Post-OperativeInstructions Calm & Quiet for at least.

Post on 14-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Post-OperativeInstructions Calm & Quiet for at least.


Calm & Quiet for at least


Cats should remain indoors

Dogs should be walked on a Leash

NOT left unsupervised to run and jump

Dogs should NOT sleep outdoors

Dogs should NOT be left out on a chain

Females who were In-Heat

Should stay separated from males for 7 days to prevent serious internal damage







We highly recommend that all animals wear an E-Collar for 7 days after surgery to prevent them from licking their incisions! Licking a post-surgical incision will allow bacteria into the incision site and can cause severe infection.

** The exceptions to this rule are Male cats or any Outdoor/Feral Cat

Your Animal should be able to Eat and Sleep with their Cones on…..

If they are unable to figure this out, you may take it off while they are eating, but you must watch them the entire time and

replace the cone when they are done.

Offer your Pet Normal Food & Water when you get home

Do NOT offer them anything extra NO treats or table scraps

Regular eating habits should return within 24-48 hours

Though your Pet may not be hungry tonight (this is normal),

Pain Medication

Dogs will go home with 3 Days worth of Pain Medication

You should begin giving this medication Noon or later tomorrow

Cats do NOT go home with Pain Medication

They have Pain Medication in their system that will slowly metabolize over the next 3 days

Instructions will be on the bottle

Surgical Incisions for Females

• An incision that should continue to improve in appearance (not get worse)

• A tattoo (small green line indicating that she has been spayed)

• Internal Sutures that will dissolve on their own

• External Surgical Glue that must be kept dry (Strongly recommend e-collar)

• You should not see any bleeding or swelling

Your Pet will have:


Surgical Incisions for Males

• An incision that should continue to improve in appearance (not get worse)

• A tattoo (small green line indicating that

he has been neutered)

• Your Pets Testicles have been removed (the Scrotal Sack remains intact)

• Internal Sutures that will dissolve on their own

• External Surgical Glue that must be kept dry (Strongly recommend e-collar)

• You should not see any bleeding or swelling

Your Pet will have:





Surgical Rechecks

• If you have any concerns over your Pets incision or health, please call the office right away (after-hours Emergency number is printed on the pink paperwork that will come out with your Pet).

• We see any Surgical Recheck Appointments at 3:00 pm Monday – Friday (Please call ahead if possible). There is no charge for the visit itself

• We STRONGLY recommend e-collars which are $8.56

• If your Pet begins licking their incision and requires antibiotics as a result, you will be responsible for the cost of any required medication which is generally around $15 and will be coupled with a MANDATORY e-collar at $8.56

Congratulations on taking a huge step to ensure your Pets health while at the

same time helping to prevent the unnecessary Euthanasia of Healthy

Adoptable Pets!