Postgraduate Course Evidence based consulting: Rapid Evidence Assessments for large organizations...

Post on 18-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Postgraduate Course Evidence based consulting: Rapid Evidence Assessments for large organizations...

Postgraduate Course Evidence based consulting: Rapid Evidence Assessments for large organizations Karen Plum Director of Consulting Advanced Workplace Associates Eric Barends Managing Director CEBMa Postgraduate Course Clients Postgraduate Course Rapid Evidence Assessment? Systematic Review Critically Appraised Topic Rapid Evidence Assessment Postgraduate Course 6 Step Approach ASK: FRAMING THE QUESTION ACQUIRE: SEARCH IN DATABASES APPRAISE & AGGREGATE : CRITICALLY EVALUATE AND SUMMARIZE APPRAISE II CROSS-VALIDATE WITH PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE APPLY: DEVELOP TOOLS Postgraduate Course ASK Postgraduate Course ASK Which of the factors that have an impact on the productivity of knowledge workers are most widely studied and what is known of their effect? Postgraduate Course Discuss with your neighbour Postgraduate Course I Dont Know (but I know how to find out) The 3 hardest words in management Postgraduate Course ABI, BSP, PsycINFO Scholarly journals, peer reviewed 1980 2013 English performance, productivity, knowledge work* ACQUIRE Postgraduate Course APPRAISE Postgraduate Course FINDINGS Postgraduate Course FINDINGS Postgraduate Course Social cohesion? Postgraduate Course Social cohesion? What is cohesion? Task cohesion vs social cohesion Association with team performance How does social cohesion enhance performance? What determines the level of social cohesion in a team or group? How can social cohesion be measured? Postgraduate Course Enhance? How does social cohesion enhance performance? Postgraduate Course 6 Step Approach ASK: FRAMING THE QUESTION ACQUIRE: SEARCH IN DATABASES APPRAISE & AGGREGATE : CRITICALLY EVALUATE AND SUMMARIZE APPRAISE II CROSS-VALIDATE WITH PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE APPLY: DEVELOP TOOLS Postgraduate Course APPRAISE II To get feedback on the deliverables and process Critically appraise the findings / cross validate with professional experience Discuss practical use / applicability of the findings (guidelines, tool?) Discuss next steps Postgraduate Course APPLY 1. Social cohesion 2. Perceived supervisory support 3. Information sharing 4. Vision and goal clarity 5. External communications (boundary spanning) 6. Trust Postgraduate Course APPLY Evidence-based findings Measurements A practical approach Suggested actions: leadership, people, workplace Postgraduate Course Reactions? Postgraduate Course