Poster research

Post on 18-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Poster research

Poster Research Analysis

The Scream This is an example of a horror film poster which I have been looking at to gain inspiration into how this poster is structured and the effects are used to help create the horror feel towards the audience.As you can see this film poster has many different attributes which allows the film to look more effective towards the audience  there are the man conventions when creating a film poster  1) Masthead 2) Main Image3) Sponsor and Producer Logos  4) Mis En scene5) Theme

Firstly as you can see from the masthead it illustrates the name of the film. As shown the to the audience. As you can see the masthead is somewhat split up which holds the connotation of scream because as you scream u release I high decibel of sound which is represented within the gaps left in between the letters.

Secondly the main image. this was interesting to me because it highlighted the connotation of concealment and closure due to hand covering the face this instantly tells me that she is the victim within the film. Also the detail within her eyes you can see the pain and fear in her eyes which can be relayed to the audiences as sympathy. Also the main image uses a “Eye line match” this means that the eyes are fixed on the individual looking directly into the poster. Also the use of the light blue effect helps bring out the eyes more because the rest f the film is black and white and the colour brings closer attention to her eyes which shows fear and pain within them.

Thirdly Sponsor and Producer Logos. This informs the audiences who is responsible for creating the film and depending on specific producers audiences will already have an high expectation into what is going to be within the film producers include (21st century foxx, universal)



Fourthly The Mis En Scene, this is an important element o the film because it adds to the connotation within the film. Lighting- this is shown within the poster by the centre of the main image being quite light this creates he connotation of purity because the light is being shined on the victim however the lack of lighting around her suggests that she is being consumed by the darkness which is the villain, Facial Expressions- this is another element of the Mis En Scene as shown within the poster the facial expression of the main image suggests that this character is the victim doe to the raising of her eyebrows and the way her eyes are pierced towards the viewers this helps create fear towards the audience which is done effectively .

Finally the theme- by the use of dark colours this helps the theme and also the genre to be acknowledged. The use of black and white helps create the horror effect because the low lighting expressed in the point above explains that low lighting causes the piece to look more sinister and mysterious towards the audiences. By having a theme it allows me to have a idea of what types of horror conventions are used within horror films e.g. , weapons , blood ect which all have different effects on the audiences .

Into the dark world is another poster in which I gained knowledge from. Here are the key areas in which I looked at in greater detail.1)Layout2) font (masthead)3)Colour 4) Mis En Scene

Firstly was the layout of the film I do believe that this is a very scary poster. The main thing which stands out for me was the effect on the eyes which creates the effect of anger, revenge and power, the main image was the biggest layer on the poster and I do believe that this has made the film more dramatic because the image Is very scary which will cause the audience to become anxious when looking at the poster and allows them to wonder what the film looks like which could scare them further. Also the eye line match would cause the audience to become afraid because they are being watched by there horror villain within the film.Secondly was font , this is important because it the font aids the effect of fear. If the font is more neat and structured then the horror effect will not be gained because of how simplistic it is however within this masthead the font had dots within the D,O and D which all create the connotation of eyes which highlights to the audience that they are being watched this could cause them to be afraid Thirdly the use of colours. This is important because it helps bring forth the feeling of death and fear. This poster uses a variety of colours the two main colours used are black and red. (black is used to create darkness within the poster and red which is used to recreate blood this is effective because it causes the audience to feel isolated due to the fact that they are entwined into a connection with the horror villain.

Finally the Mis En Scene Lighting- this is quite low because the producers wanted to withhold the features of the character which will cause the film to become m ore scary

Into the dark world

A nightmare on elms street is the final poster in which I looked at to gain inspiration for my own horror poster creation.Here are some key areas in which found which makes this poster look more effective1)Colour2)Font (Masthead)3)Main image4)Mis En Scene

Firstly the use of colour was an area which I picked up on. This was used throughout the poster from the main image to the colour of different fonts, the use of red is the most used colour throughout this poster this highlights the representation of death and blood which are usual representations of the colour read this is effective because the use of read relates to the main theme within the film which is continuous vile murders which is committed by the villain . Secondly the use of font (Masthead) was distinguished through different types of text. The text has a different font to the masthead due to level of importance. The masthead has bigger fonts because it is the title and needs to be the centre of attention and be the first element identified by the audienceThirdly the main image, this show the close up shot of the villain however his face is lowered and covered by his hat this shows that the producers didn’t want to reveal any elements of the characters and this would persuade the audience to go and watch the film to see what the character looks like and how dangerous he is Lastly the Mis En Scene , surprisingly this poster uses some light , this is used to help the audiences see the image more clearly however the light has a redness to it which helps keep the horror feel. The light also highlights the weapon which is in the characters hand which highlights is role within the film.Facial expressions – as you can see the villain is smiling this shows that he has control within the film by committing murders he believes that he is the superior character this is what the producers wanted to highlight

A nightmare on Elms Street