Poster: Hye-Chung Kum, PhD, Darshana Pathak, Gautam Sanka

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Transcript of Poster: Hye-Chung Kum, PhD, Darshana Pathak, Gautam Sanka


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Text placeholder

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Picture placeholder

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Template FAQs

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PHOTOS: Drag in a picture placeholder, size it first, click in it and

insert a photo from the menu.

TABLES: You can copy and paste a table from an external document

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FORMAT SHAPE then click on TEXT BOX and change the INTERNAL

MARGIN values to 0.25.

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Information Suppression during clerical review




• A simple but powerful data system for Privacy

Preserving Interactive Record Linkage.

• Decouples (i.e. isolates) sensitive data (SD) from the

personally identifying information – PII.

• Provides both error management in the data

integration and the privacy protection by blocking

attribute disclosure and minimizing identity disclosure.

1. Split data set into two tables: One for the

identifying information – PII - and the other for

remaining – mostly sensitive – information.



2. Shuffling: Randomly shuffle rows in PII table, TPII


3. Chaffing: Add fake rows of PII to TPII


4. Encryption: Apply asymmetric encryption to lock

the row association between the TPII and T


Identity disclosure without sensitive attribute

disclosure has a little potential for harm

We evaluate three methods for

information disclosure:

1. Chaffing

2. Manipulation of universe

2.1 Fabrication

2.2 Non-disclosure

• Why is record linkage (RL) important?

There is a constant need for record linkage to create

a coherent „Big Data‟ system for the data originating

from heterogeneous uncoordinated systems.

• Why is record linkage challenging?

Redundant and fragmented datasets are split over

multiple systems. Missing and erroneous attribute

values with no unique, error-free identifiers require

approximate record linkage, which result in error

from false matches or uncertain matches3,4.

• What is Privacy Preserving Record linkage?

To identify the records in one or more datasets that

represent the same real world entity, without

compromising the privacy of subjects involved5,8.

• What is Interactive Record linkage?

Record linkage with people tuning and managing the

false matches from the approximate record linkage

algorithms. We define the properly tuned output from

a hybrid human-machine data integration system as

high quality record linkage7.


Ambiguous links must be manually reviewed during

approximate record linkage to enable accurate data

integration. This requirement would seem to make it

impossible for researchers to protect patients’ privacy

when integrating health informatics data. To address

this problem, we propose a novel decoupled data

system that blocks sensitive attribute disclosure via

encryption and chaffing. We also evaluate three

methods—Chaffing, Display control for clerical review

and Manipulation of universe around the data—that can

minimize identity disclosure.


• First generation: Hash based exact match (2003)1.

• Second generation: Improve the quality of linkages by

allowing approximate match utilizing privacy preserving

approximate string comparison operations such as

bloomfilters (2009)6.

• Third generation [our model]: High quality RL using a

hybrid human-machine data integration system for

privacy preserving interactive record linkage (2012)5.



Decoupled Information System for

Privacy Preserving Interactive Record Linkage

A tractable computational model for privacy preserving

interactive record linkage (PPIRL) focusing on protection

against attribute disclosure.

Three techniques SDLink utilizes for privacy protection:

1. Strict decoupling via TPM – Trusted Platform Module

based encryption (pseudonym method)

2. Minimum information sharing during human

interaction via information suppression.

3. Chaffing – adding fake data to block attribute

inference from group membership

Approximate Record Linkage

Human in the loop to resolve ambiguous links

Threat of sensitive attribute disclosure



= the category of information I in the Minimal

Sharing model;

h = a person tuning the false matches manually;

α, ε = respective error terms;

such that,

• InteractiveRL(h, α) is the minimum amount of

information the person, h, needs to make decisions on

linkage with high confidence

• Disclosure(h, ε) is the level of information disclosed to

the honest-but-curious user, h, then,

Privacy Preserving Interactive Record Linkage (PPIRL) is

defined as the query operation PPIRL(DR, D

S, I

PPIRL, h) in

the minimal sharing model* where DR and D

S are the two

tables to be linked, h is a honest-but-curious human in the

loop making a final judgment on linkage, and IPPIRL

is the

minimal information to be shared with the human h.



• The innovation in decoupling data is the focus on

revealing information rather than hiding it.

• The key is to understand the minimum information

required for quality linkage. Then to design protocols

to reveal, in a secure manner, only that information.

• The survey results confirmed that chaffing and either falsifying or

not defining the universe around the data were effective in

introducing uncertainty to the information disclosed.

• Under non-disclosure of universe, 56% of the participants were

uncertain about the identity given a common name.

• Even for rare names, if the list is chaffed and the universe is not

defined, 66% of the participants were uncertain on the identity.

*Minimal Sharing Model [Agrawal 2003]

Let there be two parties R (receiver) and S (sender) with databases

DR and D

S respectively. Given a database query Q spanning the

tables in DR and D

S, and some categories of information I, compute

the answer to Q and return it to R without revealing any additional

information to either party except for information contained in I.

InteractiveRL(h, α) <= IPPIRL

< Disclosure(h, ε) It is important to note that the current norms for data integration

in the US are full disclosure of all information to a fully trusted

human entity. For e.g., full disclosure of both attribute and identity

to certain trusted parties is HIPAA compliant.


Information suppression is essential during clerical

review to avoid sensitive attribute disclosure.

Furthermore, when chaffing is used in combination

with non-disclosure of the universe, even rare names

can be displayed with minimum risk of attribute

disclosure during clerical review. Our proposed

methods are effective in the presence of missing and

erroneous data.

REFERENCES 1. Agrawal R, Evfimievski A, and Srikant R, Information sharing across private

databases. In SIGMOD 2003, pp 86-97, New York, NY, USA, 2003. ACM.

2. Boyd A, Saxman P, Hunscher D, et al. The University of Michigan Honest Broker:

A Web-based Service for Clinical and Translational Research and Practice. J Am

Med Inform Assoc. 2009 Nov-Dec; 16(6): 784–791.

3. Elfeky M, Verykios V, Elmagarmid A, TAILOR: A Record Linkage Tool Box. In

ICDE 2002. IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, USA.

4. Elmagarmid K, Panagiotis GI, Verykios SV, Duplicate record detection: A survey.

IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 2007;19(1):1-16.

5. Kum H.C., Ahalt S, Pathak D. Privacy Preserving Data Integration Using

Decoupled Data. Security and Privacy in Social Network, by Y. Elovici, Y.

Altshuler, A. Cremers, N. Aharony, A. Pentland (Eds), Springer 2012.

6. Schnell R, Bachteler T and Reiher J, Privacy-preserving record linkage using

Bloom filters. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making. 2009; 9(41).

7. Wang J, Kraska T, Franklin MJ, and Feng J, “CrowdER: Crowdsourcing Entity

Resolution”, Proceedings of Very Large Data Bases (PVLDB) 5(11), 2012

8. Vatsalan D, Christen P, Vassilios S, Verykios, A taxonomy of privacy-preserving

record linkage techniques, Information Systems, Available online 27 Nov 2012


We thank Mike Reiter and Ashwin Machanavajjhala for their insightful comments,

Fabian Monrose for supporting the research, and Ian Sang-Jun Kim and Ren Bauer

for their assistance with the experiment. This research was supported in part by

funding from the NC Department of Health and Human Services, NIH CTSA

UL1TR000083, and NSF award no. CNS-0915364.


Today, nearly all of our activities from birth until death

leave digital traces in large databases. Together, these

digital traces collectively capture our social genome,

the footprints of our society. Like the human genome,

the social genome data has much buried in the massive

almost chaotic data. If properly analyzed and

interpreted, this social genome could offer crucial

insights into many of the most challenging problems

facing our society (i.e. affordable and accessible

quality healthcare). The burgeoning field of population

informatics is the systematic study of populations via

secondary analysis of massive data collections (termed

“big data”) about people. In particular, health

informatics analyzes electronic health records to

improve health outcomes for a population.