

Surya nadi/ bhedana

• activity phase of BRAC*

• activates SNS

• increases O2 consumption

• increases metabolism

• corrects low BP

• increases HR

• increases body temp.

Chandra nadi/ bhedana

• rest phase of BRAC*

• reduces SNS activity

• increases GSR

• lowers blood sugar

• decreases BP

* BRAC- Basic Rest Activity Cycle ~ 90 (80–120) min

Pranayama and breath awareness with movement

• Bhujangini Mudra

• Nasarga Mukha Bhastrika

– with Jathis

– in Meru Asana

– in Ushtra Asana

• Vyagraha Pranayama

• Pawan Mukta Kriya

Bhavanani AB et al. IJPP 2003: 47:297-300 and IJPP 2012; 56 : 174–180.

Improved concentration


Greater arousal and faster rate

of information processing

Ability to ignore

or Inhibit extraneous


Mukha Bhastrika

(a yogic bellows type

breathing technique)

Enhanced central

neuronal processing

and sensory- motor


Improved baroreflex sensitivity

Normalization of autonomic cardiovascular rhythms

Enhanced cardiac autonomic regulation

Integrated relaxation response with

decreased after load

Pranava pranayama

Sukha pranayama

Mild ‘Valsalva like’ effect with decreased pre- load

↓ HR

↓ DP

↓ SP

↓ MP


Savitri pranayama

Chandranadi pranayama

Clinically valuable

in HT & DM

Improved baroreflex sensitivity

Normalization of autonomic cardiovascular rhythms

Enhanced cardiac autonomic regulation

Integrated relaxation response with

decreased after load

Pranava pranayama

Sukha pranayama

Mild ‘Valsalva like’ effect with decreased pre- load

↓ HR

↓ DP

↓ SP

↓ MP


Savitri pranayama

Chandranadi pranayama

Clinically valuable

in HT & DM

Bhavanani AB et al. Int J Yoga Ther 2011; 21: 73-76 & Yoga Mimamsa 2012; 44: 101-112. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 2012; 56: 273–78 & Biomed Human Kin 2012: 4: 66 – 69. Int J Yoga 2012; 5: 108-11


• Different Pranayamas have different psycho-physiological and effects

• It has immense therapeutic potential in stress related – psychosomatic disorders.

• Can be used as mono/combination therapy

• Of vital importance in Yoga Sadhana

• Regular, dedicated and determined practice of Pranayama with awareness, consciousness and purity of thought, word and deed

• Earlier steps of Ashtanga Yoga such as Yama-Niyama and Asana are necessary preludes to Pranayama Sadhana.

Accredited with ‘A’ grade by NAAC