
Post on 08-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Portfolio

Brie ScottScarborough High School

Class of 2011

Line and Movement

The drawings in the next slides are a series of experimental studies in line and movement done in pen and ink. The movement that can be created through the repetition of line and pattern creates a raw and emotionally charged image that reflects the intended response and creates a sense of motion in the image.

Drawings From Observation

The first drawing was done in charcoal and chalk. It emphasizes the jaw of a cow skull and its reflection on the surface. The second drawing is done in charcoal and colored chalk.

Series of Portraits

The next few slides consist of portraits of myself drawn from observation during my independent study . Each drawing was done in under twenty minutes in charcoal and chalk. The motivation behind this project was to strengthen my ability to understand and record human emotion in my art. Each day I draw at least one new portrait and have now collected about 30. My goal is to cover the wall of my independent study classroom by the end of the year. My estimate is that I will have nearly 200 portraits.


Each photograph in this series is meant to reflect the intensity and rawness of teenage angst. The spirit and stubbornness of youth is something that is unique in it’s own. Each photograph was taken with a Canon A-1 on 35mm black and white film. Then scanned and edited in Photoshop. The style of each photo is reflective of the attitude given forth by the individual. The contrast and rawness that is present is made possible by using film instead of digital.