Potential Use of Hydroponics as an Alternative Way of Growing Sweet Potatoes

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Transcript of Potential Use of Hydroponics as an Alternative Way of Growing Sweet Potatoes


    OF GROWING SWEET POTATOES (Ipomoea batatas)

    GROUP 5






    Chapter 1 - The Problem and its Background

    o Background of the Study

    o Statement of the Problem

    General Objective

    Specific Objective


    o Significance of the Study

    o Scope and Limitations of the Study

    Chapter 2 - Review of Related Literature

    o Related Literature

    o Related Studies

    o Justification and Relevance of the Study

    o Reference List

    Chapter 3 - Methodology

    o Gathering of Materials

    o Planting of Sweet Potato

    o Research Design

    o Statistical Treatment

    o Materials and Documentation

    Chapter 4 Results and Discussion

    o Findings

    o Analysis of Data




    The Problem and its Background

    Background of the study

    As of today, many agricultural lands are turned into lands used in constructing commercial

    buildings. In order to solve this problem, farmers must look for other areas to plant their crops just like

    sweet potatoes. There could be no place in our lands but still there is more space available in our waters.

    There is a way to grow plants in water. This method is called hydroponics.

    Hydroponics is a subset of hydroculture and is a method of growing plants using

    mineral nutrient solutions, in water, without soil. The soil itself is not the plants need on it, but plants just

    only need the nutrients in the soil. This made hydroponics because the nutrients in the soil can also be

    present in aquatic environment because it is possible that nutrients in the soil can be artificially placed in

    water, making soil not required in growing plants. On the other hand, sweet potatoes require sufficient

    amount of water in order to survive, so growing sweet potatoes in aquatic environment would be very


    This study can be helpful, especially to the people who plan to grow sweet potatoes that do not

    have a nice location for it. Instead of looking for nice spots, they could just plant it hydroponic medium

    like plastics, wood, concrete, glass, metal, and vegetable solids.

  • Statement of the Problem

    General Objective

    This study aims to find out the potential use of hydroponics grow sweet potatoes.

    Specific Objectives

    1.) What will be the effect of the peelings of the sweet potato in terms of the

    amount of nutrient/water it can absorb to grow?

    a. Peeled

    b. Not peeled

    2.) Will the following factors have the same effect to the growth of peeled/not

    peeled sweet potato?

    a. Mass of sweet potato

    b. Part of sweet potato in water

    c. Length of the part of the sweet potato in water

    Null Hypothesis

    There is no significant difference between the quality of the sweet potato

    produced in hydroponics or the common one.

  • Significance of the Study

    This study aims to identify the possibility of growing sweet potatoes through hydroponics

    with certain conditions, considering the peelings, mass, part that is submerged, and depth in the

    water of the sweet potatoes. Also, many people can plant sweet potatoes without having a big

    garden in their house.

    Scope and Delimitations of the Study

    This study will only focus to the use of sweet potatoes, and will only use

    hydroponics system in growing sweet potatoes. This study may also show comparison between

    the qualities of the sweet potato produced in hydroponics or in planting at the soil, but will not

    show comparison in the money that will be used to perform the study, together with the materials

    that are involved. This study will be conducted at Allen Aledos house in Zone III, Iba Zambales

    from December 27, 2012 until December 27, 2013.

  • Chapter 2

    Review of Related Literature

    Related Literature

    Hydroponics refers to the method of growing plants without the presence of soil. This is

    done by artificially applying nutrients in the water that will be used in growing specific plants.

    With the help of hydroponics, plants that will be produced from this method will be a healthier

    plant, because the impurities and bacteria in the soil are eliminated. Date Accessed: 01-11-13

    Source: http://www.mixph.com/2007/07/basic-guide-to-hydroponics-technology.html

    In hydroponics, the plants are grown in a medium, with a perfectly balanced and adjusted

    nutrient solution, delivered to the roots in a highly soluble form. This method of growing plant

    allows the plant to uptake its food with less effort compared to the effort it uses to uptake its food

    from the soil, where the roots must search the nutrients from the soil and extract them. This is

    true, even when using rich, organic soil and top of the line nutrients. The energy applied in the

    searching and extraction of the nutrients in the soil is better to be used on vegetative growth of

    the plant, which is done in hydroponics. Date Accessed: 01-11-13

    Source: http://www.simplyhydro.com/whatis.htm

    Sweet potato (Ipomoea Batatas) is a tender, warm weather vegetable/root crop that

    requires a long frost free season to mature large, useful roots. Sweet potato is one of the most

    important food crops in tropical countries like in the Philippines, where both the roots and tender

    shoots are eaten as a vital source of nutrients. Date Accessed: 01-11-13

    Source: http://urbanext.illinois.edu/veggies/sweetpotato.cfm

  • Related Studies

    According to Steven Carruthers, a recent study has shown that the commercial

    hydroponics industry is successful and rapidly expanding. According to the report, it dominates

    the production of a limited number of crops, and is probably the fastest growing sector in the

    Australian horticultural industry. Date Accessed: 01-11-13

    Source: http://hydroponics.com.au/free-articles/issue-63-hydroponics-as-an-agricultural-


    As reported by Penny Johnson, hydroponics has healthy benefits compared to other

    growing methods, provided that the fertilizer program is well managed. Professor Ron Wills, an

    expert in hydroponic products, was approached by industry groups to carry out research on the

    nutritional value of hydroponically grown product. However, he turned the project down,

    because he believes that the health benefits of a particular hydroponic product will be the same to

    the non-hydroponic product provided that there is adequate care and fertilization during

    growth. Based on this theory, he believes that research funding would be better spent in other

    areas. Date Accessed: 01-11-13

    Source: http://hydroponics.com.au/free-articles/issue-55-nutrition-hydroponics/

    As stated by Tao Zhengping Li and Mengling Bian Mingdi, by circulating the hydroponic

    culture technique to soilless culture of vegetables on the roof platform of buildings, we could get

    higher economic and social benefit. Date Accessed: 01-11-13

    Source: http://en.cnki.com.cn/Article_en/CJFDTOTAL-ZNTB200101003.htm

  • Related Legal Bases

    Republic Act Number 7900

    The republic act number 7900 or the High-Value Crops Development Act of 1995 have a

    goal to accelerate the growth and development of agriculture in general, enhance productivity

    and incomes of farmers and the rural population, improve investment climate, competencies and

    efficiency of agribusiness and develop high-value crops as export crops that will significantly

    augment the foreign exchange earnings of the country, through an all-out promotion of the

    production, processing, marketing, and distribution of high-value crops in suitable areas of the

    country. Date Accessed: 01-11-13

    Presidential Decree Number 1107

    The presidential decree number 1107, an act establishing the Philippine root crops

    research and training center in the Visayas State College of Agriculture Baybay Leyte have a

    goal to improve the process of planting root crops including sweet potato. This law is made to

    enhance the quality of the method used in growing root crops especially in Visayas region, and

    also to develop high yielding, good quality and pest resistant varieties of sweet potato, cassava,

    gabi and other root crops. Date Accessed: 01-11-13

  • Chapter 3


    The main goal of this chapter is to indicate the materials that will be used in performing

    this study and also to show the process on how to grow sweet potato in hydroponics. The

    procedure that will be discussed in this chapter may be similar to the traditional process involved

    in planting another plant or root crop in hydroponics. This chapter will solve the issues about the

    problems that may be encountered in performing the steps in planting sweet potato in


    Gathering of the Materials

    In order to start growing sweet potato in hydroponics, all materials needed to perform this

    must be acquired. The first thing that is needed will be the root crop itself, the sweet potato; it

    can be in different sizes or varieties. The next item would be sticks, or if possible, bamboo sticks.

    These sticks will be used as the holder of the root crop. Finally, the last material will be the

    hydroponic medium, a transparent container, or if possible, glass containers. This will be used as

    the container of the root crop, stick, and the water to be used in the process.

    Planting of Sweet Potato

    Sweet potatoes aren't started by seed like other vegetables but from slips. Slips are shoots

    that are grown from a mature sweet potato. In order to have a slip, mature sweet potato bought

    from a store is needed. But be sure to find out if the sweet potato is a bush type or a vining type.

    To start your slips, several clean and healthy sweet potatoes are needed.

  • Each sweet potato can produce up to 50 slip sprouts. To create sprouts, carefully wash

    your potatoes and cut them either in half or in large sections (if the sweet potato is too big). Place

    each section in a transparent container half-filled with water having half of the potato below the

    water and half above. Use sticks to hold the potato in place.

    The set-ups will be placed inside a room or a box for one week. This is needed in order to

    allow the root formation on the different set-ups made. During this period, daily observation of

    the root formations must be done. After a week, the set-ups will be exposed to the sunlight.

    Again, the root formations per set-up must be observed daily for one week. Then, the succeeding

    observations will be done weekly. Also, it is important for the water in the containers to be

    replaced every week.

    Research Design

    To identify if the sweet potato could possibly grow using hydroponics, two set-ups are

    made, having same amount of water, but set-up A will have the sweet potatoes not peeled, and

    for the set-up B, having peeled sweet potatoes. All of the sweet potatoes will be approximately

    200g in mass; the part of sweet potato in water is the rounded part, and length of the part of the

    sweet potato in water is 10 cm.

    Statistical Treatment

    The statistical treatment that will be used is the T-test, because the data that are being

    tested is best fitted to T-Test. In that way, there will be lesser chance of having type 1 error.

  • Materials



    Measuring Cup

    Transparent Containers

    Sweet Potatoes


    Prepare the container

    Place the potato using the sticks

    Measure the amount of water

    Pour water

  • Chapter 4

    Results and Discussions


    This study used two set-ups in order to identify the effect of the peelings of sweet

    potatoes to its growth that are planted using hydroponics. Both set-ups A and B will use the same

    amount of water, the difference would be one of the set-ups are not peeled, while the other is


    Table 1 Tabular Presentation of each set-up

    Set-ups Peeled Remarks

    Set-up A Yes Expected to form roots slower

    Set-up B No Expected to form roots faster

    Level of Significance

    The level of significance will be 0.5 and two-tailed test will be applied, because if the

    following level of significance and two-tailed test will be used, lesser chance of having type 1

    error may be encountered.

  • Findings

    Setup A

    Length of Root



    Setup B

    Length of Root

    0.5 cm 1 0 cm

    5 cm 2 5 cm

    1 cm 3 0 cm

    1.5 cm 4 0 cm

    2 cm 5 0.2 cm

    1.5 cm 6 2.5 cm

    2.5 cm 7 10.5 cm

    1 cm 8 0 cm

    3 cm 9 0 cm

    2 cm 10 0 cm


  • Computation

    =( )



    =( )


    10 +2


  • Appendix

    Cost Analysis

    Items Cost Quantity

    Sweet Potato 72 pesos 24 pieces

    Containers 240 pesos 20 pieces

    Barbeque stick 15 pesos 1 stack

    Folder 9 pesos 1 folder

    Printing 52 pesos 15 pages

    Transportation 338 pesos NA

    TOTAL: 726 pesos NA

    This is the approximate cost for all the materials in this study.

    T-Test Formula

    =( )


    + 2


    = sample mean of the x-group (Average length of roots in all replicates of set-up A)

    = sample mean of the y-group (Average length of roots in all replicates of set-up A)

    = sample standard deviation of the x-group

    = sample standard deviation of the y-group

    = size of the x sample group (10 replicates)

    = size of the y sample group (10 replicates)

  • Bibliography

    Porter, Penny. Basic Guides to Hydroponics Technology >> EntrePinoys Atbp.

    o Source: http://www.mixph.com/2007/07/basic-guide-to-hydroponics-technology.html

    o Date Accessed: January 11, 2013.

    Pirsig, Robert.What is Hydroponics

    o Source: http://www.simplyhydro.com/whatis.htm

    o Date Accessed: January 11, 2013.

    Tate, Marcy. Sweet Potato - University of Illinois Extension

    o Source: Source: http://urbanext.illinois.edu/veggies/sweetpotato.cfm

    o Date Accessed: January 11, 2013.

    Carruthers, Steven. Hydroponics as an agricultural production system.

    o Source: http://hydroponics.com.au/free-articles/issue-63-hydroponics-as-an-


    o Date Accessed: January 12, 2013.

    Johnson, Penny. Nutrition & Hydroponics.Available at:

    o Source: http://hydroponics.com.au/free-articles/issue-55-nutrition-hydroponics/

    o Date Accessed: January 12, 2013.

    Mingdi, Mengling Bian. Studies on Hydroponics Design and Its Effect of Vegetables on

    the Roof Platform of Buildings

    o Source: http://en.cnki.com.cn/Article_en/CJFDTOTAL-ZNTB200101003.htm

    o Date Accessed: January 12, 2013.