Possible Script 2015

Post on 17-Feb-2016

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Transcript of Possible Script 2015


Blue Dot.


Darkness and scary music: 4 witch like characters are on stage:

W1: When shall we three meet again? W2: Excuse me? W1: When shall we 4 meet again?W3: In thunder, lightning, or in rain?W4: Thunder, lighting, or Rain! Why not meet at north end? W2: Yeah they have nice chocolate brownies W 4: And great ice chocolateW1: Enough with the north end stuff! I am trying to be scary here!!! W2,3,4: OhW1: So… When shall we three…W2: Four!W1: We shall we four meet again? W3: We’re meeting now. W4: Yeah what is it that you want? W2: I have a Pilates class at 2. W3: Yeah and I have…(something related to that student)W4: Can we get on with it? W1: Ok….right I need to tell you something very important. (they look……..wait…….) W234: So? W1: Well you know how we have global warming and stuff…W:234 yeahW1: and we need to be aware of our environment and stuff… W:234 yeahW1: And the students of AISD are supposed to be stewards of a just and sustainable world and stuff…W:234 yeahW1: Well I thought we could tell a story that might inspire people to take action! W4: Is that it? W:2 So why did we have to meet? W 3 Next time send a text. W1: I have of late - wherefore I know - not lost all my mirth. W234: Get on with it. W1: Ok…here it goes.


Scene I

The stage is in darkness. The characters move to their opening positions. Stillness. Character poses. Narrator: Our world. A world in darkness. A world asleep. May years have passes since our great purge of the have-nots. Due to finite recourses humanity has been reduced to an isolated island of life amid the sea of destruction and decay.

Lights up on the Entropians, frozen in position.

The Entropians, protected by the Great Barrier, live out their lives of order and routine, attempt-ing to tame the chaos whilst waiting for the completion of the ark - a way out of the darkness.

Lights down.

Their ruler, King Con, last of the noble family that ruled before the Great War.

Lights up on King Con and Queen.

King Con: Ah, yes. Welcome I am King Con ruler of Entropia,

(Lights up on Entropians all looking at electronic gadgets)

the mightiest of all cities. A city of proud, dynamic, energised and engaged people.

(Entropians still looking at their gadgets)

King Con: Well engaged i guess.. Queen: And I am his queen (takes a selfy) Like! King: Ah yes, where was I. Yes -Entropia -Last castle of order against the chaos, out side our walls is a wasteland. Nothing can live out there. Apart from the HAGG, of course.Queen: But you can’t really call what they do LIVING.

Lights down. Up on Narrator.

Narrator: The HAGG. Some would call them mutants - others may call them principled. They see themselves as eco warriors. Their mission is to awaken people to the devastation of their planet and bring about social and environmental change. They see themselves as eco warriors. Some say they are the by product of the


terrible ecological disaster that has left the planet in ruins.

Lights on the HAGG.

HAGG: We are the HAGGScrub: Hackivist Against Global GreedIgneous: And I am Igneous. Leader of the HAGG. We were cast down from the city of

light to live in darkness. But we survived and we know the truth! We see the distraction and enslavement of those who surrender their crucial faculties and accept.

Mcfee: Those who accept the authority of knowledge

Igneous: We know the difference between how things are and how things should be. We have consciousnessWe have thought.

Mcfee: Thought? Some of us - yes. Some of us -no

Lights down on the HAGG. Up on King Con

King: Anyway, Let us think of more joyous things! Queen: O.M.G I already got 100,00 thousands likes on the picture i just uploaded! King: I was going to tell them about the ark. Queen: And cuite pie just friended me! King: Well as I was saying Lord Melachite tells me there is a planet very near to our own. He says It has a lot of potential to be shaped to meet our needs. This is why he is building Ark for Entropia. With his vision and know how we can take our next evolutionary step and migrate to a new world. It is his noble vision and persistence that is going to save all of us. Queen: Although you have not actually seen the construction site.

King: Yes but Malachite does not want to spoil the surprise my dear.

Queen: He loves his king!

King: Yes he really is quite remarkable..How on earth does he get so much done?

Lights up on MalachiteHe looks from his telescope.


Malachite: Yes…the ark. It is a way out of this darkness but the building is slow. due to our poor working class and the lack of resources. Ishtar: And we might not be able to fit everyone. Malachite: Quiet my dear…we do not know if we can trust them (to the audience) with our little secret.

Lights up on the King

King: Dear, dear Malachite. What could we have done without him? It was he who has shown us the way. He who searched the heavens for a new home It is he who has worked tirelessly to find the resources to build the ark.

Lights up slowly on the Ark

The Collectors are overseeing a group of captured HAGG people who are slaves to the building the ARK. As the lights come up the King, Queen and Ishtar cover their eyes, ears and mouth in a dance like gesture….along with all of the Entropi-ans.

Lights up on the collectors:

Narrator: The Collectors! Nobody knows how they came to be. Some say they were born from the dark web others say they are products of an AI. But I fear it is not only data that they collect. Malachite: The collectors…what strange yet wonderful instruments they are. They help me keep control. They help prevent the Entropians from noticing the world around them. And they collect “volunteers” form the waste land. Those poor souls.

Ishatr: Don’t feel bad darling..you are giving them a job.

Malachite: Quite Right! The Collectors help with establishing control and it is control that will help me (Ishtatr looks alarmed) US relocate to our new home amongst the stars


Ishatr: And with their help you will a last become..The MAN!”

Malachite: Shhhhh! we have said enough!

(They laugh with evil eyes)

Lights up on the HAGG.

McFee: I see a vision of what will come to pass.

Igneous: We will become United All: Our world is….

SONG: Burning Up

Our little home is burning up.Keep sipping dry from an empty cup.What are we doing about this stuff?

I think I’ll just burry my head in the sand.I’m seen statistics I know the score

How can I change when I only want moreOf the same stuff that everybody's grabbing for

The planet can’t seem to meet our demand. CH:

But if you search in outer spaceAnd find a planet for our race

You’ll settle down and start anewdo you think that I can go with you?

And leave behind our little messWe’ve spent it all theres nothing left

The land is dry the oceans dead

the water rose above our heads.

Person in arm-chair watching TV. I think I’v watched all of this beforeA message that I chose to ignore

I’m told theres terror lurking at my doorI’ll lay low and let someone else take a stand.

To know the world were living in. I need perspective to understand


Where do I start where do I beginIn the picture I’m just one grain of sand.


Our little home is burning up etc…

Scene 2

A busy city with people walking everywhere. People are doing everyday things like taking photos of food and activities with electronics. Like and posting etc… This could be really funny and padded out a bit. The Queen and Ishtar pass each other in the street…they go to a quiet corner and exchange something and hush words…they then quickly hurry away.

On the screen is a picture of King Con and a fanfare plays! everyone becomes transfixed by the screen.

(Collectors start plugging in into the main frame of wires that connects to the screen)

TeeVee: Good morning Entropians and welcome to a brand new day! And now for some updates. .

Today is a beautify day.


The office of statistical collection said that people are now 25% more happy!


Our glorious leader King Con has announced that production on the ark has increased by 30%.

EVERYBODY: LIKE Todays lunch will be cream and fudge


EVERYBODY: Really? TeeVee: Just joking it’s chicken!


TeeVee: And remember

EVERYBODY: The King Provides.

TeeVee: A now back to reality


(Collectors and Entropians call and response thing)

Reality TV song:

What are you watching?Reality T.V

Does it cost you?No it screens for free

Is it insightful, delightful, informing and rightfully placed on the top of your list of priorities?

Does it help you?Reality T.V

Is there comfort In your apathy?

To explore it, ignore it smoother guilt before it takes you to that point of doing something for humanity?

I don’t want reality unless its programmed for me

I don’t want reality unless its on my TV I don’t want reality

To totally ignore me

Desensitised to take a side its better to be hypnotised

I don’t want reality


unless its programmed for me I don’t want reality

unless its on my TV I don’t want reality

To totally ignore me

Desensitised to take a sideI believe even if it’s lies.

I hold the world within my handFrom home I travel foreign lands.

A world view delivered to you! From your armchair we’ll take you there.

A world view delivered to you! From your armchair we’ll take you there.

A world view delivered to you! From your armchair we’ll take you there.

( A hooded figure entries the top of the matrix and attaches the orb) There is a strange sound……One of the Entropians suddenly has an epiphany and throws down his phone/gadget)

PIAN: Hey guys…I have just had a though!


PIAN: no seriously… have you ever noticed what is happening around you?

(Entropians look up..look around and go back to their screens..the Collectors are very alarmed)

COLLECTOR: There is a virus in the new update!

PIAN: Come on guys there is something not right about this!

(Entropians shrug)

PIAN: We are being controlled by these gadgets!

(Entropians look up)

PIAN: Don’t you ever wonder whats behind that wall?


(Entropians shrug)

PIAN: Don’t you ever want to question what you are being told?

(Entropians shrug)

PIAN: We don’t have to be slaves to technology. We can break away from this!!!

(Entropians look up)


PIAN: Did you even hear what I said!!!

(Entropians look up)


(The collectors grab him and place a new gadget in front of him..saying it’s slim and updated and new etc…PIAN falls into place he/she is subdued!)

Collector: That’s it my pretty little ones…..keep watching.

(Pian submits at first and then he/she makes a sudden break for it.)

PIAN: No I will not be a slave to the system I am an individual who can think critically!

(Pian breaks form the machine and runs for it knocking some collectors etc.. a chase ensues…Pian escapes.

Collector 2: We must inform Lord Malachite of this anomaly immediately.

Collector 3: Yes… I will go to him at once.


(In the office of Lord Malachite… he is over looking the Ark and looking at plans.)

Lord Malachite: The construction of the Ark is slowing down. Make them work harder!

Collector 5: Yes my lord but the workers are weak and dying.


Lord Malachite: So..go out to the waste land and fetch some new ones!

Collector 5: Yes my Lord.

(The collector signals the others and they grab a giant net… they leave.)

(The HAGG slaves take a rest. Collector 3 enters! He whispers in Malachites ear )

Malachite: Escaped! HOW?

(The Collector whispers in his ear again)

Malachite: Well go and find him and don’t come back until you do!

(The Collector leaves hastily. Ishatr enters)

Ishatr: Something wrong my dear? Is everything ok?

Malachite: Yes!…sorry I am just having a bad day.

Ishatr: Don’t fret my love…everything will work out in the end.

Malachite: I need to finish The Ark…I am worried people are begging to understand what we are doing.

Ishatr: You must trust the Collectors

(She rubs his shoulders…)

Ishatr: You work too hard. Try and relax…

Malachite: Oh Ishatr you are so good to me…sometimes I wonder where would I be without you

Ishatr: And some times I know.




The sound of wind blowing and a hash dessert like atmosphere…Pian is walking across the waste land… she/he is tired and thirsty…On top of a rock is Scrub who is scavenging for re-sources.

PIAN: Water….Water!

(Pian collapses at Scrubs Feet…Scrub pulls out a water bottle and lifts Pian’s head to drink)

PIAN: Thank you

SCRUB: Who are you?

PIAN: I am Pian I am an Entropian

(Scrub jumps back and raises a staff in defence)

SCRUB: What are you doing here?

PIAN: I have escaped from Entropia!

SCRUB: Nobody leaves Entropia..HOW? WHY?

PIAN: Because I saw something

SCRUB: What did you see.

PIAN: I saw….The truth

SCRUB: How did you see the truth?

PIAN: I don’t know…everything was fine and then suddenly a thought entered my mind…some-how I saw what was happening and I began to think…I could see the truth behind Entropia.

PIAN: They are coming…They are after me!

SCRUB: The Collectors?

PIAN: Yes.

SCRUB: You better come with me.



Lights up on the domain of the HAGG. (The HAGG are getting all wired and strange)

Igneous To Macfee:

Igneous: How will we ever be able to implement change.

Micfee: Change is hard….. it is! I see something…..something important..… Something new……

Igneous: What do you see?

MicFee: I see someone…lost and behind him ….I see COLLECTORS!

Igneous: We must hide! Cog sound the alarm!


Everybody moves in a freenzy….some people have material just placed over their heads..others have the legs sticking out from under cloth…etc….(Clown like)

Mcfee: No no!!!! Not that.!!!!.something else…., something a little strange. There is one who has free thought..one who has seen the truth.

Igneous Seen the truth?

Micfee: Yes strange it is but somehow the truth will out. Igneous you will need help him/her.

Cog: Look Scrub cometh!

(in walks Scrub with Pian…Pian is exhausted)

McFee: You must be tired..rest..

Igneous: Did anybody follow you?

SCRUB: I saw some Collectors but I think we lost them.

Hagg: Collectors!!!!

McFee: Sound the Alarm!

Igneous: There is no time Hide


(They all start running and hiding frantically looking for a place to hide)

(THE COLLECTORS ENTER and cast a net over Pian and trap him…) 

PIAN : Help help I don’t wanted to be trapped by the net! 

COLLECTOR3: We have you now my little bot. 

Collector 2: We have a special place for you

COLLECTOR: Igneous…we know you are here! 

Igneous comes out of hiding 

Igneous:  Hello Collector

COLLECTOR: As you can see people are easily trapped by the dark web. 

Ingenious: Leave them and take me instead.

Collector: Yes well you are strong and you can work harder than most!

Igneous: So do we have a deal?

Collector: OK…Let them go Lord Malachite will be most happy.

Igneous: Do not worry my friends…truth will out.

MacFee: Be careful Collector..you know not what you are doing!

(They leave……)

McFee: Listen my little one….. we need to know everything you have seen.


On the projection screen


Narrator 1: So lets have a recap if the events of the state of play so far 

NARRATOR2: Yes well it’s been an interesting kick off with Malachite and Ishtar playing a sub plot of deceit. NARRATOR3: True dat but what about Team HAGG do you think they have anything to bring to the game? 


Narrator2: And self sacrifice Igneous made to save the others was a very kind gesture

Narrator 3: Very true but to what purpose one can only speculate.

NARRATOR1: I think they may have a surprise in store with McFee 

NARRATOR2: I think your right she/he is a real tiger! 

NARR 1,2&3:    Go tiger go tiger. 


W1             So now you see that the plot has begunW2             We hope that this story will bring you some funW3             And if at all you ever feel scaredW4            just grab a friend and hide under the chair!


Back in the office of Lord Malachite. One of the Collectors enters and whispers into Malachite’s ear. Malachite nods in agreement. The Collectors bring in Igneous who is covered by a hood. He is made to knee before Lord Malachite.

Malachite: So is this the one t The one that escaped?

Collector: No Lord Malachite I believe this will be even better.

Malachite: Better? So you have a surprise install for me. What ever could it be?


(The Collectors lift off the hood to reveal Igneous.)

Malachite: Igneous!?

Igneous: Hello Malachite.

Malachite: Well Well Well……this is a strange turn of events. The mighty Igneous is once again a guest of Entropia!

Igneous: Your hospitality leaves much to be desired.

Malachite: Well don’t forget to rate us on trip advisor. We have been in need of a strong and competent worker to help us with our little project.

Igneous: What project?

Malachite signals for the collectors to show Igneous the ark.

Malachite: See any familiar faces?

Igneous: So your building an Ark. So what if you move to a new world. You will just do the same…rob the planet of it’s essential goodness take and take and take but never will you replenish or sustain. Don’t you understand that you have to change the way you think and the way you act?

Malachite: Change is easier said than done…look out there (towards the Entropians) what do you see? People want to live their lives comfortably..They have enough to worry about. they don’t want to have the responsibility of the planet on their shoulders. That is why we have a government. We do the thinking for them. To be a life long learner is counter intuitive. It takes persistence and self - awareness. They want to be happy. Are you going to deny them happiness. Ignorance is bliss.

Igneous: But people can learn, people can change you just need to help them along the way that is what good leadership is all about.

Malachite: This is your problem Igneous you’re a dreamer. Dreams are like hope - it springs eternal.

Igneous: So how will you get everybody into the ark?

Malachite: Who said everybody need to go into the ark?

Igneous: Does my brother know about this?

Malachite: Your brother is a fool…He sits and pontificates while his people walk the plank with their eyes wide open. You of all people should know this.

Igneous: I did not agree with my brothers actions but I have forgiven him for being a utilitarian.


Malachite: Oh how very ethical of you. Interesting how the deontologist justifies the morality of his actions.

Igneous: Malachite..You are cleaver. Use your brain power for good. You have my brothers ear. You can help change the path Entropian is on. You can implement change.

Malachite: I could. But I won’t. (to the collectors) Put him to work and make sure no one sees him.

As the Collectors walk out with Igneous they are passed by Ishtar and the Queen. They both look at the hooded figure with an air of deja vu.

Queen: Who was that Lord Malachite.

Malachite: The collectors found him wondering the waste land and we suspect him of being a member of the HAGG.

Queen: Oh those poor people why on earth did they choose to live such difficult lives. If only they could see the beauty of Entropia… the Kings provides.

Malachite and Ishtar: The King provides.

Malachite: Indeed he does your majesty..but who can every fully understand the hearts of men?

Ishtar: (playfully) Malachite

Queen: Indeed.

Malachite: Your majesty to what do I owe the pleasure of this unexpected visitation?

Queen: Not much Lord Malcy.. A sisterly visit to your lovely wife to exchange gossip and pass on a message from his highness that he would like to meet with you.

Malachite: I shall leave immediately.

(Malachite leaves in haste.)

Ishtar: Why does the king want to see Malachite? Do you think he suspects something?

Queen: I don’t think so..it is more lily that the King is having troubles with his wifi connection.

(they laugh)

Queen: Say shall we pay a visit to the new prisoner?

Ishtar: What ever for?


Queen: He/She looked strong and healthy..He/she might come in handy latter.

Ishtar: Lets.


On the projection screen


Narrator 1: Wow that scene was long…

NARRATOR2: So some interesting twist and turns in the plot

Narrator 3: And some big words.

Narrator 1: Yeah whats a utilitarian?

NARRATOR 2: That is someone who believes in the greatest good for the greatest number of people.

Narrator 3: Well why didn’t he just use the profile word..’caring’

Narrator 1: good point!

Narrator 2: So what do you think is going to happen next?

Narrator3 : I would not be surprised if there is trouble between Team Malachite and Team King.

Narrator 1: And who knows what the Queen and Ishtar are up to?

Narrator 2: And don’t forget Pian and Mcfee..they are still yet to demonstrate some tactics.


W1             So now you see we are almost there W2             To the end of this play as the tempers flair. W3             And soon it will be over and you can go home W4            …………………….


(Back at the HAGG camp.)

Mcfee: If you will allow me. (places hands on the head)


Pian: What are you doing?

McFee: I shall divine the knowledge form your mind.

Pian: What …no what…

Suddenly a task of light and a sound on the scree projected the movie of what is happening in-side Pian’s mind.

McFee: So it clear..we must go to Entropian and steal the ark.

COG: We shall at last be lifted from this wasteland!

McFee: Yes brother we shall make a new homeland!

Scene 10

King Con: Please enter my friend.

Malachite: Your Majesty you wish to see me?

King Con: I have been thinking….

Malachite: Now theres some thing different. King Con: That I would like to see the progress of the Ark in person.

Malachite: But your majesty why not wait until its ready..i don’t want to ruin the surprise.

King Con: That is quite all-right Malachite..I appreciate your concern but I really am quite curious as to what you are doing over there.

Malachite: Your Majesty can read all about in my report.

King Con: A report is one thing Malachite but I really would like to see it person..in fact I insist. Malachite: I really don’t think you want to do it your Majesty…I really must protest.

King Con: Take me to the Ark immediately!

Malachite: Yes your Majesty..


Scene 11:

Igneous is taken to the holding cell and processed by the Collectors for work.

Igneous: You don’t have to do this you know!

(Stone cold silence from the collectors)

Igneous: Why be a slave to system? You will only lose in the end!

(Stone cold silence from the collectors)

Igneous: You do realise that you if you wanted to you could make better decisions!

(Stone cold silence from the collectors)

Igneous: This is just not natural!!!

Collector: That is were you are wrong!

Collector 2: It is very natural

Collector 3: It is how we are..we are collectors.

Igneous: But how did you become a Collector?

Collector4: I shall explain!

Collectors Song:

When I was,A young (boy/girl)

My Mother said to meKeep an eye out for the nice things

and TAKE what you see.

I would spot something unattended And I would snatch it away. Yes I know that I’m stealing

But mother made we This way.

I’m the Collector I’m the CollectorI’m the Collector

I take itI nick itI steal it


you’ll see

Don’t always assumeThat is has to be me

But left aloneI’ll take it with glee

I’m the collectorI collect things withPassion and Ease.

Collector: Put him to work!

(as they go to move him forward in walks Ishtar and the Queen…)

Queen: Igneous?

Igneous: Hello sister-in-law.

(The Collectors move to create a barrier between them. The Queen looks at Ishtar with an ac-cusing stare.)

Ishtar: I had no idea

Dumd dum dumd dum music

The Queen shouts to the collectors.

Queen: I demand you move and let me speak to him

Collectors: That is not possible.

Ishtar: You must obey your queen.

(Enters Lord Malachite and the King Con)

King Con: Just what is going on in here?

Igneous: BROTHER!

King Con: Igneous?

Lord Malachite: Snap!


King Con: What is this treachery?

Lord Malachite: COLLECTORS!

The Collectors throw a net over the king and arrest the Queen.

Lord Malachite: Take them all to the holding Cell and Keep them secured.

Ishtar: What are we going to do now?

Malachite: We have to move quickly….initiate launch protocol.

Sound comes on over the speaker launching protocol is now in effect.

Malachite: Go and get ready and meet me back here in half an hour.

Dumd dum dumd dum music…

Scene 12

The HAGG are cree[ping through the audience and taking up positions. The Collectors aremoving supplies into the ark. The queen, the King and Igneous are in the holding cells with some workers.

King Con: Brother what is going on?

Igneous: Your most trusted friend has turned against you.

King Con: How could I be so blind

As they talk a hooded character subdues one of the collectors and opens the holding cell. The hooded charter then reveals that she is Ishtar.

Queen: Ishtar!

King Con: Oh good Ishatr you are such a loyal servant.

Ishtar: Yes your majesty…just not to you.

(The Queen sides with the Ishtar and they leave the two men trapped)


Ishtar: We have to move quick before Malachite returns…

Queen: How will get pass the collectors?

(Ishtar pulls out a thumb drive and goes to the main frame)

Ishtar: I will summon our Entropians…

Ishtar goes to the main frame)

TV VEE: Good morning entropians and welcome to a brand new day. Launch protocol is now in effect. Please make your way to the ark. Entropia will self-destruct in 5mins.

The Entropians come on the stage to fight with the collects…as the Entropians fight the collectors the HAGG sneak onto the ship while they are distracted.

McFee: I will get Igneous…Launch if i am not back in time

(Mcfee gets to the holding cell. )

McFee: Come Igneous it is time!

Igneous: Come Brother!

Igneous holds out a hand to the king

King Con: No…. I shall stay… I am not a good leader…I have failed Entropia

Igneous: Brother we all make mistakes the important to learn form them and move on..

King Con decides to take Igneous hand. Malachite enters and is dismayed by all the fighting…


(Ishtar and the queen turn to see Malahite…Ishtar and the Queen and walk up to Malachite and knock him out..They high five each other )

Voice: BLAST OFF IN 10…9…8…7..

Queen: We have to get aboard the ship!

Ishatr: Run

There is a sound and Blast takes place…….then there is an explosion the whole stage is quiet.

On the screen is the Ark launching into space…

Igneous and Mcfee along with King Con and the Hagg are up on the second balcony.


Igneous: We have made it!

Cog: Look there is the earth.

Play the movie. of Carl Sagan little blue dot.

King Con: Igneous, why don’t we go back and fix what we have done!

McFee: Yes Igneous lets take care of what we already have.

Cog: And make it Better.

The homeland song.

The End.

FINAL Scene From this distant vantage point, the Earth might not seem of any particular interest. But for us, it's different. Consider again that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideolo-gies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politi-cian, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there – on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam.The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that in glory and triumph they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot. Think of the endless cruelties visited by the inhabitants of one corner of this pixel on the scarcely distinguishable inhabitants of some other corner. How fre-quent their misunderstandings, how eager they are to kill one another, how fervent their ha-treds. Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the universe, are challenged by this point of pale light. Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In our obscurity – in all this vastness – there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves.The Earth is the only world known, so far, to harbor life. There is nowhere else, at least in the near future, to which our species could migrate. Visit, yes. Settle, not yet. Like it or not, for the moment, the Earth is where we make our stand. It has been said that astronomy is a humbling and character-building experience. There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of hu-


man conceits than this distant image of our tiny world. To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with one another and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we've ever known.