Poster convetions

Post on 05-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Poster convetions


ons Of



Definition from the Oxford Dictionary

Basic Overview

What I gather from looking at the previous images music Posters Include have these main conventions –

• Artists Name

• Album Title

• Artist

• Information of tour/release date

• Record labels logo

• Sponsors

• Web address

• Icon of album front cover, where to get it from

• A range of mise-en-scene

I like the use of layering in this image, and

how the artist is stood in front of the

Artist name. This could be done because

P!NK is recognised world wide therefore

just by seeing her face we know who it is.

I don’t like how there’s music information

on this poster, for example where I can

get tickets from or a website. I think it’s

slightly old fashioned as it doesn’t have

any digital media products on it, such as

download links etc.

I like the filter used over the image, and

how the lips have been done with bits

Smudged, connoting ideologies about the

album concept “The Truth About Love.”

I don’t like the imagery for this

poster. I believe it doesn’t connote

the ideology and stereotype we

hold to be a celebrity. The

Representation of Rihanna, seems

quite common and I don’t believe

there’s anything to idealise about

her. The imagery is quite simple.

However the text on the poster is

good, it has an icon of her album

cover and information on where the

shows are and how to get tickets as

well her labels logo.

I like Katy Perry’s release poster for

her single roar as it’s Postmodern.

It’s parodies of the Indiana Jones

posters which are Cartoons

/drawings. Pop is a great example

of Post Modern Media. (see blog

post on post modern) There’s also

an image of what we could suggest

is Indiana Jones in the background.

And the dark haired female could

be where Katy Perry got her idea

From. Also the font of “Roar” is

simple to the film title “Indian


I like the colour scheme of

Taylor Swift’s of different

shades of purple and white

and how it blends in with her


There’s also an album icon as

well as information on how

to get tickets and what the

poster is about. As well as a

web address. All of the

poster have different shots,

such as Rihanna’s is a close

up, however Swift’s is a mid


Beyonce poster focuses mainly on

the mise en scene. It’s sophisticated

which relates with the language of

“The Mrs. Carter Show” however the

clothing is revealing once again

relating back to Mulvey “Male Gaze.”

The Masquerade theme has sexy

ideologies and the mask could suggest

that she is hiding behind the idea of

being married however she’s a free spirit.

It gives little information however there’s

an url to her website on how to find out

more information, so the image draws

the viewer in, to then go find out more.

Because Beyonce is such a recognised artist

like P!NK if she was to have to an image of

herself and then her website, viewers

would probably still go search it, because of

Beyonce’s place in society.

These are all pop genre artists

however it poster is very different

which shows the pop is a very versatile

genre and all the artists differ to stand
