Power and Privilege

Post on 27-Jun-2015

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This book touches upon every aspect of life and the pervasive abuses of power and privilege in the world. Mini Sarla manages to reveal not only the subtle abuses that lurk in our midst, but also the overt, in a refreshingly enlightened and non-confrontational way that appeals to the higher conscience of the reader. It should be read both by the victims of abuse as well as the perpetrators.

Transcript of Power and Privilege

What prompted

me to write the book?

Throughout my life I had noticed and made mental notes of abuses by a small minority of people to the

detriment of the vast majority

The abuses were often disguised as – Family values – Customs – Culture – Tradition– Religion– Progress– Patriotism– Democracy– Justice

So, why now?

• The abuses by corporate executives got rather blatant in the last decade

• In 2008, the securities fraud at Wall Street’s biggest investment firms was beginning to unravel and the news headlines were getting more alarming

For example:

“Fannie, Freddie get federal grand jury subpoenas”

“FBI Investigating Potential Fraud by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Lehman, AIG”

“No Longer Ready to RetireIn Economic Crisis, Nest Eggs Vanish, as Do Long-Held Dreams”

“Worst year for jobs since '45”

“Fed Chairman Warns of More Foreclosures”

•“2008 foreclosure filings set record”

•“Homeless numbers alarming”

“Why Isn't Wall Street In Jail?”

Uncensored News For Real People

So, by 2008, my frustration with the blatant abuses by the entrenched power brokers

reached a critical point

I had to break my life long silence!